See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/256348384 A new species of Lepidotrigla (Scorpaeniformes, Triglidae) from the waters off Northern Australia. Article in The Beagle: Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory · December 1995 DOI: 10.5962/p.264284 CITATION READS 1 176 2 authors: Lluís del Cerro Domingo Lloris University of Barcelona Spanish National Research Council 7 PUBLICATIONS 3 CITATIONS 141 PUBLICATIONS 2,271 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Critic aspects of Biology in general and Darwinism View project Worldwide revision of the family Triglidae View project All content following this page was uploaded by Domingo Lloris on 21 May 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. A NEW SPECIES OF LEPIDOTRIGLA (SCORPAENIFORMES: TRlGLIDAE) FROM THE W A TERS OFF NORTHERN AUSTRALIA. LLUÍS DEL CERRO AND DOMÉNEC LLORIS Instiiut de Ciéncíes del Mar (C.S.l.c.), Passeig lQan de Borbó, sin 08039, Barcelona, Spain. ABSTRACT , . A new species of the family Triglidae, Lepidorrigla russelli sp. nov. , from the waters off the Northem Territory and Queensland (Au'stralia) ii presented. The new laxon is compared with its similar relatives in !he genus LepidotTigla Günther, 1860: L. faurei Gilchrist and Thompson, 1914, and L. cadmani Regan, 1915. Brief comments on the genus Lepidorrigla are included. KEYWORDS: Triglidae, Lepidorrigla russelli, sp. nov., taxonomy, new species, F.A.O. Fishing Area 71 , northem Australia, eastem Australia. INTRODUCTION Measurements and counts of body parts are a combination of methods of Hubbs and Lagler As part of a general study on ¡he systematics (1958), Teague (1951), Richards (1968), and of supra-specific taxa of the family Triglidae, a Richards and Saksena (1977), with the excep­ large number of specimens collected in different lion of the following characters. The length of parts of¡he world have been examined. One par­ the eleithral spine is measured from the poste­ eel of material examined contained a large rior edge of the opercular flap to its rear end; number of specimens coming from waters of the lengths of the pectoral fin and its free rays Indonesia and Australia. Among this material are measured from their respective superior was included an undescribed species clearly be­ axils to their respective posterior tips; and the longing tothe genusLepidotrigla Gün¡her, 1860. length of the ventral fin is measured from ¡he The specimens used in the present study were ventral axil to the posterior end of ¡he longest collected in Australian waters (F.A.O. Fishing rayo Area 71), mainly the Northem Territory (north None of the measurements and proportions ofCape Wessel, north ofMelville Island, north­ given here inelude the lengths of ¡he rostral east of Goulbum Island, off Jones Shoal, Bums projections which are measured separately. Their Shoal offPoint Arrowsmith, east ofvan Diemen length is measured from their tips to the pre­ Gulf) Westem Australia (York Sound), and maxillary symphysis and the absolute values are Queensland (offWeipa). This new species, rep­ also given in Table l. The head depth is meas­ resented by 17 specimens, is described below. ured vertically from the posterior edge of the orbit to the base ofthe head (preopercular bone). The body depth is measured vertically, from in METHODOLOGY frontofthe first analray and does not include the crests al the bases of the dorsal fins. The terminology of head spines mainly fol­ Institution abbreviations used: Northem Ter­ lows Teague (1951), as well as Allis (1909) for ritory Museum, Darwin, Australia (NTM) and placement of spines on the cranial bones. The the Institut de Ciéncies del Mar (C.S.I.c.), Bar­ terminology of the squamation follows Russell celona, Spain (IlPB), Muséum National de et al. (1992). I'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN». 177 NTM-S ·509 -:l Body measurement abbrevations are as fol­ data as preceding; NTM S.599, 15 9. : __ J lows: TL, totallength; SL, standard length; HL, SL) mm, same data as preceding; . • _ NTM-S·638 ~ head length; OD, longitudinal diameterof orbit; 158 .2 TL (126.2 SL) mm; NTM S. ~­ ML, maxillary length; CH, cheek height; and TL (117.9 SL) mm, September 19 5.. ­ 10, interorbital distance. (Qld); NTM S.579, 144.4 TL (1 1 .--= ::" NTM-S · 11 31 same data as preceding. - Other material. Other specime__ 8YSTEMATICS comparison were five syntypes of Ler NTM-S · IOO5 3-002 laevispinnis Biacheand Ducroz, 1960 ':: - TypemateriaI.HOLOTYPE-NTMS.11953­ ized with Lepidotrigla cadmani RegaL : =..- 003, 194.1 TL (158.1 SL) mm, north-east of Richards (1968: 81)), with the follo\, ::: ~ . NTM-S ·598 -::.. Goulburn lsland (Northern Territory, Australi~), . logue numbers: MNHN-1960-189 to ~" .­ 25 August 1986, depth 55 m. 1960-193; total arid standard lengths r .:.::. ~= ­ PARATYPES - 16 specimens, size range tween 212 (172) and 190 (158) mm, tra"": ¿.: NTM-S-599 TL TL - between 102.2 (84.8 SL) and 189.6 ofPointe Noire (Congo Republic) by B ~. : - (155.6 SL) mm: IIPB 54/1993 , 163.3 TL Ducroz. Other capture data unknown. (129.3SL) mm, 25th August, 1986, northeast of Absolute measurementsofthe specimer. - : -__ . NTM-S-600 ;:o Goulburn Island (NT), depth 55 m; lIPB 55/ ied are given in Table 1 for the new spe ~e: 1993, 186.9 TL (150.9 SL) mm, same data as have not included proportional measu re:::::.: ­ NTM-S ·597 '" preceding;NTMS. 11953-012, 178.9TL(144.9 and percentages ofthe variables studied, 1e2. - SL) mm, salle data as preceding; NTM S. this job to the reader. 10053-002, 102.2 TL (84.8 SL) mm, October ~ ¡ 1977, off van Diemen Gulf (NT); NTM S. 638, NTM-S-1I 95 3-D 12 Lepidotrigla Günther, 1860 - 107.1 TL (85.8 SL mm, July 1975, York Sound :> Lepidotrigla russelli sp. nov. o ;;- , (WA); NTM S. 1131,129.5 TL (115.5 SL) mm, : (Figs 1-4) IIPB 55 /1993 ~ 12 September 1975, off Jones Shoal (NT) ; lIPB " 56/1993, 155.3 TL (120.3 SL) mm, off Cape Diagnosis. Post-orbital groove (occipir<:: Wessel (NT); NTM S. 11614-007, 189.6 TL , post-frontal grooveofsomeauthors) incomp:.= · IIPB 54/1993 - - (155.6 SL) mm, 11 May, 1985, same data as reduced to form a short pit just behind the e:. ~ preceding; NTM S.419, 155.2 TL (126.2 SL) Preopercular spine and keel are present. Le ~5": mm, 4 October 1975, Burns Shoal, off Pt ofpectoral fin somewhatshorter thanhead len=­ NTM-S·579 =! Arrowsmith (NT);NTMS.509, 144.4TL(119.4 Body covered with firrnly attached cycloid sc ai~ SL) mm, 18 May, 1983, N of Melville lsland Throat, chest, breast and belly covered with SID G.._ o (NT), 15 September 1975; NTM S.597, 165.8 firmly attached cycloid scales. NTM-S·578 5:.. ) TL (134.8 SL) mm, same data as preceding; Description. General counts and measuremer. _ NTM S.598, 152.2 TL (123.2 SL) mm, same of holotYpe and paratypes are given in Table ;. NTM-S·1 161 4-007 ~ IiPB 5611 993 ;. NTM-SA19 -~ ­ NTMS·1I953-003 Fig. l. Lateral view of!he holotype NTM-S· 11953-003 of Lepidolrigla russel/i sp. nov .. 178 I MI,I¡ I ,l. ~ "III · .¡llí. , .1 11I 111 1, 1' 11'1'lll l l r ll¡ld 111, Ilh l k \1\.liul,l. t. , d e11\. '"'- 11,-.,- 1. ..,- " . ". I Ilj l \ , \ ~ 11' 11 1' . Itl l\' Ilh IIh.. II :.lh , ·n l,ah!... " 1:.1. IJI 1<',y. :-; "':I .llIIHII. " IIIIJI ... .: U...::. O :.luvullI, :--t NCl lolIl..ld 0 = granulated. Z z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z -l -l ~ -l -l -l ~ ~ -l -l -l -l -l -l -l -l -l ttl i': ttl ttl i': i': i': i': i': i': i': i': v. i': i': v. v. 3: i': i': Vl U, U, U, u, U, U, u, u, u, u, u, ~ v. v. .:: ~ v. a.. v. v. «> a.. v. Catalogue Number .. -J -J :o '" o w :o o- 00 ;O ':S 8 :8 00 o w 00 ~ ~ '"w '"~ w U> '" v. w '" '" '" '-' '-' ­ 6 6 6 6 S S Ñ 8 ...... -...J '" 22.3 á&$?dill$b}M ~;: ! · jtK~hlfjjtMll.¡¡nq Q ) ni;;i . ~ m~ra:Ml~,¡¡Wf·¡q;i~;0\fím_,.,; ••••;••·.g;:;••: •••••.•WiM~i;W1g:;:ttVH¡i@¡;m¡t¡t;:tlU;,ii;! .l.Mii'f;-n; 2 .•.··· 9 - ­ . ­ 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 lO c· (Í+ IR (; I ?1{ 3 - R () (, O .'. \1 ( ,H (,(1 7.3 '\ // 7 O " () Fig.3.D Fig. 2. Lateral view of lile head of lile holotype NTM-S·11953-003 of Lepidotrigla russelli sp. nov .. Arrow ' post-omi preopercular spine and ridge. Body robust anteriorly, slender posteriorly GiJI-rakers on first arch tubercle-like in sI. .. :­ and covered with large, finnly attached cycloid welI separated from each other and 8+2 :-_:. ­ scales, smalIer on the chest, breast and belIy, ments in number. Pseudobranchials prese:-.· numbering 12 to 13 between pelvic fin bases. First dorsal fin with nine spines (8-1 ~ • Lateral line scales 58 in holotype (57-63 in paratypes, modal1y 9), none reaching frrst rn~ . paratypes), with their tubes slightly branched second dorsal when depressed, wi th an e:-:_ ' (fonning three branches); lateralline extending edge of first ray smooth (smooth or sli;-:: ·_ onto the caudal fin fonning a bifurcation. Both granulated in paratypes, but never serra:=:. sides of dorsal fin bases armoured with 22 erect Second dorsalfin with 15 softrays. Anal fin . _.. bony crests (22-23 in paratypes), flattened in 14 soft rays (13-15 in paratypes, modalIy :­ front and rising backwards, with eight erect inserted opposite origin of second dorsal -=­ bony crests (seven to nine in paratypes, modally Pectoral fin with 11 soft rays (10-11 in parat)?:: eight) at the basé ofthe first dorsal, and 14 at the modalIy 11), moderate in length but al -_.
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