EFTeSE-rTOA€mrnForry Tim looksfor boost I9__WESTERNMA|L, lvtoNDAy, JULY 2s,1s I ,esw%.- very tired w, British For' must admit I felt ir,"ultdl, i;;;Ailii;" THE MABLBORO ttre start of moves into the car at Pra' mula thiee ChamPionshiP Davies ended uP wittl l0 Vt SundaY for its M to Snetterton on on his car, some for f500 or les w 13th round and Tim Davies is gattrered bY his friends in tbe Davies's hopes dashed (8 hoping that 13 will be his luckY He certaitrly gave them i cl TIM number. , their money and the trip to tttt Davies won and' lace and Spencein a very restarted race Davies, lost Davies hhs not won this Year' but ton circuit could be fruittul as ttre 12th round of Ught bunch behind. who was Iv having trouble bis class c/as fully illustrated at Doning- bination of t,tle super fast stra: the Marlboro British However the rain selecting gears, a was ton in the last round' tight intield section is just whr Formula Three returned during lap flve passed by Scott and ({ cham- Wal- He has taken ttre Autowindscreens and ttre powerfirl Alfa Rome pionship in antl wittr Davies, who had lace as tJrey croissed the e, quan- a dramatic b; Alfa Reynard from an unknown likes. already set ttle fastest lap. line. Davies had race of two halves at lost ttre Ilt titv to a potential race winner in two holding a huge slicle io drive to his rear However, after ttre last rot Donnington park wheels a races and only a freak gearbox failure tht lead acrosst}re line on laD and coasted to a stop hatf- Ralt cars finished 1-2-3on yesterday. six, tfie kent him frorl winning' the third time in a row, tlte titl stewards stoppeb way round ttte track. G driving is the race to However he exptained' becomeeven more open with I Alttrough tfte rain had enablettre field Scott took the lead G problems at present, "I to change to wet weattrer the ieast of his experiencedDave Scott haulit stopped by lunchtime at holding on to ttte end as a win to help get more tyres. Ross reallv needed into contention. tlre start of ttle 25 lap race Cheever sliced for the r€st of the season'In tne After half-an-hour the through soonsorship track still looked the field to linish ttre last round I drove Btitish Formula Tl damp race was restarted for a second. tire week blfore Marlboro and with only one mites trying to clinch enough deals pionshipalter 12rounds: l, Russel second further l4 laps and After tfie t O-oO separating the race Davies was stiu on Saturday night' Doints: 2, AndY wallace 53pts; practice although the rain trad said, "I just can't a and Wing 361 times of the first believe "Even so we were f900 short on race bugelmin 50pk: 4, Tim Davies 10 drivers it looked stopped again Davies led it ttris is ttre fourth race 30pts. a close tr and although it all came through I Scott race. away followed this time that I have led and lost. day by Wallace, and Scott Things get Davies screamed must better. 5t into vrith Spence well adrift. but I think it's the lead wittr Scott. Just one of WaI- On the sixth lap of the tbose yean." ll facesa s Davies n s l e busyweekend Gugelmin rf LAMPETEB'S Tim Davies faces a However,with tbe ti0e leader fail- d busy weekend as he tries to fit in ing to scorein tlre last round the points rt the 14th round of tbe Marlboro gap ts closing. British Fomula 3 ChamPionsbiP Xatlbolo Bsltlsb Fo.lr|rlr 3 Chatnploo' re at Outton Park witb tbe SdaY shto aftcr 13 rorrdsr l, RusseU Spence olptsi closes gap h Multipart Truck Grand Prix at 2. Uaurice Ctugplmin 57; 3' Andy lvallace 39' L Silverstone. 5,lpts;4, Ttrn Davi,es year's mr( was a MAURICE Gugelmin Evans later confronted Last T'nrckGrand gap m huge successand fte organiserehave Closed the at the Davies in an angry scene put packedprogramme with top of the Marlboro in the pits, but the drivers' ts togethera views al continuouc acilon Aom Barn in t,tre Pritish Forrnula 3 on the accident dif- morningto 'pm. after fered. l Big boost 0hampionship accepted have been Davies said, grip ttre Z2 eirtAes taking second place in "I lost classes and tfiere are halfiray through the race split into tbree latest.round go the 15 lhe at otherwise I was sure I was seven heats to tbrcugn before Snetterton. going to get third place. lap- Onal on Sunday. a nrn , Lampeter's Tim Davies Gary and I were alongside Altlrough initlally regarded as for Davies presu' also maintained his title at the end of the straight event there ls a serlous side and a . bid with a fine fourth siouE European.ChsnptonsNpls bogin- and he just kept coming RACING DR'MR Tim Davles's career $lace as seriesleader Rus- at me. It's ning to emerge with totrgh opposiuon' one of ttrose Davles sot a timelv boost after Donald Jenkins qell Spence failed to things." tnr rn iaotuon to star names like Hide ttre entry includes iransport and International flnish. The next raee is at Oul- raI and Barry Sheene of Lampeter nichard Walker' and Exoorters F R Chestwin Davies was only ninth ton Park on Saturday. 3k- Euro title leader for today's race fest€st in the first practice last year's winner Dulio Ghislott'i &om arriounced sponsorshlp session, MarlboroBritish Formula 3 at Oulton Park. but improved to Italy. confirmed, "We think of start in fourth place. championship:25 laps Snet 35 Chestwins terton:1. Gerrit Van Kouwen, local lad with a great tuture , Dutchman Gerrit Van ilre Tim as a 24mins 18.46 secs l08.83mph; tts and we were haPPYto give him as much Kouwen shot into the lead 2, MauriceGugehln; 3, Ross Revised Jenkins said' the ler helD as we coulditDonald dt start of the 25 lap cheever:4, Tim Davies;6, Tlm since his grass track race with 6, Andy !faf- "I've known Gugelmin and Cattty Muuer; In between Davies will be comrrut we've been following his pro- close lace. 3 davs and Davies behind, how- Ia ins to Oulton Park for ttre Formula week in l}lre Western MaiJ. ever, Davies began to lose Fast€st lap: Maudce Gugel- 'm- picture with a cress everv raie after keeping in the iue knew d[ about his money problems gEoundand was passedin min, I min 2.?1secs; ll0.4tnptr; :ed place at Snetterton. Championship positions aft€r hard fought fourtlr and were happY to help." the later stages by Ross cash crises reached a 13 rounds: l, Russell Spence Hls curent more Cheever before coming we€k and he was well short of In order to concentrate on ttre 61ptsi 2, Muaice Gugplmin |ay oeak last had to with- dnder heavy pressure 5?EK; 3, Andy Walace 54pts; proper budget until Tom AlPern oi imDortant event Davies has I pl, i - 'driw Tnrck Grand ftom Gary Evans. 4, 1'im Davies 39pts. com Computers, generouslY ftom ttre Silverstone nt G;id place be taken by t'he Evans and Davies agreed to make uP tbe difierence from Prix and his will Dane Slim Borgudd. olashed three laps ftorrr 14 hls own pocket and at t'he eleventlt hour experienced home and although bottr tbe team le& for t'he cucuit i cars appeared un- Davies was the quickect of the damagedEvans had a big gn 'l-2:3Reynard drlvers, but nalt cars f,nished accident a bit frrther on ber for t.trefourt'h race i.!ra row 8nd it is and the race was ended clear tlrat something extra !B needed. t18 Reynard was 4ry!.9'. __ inc Car d€slgner Adrtan qulck to sug8€Et an tntensive develop l)r-rllc bof rnent proSrarnme, but lt a[ depends on ,nly Ure zuccess of Davies' fund-ralsing efiorts..
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