LOCAL NEWS SPORTS Photo Bridge Fall contest closings sports PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 7 AGAWAM ADVERTISER NEWS A TURLEY PUBLICATION ❙ www.turley.com October 8, 2020 ❙ Vol. 42, No. 32 ❙ $1.00 www.agawamadvertisernews.turley.com Schools Animals blessed at annual event By Shelby Macri also live streamed for those stay- [email protected] ing at home. The church held the receive blessing of the animals was held AGAWAM – The Sacred Heart on Sunday Oct. 4, it was held Parish held its sixth annual bless- at noon in honor of the feast of ing of the animals, where people Saint Francis of Assisi. The bless- energy were able to bring their pets to ing celebrates the important be blessed by Father Steve Amo. place that pets hold in families The blessing required masks and and their lives, and reminds peo- six feet of social distancing. ple of the blessing of all God’s grants A large group of people creatures. Each dog in atten- showed up with their pets and dance stayed sitting with their By Gregory A. Scibelli gathered around in a circle while family and each pet got a sprin- [email protected] staying six feet or more apart. kle of holy water by Father Amo. Father Amo stood in front of the While talking to a few fam- AGAWAM – The Town of Aga- crowd and read a passage from ilies after the blessing; another wam continues to make small the bible, then said a prayer and family arrived and Father Amo improvements to its schools, and sprinkled each pet in attendance said that they could stay in the will now improve energy efficiency with holy water. car. He proceeded to give the through a $177,396 grant from the “We hold the blessing every two dogs a prayer and blessing of Department of Energy Resources. year, we typically do it inside so their own before they left again. According to a press release we had to adjust this year but All pets were kept on leashes and from Mayor William Sapelli’s of- we were able to hold it.” Father the church allowed any children fice, the funding will address a Amo said. “Someone here today that didn’t have pets to bring number of issues at Agawam Ju- came from Springfield, they said their stuffed animals to be bless- nior High School and Agawam they typically attend one in their ed. One couple in attendance High School. Both buildings con- town but that they didn’t have it brought their two dogs to be tinue to have numerous needs this year. It didn’t matter if they blessed, as their typical church for improvements and the school were from out of town, we want- didn’t hold a blessing of the an- district has continued to apply for ed to hold this for everyone.” imals this year. funds through the Massachusetts The church held an 11 a.m. The blessing had a fairly big Jack Horky and his son Jeff Horky brought their dog Sophie to be blessed. GRANTS ❙ page 6 mass, it was held inside and was ANIMALS ❙ page 12 PHOTO BY SHELBY MACRI Boys soccer kicks off Walsh resigns post at Holyoke Soldiers’ Home By Gregory A. Scibelli but Walsh stopped the proceed- superintendent of the home in [email protected] ings, winning an injunction in 2016. His predecessor, Paul Bara- court stating that he could not bani, resigned and retired due to HOLYOKE – In a move consid- have a fair hearing during the a lack of funding and staffing. Sev- ered a surprise given his fights in COVID conditions. eral organizations have called for court, Holyoke Soldiers Home Su- Following the Baker-led dis- more funding for the home and for perintendent Bennett Walsh has missal, Walsh went to court and a renovations and improvements. resigned from the position, just a judge found Baker did not have the On Monday night, the Agawam few days before the Board of Trust- right to fire Walsh. Walsh was rein- City Council even approved a res- ees were set to meet again and stated to his administrative leave olution supporting more funding possibly remove Walsh from the status and the Board of Directors for the Soldiers Home. Agawam position. were preparing to discuss him on is host to the Veterans Memorial Walsh was originally fired in Monday, Oct. 5. Cemetery, a regional burial ground June by Gov. Charlie Baker. Walsh then resigned on Friday, for veterans and their spouses. Baker cited a report by a Bos- Oct. 2. The Oct. 5 meeting was can- ton attorney which among the Walsh is facing neglect charges celled due to the lack of need to many faults, found Walsh and his levied by Attorney General Maura discuss the issue. A search will get medical director at fault for a mas- Healey. Healey launched her own underway to name a new superin- sive COVID-19 outbreak that re- investigation into the deaths at the tendent. sulted in the deaths of 76 residents Soldiers Home and found Walsh Walsh will still have to answer of the home. and his medical director David to the charges he is facing in crim- Walsh blamed lack of resourc- Clinton, responsible for part of the inal court. His uncle, former Dis- es and support from the state and outbreak. Both were indicted by a trict Attorney William Bennett, Vinny Romeo makes a quick touch as he moves up the field with the ball. was defiant after originally being grand jury on 10 criminal counts. represented him as he fought the Agawam boys soccer defeated Holyoke in the season opener for both teams. suspended by the Board of Direc- Walsh is being accused of criminal actions by the state. All lawsuits More photos are on page 7. PHOTO BY DAVID HENRY WWW.SWEETDOGPHOTOS.COM tors back in April. The Board of negligence. fighting his dismissal have been Trustees attempted to fire Walsh, Walsh was appointed as the SOLDIERS ❙ page 12 413.786.7747 • Fax: 413.786.8457 • Facebook: @AgawamAdvertiserNews • Email: [email protected] Depend on State Line for Your Comfort Explore endless Explore endless Depend on State Line for Your Comfort fireplacefireplace possibilitiespossibilities. 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S1: 303179 • P1: 204150 • HOD: 737 • 478 500•514 Salmon Brook St., Granby, CT Page 2 ❙ AGAWAM ADVERTISER NEWS ❙ October 8, 2020 STCC observes Domestic Violence Awareness Month IN THIS ISSUE SPRINGFIELD, Mass. – In rec- childhood sexual abuse el Silencio, a Café Con violence, and dig into the roots of ognition of Domestic Violence and young adult dating Leche Conversation.” gender stereotypes that impact Classifieds . 10, 11 Awareness Month in October, violence. Her talk also This event is part of ST- healthy sexuality, family culture Springfield Technical Communi- will address how stu- CC’s recognition of Lat- and healthy relationships within ty College has scheduled virtual dents can play a role inx heritage month. the Latinx community. Crossword..........5 events open to students and the in supporting safe and Rivera has turned Both events are co-sponsored public. healthy relationships in past traumatic expe- by #STCCWeCan (formerly the Be On Thursday, Oct. 1, at 2 p.m., the “new normal” of the riences into a power- Empowered Project), the Office of Rosalia Rivera of the AboutCON- COVID-19 college expe- ful voice and platform Multicultural Affairs, the Hispanic Public Notices ....9 SENT™ podcast will speak in a rience. for healing and social Association of Higher Education Zoom Webinar titled “Telling Our On Wednesday, Oct. change. Based on her (HAHE), and Title IX. Contact Stories to Create Change.” Rivera 7, at 2 p.m., Rivera will Rosalia Rivera personal story, Rive- [email protected] for questions. Opinion .......... 4, 5 is an internationally recognized give a talk titled “Break- ra will discuss break- To register for the Zoom events consent educator who will offer in- ing Barriers, Breaking the Silence / ing the silence around childhood or for more information, visit stcc. sight into the connections between Rompiendo Barreras, Rompiendo sexual abuse and interpersonal edu/resources/stccwecan. Sports ............ 7, 8 School & Youth ...9 Photography show announced The Haunted Woods: AGAWAM – The Friends of the nature, photojournalism and pictori- Agawam Public Library are very ex- al. The entry fee is $25 per entry up A Drive-Thru experience 12 PAGES cited to announce their First Open to and including November 30, 2020. Juried Virtual Photography Show. Starting December 1, the fee will be AGAWAM – Heritage Woods will get to drive through haunt- We are not able to have our annual $30. If we have not received suffi- Senior Living will be holding a ed scenes, complete with live show at the library, but we want to cient entries by January 1, 2021, the free spooky drive through, “The actors. Fun for all ages. For more continue to share the outstanding show will be cancelled and all fees Haunted Woods,” on Friday, Oct. information call 413-786-9704, or Church work of area photographers. The returned. 30 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at 462 email nicole.wallace@genesish- show benefits the Agawam Public All images must be original, made Main Street, Agawam.
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