INSIDE NEWZEALAND'S FEMINIST MAGAZINE THIRTEENTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION DECEMBER 1984 ISSUE 125 $2.50 JOOIS & ( r n d «are T o P f e mm BROADSHEET AVAILABLE NO W CALLS A SPADE MAORI ASPADE SOVEREIGNTY DONNA AWATERE The book no New Zealander can afford N O T to read. It challenges every preconception you ever had about Aotearoa, Hs history and its people. The first three parts, TH E DEATH MACHINE, ALLIANCES, and Digging in the sand, Takapuna Beach, Auckland, December 1910. Auckland Public Library. BEYOND THE NOBLE SAVAGE, published in Broadsheet, PLUS A new section — EXO DUS — All summer long we'll be outlining the task ahead. digging up thought provoking articles, news and reviews A quality production fo r your holiday reading. with over 70 photographs. Get beneath the surface SECURE YOUR COPY NOW, with Broadsheet. (on page 48), O NLY $12.95 Available from all booksellers, SUBSCRIBE NOW. Distributed by Benton Ross. Published by Broadsheet Box 5799, Auckland Turn to page 48 fo r details. Phone 794-751. CONTENTS FEATURES OVERJ H E TOPP An interview with Jools and Lynda 14 ALL SHE^A/ANTS IS A TALL SHIP All women yacht race 19 W OM EN AT PIT______ Miner's wives strike back 28 THE WIT OF MAE WEST 32 ARTS W O RKING W OM EN______ A poem by Marylynn Boyes 31 A MAHER OF ADJUSTMENT Fiction bv F m n r ^ 38 REVIEWS-------Seco n d h and Children/Deep Breathing/High Country Weather/ Nest m a Fallin^Tree/Dragon Rampant/ Women's Studies Journal/Women Draw 1984/ Frustration and More Frustration/16 Artists 42 REGULARS LEHERS and FRO N TIN G UP SET VIEWS ____Sexual Violence on TV HIT LIST POLL EMICK BEHIND THE NEWS -Wellington Women's Summit/A Bigger Slice of the Cnkp/ jAnoth^Tdlkjhow?/Ciao Belle from Ragnatela/Women's Forums ^rE^itjlikUGENCEjERVICE-----B i^Jl^mi/itud^tTitoirStripperqrom/^ Queenstown Pro-Kanak Demo 12 O N THEJsHELF_______Bookshop Advertisement 23 WHAT'S NEW ? 40 HOGWASH 41 CLASSIFIED ____Advertisements 48 COVER and FRONTISPIECE Jools and Lynda Topp by Bruce Connew, ICON. d, PO Box 5799 Wellesley Street, Auckland; Regis­ ter 1984 and printed by W an9anui Newspapers A ^ ^ ^ a n ^ A sia n$39, A^stralla'and^outh^^ surface $3,. overseas airmail Europe $43.50, Permission must be sought before articles may be reprinted Evanstw^lHno^n60201,*U^A''Omen'S C ° " eCli0"' * pecial DePartm'"'' Northwestern University Library, ISSN 01 10-8603 Registered at the G PO as a magazine. vantage for our sons. It appears photocopy of it to be passed to give them that advantage around. Some in total disbelief even with their peers in that that Morgie had actually got they know their own selves herself into print, others just to more clearly and in fact require be nosy. less peer approval. I believe my One comment that sticks in boys have a much wider range my mind from an Officer who of choices, a better develop­ was on duty, “Didn’t you know TAILING TIGERS for her sons, which gathered momentum to an almost pathe­ ment of sensitivity and sensibil­ we were all lesbians”. If that is I am writing to say how much tic conclusion. It is staggering ity, and a far greater respect in what she got out of the article I enjoyed Jill Keogh’s article to me that five whole pages of general for women than they she must be pretty shallow! on raising boys, Tailing Ti­ Broadsheet should be given had any possibility of whilst Personally I feel, this article gers (October Broadsheet). I over to an article excusing and their father (or any other man I merely pricked their consci­ haven’t come upon many arti­ pampering boys, supposedly know) was actively involved in ences and rightly so. Some of cles on bringing up boys in underprivileged because of their parenting. the ways some of the Officers feminist publications. In fact, their feminist solo parenting! And finally, that great castle speak is nothing but pure filth. there’s not much at all on At the same time Jill brushes in the sky “our governing sys­ Oh I’m no prude, but I cer­ child-rearing. Quite a bit on off her daughters’ experiences tem” that Jill concludes with, is tainly don't speak like that to childbirth but after that with barely a mention, and patriarchal - and thus is them. It’s no use complaining you’re left to your own de­ condemns the other young worked by and for the suppor­ as no one will listen. Not only vices, especially with males. women her sons have contact ters of that patriarchy. As indi­ that, you still have to virtually You sometimes read about with thus: .. “Doc despairs of vidual women I do not believe live with that person (who as ways to make daughters as­ finding girls his age with ideas - we will change that structure - we say holds the keys) for a sertive, to support them in a he thinks he’ll go for older there is nothing in that change time afterwards, so things sexist world but boys are ig­ women - it’s not easy being for them. Feminism is FOR could be made difficult. nored. Perhaps you should white, heterosexual and male, women, for ourselves, for our Don’t get me wrong, there drown them at birth! and brought up like us, they say daughters . it is pro women are some excellent Officers, But the truth is mothers do with chagrin.” . As far as I and not, I feel, a vehicle for who do genuinely care, but have sons, as many as can see, Jill’s sons have one hell helping to improve the inhe­ they at times must feel like daughters, and they have to of a lot going for them in a rently misogynist system of banging their heads against a be brought up to the best of white patriarchial society if patriarchy. Our sons will grow wall, as they must also contend our ability. Jill Keogh gave a they developed that sort of into men, and via their vastly with the hierarchy. very real account of the con­ antiwoman attitude! differing life experiences and There is Racism within the flicts faced by boys brought While I fully appreciate the personalities they MAY walls, but more amongst the up in a non-sexist home in­ difficulties of solo parenting (I perhaps develop more positive Staff than the girls. During my time coming to terms with the solo parent 4 children - 1 girl ways of relating with women, I’ve witnessed all sorts of grow­ pressures of society towards and 3 boys) I think that Jill de­ as a result of their pro women ing experiences, both with the macho behaviour. I loved her fends her sons’ life crises to an (not anti male!) upbringing. young and the not so young, descriptions of her sons’ male inordinate degree, and is quite That is the most we can hope the so called blacks and the friends’ visits to her house. over sensitive about her role in for. For your own precious whites. Prison life has certainly She also highlights a problem these crises. The problems womynspirit-self Jill - be opened up my eyes to many faced by mothers raising sons faced by her sons are faced by realistic! things, which I didn’t realise in their fathers’ absence - the literally thousands of our chil­ In mother/daughter sister/ even existed. I’ve grown within need for good male role mod­ dren - not just sons, or even womynhood, myself in lots of ways. I’ve also els, once again something been witness to the “Connec­ sons of feminist mums! Their Jools Joslin never referred to by tions” system and how it adolescent difficulties are Inglewood feminists. If girls need good theirs and whilst as mothers we works. Somehow the person role models, so do boys. concerned is forgotten, but the may give support at such times, BEHIND BARS Keogh’s style of writing is we cannot protect them or hierarchy will try to impress the original and vivid. Her de­ make continual excuses for Dear Broadsheet, connections if only they scription of her children’s why our poor precious sons Her article was “Without realised how transparent they fathers and their attitudes to aren’t succeeding in that par­ Walls”, mine should be “Be­ were being. On the other hand their children was especially ticular direction at that particu­ hind Bars” or perhaps “Inside there are the street kids. If any­ brilliant! lar time. I think it is literally Looking Out”. one knows about survival they This is the first article on grasping at straws to imagine I’ve got to know Morgie (as surely do. bringing up a son that fits with th at.. .“ a few responsible and she is known to the girls) rather The inmates themselves my own experience and I loving men are aware of the well over a period of months. I come from many different loved it. I hope Jill Keogh problem and are forming quite agree she is both walks of life. I feel we can all writes more. I will be an eager groups to help themselves and philosophic and funny. From a learn a lot from each other in reader. help others to help themselves. collected point of view her arti­ many ways. cle was both frank and honest. There appears to be quite a Helen Watson These groups can be helpful to That’s Morgie to a T.
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