Apollo Alliance Board of Directors Table of Contents Chairman: 3 Introduction Phil Angelides, Chairman, Canyon-Johnson Urban Communities Fund 6 Rebuild America Clean and Green Members: Establish a national energy efficiency commitment to reduce Frances Beinecke, President, Natural Resources energy use in new and existing buildings at least 30 percent by 2025. Defense Council Robert Borosage, President, Institute for Provide the support necessary to produce 25 percent of the America’s Future nation’s power from renewable and recycled energy resources Leo Gerard, International President, United by 2025. Steelworkers of America Bring our power grid into the 21st Century. Van Jones, President, Green For All Mindy Lubber, President, CERES Improve efficiency by 20 percent in existing power plants and Kathleen McGinty, former Chair, White House Council industries by 2025. on Environmental Quality Regis McKenna, Regis McKenna, Inc. Connect America’s 21st century neighborhoods and cities with world-class transit systems. Terence M. O’Sullivan, General President, Laborers’ International Union of North America Strengthen and improve America’s transportation infrastructure by Ellen Pao, Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers “fixing it first.” Carl Pope, Executive Director, Sierra Club 12 Make It in America Robert Redford, Actor, Director, Environmentalist Rebuild the U.S. auto industry by investing in high-efficiency vehicles. Dan W. Reicher, Director of Climate Change and Energy Initiatives, Google Invest in a national low-carbon fuel infrastructure and next Joel Rogers, Director, Center on Wisconsin Strategy generation alternative fuels. and the Center for State Innovation Restore America’s manufacturing leadership to meet the demands Affiliations listed for identification purposes only. of the clean energy future. President: 19 Restore America’s Technological Leadership Jerome Ringo Apollo Alliance Double national investment in clean energy research and 330 Townsend St. development. Co-Directors: Suite 205 Cathy Calfo San Francisco, CA 94107 Establish a National Energy Innovation Fund to invest in the most Kate Gordon 415-371-1700 promising new clean energy technologies emerging from our nation’s laboratories. September 2008 20 Tap the Productivity of the American People On the cover: The Trent Wind Farm under construction in Salt Flat, Texas, the largest wind producing state in Train America’s workers for the new clean energy economy. America. Ensure the transition to America’s clean energy economy creates Opposite page: Nevada Solar One, opened last year, widely shared economic opportunities. became the first new thermal solar electricity plant to be built in the U.S. in more than 17 years. 22 Reinvest in America This report is printed on 50 percent recycled paper Establish a federal “cap and invest” program to generate and made of 25 percent post-consumer content, using strategically reinvest the resources necessary to build the new low-VOC soy-based ink. Please recycle. clean energy economy. For more information on 23 Conclusion The New Apollo Program visit: Acknowledgements www.apolloalliance.org 2 THE NEW APOLLO PROGRAM CleanClean Energy,Energy, GoodGood Jobs:Jobs: AnAn EconomicEconomic StrategyStrategy forfor AmericanAmerican ProsperityProsperity Courtesy of Ansco Machine Company he New Apollo Program is a comprehensive economic investment strategy to build America’s 21st century clean energy economy and dramatically cut energy bills for Tfamilies and businesses. It will generate and invest $500 billion over the next ten years and create more than five million high quality green-collar jobs. It will accelerate the development of the nation’s vast clean energy resources and move us toward energy security, climate stability, and economic prosperity. And it will transform America into the global leader of the new green economy. For Americans, this is a time of daunting challenges and good jobs and broadly shared prosperity for our future? boundless opportunities. We have become ever more For the Apollo Alliance, a national coalition of dependent on foreign oil, putting our national security labor, business, community, and environmental leaders, and economic future at risk. We have seen the price of the choice is clear. We must move forward. gas and energy skyrocket as American families struggle to Time and again in our history, periods of great risk make ends meet. We have seen the growing threat of have prompted America to mobilize its wealth, skills, global warming and all its economic, environmental and leadership, natural resources, and entrepreneurial spirit human costs. And we watched that threat become a to overcome the challenges confronting us. Time and reality as Hurricane Katrina pounded our shores, provid- again, we have emerged from crisis better and stronger. ing a stark reminder that America faces not only a The World War II industrial mobilization made climate crisis, but a crisis of economic inequality as well. America the world’s dominant power, producing half its At this historic moment, Americans face a choice. economic output. The National Interstate Highway Do we continue with business as usual, putting our System, designed to make America less vulnerable to planet, our security, and our economic well-being at attacks on its cities, became an economic and social web risk? Or do we seize the opportunity to forge a new path connecting people, communities, and metropolitan — building a new clean energy economy that creates centers. And it was the Apollo space program that gave 3 the nation the advances in computer sciences skilled workers. So that we never again rely on and digital communication that drove this other nations for our energy security, and so country’s economic expansion for decades to that we do not dramatically increase carbon come. emissions by importing parts, these grants will We did it before. We can do it again. be directed to companies that use American- The New Apollo Program will set the nation made components and parts, assemble systems on a new path to prosperity. Its five key initia- in America, and put Americans to work. tives will reduce pollution, increase efficiency, promote research and development, provide RESTORE AMERICA’S TECHNOLOGICAL good jobs, and expand opportunity for all. LEADERSHIP. The new clean energy economy will be built on innovation. The rich scientific The New Apollo Program will: and technical resources of American universities, REBUILD AMERICA CLEAN AND GREEN. private-sector inventors, and national laborato- America must generate cleaner power and use ries have been responsible for significant break- the power we have more efficiently — especially throughs in building efficiency, solar panels, in the residential, commercial, industrial, and wind turbines, carbon sequestration, and other technology sectors that make up nearly 70 clean energy and environmental technologies. percent of our current energy use. We call for a Yet funding for basic energy research and devel- range of solutions, including an Energy Smart opment has not kept up. We call for an aggres- Fund to upgrade the energy efficiency of all sive energy innovation agenda to double the buildings by at least 30 percent by 2025; con- annual federal investment in energy research and sistent long-term public support for clean ener- development, and to create a National Energy gy projects in order to produce 25 percent of Innovation Fund to take the most promising the nation’s power from renewable sources by new technologies to commercial scale. 2025; new environmentally sound transmission TAP THE PRODUCTIVITY OF THE AMERICAN corridors and “smart grids” to bring new clean PEOPLE. America must scale up its workforce to power to market; efficiency measures for meet the demands of the clean energy existing utility and industrial power systems economy. We call for expanded investment in including mass recycling of waste heat; invest- state and local green-collar worker training ments in carbon capture and storage (CCS) initiatives, higher education scholarships, and deployment projects; and affordable and con- union apprenticeship programs that focus on venient transit to connect America’s 21st preparing workers for everything from low skill, century neighborhoods and cities. entry-level jobs that help Americans climb the MAKE IT IN AMERICA. Retooling the nation’s ladder of opportunity all the way up to high- energy systems will require a new and improved skill, high-wage jobs at the leading edge of manufacturing sector to produce durable technical innovation. Resources will be dedicat- equipment like advanced heating and cooling ed to creating green pathways out of poverty for systems, biofuel refinery boilers, next-generation low-income job seekers so they may better access cars and trucks, efficient transmission lines, green-collar job career ladders; at the same time, wind towers and turbines, and solar panels. To we must invest in an effort to graduate signifi- capture the low-carbon markets of the future cantly more engineers and natural science majors and lower the carbon footprint of our manufac- from our universities. Finally, we call for a clean turing sector, we call for new grants to retool energy service program that allows Americans and retrofit America’s factories and retrain from all walks of life to serve their country by 4 working for clean energy independence. subsidies to the oil industry. And we must pass a carbon emission cap and invest program — REINVEST IN AMERICA. Building
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