LibeRIA BULLETIN Bimonthly published by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Liberia 15 September 2004 Vol. 1, Issue No. 3 ria, on September 27, 2004. This legal framework guarantees the voluntary character of the forthcom- ing repatriation, as well as the right to return at any time without fear of prosecution. Furthermore, Tripartite Agreements outline immigration, customs and health formalities to Disarmament Deadline facilitate the repatriation process, Extended and ensure equal treatment for all returning refugees upon the arrival to the country of origin. Tripartite technical commissions are also fore- seen to discuss and advise the gov- ernments and UNHCR on other tech- nical modalities concerning the im- Tripartite Agreements ensure the right to return without fear of prosecution plementation of the voluntary repa- triation operations. Grand Cape Mount Resettlement continues in the re- Disarmament Deadline maining counties in Liberia. The Bomi, Margibi and Gbar- assessments are based on a set of Announced polu Declared Safe for benchmarks such as the comple- Return tion of disarmament, presence of The Special Representative of the the civil authorities and reason- Secretary-General and Coordinator able spontaneous returns by IDPs of UN Operations in Liberia, Jacques Executive Director of the Liberian and refugees. Preliminary findings Paul Klein, announced on September governmental body, LRRRC, and indicate that the counties have 1, 2004, UNMIL plans to conclude Chairman of the Security Assess- met the minimum criteria to be the disarmament process in Liberia ment Committee, Philip Dwuye, an- declared safe for the return of by the end of October this year. nounced on September 15, 2004 refugees and IDPs. “I encourage all combatants who are that Grand Cape Mount, Bomi, Mar- out there to disarm. You will be the gibi and Gbarpolu have been de- beneficiaries of vocational training, clared safe for return. Date Set for Signing education and other benefits that “Our teams in the field have been Tripartite Agreements the disarmament program has built working very hard. I am pleased to into it,” stated SRSG Klein, and report that teams from Bomi County, The National Transitional Govern- warned that anyone found with Grand Cape Mount County, Margibi ment of Liberia (NTGL) and weapons after the October 30 dead- County and Gbarpolu County have UNHCR will sign the Tripartite line would be prosecuted for illegal concluded these counties are safe Agreement with the Ghanian Gov- possessions of weapons under Libe- for return,” said Mr. Dwuye. He ernment on September 22, 2004 rian Law. went on to thank all LRRRC part- in Accra, and with the rest of the SRSG Klein said the warring frac- ners for the support they have been refugee hosting countries, namely tions would meet on November 1, providing. The assessments by the Guinea, Sierra Leone, Cote d’Ivo- 2004 to mark the formal conclu- Security Assessment Committee for rie and Nigeria, in Monrovia, Libe- sion of the disarmament program. This document does not necessarily reflect the official position of the United Nations 1 HEALTH Grand Gedeh County The World Health Organization (WHO) donated a consignment of drugs, office supplies and furniture worth $413,000 to health teams in southeastern Grand Gedeh and Riv- ers Gee counties. The Norwegian Government funded the donation to strengthen the county health teams and enable them to adequately re- spond to the health needs of the rural inhabitants. Lofa County International Medical Corps (IMC), with funding from UNHCR, com- pleted the rehabilitation of the Borkeza Clinic, and it was officially A Kpala community school rehabilitated by UNHCR through implementing open in August 23, 2004. The Clinic partner LUSH is operating with a six-member medical staff providing services to schools in need of minor rehabili- Grand Gedeh County residents of the area. The IMC is tation for assistance. Planned ac- UNHCR and its implementing part- also rehabilitating Luyema and Bo- tivities to be undertaken by UNI- ners, GTZ and MERLIN, are help- lahun clinics, and the works are ex- CEF include distribution of school ing with the rehabilitation and con- pected to be completed by Septem- supplies, teacher training, and struction of schools in the follow- ber 30, 2004. accelerated learning. ing towns - Tow, Zleih, Putu Ja- Maryland County wodee, Tuzon, Janzo, Polar, Gar- One of UNHCR’s implementing bowrba and Kumah Towns. The EDUCATION partners in the county, DRC, re- assistance also includes the provi- ported that 145 schools are be- sion of educational materials, ing targeted for rehabilitation in training for teachers, rehabilitation Lofa County Maryland County, Grand Kru and of water pumps, and installation of Peace Winds Japan (PWJ), with River Gee. However, due to poor the new ones. The projects are funding from UNHCR, has com- road conditions at present, the benefiting some 22,940 commu- pleted construction of three schools rehabilitation has only been un- nity inhabitants, 1,642 students in the county and is currently reha- derway at Maryland County. and over 42 school teachers. bilitating the Zorzor Central High School. The roofing on one building UNHCR OFFICES COUNTIES COVERED has already been completed. A con- MONROVIA, MONTSERRADO, struction engineer for the PWJ in- BRANCH OFFICE formed UNHCR that due to the de- MARGIBI, GRAND BASSA plorable road conditions, the deliv- SUB-OFFICE SACALAPEA, NIMBA, RIVER CRESS ery of materials is moving at a slow FIELD OFFICE GBRANGA BONG pace. MARYLAND, RIVER GEE, GRAND FIELD OFFICE HARPER Nimba County KRU UNICEF defined Nimba County as a FIELD OFFICE ZWEDRU GRAND GEDEH, SINOE high priority county. This agency plans to operate in Gbelay Geh Dis- SUB-OFFICE VOINJAMA LOFA trict and has already assessed some GBORPOLU, GRAND CAPE MOUNT, FIELD OFFICE TUBMANBURG BOMI 2 COMMUNITY documents, and ensures the Sinje, Tubmanburg and Gbarpolu. holder to have access to assis- Who is eligible to receive the SERVICES tance upon return. assistance packages? How long will a returnee re- All returning refugees - upon pre- UNHCR’s implementing partner, main in the transit center? senting their VRF. Development Education Network- The stay in transit centers should Liberia (DEN-L) completed the first be between one and three days. phase of a gender focused partici- Will transportation be pro- RADIO PROGRAMS patory rural appraisal in the fol- vided by UNHCR all the way lowing communities; Jarson, to returnee villages? Grand Gedeh, Tortoquelle, Gbar- Transportation will be provided to UNMIL Radio will start broadcast- plou County, Suakoko, Bong returnee villages. ing the new Gebamue program on County and Graie, Nimba county. Is education free of charge in UNHCR voluntary repatriation from The Ministry of Gender and Devel- Liberia? the second week of September. opment participated in the assess- Educational facilities suffered The program aims to provide ac- ments as part of the UNHCR col- grave damages during the war, curate and objective information laboration with the Ministry. therefore certain fees are paid to for refugees and returnees and Each of the 5 community’s se- keep the schools running. enable them to make an informed lected 2 men and 2 women as When do returnees get the decision on going back home. gender community workers for the four months food supply? Talking Drum (TD) has also de- project. The 20 participants com- The returnees will receive the vised dramas and skits in different pleted a three-day training on gen- food packages in two install- dialects that address the issue of der mainstreaming to support ments. First, two-month supply, the forthcoming UNHCR voluntary UNHCR reintegration projects and at distribution centers close to repatriation. The dramas and skits have started mobilization activities. drop off points, and the second will be distributed to a number of Nimba County package two months later at the radio stations in order to ensure A one-week peace education workshop was conducted in Sacle- pea for 30 participants including teachers, NGOs staff and the refu- gee camp leadership. As part of the Gender Mainstream- ing efforts in UNHCR, DEN-L con- ducted a Gender Mainstreaming Workshop for 32 participants, which included UNHCR staff, im- plementing partners, Community Empowerment Project- district monitors and Women Community Based Organizations in Saclepea. Similar workshops will be held in each of UNHCRs operational areas. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Talking Drum live theater performance about UNHCR voluntary repatriation community level. Radio stations in order to ensure Where will the distribution the dissemination of information What is VRF? centers be located? throughout Liberia. It’s the Voluntary Repatriation The distribution centers will be (Note: for detailed information on Form (VRF) is the document is- opened in Monrovia, Gbarnga, the days, times of shows, as well sued upon registration for repa- Zwedru, Toe Town, Ganta, Sa- as counties they cover, please re- triation. The form serves as an calapea, Senequalle, Harper, fer to matrix on pg. 7) identity card, as well as a travel Pleebo, Voinjama, Zorzor, Vahun, 3 GENERAL SECURITY SITUATION Montserrado County The general situation is calm. How- ever, more than 400 dismissed sol- diers of the Armed Forces of Liberia demonstrated on the streets de- manding to he reinstated in the army. Bomi County In Fassama, Gbarpolu County, dis- armament of ex-combatants began on August 25, 2004, with the LURD Chief of Staff turning in his weapon. UNMIL still assessing means to dis- arm some ex-combatants reported Women combatants disarming in Kakata to be located in the Belle forest, Gbarpolu County. The disarmament County, UNMIL has been de- the general public in the county. process expected to end by mid- ployed in the area to restore law September. Thirteen policemen and order after a scuffle between have been deployed in Tubman- a MODEL commander and some TRANSIT CENTERS AND burg, but they can not perform former fighters.
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