’ '.V- •\ ■ ''m !NET PRESS RUM the wx^ toer AVERAGE DAILX CIRCULATION Poreeast b f V. 8. 'IVaathar Baraav, OP THE EVENING HERALD Naw HaTea for Wie month of April, 1937 Fair and slightly cooler tonight 4,984 and Friday. VOL. XLL, NO. 203. Classified Advertising on Page IS MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1927. ’.(TWENTY-PAGES^ PRICE THREE CENTS -------------- — • Conn. State Library HANKOW IN HANDS OF NATIONALISTS COOLIDGE GOING TO BLACK HILLS 2,000 PERSONS Shanghai, May 27.—Hankow . I I ■ is now virtually in the hands of the Moderate Nationalists, ac- LINDBERGH IN PU N E ARE TRAPPED -cording to reliable reports', re­ ceived here tonight. The Ex­ tremists are in flight and only a few Nationalists remain to ar­ AT m O S A S range affairs on the arrival of GIVES PARIS THRILL Chiang Kai Shek. The Japanese authorities are reported to have ordered their Director Parker, However, nationals to evacuate, while re­ strictions in the French cancea- Hops Into French Machine and Does Stunts Over French sion have been tightened and COMMONS CUTS Believes They All Can Be permission to leave the conces­ sion is necessary. Capital—Forced to Take Parachute — Air Officials Rescued Before the Day OFFRELATIONS Frightened As They Watch Him Do Tail Spins-4tays Ends. SNYDER EXECUTION WITH SOVIETS Up Hour and a Half—Then Makes Brief Speech to / ,| Lafayette, La., May 27.—Secre­ STAYED BY APPEAL French Senators, tary of Commerce Hoover today Great Britain Formally made his last swing around the soutliern end of the great Louisiana Briefs Filed Which Automa- Brings Matter to An End; Paris, May 27.— Grinning with LINDBERGH LOSES sea rolling down both sides of the satisfaction. Captain Charles A. FLYING HEL51ET Atcliafalaya basin to the gulf. Lindbergh came to earth here today At Opelosas he received reports tically Postpones Carry­ Parls, May 27,—"Lost” ad­ To Withdraw Its Own full of excitement over the beauties vertisements, bearing the name from Jolin M. Parker, in charge of of Paris, having completed an hour of Charles A. Lindbergh, are ap­ state relief headquarters, that evac­ ing Out of Sentence. Envoys, and a half fliglit over the city in the pearing in the Paris newspapers. uation of a small Isolated section in early hours of the morning—his While flying over Paris’early North Pointe Coupee parish, above The state game lodge, Custer State Park, in the Black Hills of South Dakota, may be chosen by Presl- first flight since he turned off the today Captain Lindbergh lost the the McCrea crevasse, was proceed­ dent Coolldge for his vacation site, according to new advices from Washington. The lodge is pictured, motor In “The Spirit of St. Louis” flying helmet which he wore ing satisfactory. Although some 2,- New York, May 27.—Ruth Brown above. London, May 27.— Great Britain at the end of his epochal flight when he flew across the Atlan­ 000 people still are trapped in the Snyder’s execution, scheduled for today formally brought her diplo­ across the Atlantic. tic. He has placed advertise­ fifty square miles in the northeast­ the week of June 20, was automati­ matic and trade relations with Rus­ Lindbergh was unembarrassed ments in the newspapers in an ern point of the parish, with boats cally stayed until fall when notice LINDBERGH AS sia to an end. and at ease for the first time since effort to regain the helmet, as their only means of escape, Par­ BEETHOVEN CLUB GUY HOLMES CASE he had arrived here, for he had en­ which he regards as something ker’s communique emphasized for an appeal of her case was filed ENVOY OF U. S. The foreign office at noon dis­ joyed zooming and sideslipping and of a talisman. there was, in his view, no danger today in Queens county court. Mrs. patched a note to Charge Rosen- looping over Paris— and that is his of loss of life. Snyder and her former lover, Henry Senator Norbeck Suggests goltz at the Soviet embassy giving idea of the way to see a town. Rescued by Boats Judd Gray, are now in the death- SCORES DECISIVELY BROUGHT UP AGAIN Astonishes Flyers. Those driven out by the waters That He Visit All the Euro­ notification of the break. The note The young American astonished ed his motor and hopped off grace­ flowing northward from McCrae, houte in Sing Sing awaiting execu­ pean Countries. was couched in the usual courteous veteran aviators at Le Bourget by fully. A French flyer. Sergeant from which the bulk of the Atcha- tion for the murder of the woman’s tones of diplomacy but notified the his daring, for he was flying a De Troyat hopped off at the same Washington, May 27.— Cap­ time, Lindbergh following him and falaya flood is rushing southward husband, Albert Snyder. Assumes Assured Position Russians that all attaches of the strange plane—a Nieuport—which they headed for Paris, six miles over Pionte Coupe, are heading for Gray’s . appeal will not be filed tain Charles Lindbergh, the New Bedford Ex-Minister embassy and trade delegation will he had never seen before, hut his “lone eagle” of the Atlantic, from the flying field. the lilississippi levees above Mor- for about two weeks. be expected to leave London within antics in the clouds were out of gansea. Here tiiey are being carried By High Quality of Its Sec­ was proposed today as a spec­ Appears At Methodist ten days. sheer joy and certainly could not Use Military Planes off in hundreds of craft to the Ba­ Grounds Not Revealed. ial American ambassador to The note named the heads of de­ be considered for the benefit of the Both aviators used French mili­ ton Ropgc refugee camp. Grounds for Mrs. Snyder’s ap­ Europe. partments of the Russian embassy public, for the flight was made so tary planes. •' The McCrae spiilway, which peal for a new trial were hot con­ ond Annual Concert. Senator Peter Norbeck, Re­ Conference In New Haven. and trade delegation, and their as­ early that Paris had hardly awak­ Lindbergh and his companion opened under the mad pounding of tained in the notice filed this morn­ publican of South Dakota, sistants, and stated that if they did ened and Lindbergh was back on flew over the city for about an the Atcliafalaya torrent last Satur­ ing. Ti'ese will be given in briefs who, like Lindbergh Is a de­ not leave within ten days they ground about the time most French­ hour. The aviators flew low over day, had widened to slightly more submitted to the Court of Appeals scendant of the vikings, de­ would be deported. men were beginning to consider the Arch of Triumph paying horn-, than 2,000 feet today. by her attorneys. District Attorney How heavily the Beethoven Glee clared the “lone eagle” would New Haven, Conn., May 27.— No further contact will be main­ petit dejeuner. age to the French Unknown Sol­ Reports from the New Orleans Richard S. Newcombe also will sub­ club scored on the occasion of its do more to cement friendly re­ Leaders of the Methodist Episcopal tained between the British and the Had Good Time. dier who lies buried at the base, of Weather Bureau today said that mit briefs. second annual concert at the High lations between American church from three conferences Russians and orders have, gone “That’s the best time I have had the monument. Morgan City, the most southerly Mrs. Snyder, it was learned, will school assembly hall last night Is and European powers than forth for the withdrawal of the since I arrived in Paris,” Lindbergh Lindbergh started “stunt fly­ sign over her rights to her hus­ any of the regularly appoint­ gathered to hear the appeal of Guy said as he. climbed smiling from ing”, looping the loop and doing city in the path of the flood, has shown by the fact that the singers British mission from Moscow. almost two feet of water in some band’s insurance of $102,000 to ed, ambassadors, Norbeck sUg- L. Holmes, of New Bedfcir'd,.for..re- Some Russians;will be allowed,to the cockpit of the Nieuport and re- side slips. Both Lindbergh and sections. her nine-year-old daughter; Lor­ and their instrumentat supporters' ' gestefi ’ the administration linstat'em'ent as a minister in the remain in London to carry dm the '{reived cdhgratulatlons ftom the De Troyat went through various Revised Estimates raine. Mrs. Snyder remains the held to the end the keen Interest Lindbergh a roving commis­ church. The group, sitting as a ju­ business of Arcos, Ltd., the private French aviators present who ex­ evolutions of their flying reper­ Revised estimates are that a beneficiary until the Court of Ap­ of an audience worn almost to the sion as ambassador so he Russian trading organization. pressed their warm admiration of tory finishing off with a'mock air might visit all the capitals of dicial conference, met at Fjfst his flying. battle high in the sky. ^1 maximum flood watgi’ level of ten peals passes on her fate. point of physical exhaustion by a The government it is understood, feet will roach Morgan City be­ Fight For Child. Europe. Methodist church with Bishop plans to deport a number of Rus­ Lindbergh didn’t linger long to French flyers on the ground tween June 10 and 15, a naval air Fight for the custody of Lor­ program nearly three hours long. “Lindbergh won world Luther B. Wilson presiding. Ses­ sians who have no official connec­ hear words of praise, however, for looked on in amazement, marvel­ reconnaissance report today said raine is to be opened next Tuesday The wooden chairs of the assembly fame by his remarkable feat in sions were in secret.
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