Campus Life. ~ . Sports Dr,IyERSigNS Visiting author assaults ls audience with in thriller Wednesday. g +rp non-linear narratives See page 11. r O~ in Ul courtroom. r+ See 10. page O~ g1 THE UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO „ ICBI'"f iIIjfj~I i II,tlII Frida, December 8I 1995 ASUI —Moscow, Idaho Volume 97 No. Z9 u ents sp it over conti ovei sia p otos Mike McNuity sorship when, in response to com- Staff plaints from staff, faculty and stu- dents, the original posters were student's recital posters that removed Monday and Tuesday. + were tom down early this Steve Hanna, assistant to director of 5 week by administrators who academic programming, who oversees claim they were improperly posted what is posted in the music building and offensive now has music students hallways said he had the janitor divided over issues of decency and remove several posters because of uni- academic freedom. versity policy prohibiting the taping of Wednesday the announcements, bulletins to painted walls, which contain graphic photos, were "There were some people that were reposted and by 10 a.m. Thursday sev- offended by the posters,*'anna said. ' eral were found crumpled in a nearby "But it's not that we took them all ~ ~Pf. trash can but University of Idaho down because they were inappropri- School of Music officials said, ate." although the posters may have depict- Photocopies of a nude Vietnamese ed explicit content, most were girl running from a bomb attack, a removed because they violated univer- dead boy and his crushed wagon after sity building code. a car accident, and a gu'nshot riot vic- The announcements use images of tim are the subjects of Gibler's most death, nudity and religion to promote controversial posters. music composition major Ryan Hanna said the posters may have V Gibier's senior recital this Sunday. gone unnoticed if people would not N...a::„+„-+j':AS:;:,".ep:4+ s +4"'.via Senior music major Scott Winks have brought the content to his atten- said some of the posters were porno- tion. Several posters which were post- graphic and unsuitable for the music ed on appropriate bulletin boards and building where his family might see glass were also removed but Associate them. Professor of Music Robert Dickow "If he wrote a piece about the pic- said "We (staff and faculty) don' tures, it might make sense," Winks know who took those ones down, it "But think that's ridiculous if could be a mistake the staff or stu- said. I by Mike McNuity he's just to get attention— dents took them down." trying looks one of his recital announcement posters what's his point'f" Gibler, who assembled 18 different Ryan Gibler, a music composition student, at have divided students over Some students had contended the which uses controversial images to grab attention. The posters School of Music was engaging in cen- ~ SEE PHOTOS PACE 6 censorship and freedom of expression. inaugurates new y e ecte o icia s he stressed fairness and equality. be able to accomplish a lot," Kane ASUI. Hisel said, "It helped me to the Chiefs Room at the Student Kane takes over "I have no regrets, I feel said. understand the university, with that Union at 2 p.m. Tesnohlidek and said he is extremely good about my year, I Outgoing Senator Christa Manis knowledge it made my university thanked Darakjy than tests and looking forward to working with from Mfilson as know in my head that I did the best wished everyone good luck. Manis experience more just I could," Wilson said. Wilson was said, "My advice for the new senate homework. I would encourage any him in the senate. next recognized with momentos and a is have a vision and be demanding. student to get involved. Even The senate will meet again president I'm semester and all incoming senators resolution. Vice President Damon Give 'em hell and raise some though done with the senate, I'm ASUI." and officials are eager to get to Darakjy summed up Wilson's Kane!" Manis also thanked Sean not done with Andrew White John work. career as president, "Thank you, Wilson for a job well done. Incoming Vice President Staff that Wilson said looking back on his President Sean Wilson, we have Senator David Hisel, who was Tesnohlidek reminded students next Wednesday, Dec. 13, there career, "I will always have a special naugurations were held had a truly successful year." narrowly defeated in the election will a meeting regarding the pro- place in my heart for this universi- Wednesday for recently elected Incoming President Brian Kane is for vice president, maintained that be Commons area in ty." r officials during the last senate eager to get underway and has he will continue to be active in posed University meeting of the year. Outgoing already made plans for implement- ASUI President Sean Wilson was ing UI license plates and getting congratulated by many while sena- elections on-line. Another pedestrian hit in tors and others were albo recog- "This is a good time to make the nized for their contributions to the transition, because I know the sen- school. ate very well and together we will During Wilson's communications crosswalk near Student Union Jennifer Eng minute, the truck swerved to miss The accident on Wednesday night Dosher, spilling his load of pipes and the accident last week aren' ~ Staff Weather. from the back of the truck which isolated events. On Nov. 29 Luke one week after a pro- smacked Dosher's ankles and feet. Oh, it's c-c-c-c-c-cold'ii ) / i nly Omodt was exiting an alley at "I had to and to today mayhe to 25; fessor was hit by a car in a hop, skip jump 10:30 a.m. and while standing on High up crosswalk another pedestri- get out of the way," said Dosher the sidewalk at the end of the alley from a few bruises on iows in the teens and an became a victim Wednesday who, aside was hit by a university vehicle also was not injured. single digits. Look for more night. his ankles, going through the alley. Dosher said, "He saw me, there Brian Dosher, an 18-year-old Instead of stopping to inquire if snow this weekend. was no he couldn't have." freshman at the University of Idaho way Omodt was OK, the driver drove People are blaming close calls was walking home Wednesday Both Omodt and the driver and accidents on that corner to the off. ~ ~ from a late class when he began filed police reports, but the driver' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o7 lighting. 0PIIIIOI1 Don't forget your Deakin Avenue. at the crossing "Drivers aren't very aware, espe-, report conflicts with Omodt's. corner of Deakin and Idaho was witness the Campus Life........10 weekly TV listings cially when it comes to crosswalks. There a at scene, Avenue. failed name. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o It only takes drivers a couple sec- but Omodt to get his Spox'tso ~ ~ 1I north- in today's issue of A blue truck traveling onds of their time to stop and let a Omodt asks if the witness could Deakin Avenue contin- Comics.................14 bound on pedestrian by, but they'e. all in a call him at 885-3558 to clear up ued the crosswalk as Classifieds.........;.15 DIVERSIONS through hurry to get where they'e going." any discrepancy. Dasher was crossing. At the last said Dosher. W<WTS in Brief Z TFIE ARGONA UT Friday, December 8, 199$ nal proposal to conduct an internal convenient to have the trial there, review of problems at the laborato- said J. Scott Miller, the Spokane ry. attorney representing Beta Tlieta Pi The laboratory has been at the fraternity. center of political controversy ever A.number of motions are still 0- since its backers reneged on their pending, including one by Miller I promise that they would never seek requesting the case against Beta taxpayer subsidies to run it. They Theta Pi be dismissed because he originally said if the state put up claims the local chapter was not the $2 million to build it, the oper- properly named in the case. ational budget would be financed —Associated Press Ul expert defends his by user fees from testing. But those AIDS ad with pope Judge sets trial date in critical assesment fees have never reached the level promised and taxpayer subsidies, 0 won't see light Rabin assassination now running about 150,000 a sci- $ TWIN FALLS, Idaho —The year, have been provided. since Another incorporation entist most critical operations at NEW YORK—A poster to raise TEL AVIV, Israel —Yitzhak of before the lab opened for business the state's food-safety laboratory is drive launched in money for AIDS research that Rabin's assassin nodded and nearly three years ago. begins "IF THE POPE HAD smiled today as a prosecutor defending his negative assessment —Associated Press Spokane suburbs read against claims he is biased against AIDS..."will not be released, its aloud the murder charges the gun- the Twin Falls facility. creator, the shoe designer Kenneth man faces stemming from.his con- SPOKANE —Some residents in Suppbrters of the Quality 0 Cole, said Wednesday. fession that he shot the prime min- the suburbs east of Spokane want Assurance Laboratory suggested "We felt it was a distraction from ister to stop Middle East peace. Trial over freshman's to form a new seven Gregory Moiler's evaluation dif- city, just our overall message," said Cole, months after a similar fered so dramatically in tone from injuries moved from effort failed.
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