PARKHAM PARISH COUNCIL. PARISH CLERK: MRS SUE SQUIRE, HAXLEA, 2 THREEWAYS, BRATTON FLEMING, BARNSTAPLE, DEVON. EX31 4TG. TEL: 01598 710526. E-MAIL: [email protected] TO ALL COUNCILLORS: You are hereby summoned to a Parish Council Meeting on Monday, 24 September 2018 in the METHODIST SCHOOLROOM at 7.30pm. The Agenda is detailed below. Sue Squire, Parish Clerk. 17 September 2018 No. Item 1. Representations from the Public. Members of the public are reminded that in line with DCC Meetings, a maximum of 3 minutes will be allowed to speak. 2. Apologies. 3. Declarations of Interest. 4. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 13 August 2018. 5. Reports. 5.1 Police. 5.2 County Councillor T Inch 5.3 District Coucillor Mrs A Boyle. 5.4 Planning Sub Committee. 6. Planning and Planning Correspondence. 6.1 Planning Applications: At the time of preparing the Agenda there were no Planning Applications to consider. 6.2 Planning Correspondence. To note the following TDC Planning Notice Decisions: APPROVALS for § 1/0700/2018/LBC – Retrospective application for the retention of a single storey extension at 2 Frys Cottage, Yeo Vale, Bideford. § 1/0599/2018/FUH – Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension at 7 Jacobs Field, Parkham. § 1/0674/2018/FUL – Erection of two storey rear extension and shed at 5 Jacobs Field, Parkham. § 1/0631/2018/FUL – Single storey extension to garage at 1 Jacobs Field, Parkham. REFUSAL for 1/0630/2018/OUT – Outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of one dwelling (affecting a public right of way) – land at Rectory Farm, Rectory Lane, Parkham. 6.3 Terms of Reference for the Planning Sub Committee. A draft document will be circulated to Councillors for studying ahead of the meeting with a view to adopting at this meeting. 6.4 TDC. Email regarding the publication of Inspector’s Report on the North Devon & Torridge Local Plan. The Inspector in her report concludes that the Local Plan can be made sound and capable of adoption with the application of the recommended Main Modifications that are provided as an Appendix to her report. It is anticipated that the Inspector’s report will be considered at Full Council Meetings of the respective Councils in October 2018 to enable the Plan to be formally adopted. 6.5 Penhaven Hotel. As a result of a letter from a parishioner which was passed to TDC for comment, to note a reply has been received from a Specialist Planning Team Leader. 7. Matters Arising. 7.1 Safety at Horns Cross. 7.1.1 Additional flashing sign in Horns Cross. As a result of District Councillor Mrs Whittaker confirming that Parish Councillors are permitted to attend HATOC meetings and speak at the discretion of the Chairman, Councillor Bridger has prepared representations in readiness for the next meeting which have been circulated to Councillors for comment. The next HATOC meeting is on 16/10/18, 10.30am at Langtree Parish Hall. Only a Member (5 DCC members and 2 Torridge DC) of the Committee can place an item on the Agenda subject to 8 working days notice. Parish Councillrs are able to speak subject to 4 working days notice. District Councillor Mrs Whittaker has asked County Councillor Inch to progress this and the Clerk has a diary note for 8 and 4 days before the meeting to ensure that it will be possible for the item to be discussed and for Councillor Bridger to make representations. 7.1.2 Calming Gates at Horns Cross. To note any developments. 7.1.3 Speeding at Horns Cross. To note the position regarding a Site meeting by DCC Cabinet Member for Highways, Councillor S Hughes. 7.4 Highway Consultation Reply to the Northway Holiday Cottages Planning Application. Councillor Inch to advise on information he has been able to obtain as a follow up. This is also being followed up by Councillor Mrs Whittaker. In addition, there is correspondence to note from Councillor Wileman. 7.5 Devon Air Ambulance Night Landing Site. The Clerk will have a completed paper copy of a Planning Application ready for submission to TDC Planning Department. 7.6 Notice Board on Parkham Village Green. Councillor Bridger to give an update. 7.7 TDC Standards Committee & Code of Conduct. To note that the Committee Room of the Allardice Hall has been booked for training to be delivered by Councillor Robin Julian on Wednesday, 7 November 2018 at 7.30pm. 7.8 Seats around the village. The Clerk had attempted to contact the Neighbourhood Highways Technician and had been advised by County Councillor Inch that she was on sick leave. Councillor Inch is in the course of trying to make relevant arrangements. 7.10 Refurbishment of Telephone Boxes in Parkham and Horns Cross. To note that the shade of green ‘Clarity’ had been passed to the contractor in respect of the Horns Cross telephone box. To further note that the telephone boxes have been refurbished and the Invoice has been received for payment under Item 8.4. Councillors to decide if a ‘Defibrillator’ panel should replace the ‘Telephone’ panels in the refurbished telephone boxes at Parkham Village Green and Horns Cross. 7.11 Additional defibrillators to be fixed in the telephone boxes at Parkham Village Green and Horns Cross. Councillors to agree that an order is placed for an additional two machines. 7.12 Hedge Trimming. To note the position and to decide whether a funding application should be submitted. 7.13 Bideford Target Shooting Club – road defect outside the main entrance to the Melbury Ranges on the Bideford – Bradworthy Road. To note that the letter of representation from the Club has been forwarded to Devon Highways for attention. 7.14 Devon Remembers. Councillor Lang to confirm that he has passed the details to Parkham Methodist Chapel for their event on Sunday, 11 November 2018 to be included. 7.15 Parkham Parish Lands and Old School Charities. To note that the Charity has been advised that Councillor Lang has been appointed at the Parish Council representative. 7.16 Acre Road. Details of potholes had again been reported and further representations made enquiring the situation on the possibility of resurfacing if Parkham Parish Council assisted with funding. 7.17 Rocking Manhole Covers near Hoops Inn, Foxdown Cross and Horns Cross. To note that these had been reported by the Clerk. Councillor Wileman had supplied photographs which were sent. Reference numbers of W181152929 and W181152811 were given and it was anticipated that the assessment would be completed by 12/9/18. 7.18 Car parked in Horns Cross Bus Stop obscuring visability for motorists exiting Acre Road. To note that a letter has been drafted by the Clerk and sent to Councillor Wileman for placing on the windscreen of the vehicle. 7.19 Defibrillator at the Allardice Hall. Councillor Bridger to confirm that faded details of the postcode had been replaced. 7.20 Trees and low branches on the Bideford to Bradworthy Road. To consider making representations about these to Devon Highways, especially in the light that trailers carrying straw hit the branches causing straw to be ripped from bales showering vehicles following. 7.21 Replacement planters at Parkham Village Green. To note that Mr J Underwood has been advised that his quotation of £215.00 has been accepted and requested that he proceeds with the work. 7.22 Missing fingers on signpost at Goldworthy. This had been given an enquiry number of ENQ181119031 and full details had been supplied to Devon Highways. 7.23 Overgrown vegetation on sign at Acre Road. This had been given an enquiry number of W181129613 and an update on 11/9/18 advised that the site had been visited when it was noticed at the signs were visible. It appeared that hedges in the road had recently been cut back. No further action to be taken. 7.24 Friends of Parkham Primary School. To note that a letter of support has been sent to accompany the Communities Together Fund application for the provision of IT equipment, playground equipment and big playground games. 8. Finance. 8.1 Balances. To be tabled at the Meeting. Budgetary figures to August 2018 will be circulated to Councillors ahead of the Meeting. 8.2 Data Protection. Councillors to agree registration details with the Information Commissioners Office. 8.3 2018/19 Insurance. This is provided by Ecclesiastical Insurance and due for renewal on 1 October 2018 and a Long Term Agreement is in place until 30 September 2020. Details of the cover will be sent to Councillors ahead of the meeting to study. 8.4 To authorise the following payments: Mrs S Squire Salary & Expenses (Details will be provided to Councillors) Redacted under DPA HMRC PAYE £73.60 Parkham Allardice Hall Hire of Hall for Parkham Toddlers (as agreed at the August Meeting) From 5/9/18 – 24/7/19 = 45 weeks at £13.20 per week £594.00 South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust Provision of two defibrillators at £2,000 each (+ £800 VAT) £4,800.00 Mr J Underwood Making three planters for Parkham Village Green to replace existing £215.00 MT Contractors Refurbishment of telephone boxes on Parkham Village Green and Horns Cross £1,506.80 Came and Company. Insurance renewal premium due on 1/10/18 £291.20 TDC Planning Application fee in respect of the Devon Air Ambulance Night Landing Site £117.00 Parish Councils are eligible for a 50% discount on the fee and the amount reflects this. Information Commissioners Office. Data Protection Registration £40.00 All Parish Councils are required to be registered.
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