\ IN AND AROUND HAIFA WELFARE HANDBOOK FOR THE FORCES ISSUED FREE M lLlTARY SUPPLIER Producer of the finest CeDe Chocolates and SHIPPING AGENCY LIMITED SHIPPINC STEVEDORING FORWA.RDING & INSURANCE AGENTS 7 8 HAIFA P 0.B. READ The Kingsway THE HAIFA WELFARE PHOTO HOUSE ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE (Approved Military PUBLISHED -gagher) WEEKLY FOR ALL INFORMATION Khayat Square ON LOCAL EVENTS . opp. Post Office AND enmse mxY t'o ENTERTAINMENTS. Officers Shop.. FOUND AT ALL CLUBS, HOSTELS AND AMATEUR SERVICE and LEADING HOTELS. PORTRAITS NAAMAN LTD., HAIFA CLAY BRICK WORKS P.O.B. 1423 - Phone: Offices 2880, Factory 7220. RED BURNT CLAY BRICKS. 11 TNUVA All kinds of solid and hollow bricks, Red Clay. I DAIRY PRODUCTS, FRUITS, FIREPROOF GOODS. VEGETABLES, HONEY, JAMS ETC. 1 All kinds and shapes of fire bricks, Standard - ~1 Size, Cones, Slabs etc. for all industrial purposes. I 1 , Those who know the Orient will appreciate POTTERY. I' =r= TNUVA'S -= For household and industry. -I PROGRESSIVE METHODS OF PRODUCTION! - ~S~~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIII ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~~IIRS NOTICE TO THE MILITARY I MOUNT CARMEL AND AHUZA BUS SERVICE ) COOP. COMPANY LIMITED BOUTAGY'S HIRE SECTION Boutas offers for hire Radios, ROUTE No. 4. Ranges, Typerwriters, Pianos, at moderate terms. Haifa Town to ~huktHerbert Samuel Inspection by appointment only. ROUTE No. 4A Telephone HAIFA 3062, or visit Hadar Hacarmel to Central Camel Reception Office, Jaffa Rd., Haifa. ROUTE No. 4B T. S. BOUTAGY and SONS Ahuzat Herbert Samuel to Khayat Beach H.M.V. House on the road to Bat Galim, HA I F A. ~IALROUTE i Central Carmel to Yaaroth Hacarmel -~~1111111~111111lllllll~llllllllllllIll~ - With the compliments of - - -n When spending your Leave in Haifa or Tel-Adiv -2 HEROUTH LTD. VISIT OUR BOOKSHOPS Contractors of sanitary installations, at drainage, hot water supply, central HAIFA : Central Railway Station heating and steam. TEL AVIV: 29 Allenby Road, 64 Allenby Road, Suppliers of sanitary materials. and Central Bus Station He& Offire: Montefiore St. TEL AVIV here you will find the latest English and P.O.Box. 1969 'PHONE 4762 American books, newspapers and magazines. Branches : HAIFA 63 Harbour St P.O.B. 648 Tel. 4789 PALES PRESS CO. LTD. T E L A V I V 1 Jaffa-Tel Aviv Rd. Conressionnaires in Militdry Camps and P.O.B. 1969 Tel. 4762 .rappliers to Education and Welfare JERUSALEM Jaffa St. P.O.B. 342 Tel. 3096 ,O f f i c e r s and M i 1 it a r y Librmies. -- - SMOKE n CEDEHA CIGARS With Compliments of THE HOUSE FOR ELEGANT LEA~HER GOODS k 8 GIFTS -i!h 3. PALESTINE SHIP REPAIRS DE HAAS BROS CO. LTD. Manufacturers of HAIFA high quality cigars - HAIFA - Now Busin. Contra 11.- ~aifu POB. 34Tel. 7167 1 opp. Savoy Hotel THE With compliments of the MISHMAR HAMIFRATZ UNIVERSAL WARDEN (KV. ZIFZIF) LTD. BOOKSHOP INSURANCE BUS ROUTE NO. 14. CONNECTING HAIFA WITH : 41, KINGSWAY, HAIFA CO. LTD. REFINERY SITE KIRYAT BIALIK (opp. Police Headquarters) - LIVERPOOL - INDUSTRIAL CENTRE KIRYAT YAM I IR-GANIM SABINA Lurge Selection of represented by the KIRYAT FROSTIG "NAAMAN" English Books / Newspapers KIRYAT BENJAMIN SHAVE1 ZION Periodicals / Magazines PALESTINE MILLING KFAR ATA NAHARIA Technical and Educational. & TRADING CO. LTD RAMAT JOHANAN BASSA Books KIRYAT HAIM MATZUBA KIRYAT MOTZKIN HANITA HAIFA I EILON INDEX TO GENERAL INFORMATION Page Page Acwmmodation 23-25 Education 18 African Canteen 23 Education Officer 18 Amphitheatre 2 1 En- Dor Gnema 2 1 Area Cashier 16 ENSA 2 1 Armon Cinema 2 1 Entertainments 13; 20, 21, 22 Army Garrison Club 21. 23 Entertainments Guide 20-22 Army Post Office 15 EFI Officers Club 19 Army Welfare Officer 17 EFI Officers Club Annex 19 B. EFI Officers Club Annex 19 Banks 16 F. Barclays Bank (D.C.&O) 16.20 Far- 15 Bat Galim Swimming Pool 20 Field Cashier 16 Bathing 18, 20 Forces Information Bureau Baths, hot 18 14, 15, 19, 20, 25 British Institute. The British Forces Night 2 1 Sailors' Insoihte 19, 23 G. PALESTINI! AUTOMOBILE CORP. Ltd. Buses 15, 20, 21 General Hospital 14 I I C. Gramophone Recitals 22. 23 Cables and Wireless 16 H. New Business Centre HAIFA Tel. 4211 Canteens 13, 18, 23, 24, 25 Hadera 25 Central Railway Station 16 Haifa Central Station 16 Church Army Hut 25 Haifa Cinemas 20, 21 Church of England 22 Haifa East Station 15 Church of Scotland 22 Haifa Welfare Entertainments Church, Roman Catholic 22 Guide 20. 21. 22 RUBBER FACTORY Churches 22 Hibbert House 25 Church Services 22 Hospital, 42nd General 14 Cinemas 20, 21 Hostels 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25 FRANZ LEV1 LTD. Civ~il Post Office 16 Hot Baths 18 Clubs 19-25 Hotels 25 TEL. 3652 HATFA P.O.B. 287 Club services 22 Hot Showers 18 Concerts 19, 22, 23 I. RUBBER HOSES C. M. P. 14, 15 Indian Army Post Office 15 WATERPROOFS Currency l7 Information Bureau, Forces D. 14, 15. 19, 20. 25 BELTING Dances 19, 21, 23 J. DINGHIES Debates Jewish Soldiers' Club 23 Dolphin, The iz K. AND ALL KINDS OF HUBBER GOODS E. Khayat Beach Bathing East Station. Haifa 15 Establishment 20 L. R. Leave & Report Gntre 14, 15 Railway Stations 15. 16 Lectures 19. 23 R. T. O., 15 Legal Aid I8 Rtcreation Club. Soldiers' Legal Aid Welfare Officer I8 18. 21, 22, 24 Library 18, 19, 23 Roman Catholic Church 22 Little Beach, The 20 RAOC Officers Shop t8 S. M. Salvation Army Hostel 22. 24 Married Couples. St. Andrewa Club, Haifa 22, 24 accommodation of 24, 25 St. Andrewr Hmtel, Tiberiaa 25 Medical Attention 14 St. Luke's Church 22 FOREWORD. M.M.C. Club 23 Services, Church 22 Moriah Hall 2 1 Services, Club 22 N. Showers, Hot and Cold 18 This Guide is published for the particular use of those SIB 14 members of HM and Allied Forces who corn to HAIFA NAAFI/EFI Canteen 23, 25 Soldiers Recreation Club NAAFI/EFI Officers Club 19 18, 21, 22, 24 either on leave, in transit or on posting. I hope that it will NAAFI/EFI Officers Club S. S. A. F. A. 17. I8 fill a long felt need and that the information it contains Annex 19 Sports Shop. NAAFl 19 concerning the history, entertainments and amenities of NAAFI Sports Shop 19 Stations, Railway 15. 16 Nathanya 25 HAIFA will be of interest and use. Nazareth 25 T. As will be seen from the Guide, the Services in HAIFA ~ajMahal Club 24 0. Taxi Fares 15 are very much indebted to the various voluntary and philan- Officer i/c. Transport 15 Tea Garden 24 thropic organisations for their provision of hostels, canteens, Officers Club 19 Tiberias 25 and entertainment. I should like to take this opportunity of Officers Club Annex 19 Torch House I8 thanking them, their representatives and the various mem- Officers Shop I8 Tours 19, 20. 23 bers of the civilian community who devote so much time Omnibuses 15, 20. 21 Trains 14. 15 163 Transit Camp 20, 23 Transit Camp 20, 23 and energy to the welfare of the troops in the Area. Ottoman Bank 16 Transport Officer 15 1 should also like to thank the advertise~sin the Guide, P. uv who by their support have made its publication possible. Victory Baths 18 Pal. Maritime League Sailors Club 24 W. BRIGADIER J. 0. CARPENTER. C.B.E., M.C. Palestine Police 15 Welfare En~ertainmentGuide Palestinian Currency 17 20, 21. 22 Parcels to England 16 Welfare Officer, 15 Area 17 Places of Worship 22 Welsh Society 19 Plymouth Brethren 22 Whist Drives 22 Police. Military 14, 15 Womens' Services 21 Pool, Bat Calim Swimming 20 Worship, Places of 22 Post Office. Army I5 Writing rooms 23, 24, 25 Port Office. Civil 16 XYZ. Post Office, Indian Army 15 YWCA 24 apply to R.T.O. and to the Forces Information Bureau. GENERAL INFORMATION. All milihry traffic use HAIFA EAST Station. LEAVE AND REPORT CENTRE. (C.M.P.) TAXI FARES. All personnel arriving on leave will report immediately All officers and other ranks who are not fully con- on arrival to the Leave and Report Centre, Kingsway. versant with the Area, are advised to visit the Forces Infor- Tel. No. 6004. matmionBureau and study the scale of taxi fares for Haifa and district. Officers and other ranks are advised to get a THE FORCES INFORMATION BUREAU. Tel. 6178. receipt for fares paid if they are of the opinion that they are being overcharged. It is only in this way that the C.M.P. The Forces Information Bureau is available to answel (with the help of the Palestine Police) can assist. all your queries. If there is anything you want to know about Haifa or it's surroundings, about it's hostels, it's ho- tels, available trips, or i,f .it is just one of those questions BUSES. to which you do not know the answer ......go to the Forces Owing to continual alterations, no details can be given of Information Bureau, which will be found in the Leave and these. For particulars of all bus services and time tables, Report Centre, Kingsway. apply to the Forces Information Bureau. Hours of business 08.45 hrs. - 13.00 hrs. 14.30 hrs. - 17.00 hrs. OFFICER ijc TRANSPORT Sundays 10.00 hrs. - 12.00 hrs. The office of the Officer i/c Transport is to be found on the main Haifa-Tel Aviv road, between Bat Galim and SIB. Khayat: Beach. Tel. No. 613. To contact the Security Investigation Bureau, ring. Tel. No. 6119. ARMY POST OFFICE. The Army Post Office is at the extreme eastern end 15 AREA PRO COY.
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