ISSN : 0406-3597 E-ISSN : 1308-8122 PLANT PROTECTION BULLETIN A Quartely Publication of the Directorate of Plant Protection Central Research Institute in the name of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies. This Bulletin Covers the Aspects of Plant Protection of Turkiye. Yazışma Adresi / Correspondence Adress Zirai Mücadele Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü Gayret Mahallesi Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bulvarı No.66 PK49 06172 Yenimahalle, Ankara / TÜRKİYE +90 (312) 344 59 93 (4 lines) +90 (312) 315 15 31 Volume 60 | Number 3 [email protected] July - September, 2020 http://dergipark.gov.tr/bitkorb PLANT PROTECTION BULLETIN / BİTKİ KORUMA BÜLTENİ Volume 60 No 3 July - September 2020 Owner Sait ERTÜRK Editor in Chief Ayşe ÖZDEM Section Editors AKSU, Pelin - Turkey FARSHBAF, Reza - Iran ALKAN, Mustafa - Turkey FURSOV, Victor - Ukraine ASAV, Ünal - Turkey GÜLER, Yasemin - Turkey ATHANASSIOU, Christos - Greece GÜNAÇTI, Hale - Turkey ATLIHAN, Remzi - Turkey HASSAN, Errol - Australia AYDAR, Arzu - Turkey IŞIK, Doğan - Turkey BARIŞ, Aydemir - Turkey İMREN, Mustafa - Turkey BAŞTAŞ, Kubilay - Turkey KARAHAN, Aynur - Turkey BATUMAN, Özgür - USA KAYDAN, Mehmet Bora - Turkey BOZKURT, Vildan - Turkey KODAN, Münevver - Turkey CANPOLAT, Sirel - Turkey KOVANCI, Orkun Barış - Turkey CORONA, OCHOA - Francisco - USA SERİM, Ahmet Tansel - Turkey COŞKAN, Sevgi - Turkey SÖKMEN, Miray - Turkey ÇAKIR, Emel - Turkey TOPRAK, Umut - Turkey DUMAN, Kamil - Turkey TÖR, Mahmut - UK DURMUŞOĞLU, Enver - Turkey ULUBAŞ SERÇE, Çiğdem - Turkey EVLİCE, Emre - Turkey ÜSTÜN, Nursen - Turkey Plant Protection Bulletin has been published by Plant Protection Central Research Institute since 1952. The journal is published four times a year with original research articles in English or Turkish languages on plant protection and health. It includes research on biological, ecological, physiological, epidemiological, taxonomic studies and methods of protection in the field of disease, pest and weed natural enemies that cause damage in plant and plant products. In addition, studies on residue, toxicology and formulations of plant protection products and plant protection machinery are also included. Article evaluation process is based on double blind referee system and published as open access. Annual biological studies, short communication, fisrt report and compilations do not publish in the journal. Abstracted/indexed by EBSCOhost, CAB Abstracts, Clarivate Analytics-Zoological Record, TR-Dizin. Plant Protection Bulletin is quarterly publication of the Directorate of Plant Protection Central Research Institute on behalf of General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies. Correspondence Address : Zirai Mücadele Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü Gayret Mahallesi Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bulvarı No.66 PK 49 06172 Yenimahalle, Ankara / TÜRKİYE +90 (0312) 344 59 93 (4 lines) +90 (0312) 315 15 31 [email protected] http://dergipark.gov.tr/bitkkorb Grafik Tasarım : Filiz Eryılmaz Printing: Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı - Eğitim ve Yayım Dairesi Başkanlığı İvedik Caddesi Bankacılar Sokak No: 10 Yenimahalle, Ankara Türkiye Tel: (0312) 315 65 55 - Fax: 0312 344 81 40 E-Posta : [email protected] 2 3 PLANT PROTECTION BULLETIN / BİTKİ KORUMA BÜLTENİ Volume 60 No 3 July - September 2020 Contents / İçindekiler Determination of the pathotypes of Rhynchosporium commune (Zaffarona, McDonald & Linde) in some regions of Turkey ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Türkiye’nin bazı bölgelerinde Rhynchosporium commune (Zaffarona, McDonald & Linde)’nin patotiplerinin belirlenmesi Mohammad Reza AZAMPARSA, Aziz KARAKAYA Genetic diversity of pear cultivars using SSR markers and their reactions to pear rust (Gymnosporangium fuscum) ........................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Armut çeşitlerinin SSR markörlerine göre genetik çeşitliliğinin belirlenmesi ve Armut memeli pasına (Gymnosporangium fuscum) reaksiyonları Suat KAYMAK, Hasan PINAR Rapid diagnosis of citrus anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides using a LAMP (Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification) assay ................................................................................................................................. 25 Turunçgil antraknoz etmeni Colletotrichum gloeosporioides’in LAMP (Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification) tekniği kullanılarak hızlı tanısı Aysun UYSAL, Şener KURT Distribution of Septoria tritici blotch disease agent Zymoseptoria tritici mating type idiomorphs in Turkey ........ 33 Septorya yaprak lekesi hastalığı etmeni Zymoseptoria tritici eşleşme tipi idiomorflarının Türkiye’deki dağılımı Zemran MUSTAFA A pest that could be posing a threat to mulberry production of Turkey: Glyphodes pyloalis (Walker, 1859) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) .......................................................................................................................................... 39 Türkiye dut üretimini tehdit edebilecek bir zararlı: Glyphodes pyloalis (Walker, 1859) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) Gürsel ÇETİN, Pınar HEPHIZLI GÖKSEL, Mustafa ÖZDEMİR, Yılmaz BOZ Population development of Agonoscena pistaciae Burckhardt and Lauterer (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in pistachio (Siirt cultivar) orchards in Siirt province ................................................................................................................... 47 Siirt ili Antep fıstığı (Siirt çeşidi) bahçelerinde Agonoscena pistaciae Burckhardt and Lauterer (Hemiptera: Psyllidae)’nın popülasyon gelişmesi Halil DİLMEN, Mehmet Salih ÖZGÖKÇE Determination of the reactions of some chickpea cultivars against Rhizoctonia species and anastomosis groups threatening chickpea ................................................................................................................................................... 57 Nohutta sorun olan Rhizoctonia tür ve anastomosis gruplarına karşı bazı nohut çeşitlerinin reaksiyonlarının belirlenmesi Gürkan BAŞBAĞCI, Fatma Sara DOLAR Serological and molecular detection of Cauliflower mosaic virus and its vectors infecting cold-season vegetables in Ankara province .......................................................................................................................................................... 65 Ankara ili kışlık sebze üretim alanlarında Cauliflower mosaic virus’u ve vektörlerinin serolojik ve moleküler olarak tanılanması Ahmad Hekmat KASHTIBANA, Filiz ERTUNÇ 2 3 PLANT PROTECTION BULLETIN / BİTKİ KORUMA BÜLTENİ Volume 60 No 3 July - September 2020 Contents / İçindekiler Comparison of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor genes in Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) populations .................................................................................................................................................................. 73 Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) popülasyonlarında nikotinik asetilkolin reseptör genlerinin karşılaştırılması Gül SATAR, M. Rifat ULUSOY Determination of the efficacy of some herbicides on the weeds in safflower ............................................................ 81 Aspirdeki yabancı otlar üzerine bazı herbisitlerin etkisinin belirlenmesi İstem BUDAK, Ahmet Tansel SERİM, Ünal ASAV Determination of the effectiveness of different spraying programs against powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator Schw.) ........................................................................................................................................................................... 89 Bağ küllemesi hastalığına (Erysiphe necator Schw.) karşı farklı ilaçlama programlarının etkinliğinin belirlenmesi Duygu MERMER DOĞU, Damla ZOBAR 4 5 Bitki Koruma Bülteni / Plant Protection Bulletin, 2020, 60 (3) : 5-14 Bitki Koruma Bülteni / Plant Protection Bulletin http://dergipark.gov.tr/bitkorb Original article Determination of the pathotypes of Rhynchosporium commune (Zaffarona, McDonald & Linde) in some regions of Turkey Türkiye’nin bazı bölgelerinde Rhynchosporium commune (Zaffarona, McDonald & Linde)’nin patotiplerinin belirlenmesi Mohammad Reza AZAMPARSAa, Aziz KARAKAYAb* aUniversity of Maragheh, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Maragheh, Iran bAnkara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Dışkapı, Ankara, Turkey ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Article history: Barley scald, caused by the fungal pathogen Rhynchosporium commune is DOI: 10.16955/bitkorb.460235 the most important disease of barley in the world and in Turkey. Surveys were Received : 15.09.2018 conducted during 2012, 2013, and 2014 in different regions of Turkey. Isolations Accepted : 30.05.2020 were accomplished from diseased leaves and from these fifty-two R. commune single spore isolates were selected. A total of 30 scald pathotypes were Keywords: distinguished based on virulence on 17 barley differential set cultivars. Eighteen, Rhynchosporium commune, 14, 6, and 1 of these pathotypes were from Central Anatolia, Southeast Anatolia, differential set, scald pathotypes, Hordeum vulgare Aegean, and the Black Sea regions of Turkey, respectively. Twenty, 5, 1, 3, and 1 of these pathotypes were represented by 20, 2, 3, 4, and 7 isolates, respectively. * Corresponding author: Aziz KARAKAYA None of the pathotypes was
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