Inside WEST RIVER Cardinal News, page 2 Party Platforms, page 3-4 Hermosa Church Dedicated, page 11 Annual Appeal, pages 13-15 Informing Catholics in Western South Dakota since May 1973 Priority Plan in Action, pages 16-18 Diocese of Rapid City Volume 45 Number 6 www.rapidcitydiocese.org COctoberatholic 2016 South Dakota Hillenbrand accepts CSS Founder’s Award bishop Chaput. BY AnecdotesLAURIE HALLSTROM of youthful hijinks, “My first memory of Ray was fishing tale “whoppers,” and meeting him when he was caring sincere admiration were used by for his wife, Rita, as she was strug- speakers to pay homage to a local gling with terminal cancer. Ray’s businessman and philanthropist. composure and affection for Rita, October 11, Ray Hillenbrand, at a time of great anxiety, pain and Rapid City, was awarded Catholic stress, were a lesson to me and to Social Services 2016 Founder’s others in Christian dignity. Award for his contributions to “We are honoring Ray tonight Catholic Social Services, the for his generosity to Catholic Diocese of Rapid City and the Social Services, and that honor is greater community. well earned. Ray is able to make Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, clear decisions and take decisive Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Pa., action in almost any situation. I Ray Hillenbrand, Rapid City, was honored by Catholic Social Services a long time friend, was the have never seen a more generous with the 2016 Founder’s Award, October 11. The keynote speaker was keynote speaker. Archbishop and capable volunteer when it Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, Philadelphia, and the award was presented Chaput served as Bishop of Rapid comes to Catholic projects. His by CSS Board Vice President Susan Raposa. (WRC photo by Becky City, 1988-97. engagement with community goes Berreth) The Catholic Social Services Founder’s Award is named for CSS “The nine years I spent as the very far beyond the church. He founder, the late Msgr. William J. O’Connell. It is given to recognize a brings his energy and enthusiasm person or organization who has dedicated time, talent and resources to Bishop of Rapid City are truly to every task. helping the poor, disenfranchised and suffering of among the best and happiest in South Dakota and who exemplifies the spirit of its my life. One reason for that “He has done extraordinary namesake. happiness was you, the people I things for Rapid City. He has a A total of 523 people turned out for the annual served. Dakotans have a character special love for the Native Amer- banquet, including Msgr. O’Connell’s sister, Joan that comes from a closeness to a ican community that shows itself Hickey, Chicago, and her daughter. Among those very beautiful, but also a very hard in a very consistent way. His speakers who paid tribute to Hillenbrand were: land. The other reason was the Prairie Edge Store in Rapid City Rapid City Mayor Steve Allender; Prairie Edge friendships I made with many of is remarkable for its quality and General Manager Dan Tribby; and daughter, Mimi Mailing Label Mailing MSGR. WILLIAM J. beauty. Hillenbrand. Bishop Robert Gruss expressed his you, but first and best among ONNELL gratitude for Hillenbrand’s longtime O’C them is my friendship with Ray- leadership on the Diocesan Finance Council. mond Hillenbrand,” said Arch- CSS, Continued on page 6 2 WRC October 2016 As Catholics we focusNo Greater on Love what protects human life In last month’s col- zenship” are these words: “As Catholics, our should view them within the context of the abortion and opposing assisted suicide. umn, I raised the ques- focus is not on party affiliation, ideology, hierarchy of truths in Catholic Social teach- People may say that the life issue isn’t tion: What happens in economics, or even competence and capac- ing which begins with defending innocent the only issue to consider. That is true. The a race where Christians ity to perform duties, as important as such human life. There is a vast difference on life Catholic Church proclaims that human life are faced with two issues are. Rather, we focus on what protects issues between the Republican and Demo- is sacred and that the dignity of the human morally problematic or threatens human life and dignity.” cratic Party Platforms — one of life and one person is the foundation of a moral vision Bishop choices like we are The month of October of death. for society. This belief is the foundation of Robert Gruss faced with this year? is Respect Life Month This year’s Democratic all the principles of our social teaching. When both candidates with the theme “Moved “... as each day brings Party platform calls for the Therefore, I believe the life issue is the first are not good, then who Diocese of By Mercy.” There are us closer to overturning of the Hyde issue to consider. The right to life is the first should I vote for? Rapid City many life issues to con- Election Day, Amendment, a provision and most fundamental principle of human The question hasn’t sider for reflection which additional negative that both parties have voted rights. Without life, none of the other changed as we get speak clearly of the dig- material on both to include in the federal rights matter. closer to November 8. nity of human life in its budget and on other spend- Many of the other issues can legiti- In fact, it seems that as each day brings us many stages. Some of candidates surfaces ing bills for many, many mately be debated by Christians, such as closer to Election Day, additional negative these issues are written in the media. I can’t years. The Hyde Amend- the best and most effective policies in car- material on both candidates surfaces in the into the platforms of the help but think, “How ment prohibits federal tax- ing for the poor, the immigrants, taxes, etc. media. I can’t help but think, “How much two major political parties much worse can payer money from being In voting, it is not an either/or scenario. All worse can it get?” It is hard to believe that and are major concerns in it get?’” used for abortion. The plat- issues need to be considered. But all issues our country has reached this point where this election year. Human form is aggressively pro- are not equal. The direct killing of innocent the two choices we have as presidential can- life issues, religious freedom issues, immi- abortion, not only in funding matters, but human life must be opposed always by didates are so deeply flawed. Certainly God gration issues and education issues are some in the appointment of judges who support every follower of Jesus Christ. is the only one who can judge the human of those which are at the heart of the Re- abortion. It also supports the repealing of The health and holiness of our country heart, and I am sure they both are person- publican and Democratic Party Platforms. the Helms Amendment, which states that and our world depends on a deep respect ally well intentioned, but each in their own These platforms are presented in this issue “no (U.S.) foreign assistance funds may be for human life at all its stages from the mo- way, seriously put forth defective ideas and of the West River Catholic, on pages 3-4. used to pay for the performance of abortion ment of conception until natural death. The policies when it comes to Catholic Social Please take the time to view them before as a method of family planning or to moti- future of our society depends on how we teaching. you vote. vate or coerce any person to practice abor- protect that right. Written in the USCCB document Even though there are many issues in tions.” Conversely, the Republican Party In this Year of Mercy, we are called to be “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citi- which to consider in any election, Catholics platform is supportive of the Hyde Amend- merciful as our heavenly Father is merciful ment and has strengthened its support for to us. How will we be moved by mercy if life by calling for the defunding of Planned we are not first moved by mercy for the un- Parenthood, banning dismemberment born? Cardinal- Bishop’s Calendar — October 17-November 6 designate October 17-21, Monday-Friday Oct. 9, Archbishop Blase J. Diocesan Priest Retreat – Terra Sancta Cupich announced at Holy Name Cathedral he had been appointed October 28-29, Friday-Saturday to the College of Cardinals by Pope Diocesan Stewardship Summit – Terra Sancta Retreat Center Francis. Cardinal-designate Cupich, October 31, Monday who was appointed archbishop of 1 p.m. Department Head – Chancery Chicago in 2014, said he was November 1, Tuesday All Saints Day “deeply humbled” by the pope’s 8 a.m. Diocesan Staff Mass/Breakfast – Terra Sancta decision announced earlier that November 3, Thursday day that he would be joining 16 11 a.m. Presbyteral Council – Chancery other new cardinals, including two November 4, Friday from the United States: Cardinals- designate Kevin J. Farrell, prefect 11:15 a.m. First Friday Mass/Luncheon – Cathedral of the new Vatican office for laity, November 6, Sunday family and life; and Joseph W. 10 a.m. Mass, Dedication of St. Joseph Parish Center – Holy Cross Church, Timber Tobin of Indianapolis. They will be Lake inducted November 19. He served 5:30 p.m. Mass, Newman visit – St. Joseph/BHSU Newman Center, Spearfish as Bishop of Rapid City, 1998- 2010. (CNS photo Karen Callaway) Subject to change without notice October 2016 WRC 3 See page 4 4 WRC October 2016 See page 3 October 2016 WRC 5 Advocates celebrate climate change agreement Author sees anniversary of Lutheranism as a Catholic, too WASHINGTON (CNS) — With a global agreement that addresses climate change now ready to go into effect, advocates took a moment to celebrate the milestone, but called BY BRIAN WELTER CATHOLIC“OctoberNEWS S ERVICE31, 1517: Martin Luther and the Day That Changed the for further actions to reduce carbon pollution.
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