375 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOROUGH COUNCIL OF WELLINGBOROUGH HELD AT SWANSPOOL HOUSE, WELLINGBOROUGH ON TUESDAY 14th DECEMBER 2010 Present: The Mayor (Councillor L Lawman), The Deputy Mayor (Councillor P Morrall) and Councillors, Ainge, Allebone, Atkinson, Bailey, Bass, Beirne, P Bell, R Bell, Blackwell, Callnon, Crofts, Dean, Dholakia, Graves, Griffiths, Harrington, Hawkes, Higgins, Hollyman G Lawman, Maguire, Partridge- Underwood, Perkins, Pursglove, J Raymond, P Raymond, Simmons, Timms, Warwick, Ward and Waters. Officers present: Mr J Hubbard, (Chief Executive), Mr R Micklewright, Mr J Wilson and Mr T Wright (Corporate Directors), Mrs B Lawrence, Mr C Pittman, Mr G Stoppani and Mr S Wood,(Heads of Service), Mr S Preval, Interim Head of Accountancy, Miss S Lyons, (Legal Adviser),Mrs C Mundy (Democratic Services Officer) and Mr G Betts, Mayor’s Sergeant. 1. PRAYERS Prayers were said by the Mayor’s Chaplain. 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Patel, Saxby and Shram 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following Councillors declared an interest, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution. Councillor Committee date and minute no. Reason for declaration Allebone Community 22 11 10 Min 7 Personal – Board Member Castle Theatre Performance of The Castle and wife is Indicators. Vice-Chairman of Friends of The Castle. Allebone Resources 24 11 10 Min 14 Personal and prejudicial – Castle Theatres Contract. Board Member of The Castle and wife is Vice- Chairman of Friends of The Castle. Atkinson Community 22 11 10 Min 6 Personal – member of Redwell and Waendel Leisure Waendel Leisure Centre. Centres – Performance Indicators. Bass Development 23 11 10 Min 9 Personal – is the Ward Sywell Aerodrome Ltd. JCC Councillor. Constitution. Council Meeting – 14th December 2010. 376 Blackwell Community 22 11 10 Min 4 Earls Personal – member of Earls Barton Sports Facility Project Barton Parish Council, Update. President of Earls Barton Cricket Club and life Member of Earls Barton Football Club. Crofts Resources 24 11 10 Min 12 Personal and prejudicial – Allocations Policy for Voluntary treasurer of the NRED and and Community Sector Grants for WWRAG. services provided under Service Level Agreements. Dholakia Resources 24 11 10 Min 5 Review Personal – Ex-Chairman of Polling Stations. and Member of WDHA and user of Hindu Community Centre. Graves Community 22 11 10 Min 4 Earls Personal – Employer has Barton Sports Facility Project use of a garage a The Update. Grange for storage purposes. Hawkes Resources 24 11 10 Min 14 Castle Personal and prejudicial – Contract Re-Procurement. name appears on the plaque at The Castle. Higgins Community 22 11 10 Min 7 The Personal and prejudicial – Castle. Board Member of The Castle. Higgins Resources 24 11 10 Min 14 The Personal and prejudicial – Castle Re-Procurement. Board Member of The Castle. Lawman G Development 23 11 10 Min 7 Draft Personal – with reference to Statement of intent on Housing Upper Redhill – is aware of Targets for North an objector to the Northamptonshire. development. Lawman G Development 23 11 10 Min 8 Personal – with reference to Homes and Communities Agency Upper Redhill – is aware of (HCA) North Northamptonshire an objector to the Local Investment Plan (LIP). development. Lawman G Resources 24 11 10 Min 12 Personal – NCC nominee Allocations Policy for Voluntary on the Wellingborough and Community Sector Grants for Volunteer Bureau. services provided under Service Level Agreements. Lawman G Partnerships Review 29 11 10 Min Personal County Councillor. 4 – Northamptonshire Waste Partnership Lawman G Partnerships Review 29 11 10 Min Personal County Councillor. 5 - BCW Snow Plan. Council Meeting – 14th December 2010. 377 Lawman L Development 23 11 10 Min 7 Draft Personal – in relation to Statement intent on Housing Upper Redhill, knows an Targets for North objector to the Northamptonshire. development. Lawman L Development 23 11 10 Min 8 Personal – in relation to Homes and Communities Agency Upper Redhill, knows an (HCA) North Northamptonshire objector to the Local Investment Plan (LIP). development. Partridge- Community 22 11 10 Min 7 The Personal and prejudicial – Underwood Castle Performance Indicators. Board Member of The Castle. Partridge- Resources 24 11 10 Min 14 The Personal and prejudicial – Underwood Castle. Board Member of The Castle. Raymond J Development 23 11 10 Min 11 Personal and prejudicial – Redevelopment – RAG Progress wife owns business in the Report. town centre. Raymond P Development 23 11 10 Min 11 Personal and prejudicial – Town Centre Redevelopment – owns property and business RAG Progress report. in the town centre. Timms Resources 24 11 10 Min 12 Personal – Council Allocation Policy for community representative on CAB. sector grants for services provided under service level agreements. Timms Partnerships Review Min 4 Personal – Council Northamptonshire Waste representative on Partnership. Northamptonshire’s Waste Partnership. Warwick Development 23 11 2010 Min 7 Personal and prejudicial – in Draft Statement of Intent on relation to Upper Redhill – Housing Targets for North lives at Redhill Grange. Northamptonshire. Warwick Development 23 11 2010 Min 8 Personal and prejudicial – in Homes and Communities Agency relation to Upper Redhill – (HCA) North Northamptonshire lives at Redhill Grange. Local Investment Plan (LIP). Warwick Development 23 11 2010 Min 11 Personal and prejudicial – Redevelopment – RAG Progress owns business premises in Report. the High Street. 4. NOTABLE ACTIVITIES The annexed circulated report and verbal update was received on the notable activities that had taken place along with the mayoral visits made in November and December 2010. Members made particular reference to the high turnout of uniformed groups across the whole borough at the many Remembrance Sunday services and also referred to the support from the public to the Christmas lights switch-on. Council Meeting – 14th December 2010. 378 RESOLVED to note the report, verbal update and comments made on notable activities relating to the Council’s PRIDE objectives. 5. CALENDAR OF MEETINGS MAY 2011 TO MAY 2012. The annexed circulated report of the Chief Executive was received on the calendar of meetings from May 2011 to May 2012. RESOLVED that the calendar of meetings from 2011 to May 2012 be approved. 6. COUNCIL MEETING – 9th NOVEMBER 2010. RESOLVED that the minutes of the Council meeting of 9th November 2010 be confirmed and signed. 7. PLANNING COMMITTEE - RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Planning Committee of 17th November be noted. 8. PROCEEDINGS OF COMMITTEES Community 22nd November 2010. Partnerships Review 29th November 2010. RESOLVED to adopt the minutes of the above mentioned meetings and note that the Performance and Scrutiny Committee of 30th November 2010 did not take place. 9. DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE – 23rd November 2010. The minutes of the Development Committee of 23rd November 2010 were received. Councillor Crofts made reference to minute 6 Affordable Housing in relation to the on site affordable housing provision on developments of 15 or more dwellings on sites within the town of Wellingborough and on developments of 3 or more in the rural areas and proposed that this be referred back to Development Committee. This was seconded by Councillor Maguire. On being put to the vote the motion was declared lost. RESOLVED that the minutes of the Development Committee of 23rd November 2010 be adopted. 10. RESOURCES COMMITTEE – 24TH November 2010 The Vice-Chairman asked that minutes 1 to 13 be adopted and that Minute 14 Castle Contract Re-Procurement be dealt with at the end of the meeting as it was an exempt item. Council Meeting – 14th December 2010. 379 A discussion ensued and a number of Councillors spoke on minute 7 Management Restructure and the economic circumstances driving it. A speech by Councillor Crofts overran the allowed time and the Mayor asked him to cease speaking. This he refused to do and he also failed to cease speaking immediately when the Mayor stood to restore order. He eventually ceased speaking and resumed his seat. Having restored order the Mayor continued with the meeting. Later in the meeting, prior to the discussion of item 15, Councillor Crofts formally apologised to the Mayor for his earlier disrespectful behaviour. With reference to minute 12 Allocation policy for voluntary and community sector grants for services provided under service level agreements Councillor P Bell informed Council that there was to be a change to the membership of the Working Group and it would be made up of Councillors P Bell, (Chairman), Callnon, Dean, Graves, Morrall and Simmons as Conservative members and Councillor Blackwell from the Labour group. RESOLVED that minutes 1 to 13 of the Resources Committee of 24th November 2010 be adopted. 11. LICENSING COMMITTEE – 3RD DECEMBER 2010. RESOLVED that the minutes of the Licensing Committee of 3rd December 2010 be noted. 12. MEMBERS QUESTIONS OR MOTIONS. There were no questions or motions from Members. 13. CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS AND OTHER BUSINESS Statement by the Leader of the Council. Councillor Bailey informed Council of the Grant Settlement figure received from the Government, which was much less than expected. He highlighted the additional savings required of just under £2 million which Members and officers would be meeting to discuss. Mayor’s Charity Fund The Mayor made reference to a cheque for £601 which she had gratefully received from the Northamptonshire Hindu Samaj, who had held a mehfil and dinner in aid of the Mayoral charity fund on 27th November. Council Meeting – 14th December 2010. 380 14. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC. RESOLVED that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item in accordance with Section 100A (4) to the Local Government Act 1972 on the grounds that it would involve the likely disclosure of exempt information of the description shown in schedule 12A to the Act: Minute Number Item Paragraph of Schedule 12A 15 Castle Contract Re- 3 Resources Committee. procurement Min 14 of Resources Committee.
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