Eur Respir J 2012; 39: 5–6 DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00127111 CopyrightßERS 2012 EDITORIAL The fibrocyte in pulmonary hypertension: we seek him here, we seek him there M.R. Toshner and N.W. Morrell he fibrocyte is one of many populations of bone marrow- hypoxia showed increased accumulation of bone marrow-derived derived cells that can be detected in the peripheral blood cells associated with pulmonary hypertension [12]. Inhibition of T and is considered to represent a mesenchymal progenitor chemokine receptor 4, the receptor for the stem cell mobiliser cell [1]. The fibrocyte, as we currently understand this term, was stromal-derived factor-1, significantly prevented and reversed originally described by BUCALA et al. [2] in 1994 and is defined by hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension in neonatal mice [13]. the expression of a variety of cell surface antigens, including the It may be significant that these experiments were conducted in stem cell marker CD34, the pan-leukocyte marker CD45, and neonatal hypoxia models. Neonates may respond to a hypoxic monocyte markers CD14 and CD11. The fibroblast-like nature of stimulus with more exuberant adventitial remodelling. This is these cells is evidenced by their expression of collagen I, collagen particularly true of the neonatal calf model, where animals develop II and vimentin. In normal individuals, these cells comprise suprasystemic pulmonary hypertension [14]. The strong demon- ,0.5% of circulating leukocytes [3]. In animal models employing stration of a significant bone marrow contribution to vascular surgically implanted wound chambers, it can be shown that remodelling is not uniform across disease models. In a rat ,16% of cells that accumulate over a number of days are puta- monocrotaline model combined with unilateral pneumonectomy tive blood-derived fibrocytes [4]. Similarly, CD34+ cells can be using green fluorescent protein-expressing chimeric bone marrow identified in human scar tissue, suggesting that these cells may transplanted rats, SAHARA et al. [15] found limited evidence for a contribute to tissue remodelling and repair [5]. Importantly, contribution of bone marrow-derived cells to the formation of the fibrocytes can be isolated and grown in culture [2]. Since these thickened media or the neointima in this model. However, those early observations, fibrocytes have been implicated in the tissue authors did confirm the presence of inflammatory cells accumulat- remodelling that occurs in a variety of human diseases, including ing in the adventitia of monocrotaline-treated/pneumonectomised idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, asthma, pulmonary hypertension, rats. Although the authors did not characterise these cells further, atherosclerosis and renal fibrosis [6]. Their potential role in the the results are consistent with the above reports of fibrocyte pathobiology of these diseases extends beyond the accumulation accumulation in the adventitia of these pre-clinical models. of fibroblasts in scar tissue and is now thought to include regu- lation of fibrogenesis by the secretion of cytokines and growth An important step in evaluating the role of circulating fibrocytes factors, the production of extracellular matrix and secretion of in human disease will be to provide evidence for their presence in matrix metalloproteinases [7]. In addition, they act as antigen the remodelled vasculature. This may prove difficult however. presenting cells and promote angiogenesis [8]. In human disease, the natural history of the remodelling process is probably much slower than in animal models. A feature of The pre-clinical evidence supporting a pathogenic role for fibro- fibrocytes is that they tend to lose the expression of haemato- cytes in fibroproliferative disease is compelling. Animal models poietic markers, such as CD45 and CD34, within a short time consistently show a contribution from circulating fibrocytes. In frame once incorporated into the disease tissue. This makes their animal models of pulmonary hypertension, as in human disease, identification and differentiation from resident mesenchymal pulmonary vascular remodelling is associated with fibroprolifera- cells extremely difficult in the absence of further specific markers. tive changes in the media and adventitia. Until recently, these One avenue may be to study rapidly progressive pulmonary changes were attributed to an expansion of local resident fibro- hypertension in neonates if tissue is available, where one might blasts. Recent studies by FRID and co-workers [9–11] in the maximise the chances of seeing fibrocyte accumulation. chronically hypoxic neonatal calf and in rats have shown that a proportion of the adventitial cells of pulmonary hypertensive A further approach that could examine the hypothesis that fibro- animals are of a blood-derived fibrocyte phenotype. Depletion cytes are involved in human pulmonary hypertension, albeit of bone marrow-derived monocytes prevented the adventitial indirectly, would be to determine whether the number or func- remodelling. A further study in newborn mice exposed to tion of circulating fibrocytes is altered in patients with pulmonary hypertension. This approach has been adopted in pulmonary fibrosis, where patients have higher numbers of circulating Division of Respiratory Medicine, Dept of Medicine, University of Cambridge School of Clinical fibrocytes [16]. Moreover, a positive correlation has been reported Medicine, Addenbrooke’s and Papworth Hospitals, Cambridge, UK. between the number of lung fibrocytes detected in broncho- CORRESPONDENCE: N.W. Morrell, Dept of Medicine, University of Cambridge School of Clinical alveolar lavage and the extent of fibrosis, and circulating fibrocyte Medicine, Box 157, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK. E-mail: numbers correlate with disease activity and with prognosis in c [email protected] idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis [16]. EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL VOLUME 39 NUMBER 1 5 EDITORIAL: PULMONARY VASCULAR DISEASE M.R. TOSHNER AND N.W. MORRELL In the current issue of the European Respiratory Journal (ERJ), two STATEMENT OF INTEREST groups publish results on the levels of circulating fibrocytes in None declared. the peripheral blood from differing populations of patients with pulmonary hypertension. YEAGER et al. [17] report increased levels of fibrocytes in children and young adults with idiopathic REFERENCES and secondary pulmonary hypertension compared with controls. 1 Quan TE, Cowper S, Wu SP, et al. Circulating fibrocytes: collagen- The numbers of fibrocytes correlated with pulmonary arterial secreting cells of the peripheral blood. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2004; 36: 598–606. pressure but not with any other clinical parameter, or length or 2 Bucala R, Spiegel LA, Chesney J, et al. Circulating fibrocytes define type of treatment. It was recently shown that the prostacyclin a new leukocyte subpopulation that mediates tissue repair. Mol analogue, treprostinil, inhibits the recruitment of fibrocytes to the Med 1994; 1: 71–81. lung in the chronically hypoxic mouse [18]. Although 10 out of 26 3 Herzog EL, Bucala R. Fibrocytes in health and disease. Exp Hematol patients in the study by YEAGER et al. 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Thromb Haemost 2009; 101: 613–618. not directly comparable because of differences in the methods 7 Stenmark KR, Frid MG, Yeager ME. Fibrocytes: potential new used to define fibrocyte numbers. For example, YEAGER et al.[17] therapeutic targets for pulmonary hypertension? Eur Respir J 2010; used CD45 and procollagen with an isotype-controlled flow- 36: 1232–1235. cytometric technique across the whole white blood cell gate. By 8 Chesney J, Bacher M, Bender A, et al. The peripheral blood fibrocyte is a potent antigen-presenting cell capable of priming contrast, GAMBARYAN et al. [19] used CD11b, CD34 and vimentin naive T cells in situ. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1997; 94: 6307–6312. as markers. Less information is available on the flow-cytometric 9 Frid MG, Aldashev AA, Cabirac GF, et al. Hypoxia stimulates technique used but it is clear there are significant methodological proliferation of a unique cell population isolated from the bovine differences. In addition, the different populations of subjects vascular media. Chest 1998; 114: Suppl. 1, 28S–29S. studied are likely to have a significant effect. 10 Frid MG, Brunetti JA, Burke DL, et al. Circulating mononuclear cells with a dual, macrophage-fibroblast phenotype contribute The study by GAMBARYAN et al. [19] also investigated the mem- robustly to hypoxia-induced pulmonary adventitial remodeling. brane expression of CD11b (an integrin, also known as com- Chest 2005; 128:
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