Fees Structure 2014/2015 NDEJJE UNIVERSITY [ NDEJJE UNIVERSITY Preamble 5 NDEJJE UNIVERSITY FEES STRUCTURE FOR 2014/2015 It is the responsibility of University Governing management depending upon the ruling economic Council with the support of Central Management factors. /201 ICommittee to develop the University fees 4 structure. Membership of this committee All courses offered both at Kampala and Main constituted representatives from each Faculty, campuses are included in programs being offered; Academic Registry, Chairman of fees collection at ! " Kampala Campus, and representatives from both "#$%'' R[ Annual fees charges are split into two semesters It should be noted that there has not been any covering Tuition, Room & Board and Functional increase in tuition fees in the Academic year Charges. Other fees requirements involved in 2014/2015, although the economic environment is the completion of each course in their respective quite unpredictable. ( () * * + *- A comparative fees analysis was comprehensively 363% done with other institutions and our fees were proved to be below the industrial average. “Fear of God brings knowledge and Wisdom” This fees structure is for one academic year of 2014/2015; it includes both national and international 7*$ fees charges. The Tuition fees, Functional fees, and University Bursar 201 Structure Fees Room & Board fees may change at the discretion of 8--9 i NDEJJE UNIVERSITY 5 1.0 REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS 1.1 REGISTRATION PROCESS: 1.2 CONDITIONS FOR REGISTRATION Registration is the putting of student’s names on a) #%% 201 / 9[66 '%@' is recognized as a genuine, registered student of the 6 ) 9' unable to pay full fees, a minimum of 60% or above of the University dues should be paid, then a) SEMESTER (Regular Programme) he /she must obtain a Financial Guarantee from ' ) :<= ' R[ ' b) All new students must present their original Failure to register within one month, a student will ' " % be penalized by paying the late registration fee testimonials and other relevant academic equivalent to Ug. Shs 50,000/=. After a second ' [ c) (:H=*%%% 100,000= for the third and fourth months it will be 150,000/=. 1.3 THINGS TO NOTE a) After registration, a student shall be issued with a b) SESSION (In-service Programme) 3J@3R[ ')>:<)= b) A student shall get a University student Identity J''3R[ Failure to register within that period, one will have c) A student must register with his/her Faculty, the to pay a late registration fee ? LJ[ Fees Structure 2014 Structure Fees 30,000/=.and after 2 weeks it will be 50,000/=. d) A student must have paid all the required fees two ii NDEJJE UNIVERSITY ) @ @ 'R #' % ) [ #' 50,000/= as late clearance fee. 5 a) A fully paid student shall be issued with the Fees c) % @ P JJ'R[ ' % [ ' [ @ #''@ Q)>'@ b) J)#' ' /201 4 2.0 AT EXAMINATION ENTRY #'%'%)S i) 3J ii) An Identity Card iii) JJ iv) #'8'@ 3.0 MODES OF FEES PAYMENT The University accepts the following terms of payment %'@9@% J@8--9 (+ 3+'Q' J?:P= NB: No cash payments will be received at our premises Payments can be made on our accounts as detailed below No Bank Branch Ac Number Swift code Branch Code 1 J @P 3510021366 @ XHY> 2 J @@3 3010005055 @ XZY> 3 (J9 Impala House Z<Z<XHZZZ>H\]Y Z<Y> 4 ? 8)#* 01040200562412 ?@< Z<Y> 201 Structure Fees R[ iii NDEJJE UNIVERSITY TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 FEES STRUCTURE 2014/2015 NATIONAL FEES STRUCTURE 201 Main Campus / A ( GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG < B ( GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG \ (M!%'' GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG H (M!%''GGGGGGGGGGGG H C ( GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG H D (' GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG > E ((`'$ GGGGGGGGGGGGGG > F (GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ] G (`'+GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG j k6(:3!`$%'=GGGGGG << NATIONAL FEES STRUCTURE Kampala Campus A (7'%J'%GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG <Y %'':9=GGGGGGGGGGGG <Y INTERNATIONAL FEES STRUCTURE Main Campus Fees Structure 2014 Structure Fees A ( GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG \< B (` GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG \\ iv NDEJJE UNIVERSITY !*'':`(= GGGGGGGGGGGGGG \Y C ( GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG \H 5 D ((`$ GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG \> E ( GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG \] F (`'+ GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG \] G (' GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG XZ /201 4 INTERNATIONAL FEES STRUCTURE Kampala Campus A (7'%'%GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG X< !*'':9J= GGGGGGGGGG XH MASTERS FEES STRUCTURE A 8 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGXx GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG X] kJ3?'*' GGGGGGGGGGGGGG YZ % GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Y< "JGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGY\ #$JGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG YX PROFESSIONAL COURSES FEES STRUCTURE GGGGGGGGGGGG YY ACADEMIC YEAR 2014/2015 Fees Structure 201 Structure Fees v NDEJJE UNIVERSITY FEES STRUCTURE ACADEMIC YEAR 2014/2015 5 (FOR FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD YEARS - MAIN CAMPUS) Room & Other Sem/ Sem/ Annual FACULTY OF EDUCATION Tuition Sess III Board Charges Sess I Sess II Dues 201 / Yr. 2014/2015 6$ ><HZZZ 650,000 >>jHZZ 2,144,500 <j]\HZZ 4,127,000 6$ ><HZZZ 650,000 >xjHZZ 2,134,500 <j]\HZZ 4,117,000 6$ 650,000 650,000 604,500 <jZYHZZ <>H>HZZ 3,662,000 6) ><HZZZ 650,000 >>jHZZ 2,144,500 <j]\HZZ 4,127,000 6) ><HZZZ 650,000 >xjHZZ 2,134,500 <j]\HZZ 4,117,000 6) 650,000 650,000 604,500 <jZYHZZ <>H>HZZ 3,662,000 J) ]x\HZZ 650,000 >>jHZZ \\j\ZZZ 2,130,000 4,422,000 J) ]x\HZZ 650,000 >xjHZZ \\]\ZZZ 2,130,000 4,412,000 J) >HZZZZ 650,000 604,500 2,004,500 <]H>HZZ 3,862,000 QJ) >>ZZZZ 650,000 >>jHZZ \<jjHZZ \ZX>HZZ 4,237,000 QJ) >>ZZZZ 650,000 >xjHZZ \<]jHZZ \ZX>HZZ 4,227,000 QJ) >ZZZZZ 650,000 604,500 <jHYHZZ <]Z>HZZ 3,762,000 6++ ]x\HZZ 650,000 >>jHZZ \\j\ZZZ 2,130,000 4,422,000 Fees Structure 2014 Structure Fees 6++ ]x\HZZ 650,000 >xjHZZ \\]\ZZZ 2,130,000 4,412,000 61 NDEJJE UNIVERSITY 6++ >HZZZZ 650,000 604,500 2,004,500 <]H>HZZ 3,862,000 := >>ZZZZ 650,000 >xjHZZ \<]jHZZ \ZX>HZZ 4,227,000 5 DIPLOMA /CERTIFICATE COURSES- EDUCATION 6 X]HZZZ 650,000 >>jHZZ <]<YHZZ 1,652,500 3,467,000 /201 6 X]HZZZ 650,000 >xjHZZ <]ZYHZZ 1,652,500 3,457,000 4 QJ+L YjHZZZ 650,000 >>jHZZ <j\YHZZ <>x\HZZ 3,687,000 QJ+L YjHZZZ 650,000 >xjHZZ <j<YHZZ <>x\HZZ 3,677,000 J+L9J 632,500 650,000 >>jHZZ 2,062,000 <jZZZZZ 3,962,000 J+L9J 632,500 650,000 >xjHZZ 2,052,000 <jZZZZZ 3,952,000 J6QJ+L9J 330,000 650,000 >>jHZZ <>HjHZZ <Hj>HZZ 3,357,000 DIPLOMA /CERTIFICATE COURSES- SOCIAL SCIENCES QJ66J 440,000 650,000 >>jHZZ <]xjHZZ <>Z>HZZ 3,577,000 QJ66J 440,000 650,000 >xjHZZ <]HjHZZ <>Z>HZZ 3,567,000 8$6*$ 550,000 650,000 >>jHZZ <j>jHZZ <]<>HZZ 3,797,000 8$6*$ 550,000 650,000 >xjHZZ <jxjHZZ <]<>HZZ 3,787,000 {$J 600,000 650,000 >>jHZZ \Z\jHZZ <]x>HZZ 3,897,000 {$J 600,000 650,000 >xjHZZ \Z<jHZZ <]x>HZZ 3,887,000 Fees Structure 201 Structure Fees CG&C , 330,000 650,000 >>jHZZ <>HjHZZ <Hj>HZZ 3,357,000 72 NDEJJE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF BASIC & SOCIAL SCI. Annual 5 ACADEMIC YEAR 2014/2015 Dues Room & Other Sem/ Sem/Sess Yr. Tuition Sess III Board Charges Sess I II 2014/2015 201 6J6QJ6$68$ ><HZZZ 650,000 >>jHZZ 2,144,500 <j]\HZZ 4,127,000 / 6J6QJ6$68$ ><HZZZ 650,000 >xjHZZ 2,134,500 <j]\HZZ 4,117,000 6J6QJ6$68$ 650,000 650,000 604,500 <jZYHZZ <>H>HZZ 3,662,000 {`$J ]x\HZZ 650,000 >>jHZZ \\j\ZZZ 2,130,000 4,422,000 {`$J ]x\HZZ 650,000 >xjHZZ \\]\ZZZ 2,130,000 4,412,000 {`$J >HZZZZ 650,000 604,500 2,004,500 <]H>HZZ 3,862,000 6 >>ZZZZ 650,000 >>jHZZ \<jjHZZ \ZX>HZZ 4,237,000 6 >>ZZZZ 650,000 >xjHZZ \<]jHZZ \ZX>HZZ 4,227,000 6 >ZZZZZ 650,000 604,500 <jHYHZZ <]Z>HZZ 3,762,000 6*J**"L >>ZZZZ 650,000 >>jHZZ \<jjHZZ \ZX>HZZ 4,237,000 6*J**"L >>ZZZZ 650,000 >xjHZZ \<]jHZZ \ZX>HZZ 4,227,000 6*J**"L >ZZZZZ 650,000 604,500 <jHYHZZ <]Z>HZZ 3,762,000 |* ]\HZZZ 650,000 >>jHZZ 2,254,500 \Zj\HZZ 4,347,000 |* ]\HZZZ 650,000 >xjHZZ 2,244,500 \Zj\HZZ 4,337,000 |* >HZZZZ 650,000 604,500 2,004,500 <]H>HZZ 3,862,000 Fees Structure 2014 Structure Fees 83 NDEJJE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF EDUCATION Annual ACADEMIC YEAR 2014/2015 Dues 5 Room & Other Sem/ Sem/Sess Yr. INSERVICE PROGRAMME Tuition Sess III Board Charges Sess I II 2014/2015 JJJJJ! 132,000 150,000 XY>jZZ x\jjZZ Yx>jZZ Yx>jZZ 1,565,700 J*' 132,000 150,000 XY>jZZ x\jjZZ Yx>jZZ Yx>jZZ 1,565,700 /201 *8+J 165,000 150,000 XY>jZZ xx\jZZ HZZjZZ HZZjZZ 1,664,700 4 *8+J 165,000 150,000 XX>jZZ xH\jZZ HZZjZZ HZZjZZ 1,654,700 QJ+L 220,000 150,000 XY>jZZ ><>jZZ HHHjZZ HHHjZZ 1,829,700 QJ+L 220,000 150,000 XX>jZZ >Z>jZZ HHHjZZ HHHjZZ 1,819,700 $ \H]HZZ 150,000 XY>jZZ >HxYZZ HjYYZZ HjYYZZ 1,945,200 $ \H]HZZ 150,000 XX>jZZ >YxYZZ HjYYZZ HjYYZZ 1,935,200 $ 235,000 150,000 XX\jZZ ><>jZZ H>ZjZZ H>ZjZZ 1,859,700 QJ+L! 313,500 150,000 XY>jZZ ]<<YZZ xYjYZZ xYjYZZ 2,110,200 QJ+L! 313,500 150,000 XX>jZZ ]Z<YZZ xYjYZZ xYjYZZ 2,100,200 QJ+L! \]HZZZ 150,000 XX\jZZ >x>jZZ x\ZjZZ x\ZjZZ 2,009,700 ++J+L! X]HHZZ 150,000 XY>jZZ ]]XYZZ >\<YZZ >\<YZZ 2,326,200 ++J+L! X]HHZZ 150,000 XX>jZZ ]>XYZZ >\<YZZ >\<YZZ 2,316,200 ++J+L! 335,000 150,000 XX\jZZ ]<>jZZ x>ZjZZ x>ZjZZ 2,159,700 Fees Structure 201 Structure Fees 49 NDEJJE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOC.
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