DIR.IW10RY. HAMPSHIRE. EAST MEON. 28t Rev. Frank Edward Bignold. The Congregational Wood is that part of the parish near Medst.ead station·. chapel, built in r85o, is now disused. .!. new chapel, The soil is chalk and clay; subsoil, chalk. The chi~f of corrugated iron, was erected in I8\f6, at. a cost of crops arc wheat, oat.s and grass lands. The area is £rg6, and affords 100 sittings. A cemetery of three- 2,848 acres; rateable value, £4,310; the population jn quarters of an acre was formed in 1884, at a cost of 1901 was 48S. £rso; the whole is con~ecrated and is under the control Parish Clerk, Jesse Whitear, jun. of a Burial Board of 9 members, of which F. G. Knight Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Alick H. Licence, sub-p06t- is the clerk. There are several barrows, and also a master. Letters received t·hrongh .Alton at 6.45 a.m. very perfect semi-circular intrenchment. · Here is a & 2.10 p.m. (for callers only); on l!undays, 6.45 a.m.; Village Hall, consisting of two rooms, erected through dispatched at II.:2D a.m. & 6.55 p.m.; sundaye, 12 noon the kindness of Mr. Thomas Miller, late of this parish, Letter Boxes.-Station, cleared at 5.20 p.m. ; sunday~~ for the benefit of the young men; lectures and enter- 9.20 a.m.; Lymington Vale, 8.15 a.m. & 6.45 p.m.; tainments are given in it through the winter months. sundays, 8.15 a.m.; West End Vale, 8.15 a.m. & 6.1o 'l'he Manor House, the property of Capt. Edward Pure- p.m.; sundays, 11.35 a.m.; Hattingley, 7-40 a.m. &i foy Ellis Jervoise RN. was rebuilt in 1905. Medstead 5·45 p.m.; sundays, II-50 a.m. ; Medstead Common~ House i& the property and residence of Col. Stratford r I .25 a.m. & 7 p.m. ; Sundays, I 1.45 a.. m Charleo:; Halliday RA. The Ecclesiastical Commis- Elementary School (mixed), rebuilt in 1869, at a COEt sioners are lords of the manor. The principal land- of £565, for 96 children; average attendance, 8 I; owners are Mrs. Helen Curtis, Mr. F. Gotelee, Mrs. James H. May, master Kingdon and Capt. E. P. E. Jervoise R.N. Boyne's Railway Station, Ernest William Withers, station ma~rter PRIVATE RESIDENTS. f COMMERCIAL. Kneller George, farmer, Trinity Andrews Edwin, Lynwood .Allwork Harry, firewood dealer farm, Four Marks Bignold Rev. Frank Edward (vicar), i Andrews James, baker, Common Knight Edwin, farmer The Vicarage .Ash ling .Alfred W. shopkpr .Four Marks Knight Frederick George, assistaJ, t. Brown David C. Redhill Barrett Richard, farmer overseer, Down house Caine Mrs. Hurstleigh, Four ~larks Bates John Richd. butcher, Soldridge Knight Jemima Kute (Mrs.), farmer .. Causton Miss, H:Jme close Bevan Edwd.Hy.farmer,Roe Down fm South D:Jwn Dutton Goddard Brown David, poultry rearer, Redhill Licence .Alic Harry, baker & sub- Gotelee Frank, South DLJwn Buxton Waiter, poultry breeder, postmaster Halliday Col. Stratford Charles R..A. Trinity house Mathias Hayward, carnation grower,.. Medstead house Crowe .Alfred, farrier Hazel Barton Jeffery Edwin, The Moors, Four Dennett Thomas, farmer, Redhill Mattingley Richard, miscellaneou;;. Marks Dyer & Sons Limited, grocers dealer, Beechcroft Jervoise Capt. Edmund Purefoy Ellis Eddolls Percy, saddler Painter Fred, poultry breeder, Upper R.N. The Manor house Gibbs Richard Waiter, nurseryman, Soldridge Jones Mrs. Soldridge house Crooms hill Smith Geo. Windmill inn,Four Mark'!- Lloyd Thomas George Monkton, The Gotelee Frank, farmer & landowner, Stanford Harry, Castle of Comfort- Shrubbery Sauth Down P.H Read Fred, Stanscombe lod~2 Green .Alfred, farmer, South Down Stevens Wm. painter, South Down Richardson Mrs. Nutfield, FourMarks Heal James, fanner, Pullingers Wake Bros. farrn.ers, Towngate farm Smith Ca.pt. R Percy, Hnzel Barton Jeffery .Aithur & Sons, carpenters Yalden Hemy, land surveyor,Boyne's Smith Rev. Major (Congregational) King Ernest & Harry, blacksmiths Wood Stacey Arthur, The Elms, Soldridge King Thomas & Son, ironmongers Winter Wm. Henderson, The Boynes King Henry Frederick, farmer MELCHET PARK (at one time an extra-parochial (19u) unoccupied; the mansion is a noble edifice of district) is a parish in the Southern or Wilton division red brick, relieved wit.h freestone, in the Classic style;. of Wilt8, Romsey union, petty sessional division and it is surrounded with la'\"l"ns and shrubberies, and ha,. county court di8trict and .A.lderbury hundred, 2~ miles a park of 539 acres, commanding an extensive view of south from West Dean station on the Salisbury branch the surrounding scenery. The are;l of the pariilh is 534 of the London and South Western railway, and s! miles acres of land and 2 of water; rateable value, £480;. west from Romsey; this paris'h was formerly in the the population in 1901 was 3,1. county of Wilts, but has been transferred to this county Letters through Romsey arrive at 9 a.m. & 1.15 p.m under the Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Wall Letter Box cleared at 7·55 a m. & '6.so p.m.;. Confirmation (No. r2) Act, 1895· Melchet Park is now sundays, 7·55 a.m Cooper John, farmer, Melchet Park farm EAST MEON is a parish and village, 31 miles south- from the chancel by a carvt>d oak screen, new clergy ea~;t from West Mean station on the Alton and Fareham stalls erected and the aisles and chancel :repaved, under section, and 5 miles west from Petersfield station on the direction of Messrs. Bucknall and Camper, of London .. the direct Portsmouth line of t·he London and South at a. cost of £r,6oo: there are 417 sitting.s. .A new Western railway and 18 north from Portsmouth, in the lych gate was also erect-ed as a memorial to the la'te­ Eastern division of the county, hundred of East Meon, H. A. W. Batten esq. The register dates from the year Petersfi~ld petty sessional division, union and county 156o. The living is a vicarage, net income £385, with court district, and in the rural deanery of Petenfield r3 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Lord and archdeaconry and diocese of Winchester. The river Chancellor, and held since rgor by the Rev. Thomas Mean rises in this parish. The church of .All Saints is Heywood Masters M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. a cruciform building in the Norman and Early English Here are a Congregational chapel, erected in 188g, with. styles, consisting of chancel wit'h side chapel, nave of 125 sittings, and a Primitive Method1st chapel. In 190& thl"€e bays, aisles, transepts, south porch and a central the cemetery was enlarged by the addition of half an tower with spire containing a clock and 8 bells: in 18go ' acre. Five almshouses for poor people were erected the old 7th and tenor bells were J"e-cast and 1st and 2nd in I 863 in the centre of the village by Mrs. ForbeE. bells added, at a cost of over £soo: the tower and thPn owner of Bereleigh, as a memoria~ to the late arches supporting it, the two principal doorways and George Forbes ~sq. and two new almshouses were­ some of the windows are Norman work: the font, similar erected in 1907, the cost being defrayed from an in many respects to that in Winchester Cathedral, a£cumulation of funds derived from the original endow­ consists of a single block of black slate hollowed into ment. Westbury House, about 2 miles west from the a basin, and supported on a circular central shaft, villagP, and the prope-rty of Col. Herman Le Roy-Lewi~ surrounded by four others, with caps, but without D.S.O. is a fin~ mansion close to the border of West bases: on the north and east sides are carved Meon parish, and stands in a park of 100 acres. Bereleigh representations of the crea.tion of man, the formation of House is the residence of Henry Curtis Gallup esq. Eve, the eating of the forbidden fruit, and the expulsion 1 and ha.s grounds of about 79 a.cres. Court House Fariil from Paradise, and one of an angel teaching _-\dam to , (the property of Lord Hotham, of West Hill Park,. dig and Ev~ to spin : ths pulpit, dated 17o6, and Tikhfield), in the centre of the village, is the ancient formerly in Holy Trinity church, Minories, London, was I manor house, and retains some royal and episcopal brought here by the :R.ev. E. M. Tomlinson M . .!. vicar ' corbel heads s·till in good preservation. The Ecclesi­ of that church 187]-Bg, and of East Meon J88g-1go1: llstical Commissioners a.re lords of the manor. The there is a memorial window to the late Mrs. Forbes, I principal landowners are Col. Herman La Roy-Lewis of Bereleigh: the church was restored in r87o, at a 1 D S.O. Lord Hotham, William G. Nicholson e-sq. M.P. cost of £4,000, and in 1906 the interior was altered Henry Curtis Gallup esq. and R.enry B 11nd renovated, the flooring being renewed in oak and Milnor Farm, Lang-rish. The soil is lowered to the original level, the lady chapel separated clay and chalk. The chief crops are wt oab, .
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