ALBATROSSES (DIOMEDEIDAE) STORKS (CICONIIDAE) £ Ruddy Duck £ Yellow-nosed Albatross* £ Wood Stork HAWKS, KITES & EAGLES (ACCIPITRIDAE) PETRELS (PROCELLARIIDAE) VULTURES (CATHARTIDAE) £ Osprey £ £ £ Black-capped Petrel Black Vulture Swallow-tailed Kite £ Cory’s Shearwater £ Turkey Vulture £ White-tailed Kite £ Greater Shearwater FLAMINGOES (PHOENICOPTERIDAE) £ Snail Kite £ Sooty Shearwater £ Greater Flamingo £ Mississippi Kite £ Short-tailed Shearwater * DUCKS, GEESE & SWANS (ANATIDAE) £ Bald Eagle £ Manx Shearwater * £ Black-bellied Whistling-Duck £ Northern Harrier £ Audubon’s Shearwater £ Fulvous Whistling-Duck £ Sharp-shinned Hawk W W W . F L . A U D U B O N . O R G STORM PETRELS (HYDROBATIDAE) £ Greater White-fronted Goose £ Cooper’s Hawk £ Wilson’s Storm-Petrel £ Snow Goose £ Northern Goshawk * £ Leach’s Storm-Petrel £ Ross’s Goose * £ Red-shouldered Hawk £ Band-rumped Storm-Petrel £ Brant £ Broad-winged Hawk "ب™≤≥∞∫ª ∂≠ TROPICBIRDS (PHAETHONTIDAE) £ Cackling Goose * £ Short-tailed Hawk £ White-tailed Tropicbird £ Canada Goose £ Swainson’s Hawk £ Red-billed Tropicbird * £ Tundra Swan £ Zone-tailed hawk * E %≥∂π∞´® !∞π´∫ BOOBIES (SULIDAE) £ Muscovy Duck £ Red-tailed Hawk £ Masked Booby £ Wood Duck £ Ferruginous Hawk * £ Brown Booby £ Gadwall £ Rough-legged Hawk * * Birds that are exceedingly rare, £ Red-footed Booby £ Eurasian Wigeon £ Golden Eagle sometimes having only one £ Northern Gannet £ American Wigeon FALCONS (FALCONIDAE) verified record in Florida. PELICANS (PELECANIDAE) £ American Black Duck £ Crested Caracara Sightings should be reported to £ American White Pelican £ Mallard £ Eurasian Kestrel * the Florida Ornithological Society £ Brown Pelican £ Mottled Duck £ American Kestrel at www.fosbirds.org CORMORANTS (PHALACROCORACIDAE) £ Blue-winged Teal £ Merlin E £ Double-crested Cormorant Birds that are exotic, or not not £ Cinnamon Teal £ Peregrine Falcon £ Great Cormorant native to Florida £ Northern Shoveler TURKEY & QUAIL (PHASIANIDAE) I ANHINGAS (ANHINGIDAE) £ White-cheeked Pintail * £ Wild Turkey Birds extirpated from Florida and £ Anhinga £ Northern Pintail £ Northern Bobwhite reintroduced as experimental FRIGATEBIRDS (FREGATIDAE) populations £ Green-winged Teal RAILS (RALLIDAE) £ Magnificent Frigatebird X £ Canvasback £ Yellow Rail Birds thought to be extinct in HERONS & EGRETS (ARDEIDAE) £ Redhead £ Black Rail Florida, but not yet removed from £ American Bittern £ Ring-necked Duck £ Clapper Rail the Endangered Species List £ Least Bittern £ Greater Scaup £ King Rail £ Great Blue Heron £ Lesser Scaup £ Virginia Rail £ Great Egret £ King Eider * £ Sora Rev. 2/2006 £ Snowy Egret £ Common Eider £ Purple Gallinule £ LOONS (GAVIIDAE) Little Blue Heron £ Harlequin Duck £ Common Moorhen £ £ Red-throated Loon Tricolored Heron £ Surf Scoter £ American Coot £ £ Pacific Loon Reddish Egret £ White-winged Scoter LIMPKINS (ARAMIDAE) £ £ Common Loon Cattle Egret £ Black Scoter £ Limpkin GREBES (PODICIPEDIDAE) £ Green Heron £ Long-tailed Duck CRANES (GRUIDAE) £ £ Least Grebe * Black-crowned Night-Heron £ Bufflehead £ Sandhill Crane £ Yellow-crowned Night-Heron I £ Pied-billed Grebe £ Common Goldeneye £ Whooping Crane IBISES (THRESKIORNITHIDAE) £ Horned Grebe £ Hooded Merganser PLOVERS (CHARADRIIDAE) £ £ Red-necked Grebe* White Ibis £ Common Merganser * £ Northern Lapwing * £ £ Eared Grebe Glossy Ibis £ Red-breasted Merganser £ Black-bellied Plover £ £ Western Grebe * White-faced Ibis * £ Masked Duck * £ American Golden-Plover £ Roseate Spoonbill £ Snowy Plover £ South Polar Skua * £ Eurasian Collared-Dove (e) £ Rufous Hummingbird £ Wilson’s Plover £ Pomarine Jaeger £ White-winged Dove £ Allen’s Hummingbird * £ Semipalmated Plover £ Parasitic Jaeger £ Zenaida Dove * KINGFISHERS (ALCEDINIDAE) £ Piping Plover £ Long-tailed Jaeger £ Mourning Dove £ Belted Kingfisher £ Killdeer £ Laughing Gull £ Common Ground-Dove WOODPECKERS (PICIDAE) £ Mountain Plover * £ Franklin’s Gull £ White-tipped Dove * £ Red-headed Woodpecker OYSTERCATCHERS (HAEMATOPODIDAE) £ Little Gull * £ Key West Quail-Dove £ Golden-fronted Woodpecker * £ American Oystercatcher £ Black-headed Gull * £ Ruddy Quail-Dove * £ Red-bellied Woodpecker STILTS (RECURVIROSTRIDAE) £ Bonaparte’s Gull PARROTS (PSITTACIDAE) £ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker E £ Black-necked Stilt £ Heermann’s Gull * £ Budgerigar £ Downy Woodpecker E £ American Avocet £ Ring-billed Gull £ Monk Parakeet £ Hairy Woodpecker E SANDPIPERS (SCOLOPACIDAE) £ California Gull * £ Black-hooded Parakeet £ Red-cockaded Woodpecker E £ Greater Yellowlegs £ Herring Gull £ White-winged Parakeet £ Northern Flicker £ Lesser Yellowlegs £ Thayer’s Gull * (CUCULIDAE) £ Pileated Woodpecker CUCKOOS X £ Solitary Sandpiper £ Iceland Gull * £ Black-billed Cuckoo £ Ivory-billed Woodpecker £ Willet £ Lesser Black-backed Gull £ Yellow-billed Cuckoo FLYCATCHERS (TYRANNIDAE) £ Spotted Sandpiper £ Slaty-backed Gull * £ Mangrove Cuckoo £ Olive-sided Flycatcher £ Upland Sandpiper £ Glaucous Gull £ Smooth-billed Ani £ Western Wood-Pewee * £ Whimbrel £ Great Black-backed Gull £ Groove-billed Ani £ Eastern Wood-Pewee £ Long-billed Curlew £ Sabine’s Gull OWLS (TYTONIDAE) £ Cuban Pewee * £ Black-tailed Godwit * £ Black-legged Kittiwake £ Barn Owl £ Yellow-bellied Flycatcher £ Hudsonian Godwit £ Gull-billed Tern £ Flammulated Owl * £ Acadian Flycatcher £ Bar-tailed Godwit * £ Caspian Tern £ Eastern Screech-Owl £ Alder Flycatcher £ Marbled Godwit £ Royal Tern £ Great Horned Owl £ Willow Flycatcher £ Ruddy Turnstone £ Elegant Tern * £ Snowy Owl * £ Least Flycatcher £ Surfbird * £ Sandwich Tern £ Burrowing Owl £ Black Phoebe * £ Red Knot £ Roseate Tern £ Barred Owl £ Eastern Phoebe £ Sanderling £ Common Tern £ Long-eared Owl * £ Say’s Phoebe * £ Semipalmated Sandpiper £ Arctic Tern £ Short-eared Owl £ Vermilion Flycatcher £ Western Sandpiper £ Forster’s Tern £ Northern Saw-whet Owl * £ Ash-throated Flycatcher £ Least Sandpiper £ Least Tern NIGHTJARS (CAPRIMULGIDAE) £ Great Crested Flycatcher £ White-rumped Sandpiper £ Bridled Tern £ Lesser Nighthawk £ Brown-crested Flycatcher £ Baird’s Sandpiper £ Sooty Tern £ Common Nighthawk £ La Sagra’s Flycatcher £ Pectoral Sandpiper £ Black Tern £ Antillean Nighthawk £ Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher * £ Sharp-tailed Sandpiper * £ Brown Noddy £ Chuck-will’s-widow £ Tropical Kingbird * £ Purple Sandpiper £ Black Noddy £ Whip-poor-will £ Cassin’s Kingbird * £ Dunlin £ Black Skimmer SWIFTS (APODIDAE) £ Western Kingbird £ Curlew Sandpiper ALCIDS (ALCIDAE) £ White-collared Swift * £ Eastern Kingbird £ Stilt Sandpiper £ Dovekie £ Chimney Swift £ Gray Kingbird £ Buff-breasted Sandpiper £ Thick-billed Murre * £ Vaux’s Swift * £ Scissor-tailed Flycatcher £ Ruff £ Razorbill * £ Antillean Palm-Swift * £ Fork-tailed Flycatcher £ Short-billed Dowitcher £ Long-billed Murrelet * HUMMINGBIRDS (TROCHILIDAE) SHRIKES (LANIIDAE) £ Long-billed Dowitcher £ Atlantic Puffin * £ Broad-billed Hummingbird * £ Loggerhead Shrike £ Wilson’s Snipe DOVES (COLUMBIDAE) £ Buff-bellied Hummingbird VIREOS (VIREONIDAE) £ American Woodcock £ Rock Dove (e) £ Bahama Woodstar * £ White-eyed Vireo £ Wilson’s Phalarope £ Scaly-naped Pigeon * £ Black-chinned Hummingbird £ Thick-billed Vireo * £ Red-necked Phalarope £ White-crowned Pigeon £ Anna’s Hummingbird * £ Bell’s Vireo £ Red Phalarope £ Band-tailed Pigeon * £ Calliope Hummingbird * £ Yellow-throated Vireo GULLS & TERNS (LARIDAE) £ European Turtle-Dove * £ Broad-tailed Hummingbird * £ Blue-headed Vireo £ Warbling Vireo £ Northern Wheatear * £ Bay-breasted Warbler £ Fox Sparrow £ Philadelphia Vireo £ Eastern Bluebird £ Blackpoll Warbler £ Song Sparrow £ Red-eyed Vireo £ Mountain Bluebird * £ Cerulean Warbler £ Lincoln’s Sparrow £ Yellow-green Vireo * £ Veery £ Black-and-white Warbler £ Swamp Sparrow £ Black-whiskered Vireo £ Gray-cheeked Thrush £ American Redstart £ White-throated Sparrow CROWS & JAYS (CORVIDAE) £ Bicknell’s Thrush £ Prothonotary Warbler £ Harris’s Sparrow * £ Blue Jay £ Swainson’s Thrush £ Worm-eating Warbler £ White-crowned Sparrow £ Florida Scrub-Jay £ Hermit Thrush £ Swainson’s Warbler £ Dark-eyed Junco £ American Crow £ Wood Thrush £ Ovenbird £ Lapland Longspur £ Fish Crow £ American Robin £ Northern Waterthrush £ Chestnut-collared Longspur * LARKS (ALAUDIDAE) £ Varied Thrush * £ Louisiana Waterthrush £ Snow Bunting £ Horned Lark MIMID THRUSHES (MIMIDAE) £ Kentucky Warbler GROSBEAKS & BUNTINGS MARTINS & SWALLOWS (HIRUNDINIDAE) £ Gray Catbird £ Connecticut Warbler (CARDINALIDAE) £ Purple Martin £ Northern Mockingbird £ Mourning Warbler £ Northern Cardinal £ Cuban Martin * £ Bahama Mockingbird £ MacGillivray’s Warbler * £ Rose-breasted Grosbeak £ Southern Martin * £ Sage Thrasher * £ Common Yellowthroat £ Black-headed Grosbeak £ Tree Swallow £ Brown Thrasher £ Hooded Warbler £ Blue Grosbeak £ Mangrove Swallow * £ Curve-billed Thrasher * £ Wilson’s Warbler £ Lazuli Bunting * £ Bahama Swallow * STARLINGS (STURNIDAE) £ Canada Warbler £ Indigo Bunting E £ Northern Rough-winged Swallow £ European Starling £ Yellow-breasted Chat £ Painted Bunting £ Bank Swallow PIPITS (MOTACILLIDAE) BANANAQUITS (COEREBIDAE) £ Dickcissel £ Cliff Swallow £ American Pipit £ Bananaquit BLACKBIRDS & ORIOLES (ICTERIDAE) £ Cave Swallow £ Sprague’s Pipit TANAGERS (THRAUPIDAE) £ Bobolink £ Barn Swallow WAXWINGS (BOMBYCILLIDAE) £ Summer Tanager £ Red-winged Blackbird CHICKADEES (PARIDAE) £ Cedar Waxwing £ Scarlet Tanager £ Tawny-shouldered Blackbird * £ Carolina Chickadee WARBLERS (PARULIDAE) £ Western Tanager £ Eastern Meadowlark X £ Tufted Titmouse £ Bachman’s Warbler £ Western Spindalis £ Western Meadowlark
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