15" Spartan spikers Students dance, cheer win first home match for the Oasis' birthday See page 6 Spartan Daily Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 93. No 14 I litustlity , September 2 I , 1989 Volume Research lab Officials to send continues quest Jesse Martinez, final offer for holding a lab animal, is the Environmentally controlled cages manager (il' the %Mina! Care weather station may lead to federal accreditation Facility . By Patrick Nolan NWS proposal in Daily stall writer If everything work, out as works for 3 years believe the planned, laboratory' animals at liy Sylsia l'lloa SJSU will he moving "from sheds university has the Daily staff writer to townhouses... SJSU officials are scheduled to just getting most to offer. I "Actually, they're submit their final bid in an attmept to said Jesse fancy animal cages," bring a prestigious National Weather Martinez, manager of the Animal tend to be a little Service station to campus. Care Facility in Duncan Hall. The NWS wants to replace its cages biased in my view, Procurement of the new station in Redwood City with one in and centralizaton of lab animals are the South Bay, and SJSU is among but I think that's some of the major steps SJSU's In- the institution% competing for the and Use stitute of Animal Care project pretty objective.' Comnuttee is taking in its 10-year The beleaguered proposal has of quest for accreditation the been in the works tOr the past three Dr. Peter Lester, school's facility, according to Dr. years, and officials are still cautious Alan Ling. dean of the Scluxil of in their predictions for the outcome director, Science. of the bid. meteorology department The university-run animal care But the university's final offer is committee. designed to oversee all going out with today's mail, said research animal, used on campus. Ron Duvall. director of Spartan construction is seeking accreditation of the lab Shops. After the discussion Spartan Association for by the American Spartan Shops. vwhich is nego- Shops "made some adjustments Accreditation of Laboratory Ani- tiating for SJSU. met with the Serv- where we thought it was appropria- mal Care I AAALACI. ice for the last time Sept. 14, when te," and was "wrapping up" negotia- Accreditation, or legal recogni- the two organizations discussed ad- tions, Duvall said. has met federal stan- tion that a lab iustments to construction estimates. The total cost for the building will add more than just pres dards. as well as other possible needs of the would he in the S6 million range. facility. Martinet said. tige to the weather station. according , SJSU's assmiate exec- be like letting the public "It will Duvall said that NWS represen- utive vice president of business af- know we have met federal stan- tatives wanted to take a close look at fairs. said. dards for excellence," he the cost estimates submitted by Spar- The final location of the South "Also. being accredited will im- tan Shops because the service's leas- Bay weather station is not certain be- prose our facility 's opportunity for ing lees will he based on the costs of See WEATHER. page 5 grant lllll ney to kind research pro- jects. Currently, nom ot the 19 Cali- fornia State Unoersity campuses Faculty parking-fee ire accredited by the federally at:- , laimed AAALAC. and SJSU's lah could he one ot the Iirst to achieve deductions rescinded such status. I lie first step toward accredita- But SJSU President Gail Ful- tion vi.as to get a location for the Controller orders lerton informed faculty members this animals: the seventh floor of Dun- week that the deductions would not can Hall." Ling said. "The second CSU reversal he made. step is to obtain the VIUs." Its 1Ido 11aragoni VIlls (Vertical Isolation State Controller Gray Davis, 'The Daily staff writer Units), which cost approximately. California's chief financial officer, SX.(XX) to $10.000, are "state of A portion of the California Stale recently told the CSU he would not the art animal cages that will allow l'iii%ersity's plan to collect parking garnish wages of faculty members as for complete control of the envi- lee increases from faculty members he was instructed by the university ronment of a given animal spe- has been struck down by the Califor- system. said Joan Edelstein. chapter cies," according it) Martinez. nia Controller's Office. president of the California Faculty Martinez is in charge of approxi- Association SJSU. The CSU raised faculty parking mately 350 rats. mice, guinea pigs, "This is a clear indication that fees from S33 to SX I per semester in rabbits and frogs used for research. other state agencies think the CSU's August. retmactive to fall 19ffff. actions are illegal." FAIelstein said. %Ouch is schen students' and stall By law. different species of ani- "'The decision by Davis shows the members' tees went up. Faculty mals must he separated in order to CSU itxtk inappropriate steps in col- members %sere told they had to pay ensure that diseases aren't trans- lecting the fees " mitted. So the animals are cur- N W,,,,therri Daily staff photographer any outstanding balance due. and that if they did not pay voluntarily However. CSU budget analyzer See RESEARCH. page 5 frog Jeff Hubert, Mathes% Fish and Greg Schlick. all majoring in biology examine the body ea) ity of a they would risk deductions from George Pardon said the wage-deduc- their paychecks. See FACULTY, page 5 UPD probe 'Hof topics find a home on KSJS 2 arrests made in By JII1McLaughlin heCilUse they leel there I, a need to talk about Daily staff writer the world around them. according to Anna EN George Pint() is not looking to he another mu. the station's public affairs director. Some of Pinto's guests magazine scam Geraldo. but the sinooth-talking graduate stu- Pinto's goal for his shows is to keep his have surprised him. The dent is always looking for hot new ideas for his personal bias ma minimum. he said. weekly talk show on KSJS. SJSILI's campus "I ask questions hut kind of in a neutral Fly Brenda 1 esko tigation. most shocking quote Daily staff writer radio station. way... he said. An SJSU president's directive "I never know what people are going to Some of Pinto's guests have surprised him professor Two came from a people were arrested on states that it is illegal for unautho- say." Pinto said of hi% show. "About This and with their responses. he said The most shock- campus Tuesday for selling what rized vendors to solicit magazines on That." The show airs every Wednesday front 6 ing quote came last semester from a professor who called San Jose university police believe may he university property. p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and is designed to he a who called San Jose "the excremental vision ol bogus magazine subscriptions. "forum to say whatever is on people's minds," a city." 'the excremental vision was arrested near In separate incidents, Daniel Mc- McWilliams he said. Wednesday, Mayor Tom Mchnery offered Union at I I:II a.m Williams. 21. and Donald Vanover. the Student To look at thi% 27 -year-old philosophy his remark% on "About This and That.- Pinto of a city.' Gist. an SJSLI stu- IX, were arrested by UPD officers after Elizabeth major. it is hard to believe he is the "youngest interviewed the mayor about his personal gain observed him soliciting an- after they were observed ap- dent. retired CPA in America." as he describe% him- from San Jose's redevelopment and about his according to a UPD proaching students and asking them other student. self. In his black KSJS staff T-shirt and tenni% future plans. Three new human interest programs and to buy magazines, according to Uni- report. shoes. Pint() casually explained how he grad- According to Everett. the station advocates one specialty music shoss have been added to versity Police Department Lt. Shan- Candace D'Alessandro. another uated from Santa Clara University with a degree "any issue revolving around the faculty. stu- the KSJS air time this semester because of non Maloney. Police suspected that student. was approached hy Vanover in accounting and became a CPA. but "retired dent% or administration." growing interest among students who work on the "We solicitors did not have permits, at Seventh and San Carlos streets at 23 to study philosophy." are not just about entertainment." the staff. Everett said he said public interest about 15 minutes later and was sub- Pinto's show is one of many she said. "We are trying to be more issue - One show, "Hot Talk... is "designed to air Both suspect% were cited and sequently arrested. shows student% at the campus radio station oriented ." See KSJS, page 5 later released pending further inves- See ARREST, page 5 Spartan Daily/Thursday, Se_ptember 2 I , 1989 Forum Spartan Daily 1111 Pubhshed tor the University aS and the University Community by the Department of Journahsm ree and Mass Communicahons inj Since 1934 State to kill So programs me needed lay Editorial As feared all summer. the state cut Assembly was unable last week to arrange nx family planning wh additional funding for rul programs in California. A.S. resolution Gov. Deukmejian cut the legislature's in proposed $36 million budget for the der programs in July. hut million. misses target By $24 That's a two-thirds cut in funding that fro The bloody crackdown of the pro-democracy sreolui nt ranedx apmreisncartiipotnios ;nfs'7f(bmirth cporonvt ri,d)rcsofounr the student protests in Beijing over the summer left - ire; many Americans ringing their fingers and wonder- diagnosis and treatment of sexually ten ing what they could do to express their outrage.
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