UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES WORLD HEALTII ORGANISATION MONDIALE ORGANIZATION . DE LA SANTÉ FIRST WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY A/lO. Add,l ^ 26 June 1?48 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH DEPOSIT OP RATIFICATION OF SIGNATURE TO CONSTITUTION BY THE USA The following coimmmication was received from Mr„ Trygve Liej Secretary-General of the United Nations, on 25 June 1948: UNITED NATIONS Lake Success, New York 22 June 1940 Sir./ I have the honour to transmit herewith a copy of the Instrument of Acceptance on the part of the United States of America of the Constitution of the World Health Organization, together with a copy of the joint resolution of the Congress of the United States of America to which this acceptance is subject,, I have the honour to draw your attention to Article 82 of the Constitution which provides that the Secretary-General of the United Nations will inform the States parties to this Constitution of the dates when other States have become parties to it, I regret that in view of the provision in Section 4 of the joint resolution to which the acceptance of the United States is subject,' I am not in a position to determine whether the United States has become a party to the Constitution. However, I am prepared to be guided by the action of the Health Assembly in regard to this matter, since under Article 75 of the Constitution it is a competent body to settle any question concerning the interpretation or application of the Constitution., I have the honour to be, Sir, • i Your obedient Servant, (signed) TRYGVE LIE Seere tary-General Dr, Brock Chisholm, Executive Secretary Interim Commission World Health Organization Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland A/10. Add. 1 page 2 ACCEPTANCE ON THE PART OP THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA I, Hariy S. Truman, President of the United States of America, acting pursuant to the authority granted Ъу the joint resolution of the Congress of the United States of America approved June 14, 1948 (Public Law 643, 80th Congress), and subject to the provisions of . that joint resolution, hereby accept on behalf of the United States of America the Constitution of the World Health Organization, whioh was signed fot the Tftiited States of America, subject to approval, on July 22-, I946. • Done at Washington this fourteenth day of June, 1948, (signed): HARRY TRUMAN No 6486 UNITED STATES OP AMERICA DEPARTMENT OP STATE , TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING: I CERTIFY THAT hereto annexed is a true copy of a Joint Resolution, approved June 14, 1948, the original of which is on file in this Department, entitled "Jbint Resolution Providing for . membership and participation by the United States in. the World - -, - Health Organization and authorizing.an appropriation therefor". IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, GEORGE C. MARSHALL Secretary of State, have hereunto caused the seal of State to be affixed and my name subscribed by the Authentication Officer of the said Department, at the city of Washington, in- . the District of Columbia, this sixteenth day of June, 1948. (signed): George C„ MARSHALL • ' Secretary of State» By MB P. Chauvin Authentication Officer, Department ' of Stateс Д/lO.Adda ' . ! page 3 EIGHTIETH CONGRESS OP THE UNITED STATES OP AMERICA AT THE SECOND SESSION Begun and held at the City of Washington on Tuesday, the sixth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and forty- eight. JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for membership end participation by the United States in the World Health Organization and authorizing an appropriation therefor, Resolved by the Senate and House of Representativos of the United States of America in Congress assembleds That the President is hereby authorized to accept membership for the United States in the World Health Organization (heroin- after referred to as the Organization), the Constitution of .which was adopted in New York on July 22, 194b, by the International Health Conference for the establishment of an International Health Organization, and deposited in the archioves of the United Nations. Sec. 2C The President shall designate from time to tine to attend a specified session or specified sessions of the World Health Assembly of the Organization not to exceed three delegates of the United States and such number of alternates as he may determine consistent with the rules of procedure of the World Health Assembly. One of the delegates shall be designated as the chief delegate. Whenever the United States becomes entitled to designate a person to serve on the Executive Board of the Organization, under.article 24 of the Constitution of the Organization, the President shall designate a representative of the United States,- by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and may designate not to exceed one alternate to attend sessions of the Executive Board» Such representative must be a graduate of a recognized medical school and have spent not less than three years in active practice as a physician or surgeon, Such representative shall be entitled to reoexve compensation at a rate not to exceed $12,000 per annum and any such alternate shall be entitled to receive compensation at a rate not to exceed $10,000 per annum for such period or A/l0oAdd.1 page 4° ^r periods as the President nay specify, except that no Member of the Senate or House of Representatives or officer of the United States who is thus designated shall be entitled to receive such compensation: PROVIDED, That no person shall serve as such representative3 delegater or alternate until such person has been investigated as to loyalty and security by the Federal Bureau of Investigatione Sec03® There is hereby authorized to be appropriated an- nually to the Department of Statet- (a) such sums, not to exceed $1,920,000 per annum, as may be necessary for the payment by the United States of its share of the expenses of the Organization, including those incurred by the Interim Commission, as apportioned by the Health Assembly in accordance with Article 56 of the Constitution of the Organization; and (b) such additional sums, not to exceed 083*000 for the fiscpl у с arc beginning July !.. .1947?.. as nay be necessary to pay the expenses incident to participation by the United States in the activities of the Organization, including:- (1) salaries of the representative and alternate provided for in section 2 hereof, and appropriate staff, including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, without regard to the civil- service laws and the Classification Act of 1923} as amènded; services as authorized by seotion 15 of Public Law 6OO0 Seventy-ninth Congress: under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of State may prescribe, allowances for living quarters, including heat, fuel, and light and cost of living allowances to persons temporarily stationed abroad; printing and binding without regard to section 11 of the Act of Ilarch 1, 1919 (44 U«S.Ce 111), and section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, as amended; and (2) such other expenses as the Secretary of State deems necessary to participation by the United States in the activities of the Organization: PROVIDED, That the pro- visions of section 6 of the Act of July 30, 1946; Public Law 565$ Seventy-ninth Congress, and. regulations there- under, applicable to expenses incurred pursuant to that Act shall be applicable to any expenses incurrqd pursuant to this paragraph (b) (2)» Sec. 4« In adopting this joint resolution the Congress does so with the understanding that, in the absence of any provision in the World Health Organization Constitution for withdrawal from the Organization, the United States reserves its right to withdraw from A/lO»Add»l page 5 the Organization on a one-year notice: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That the financial ^ligations of the United States to the Organization shall be met in full for the Organization's current fiscal year, Sec» 5» In adopting this joint resolution, the Congress does so with the understanding that nothing in the Constitution of the World Health Organization in any manner commits the United States to enact any specific legislative program regarding any matters referred to in said Constitution. Joseph W. Martin signed): «0 COMM..... »«* Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved À.H. Vanderiberg June 14, 1948 President of the Senate pro tempore HARRY TRUMAN UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION MONDIALE ORGANIZATION DE LA SANTÉ A/10 ¿ 23 June I94B FIRST WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY DEPOSIT OP RATIFICATION OP SIGNATURE TO CONSTITUTION BY USA The following communication was received from the Legal Department of the United Nations on the 22nd June 1948 : "1, Secretary-General received today U.S, instrument acceptance which states it is subject Congressional resolution. 2. In view Congressional provision Teserving U.S. right withdraw, Secretary-General not in position to determiné under Article 82 that U.S. has become party to Constitution; however, our opinion Health Assembly competent Body interpret Constitution and consequently Secretary-General will be guided by action Health Assembly in this respect. 3. Airmailing copy Instrument and Joint Resolution with covering letter stating Secretary-General position as in paragraph 2. Suggest these documents be circulated Health Assembly Delegations.Legal Department, " .
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