COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2017 SESSION OF 2017 201ST OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 22 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES STATEMENT BY MR. EVERETT The SPEAKER. Members, please take your seats. The House convened at 11 a.m., e.d.t. Representative Garth Everett will be making remarks with respect to a resolution. We will be voting on that subsequently. THE SPEAKER (MIKE TURZAI) He does have guests here, and we are going to be doing all the PRESIDING resolution votes subsequent to Representative Everett and Representative Sturla's remarks. PRAYER You may proceed, sir. Mr. EVERETT. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The SPEAKER. The prayer today will be offered by Pastor I have a resolution that will be in front of us today Brad Mellon of St. Luke's Church in North Wales, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Chesapeake Bay Pennsylvania. He is a guest of our friend and colleague, Foundation, and I have with me today, if you would stand up in Representative Marcy Toepel. the back, Will Baker, the president of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation; Harry Campbell, the Pennsylvania executive PASTOR BRAD MELLON, Guest Chaplain of the House of director; Bill Chain, senior agricultural program manager; and Representatives, offered the following prayer: Lane Whigham, outreach and advocacy manager. They are in the back and I welcome them here to our chamber today to Let us pray. commemorate their 50th anniversary. God, as we gather here today, the esteemed members of the Fifty years ago, back in 1967, the folks from the bay area House, we pray that we will be ever mindful of the many recognized that the beautiful Chesapeake Bay was not so opportunities we have to render service to our fellow citizens beautiful and they formed the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and and our communities. May we keep in mind always the came up with a motto that we still have today to "Save the Bay." enduring values we hold dear, laying a foundation upon which They soon learned that they had a lot of work to do and the future generations can build with confidence. Help us to work continues today. continue to strive for a better world, nation, and Just as a little educational point, the Chesapeake Bay is a Commonwealth. 64,000-square-mile watershed and 50 percent of the water, the We are thankful for this day that You have given, for the fresh water that goes into that 64,000-square-mile bay, comes blessings, the opportunities, and the challenges. from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The good news is We must never forget the men and women that serve in our that in 1972 Congress passed the Clean Water Act and things Armed Forces around the globe. We honor their service. started to move forward. But it is an ongoing process and the We pray for one another today for strength and guidance to Chesapeake Bay Foundation was instrumental in forming the meet each day's duties and to address each day's problems. May Chesapeake Bay Commission, which Representative Sturla and we always give of our best, and may we be continually assured I serve on, a three-State legislative organization. Over the years of Your presence with us. Amen. the Bay Foundation has been active in creating some great legislation, nutrient management, the CREP program PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program), and I think most importantly they have a very, very robust education (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and program that serves more than 35,000 students every year and visitors.) includes the Susquehanna Watershed Education Program here in Pennsylvania. The Bay Foundation not only talks about things, it does JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED things. It has done more than 6,300 acres of wetlands, 20,900 acres of forested buffers, and planted more than The SPEAKER. Without objection, the approval of the 2.3 million trees in the watershed. Journal of Monday, May 8, 2017, will be postponed until It is my pleasure to be a part of the restoration of the bay, printed. and here in Pennsylvania it is restoring clean water in our local watersheds across the Commonwealth. There are encouraging 720 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL—HOUSE MAY 9 signs. The bay has gotten three good report cards. We have Deasy Kaufer O'Neill Vitali made it up to – we used to consistently get F's. We have made it Delozier Kauffman Oberlander Walsh DeLuca Kavulich Ortitay Ward to C and we want to get all the way to A, and with the help of Dermody Keefer Pashinski Warren the foundation moving forward, we will be able to do that. Diamond Keller, F. Peifer Wentling The 50th anniversary is a significant achievement, but it is DiGirolamo Keller, M.K. Petrarca Wheatley just a start, and I want to congratulate the foundation on Donatucci Keller, W. Petri Wheeland Dowling Kim Pickett White 50 years of hard work and look forward to working with them Driscoll Kinsey Pyle Youngblood as we go forward. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Dunbar Kirkland Quigley Zimmerman The SPEAKER. Thank you so much. Dush Klunk Quinn, C. Ellis Knowles Quinn, M. Turzai, Emrick Kortz Rabb Speaker LEAVES OF ABSENCE English The SPEAKER. The majority whip requests leaves of ADDITIONS–0 absence for Kathy WATSON of Bucks County for the day and NOT VOTING–0 Ryan WARNER of Fayette County for the day. Without objection, those will be granted. EXCUSED–8 The minority whip requests leaves of absence for Carolyn COMITTA of Chester County for the day, Tina DAVIS of Comitta DeLissio Mako Warner Bucks County for the day, Pam DeLISSIO of Philadelphia Davis Fabrizio Samuelson Watson County for the day, Flo FABRIZIO of Erie County for the day, LEAVES ADDED–3 and Steve SAMUELSON of Northampton County for the day. Without objection, those will be granted. Rapp Schemel Ward LEAVES CANCELED–5 MASTER ROLL CALL DeLissio Samuelson Schemel Ward The SPEAKER. We will proceed to vote on the master roll. Rapp Members, proceed to vote. The following roll call was recorded: The SPEAKER. There is a quorum being established with 195 votes. PRESENT–195 Baker Evankovich Krueger Rader UNCONTESTED CALENDAR Barbin Evans Kulik Rapp Barrar Everett Lawrence Ravenstahl Benninghoff Farry Lewis Readshaw RESOLUTIONS PURSUANT TO RULE 35 Bernstine Fee Longietti Reed Bizzarro Fitzgerald Mackenzie Reese Mr. KINSEY called up HR 162, PN 1006, entitled: Bloom Flynn Madden Roae Boback Frankel Maher Roe A Resolution designating the month of May 2017 as "Academic Boyle Freeman Maloney Roebuck Achievement Month" in Pennsylvania and honoring those who have Bradford Fritz Markosek Rothman exemplified academic success in their courses of study. Briggs Gabler Marshall Rozzi Brown, R. Gainey Marsico Ryan * * * Brown, V. Galloway Masser Saccone Bullock Gergely Matzie Sainato Burns Gillen McCarter Sankey Mr. HEFFLEY called up HR 244, PN 1421, entitled: Caltagirone Gillespie McClinton Santora Carroll Godshall McGinnis Saylor A Resolution honoring Jacobus Franciscus "Jim" Thorpe by Causer Goodman McNeill Schemel designating May 20, 2017, as "Jim Thorpe Day" in Pennsylvania. Cephas Greiner Mehaffie Schlossberg Charlton Grove Mentzer Schweyer * * * Christiana Haggerty Metcalfe Simmons Conklin Hahn Metzgar Sims Cook Hanna Miccarelli Snyder Mr. BAKER called up HR 269, PN 1515, entitled: Corbin Harkins Millard Solomon Corr Harper Miller, B. Sonney A Resolution designating May 9, 2017, as "Pennsylvania Health Costa, D. Harris, A. Miller, D. Staats Care Information Technology Awareness Day" in Pennsylvania. Costa, P. Harris, J. Milne Stephens Cox Heffley Moul Sturla * * * Cruz Helm Mullery Tallman Culver Hennessey Murt Taylor Cutler Hickernell Mustio Thomas Mr. EMRICK called up HR 299, PN 1594, entitled: Daley Hill Neilson Tobash Davidson Irvin Nelson Toepel A Resolution recognizing the week of May 21 through 27, 2017, Dawkins James Nesbit Toohil as "Public Works Week" in Pennsylvania. Day Jozwiak Neuman Topper Dean Kampf O'Brien Vazquez * * * 2017 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL—HOUSE 721 Mr. CUTLER called up HR 300, PN 1595, entitled: Bizzarro Fee Longietti Reed Bloom Fitzgerald Mackenzie Reese A Resolution designating May 15, 2017, as "Trauma Registrars Boback Flynn Madden Roae Day" in Pennsylvania. Boyle Frankel Maher Roe Bradford Freeman Maloney Roebuck Briggs Fritz Markosek Rothman * * * Brown, R. Gabler Marshall Rozzi Brown, V. Gainey Marsico Ryan Mrs. DEAN called up HR 301, PN 1596, entitled: Bullock Galloway Masser Saccone Burns Gergely Matzie Sainato A Resolution designating the month of May 2017 as "Bike Caltagirone Gillen McCarter Sankey Month," the week of May 15 through 19, 2017, as "Bike to Work Carroll Gillespie McClinton Santora Week" and May 19, 2017, as "Bike to Work Day" in Pennsylvania. Causer Godshall McGinnis Saylor Cephas Goodman McNeill Schlossberg Charlton Greiner Mehaffie Schweyer * * * Christiana Grove Mentzer Simmons Conklin Haggerty Metcalfe Sims Ms. RAPP called up HR 302, PN 1603, entitled: Cook Hahn Metzgar Snyder Corbin Hanna Miccarelli Solomon A Resolution designating May 14, 2017, as "Apraxia Awareness Corr Harkins Millard Sonney Day" in Pennsylvania. Costa, D. Harper Miller, B. Staats Costa, P. Harris, A. Miller, D. Stephens Cox Harris, J. Milne Sturla * * * Cruz Heffley Moul Tallman Culver Helm Mullery Taylor Ms. CULVER called up HR 314, PN 1642, entitled: Cutler Hennessey Murt Thomas Daley Hickernell Mustio Tobash A Resolution recognizing the week of May 7 through 13, 2017, as Davidson Hill Neilson Toepel "Women's Lung Health Week" in Pennsylvania to encourage all Dawkins Irvin Nelson Toohil residents of this Commonwealth to learn more about the detection and Day James Nesbit Topper treatment of lung cancer. Dean Jozwiak Neuman Vazquez Deasy Kampf O'Brien Vitali Delozier Kaufer O'Neill Walsh * * * DeLuca Kauffman Oberlander Warren Dermody Kavulich Ortitay Wentling Mr. MURT called up HR 318, PN 1646, entitled: Diamond Keefer Pashinski Wheatley DiGirolamo Keller, F.
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