Index for "Byron in America to 1830" The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters Citation Accardo, Peter X. 1999. Index for "Byron in America to 1830". Harvard Library Bulletin 9 (2), Summer 1998: 57-60. Citable link https://nrs.harvard.edu/URN-3:HUL.INSTREPOS:37363263 Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:dash.current.terms-of- use#LAA Byron in America to 1830 57 TITLE INDEX The Age of Bronze, 74, 75, 76. A Journey through Albania and Other Beauties of Byron, 94, 95. Provinces, 105. Beppo, 48, 49, 53. The Lament ofTasso, 42. The Bride of Abydos, 7, 8, 28. Lara, 14, 15, 32. The Bride of Abydos, a tragic play, 107, 108, The Last Days of Lord Byron, 129. 109. Letters and Journals, 90, 99. Cain, 69a, 69b, 72. Life and Adventures of Colonel Daniel Childe Harold's Pilgrimage I-II, 2a, 2b, 29. Boon, 121, 123. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage III, 40. The Life of Lord Byron, 132, 133. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage IV, 50, 51, 52, Lord Byron and Some of His 53. Contemporaries, 131. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage to the Dead Lord Byron's Farewell to England, 33. Sea, 110. Manfred, 43, 44a, 44b, 45. The Corsair, 9, 10, 11, 12. Marino Faliero, 63, 64, 65. The Corsair, a melo-drama, 111. Mazeppa, 56, 57. The Curse of Minerva, 22. Nightmare Abbey, 113. The Deformed Transformed, 84. An Ode, 34. Don Juan I-II, 54, 58. Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte, 13, 16, 17, 18, Don Juan III-V, 62. 19. Don Juan VI-VIII, 77. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, 106. DonJuan IX-XI, 78, 79. Poems, 46. Don Juan XII-XIV, 86. Poems on his Domestic Circumstances, 35, 59, 104. Don Juan XV-XVI, 87, 88. Portrait of Bonaparte, 102. Don Juan XVII-XVIII, 126. The Prisoner of Chillon, 4 7. Don Juan I-XVI, 85, 91. The Prophecy of Dante, 66, 67, 70. English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, la, lb, 13, 30, 41, 55. Recollections of the Life of Lord Byron, 130. The Giaour, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 5, 31. Rejected Addresses, 100, 101. Giuseppina, 118. Sardanapalus, 71a, 716, 72. Glenarvon, 103. The Siege of Corinth, 36, 37. Greece, in 1823 and 1824, 127. The Sultana, 119a, 119b. Hebrew Melodies, 23, 24, 25, 26. The Two Foscari, 72, 73, 73a. Historical Illustrations of the Fourth Canto of Childe Harold, 112a, 112b. The Two Visions, 82. An Inquiry into the Moral Character of The Unfortunate Lovers, 120, 122. Lord Byron, 125. The Vampyre, 114, 115, 116, 117. The Island, 80, 81. Werner, 83. Jacqueline, 14, 15. Works,6,20,21,27,38,39,60,61,68,89, Journal of the Conversations of Lord 92, 93, 96, 97, 98. Byron, 124, 128. 58 HARVARD LIBRARY BULLETIN PUBLISHER, PRINTER, AND BOOKSELLER INDEX Adams, Henry (Philadelphia publisher), 97, Clayton &Van Norden (New York printer), 98. 88. Wm. B. Allen & Co. (Newburyport pub- Coale and Maxwell (Baltimore publisher), lisher and bookseller), 17. 46. Ash & Mason (Philadelphia publisher), 94. Collins and Co. (New York publisher), 76, Bailey, Lydia R. (Philadelphia printer), 65, 80, 99, 99n, 131. 94. Collins and Hannay (New York publisher), Baldwin, C. N. (New York publisher and 76,80,99,99n, 127,132. printer), 119. Crissy,]. (Philadelphia bookseller), 99n. Bancroft, M. (New York publisher), 99. Crocker & Brewster (Boston bookseller), R. and WA. Bartow (New York publisher), 99n. 66, 70. Cummings & Hilliard (Boston publisher), Bleeker, G. W (New York publisher), 99. 21. E. Bliss and E. White (New York publisher), Cunningham, H. H. (Montreal publisher) 76,80,99,99n, 125. 104. Borradaile, William (New York publisher Cushing & Sons (Baltimore bookseller), and bookseller), 82, 93, 122. 99n, 131. Bradford, Inskeep (Philadelphia bookseller), De Silver,T. (Philadelphia publisher), 94, 95, 2b. 131. Brannan and Morford (Philadelphia pub- De-Silver and Co. (Philadelphia publisher), lisher), la. 22. Brown, William (Philadelphia printer), 90, Dodd & Marten (New York printer), 125. 127n, 129. Duyckinck, Evert (New York publisher), D. & G. Bruce (New York printer), 15. 80. Buckingham,Joseph T. (Boston printer), 21. E. Duyckinck and G. Long (New York pub- lisher), 63, 68. Burgess,W (NewYork publisher), 99. Earle, Edward (Philadelphia publisher), 19. Samuel Campbell and Son (New York pub- lisher), 69b, 71b, 73b, 76, 80. Eastburn, James (New York publisher and bookseller), 2b, 51, 100, 100n. Carey, Lea & Carey (Philadelphia publisher) 131. James Eastburn and Co. (New York pub- lisher), 51,110, 116. E. L. Carey & A. Hart (Philadelphia book- seller), 99n, 131. Eastburn, Kirk, and Co. (New York pub- lisher), 4, 11, 15, 28n, 29n, 32n, 38n, 101, H. C. Carey and I. Lea (Philadelphia pub- 102. lisher and bookseller), 77, 81, 83, 84, 87, 90, 99n, 118,129,130,132. Edes, Benjamin (Baltimore publisher and printer), 9, 20, 20n. Carey, Mathew (Philadelphia publisher and bookseller), 2b. Eliot, John (Boston publisher and printer), 3a, 3b, 23, 35. M. Carey and Sons (Philadelphia publisher and bookseller), 46, 63, 64, 64n, 65, 67, 105, Fanshaw, D. (New York printer), 124. 113. Folsom & Allen (New York printer), 93. Carter & Hendee (Boston bookseller), 99n, Forbes,John (New York printer), 101n. 131. Francis, C. S. (New York publisher), 99. G. & C. & H. Carvill (New York publisher Fry, William (Philadelphia printer), 2a, 2b, and bookseller), 99, 99n, 130, 131. 4a, 4b, 5, 6, 8, 26. Clayton & Kingsland (New York printer), Gallaher &White (New York publisher), 99, 51,58,60, 110,116. 99n, 131. Byron in America to 1830 59 Gilley,William B. (New York publisher), 58, Longworth, David (New York publisher), 60,62,69, 71, 73, 76,80,88,99,99n, 112b, 25, 44a, 44b, 107. 116. Low,John (New York publisher), 19. Goodrich, A. T. (New York publisher), 99, Lucas,Jr., F. (Baltimore bookseller), 2b, 99n. 99n. M'Carty & Davis (Philadelphia bookseller), A. T. Goodrich & Co. (New York pub- 99n, 131. lisherj, 41, 49, 50,116. M'Elrath & Bangs (New York publisher), Gray & Bunce (New York printer), 66, 70. 99. Grigg, John (Philadelphia bookseller), 97, Marks, S. (New York printer), 27. 98, 99n, 131. Marot & Walter (Philadelphia publisher), J. Haly & C.Thomas (New York publisher), 127. 54, 57. Maxwell,]. (Philadelphia printer), la, lb, 12, J. & J. Harper (New York publisher and 28,29,32,33,38,39,45,53,54,57,63, 106, printer), 76, 80, 99, 131. 117. Haven, J. P. (New York publisher), 99. Mercein,T. &W (NewYork printer), 46. Henry, R. Norris (New York publisher), 75. Mercein, William A. (New York printer), Hilliard, Gray & Co. (Boston bookseller), 112a, 112b. 99n, 131. Mickle, Etting (Baltimore publisher), 91, Holmes, N. B. (New York publisher), 99, 128. 119b. Miller, A. E. (Charleston printer), 111. Hopkins & Morris (New York printer), E. Morford, Willington, and Co. (Charleston 126. publisher), la, lb. Hosford, E. & E. (Albany printer), 78, 115. Mortimer,]. (Philadelphia publisher), 79. House, E. G. (Boston publisher and printer), Munroe & Francis (Boston publisher and 7. bookseller), 2b, 16, 40, 47, 48, 72n, 114. Howe,]. (Philadelphia printer), 97, 98. Murray,John (British publisher), 16, 18, 57. Hunt, U. (Philadelphia bookseller), 99n, Neall, W & J. (Baltimore bookseller), 99n, 131. 131. Huntington, David (New York publisher), Neal, Wills, & Cole (Baltimore publisher), 27. 20. Jewett,]. (Baltimore bookseller), 99n, 131. Parke,James P. (Philadelphia publisher), 26. Johnson, L. (Philadelphia stereotyper), 133. Parker, E. (Philadelphia publisher), 127. Inskeep and Bradford (New York book- Paul,A. (New York printer), 71a, 71b, 73a, seller), 2b. 73b. King, S. (New York publisher and book- Pomeroy, R.W (Philadelphia publisher), 85, seller), 120. 89, 92. Kirk and Mercein (New York publisher), Powers, L. (Glens Falls publisher), 59. 30,46,52, 112,116. Pray and Bowen (New York printer), 11. Lane and Bowman (Montreal publisher and Richardson, Lord, & Holbrook (Boston printer), 104. bookseller), 99n, 131. Largin & Thompson (New York printer), Robinson, J. (Baltimore publisher and 100n. printer), 55, 91, 108, 109. Leavitt,]. (New York publisher), 99. Rogers, B. (Philadelphia printer), 92, 92n. Littell, E. (Philadelphia publisher), 75, 124, Roorbach, 0. A. (New York publisher), 99, 127, 133. 99n. Little, Weare C. (Philadelphia bookseller), Seymour,]. (New York printer), 41, 60, 62. 99n. Small,A. (Philadelphia publisher), 127, 130. Lockwood, F. and R. (New York publisher), 80. Small, R.H. (Philadelphia publisher), 128. Long, G. (New York printer), 68. Stebbins, C. (Boston printer), 10, 13. 60 HARVARD LIBRARY BULLETIN Steele, 0. (Albany bookseller), 99n. Washington Press (Philadelphia publisher), Swords, T. & J. (New York publisher and 96. _bookseller),24. Wells and Lilly (Boston publisher and Thomas, Moses (Philadelphia publisher and bookseller), 14, 46, 56, 72, 99n. bookseller), 2a, 2b, 4a, 4b, 5, 6, 8, 12, 28, 28n, West and Blake (Boston publisher), 2b, 10, 13. 29,29n,31,32,32n,33,33n,37,38,39,45, Wilder, C. (Brooklyn publisher), 121. 46,53,53n,54,57,61, 103,106,117. Wilder & Campbell (New York publisher), Towar & Hogan (Philadelphia publisher 124, 124n, 127. and bookseller), 95, 99n, 131. Wiley, Charles (New York publisher), 86, Trumbull, H. (Providence printer), 123. 126, 126n. Van Winkle, C. S. (New York printer), 49. Charles Wiley & Co. (NewYork publisher), Van Winkle and Wiley (New York pub- 116. lisher), 34, 36, 37, 42, 43. Williams, R. & P. C. (Boston bookseller), Vance, John and Thomas (Baltimore pub- 99n. lisher), 20n. Wright,]. (Glens Falls printer), 59. INDEX OF ARTISTS AND ENGRAVERS Bridport, Hugh (British artist), 92n. Maverick, Peter (American engraver), 38n, Corbould, E. H. (British artist), 60n, 89n. 39n, 60n, 89n. Durand,Asher B. (American engraver), 68n, Phillips, Thomas (British artist), 29n, 38n, 93n.
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