August 1, 2021 – Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Welcome to St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church! Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church We are glad that you are here with us today 1489 Donelson Pkwy, Dover, TN 37058 Ph: 1-931-232-9422 to worship our Lord—sharing at His Table and enjoying the True Joy in His Light !! For Sacraments Our Mission For Confessions: For the baptism of the first Saturdays: 5:00 —5:20 pm child, the parents and Gog- Our Church community is here to support its members Sundays: 9:15—9:45 am. parents should attend a prepa- of all ages through social, educational and spiritual All other times, by appointment. ration session. programs. We enjoy the celebration of the Sacraments and we are nurtured by the Body and Blood of our Lord For Marriage: Contact Father Anointing of the sick: All those and Savior, Jesus Christ. We work together to serve Joseph four months prior to who are seriously ill, are recom- our God, our Church and the Community. As our par- wedding date to receive mar- mended to ask for the Sacra- ish is rapidly growing we welcome volunteers to help riage preparation. ment of the Sick. Please con- us better serve our Church and its people. Join our tact Father Joseph ASAP. Catholic community and we can unite together on our For Baptism: Baptism should spiritual journey with God. take place as soon as possible For prayer requests, Mass offer- after birth. Expectant parents ings, blessings etc. please call With Saint Francis of Assisi, “We have been called to should contact Father Joseph. the office or Fr. Joseph. heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart, and to bring home those who have lost their way.” Parish Pastoral Council Chairman: Ellen Osborne Parish Administrator:: Rev. Joseph Mundakal CMI Vice Chairman: Britt Young Email: [email protected] (931-922-0246) Secretary: Carol Eanes Secretary: Linda Allen (931-232-9422) Religious Education: Linda Allen Parish Finance: Jim Darke Parish Outreach: Carol Eanes Liturgy Coordinator: Mary Gainer To schedule a Mass Offering or to have Youth Group: a visit from the Priest, or to request for Scott Osborne Music Director: Prayers for someone who needs help, Cathy Storey please call the office @ 931-232-9422 Charities: Betsy Van- Volkinburg Your Offerings Readers Greeters June 18 &25 Regular Collection $1,922.00 Aug 1 C. Eanes Simpson Family Capital Improvements: $100.00 Aug 8 A. Templon Osborne Family Aug 15 P. Bledsoe Darke Family Thank You For Your Support Refreshments If you cannot attend Church and still Aug 1 Jo-Ann & Elvira (Potluck) want to send in your weekly collection you Aug 8 D. Simpson & Volunteer can go to our website Aug 15 C. Eanes & C. Darke www.stfrancisdover.com and click on the E.M.H.C. Altar Serves Aug 1 F. Billman C. Allen Aug 8 P. Bledsoe B. Young Happy Birthday Aug 15 M. Gainer B. Perts Aug 3 Brendan Perts Aug 6 Marie Chacon Saturday Assignments July 31 B. Tragesser Aug 7 Erika Bowers Aug 7 K. Ford Aug 14 S. Austin Let us pray for our sick and ailing members, friends, family & caregivers: Karen Pennington, Sherrie Hernandez, Chaz Mass Schedule For the Week Graef, Amanda Graef, Mike Westfall, Deloris Saturday - 7-31-21 5:30 pm For Mildred Koutnik Bertrand, Jan Donahue, Fr. David Gaffny, Sunday - 8-1-21 10:00 am For SFC members Michelle Pratt, Marianne Tolbert, Heather Monday - 8-2-21 9:00 am For Leithner Family McDaniel, Gary Castonguay, Jose Matthew, Gary Burdick, Winford Cox, Jeff Scott, Ursula Jones, Tuesday - 8-3-21 No Mass *** Jim Wilson, Nancy Mahoney, Alice Gunter, Peter Wednesday –8-4-21 7:00 pm Peter Grooms Hughes, Marcia Crouch, Dannell, Fleur Dowell, Thursday - 8-5– 21 9:00 am Tonya Nash, Maria Dinicola, Kiera Sterken, Scott Friday - 8-6-21 9:00 am Templon, Tyler Riggins, Joel Gillespie, Mercedes Wren, Brent Kilpatrick, Eilene Hacker, Dannell Saturday - 8-7-21 5:30 pm Frantz, Rosalee Boyd, Raul Hernandez, The Sunday - 8-8-21 10:00 pm For SFC members Shannon Family, Chris Cox, Denise Scott-Hayes, The Miller Family, Quinton Cagle, Nathan Mark Your Calendar Thomas, Lana Holton, Tina Reilly, Chuck Hatha- way, Steve Shipero, Leslie Combs, Ed & Becky August 1 Second Collection for Capital Baine, Quentin Sabiano, Bill Powell, Dannell Pow- Improvements ell, Jim Dittman, David Sandlin, Jean Waytkus, August 1 Potluck Sunday. Please bring a dish to share! Karl Thomas, Jessica Hart, Scott Kring. August 8 Caring & Sharing Names will only be kept on the prayer list for 3 August 14 Premises Workday-8:00am. Please help us! months. Call the office if you would like to extend. August 15 Parish Council Meeting after Mass. Readings: Good News Reflection Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Announcements: August 1, 2021 Ps 78:3-4, 23-25, 54 Ephesians 4:17, 20-24 John 6:24-35 On Friday August 6th, Pray: My Lord: May my love for You move me to search and an- nounce the good news boldly and with perseverance. Thank you which is the Transfiguration of the Lord, because Your work in me goes beyond my own existence in Lord and the First Friday of the this world. Amen. month, there will be a “Holy Hour” (Adoration of the Blessed Sacra- Working hard for what matters most ment) from 8:00 to 9:00 am, followed In this Sunday's Gospel reading, Jesus says: "Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life." In other by the Holy Mass. Those who would words: In your daily life, work hard to obtain whatever will nourish like to join, please come by 8:00 am. your soul and sustain you past death into eternity. We are looking for a new building Jesus says: "The work God wants you to do is to believe in the one maintenance person. If you would like he sent." Why does he call this "work"? to volunteer or Nominate someone see To fully believe, we must work at getting rid of every doubt and any of the council members. distrust that interferes with our belief in Christ, our trust in his words (including what he inspired in the official teachings of the It is time to sign up your children for Church), and our willingness to conform to his way of life. Religious Education Classes. Sign up sheets are in the Narthex. This work requires (1) identifying our vulnerabilities that make us doubt and distrust, (2) uncovering what we're afraid will happen if We are in need of Religious Education we do trust, and (3) overcoming that fear by gaining a better under- teachers this year. If you would like to standing of the truth. Any fear that interferes with our holiness is volunteer see Linda Allen. always based on something untrue. Jesus says: "The bread of God, which nourishes your soul, is that We are collecting school supplies for the which comes down from heaven and gives life." He's referring to his Stewart County back to school bash. presence in the Eucharist, the bread that he provides in every Mass. There is a box in the Narthex for the What do you need to do so that you can be nourished more fully by the Eucharist? Is there something that's stopping you from receiving school supplies or monetary donations. the Eucharist? Work hard to remedy that obstacle! It will make a Items need to be in before August 6th. difference to your eternal soul. If you're sincere about uniting your- Thank you. self to Christ, he will make possible whatever is needed to clear the way. We will be having Potluck Sundays the first Sunday of each month. Because the Eucharist is Jesus, it can heal us, purify us, and help us become more like Christ himself. However, it takes conscious effort Please bring a dish to share. to fully embrace this opportunity. Why would we want to be lazy about that? The benefits of hard work in our faith life will endure for mind? What in your relationship with Jesus needs eternity. more work so that your belief in him will give you NOTE: Pope John Paul II wrote an entire encyclical about this, enti- confident hope that he is guiding you to heaven? tled Ecclesia de Eucharistia ("The Church of the Eucharist"). In it, he Questions for Community Faith Sharing: tells us that we're on a journey to heaven and that the presence of How has the Eucharist helped you stay on course on Christ in the Eucharist helps us stay on course. your journey to heaven? How has it changed you, Questions for Personal Reflection: purified you? Is it possible that Christ's true pres- Do you believe you're going to go to heaven after you die? (If you're ence in the Eucharist can also help those who are thinking "no, I'm going to purgatory" then the answer is really yes, unable to receive communion? How so? because purgatory is not a stopping place, it's a purging place before © 2021 Terry Modica, Catholic Digital Resources, entering into the fullness of heaven.) What raises doubts in your www.catholicdr.com. Printed by permission. FIRST FRIDAY DEVOTION Caring & Sharing FRTHER FRANCIS HOFFMAN Caring and Sharing is the second Sunday of every month how it works --- you bring a non-perishable food item or mone- A “First Friday” is the tary donation for the Needy.
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