§ 3.25–10 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–19 Edition) § 3.25–10 Sector Hampton Roads Ma- Northumberland Counties in Virginia rine Inspection Zone and Captain of to a point 37°53′11″ N latitude, 76°14′15″ the Port Zone. W longitude; thence east along the Sector Hampton Roads’ office is lo- Maryland-Virginia boundary as it pro- cated in Portsmouth, VA. The bound- ceeds across the Chesapeake Bay and aries of Sector Hampton Roads’ Marine Delmarva Peninsula to the point of ori- Inspection and Captain of the Port gin at 38°01′36″ N latitude, 75°14′34″ W Zone start at a point on the Virginia- longitude. Maryland boundary at a point 38° 01′36″ [USCG–2013–0251, 78 FR 73440, Dec. 6, 2013] N latitude, 75°14′34″ W longitude, thence south east to a point 37°19′14″ N § 3.25–15 Sector Maryland-National latitude, 72°13′13″ W longitude; thence Capital Region Marine Inspection east to the outermost extent of the Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. EEZ at a point 37°19′14″ N latitude, Sector Maryland-National Capital 71°02′54″ W longitude; thence south Region’s office is located in Baltimore, along the outermost extent of the EEZ MD. The boundaries of Sector Mary- to a point 36°33′00″ N latitude, 71°29′34″ land-National Capital Region’s Marine W longitude; thence west to the Vir- Inspection Zone and Captain of the ginia-North Carolina boundary at a Port Zone start at a point 38°01′36″ N point 36°33′00″ N latitude, 75°52′00″ W latitude, 75°14′34″ W longitude; thence longitude; thence west along the Vir- south east to a point 37°19′14″ N lati- ginia-North Carolina boundary to the tude, 72°13′13″ W longitude; thence intersection of Virginia-North Caro- north west to a point at 38°26′25″ N lati- lina-Tennessee at a point 36°35′17″ N tude, 74°26′46″ W longitude; thence west latitude, 81°40′38″ W longitude; thence to the intersection of the Maryland- north and west along the Virginia-Ten- Delaware boundary and the coast at a nessee boundary to the intersection of point 38°27′03″ N latitude, 75°02′ 55″ W Virginia-Tennessee-Kentucky at a longitude; thence west to a point point 36°36′03″ N latitude, 83°40′31″ W 38°27′15″ N latitude, 75°30′00″ W lon- longitude; thence northeast along the gitude on the Delaware-Maryland Virginia State boundary to the inter- boundary; thence proceeding along the section of the Virginia-West Virginia Delaware-Maryland boundary west to a State boundaries at a point 39°07′57″ N point at 38°27′37″ N latitude, 75°41′35″ W latitude, 77°49′42″ W longitude; thence longitude; thence proceeding north to southwest along the Loudoun County, the Maryland-Delaware-Pennsylvania VA boundary to the intersection with boundary at a point 39°43′22″ N latitude, Fauquier County, VA at a point 75°47′17″ W longitude; thence west along 39°00′50″ N latitude, 77°57′43″ W lon- the Pennsylvania-Maryland boundary gitude; thence east along the Loudoun to the Pennsylvania-Maryland-West County, VA boundary to the intersec- Virginia boundary at a point 39°43′16″ N tion with Prince William County, VA latitude, 79°28′36″ W longitude; thence boundary at a point 38°56′33″ N latitude, south and east along the Maryland- 77°39′18″ W longitude; thence south West Virginia boundary to the inter- along the Prince William and Fauquier section of the Maryland-Virginia-West County VA boundaries to the intersec- Virginia boundaries at a point 39°19′17″ tion of Fauquier, Prince William, and N latitude, 77°43′08″ W longitude; Stafford County, VA at a point 38°33′24″ thence southwest along the Loudoun N latitude, 77°31′54″ W longitude; County, VA boundary to the intersec- thence east along the Prince William tion with Fauquier County, VA at a and Stafford County, VA boundaries to point 39°00′50″ N latitude, 77°57′43″ W the western bank of the Potomac River longitude; thence east along the at a point 38°30′13″ N latitude, 77°18′00″ Loudoun County, VA boundary to the W longitude; thence south along the intersection with Prince William Coun- Stafford County, VA boundary to a ty, VA boundary at a point 38°56′33″ N point 38°22′30″ N latitude, 77°18′14″ W latitude, 77°39′18″ W longitude; thence longitude; thence south and east along south along the Prince William and the boundary between the southern Fauquier County VA boundaries to the bank of the Potomac River and Staf- intersection of Fauquier, Prince Wil- ford, King George, Westmoreland, and liam, and Stafford County, VA at a 40 VerDate Sep<11>2014 09:08 Aug 14, 2019 Jkt 247137 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\247137.XXX 247137 pparker on DSK3GDR082PROD with CFR Coast Guard, DHS § 3.35–1 point 38°33′24″ N latitude, 77°31′54’’ W Subpart 3.35—Seventh Coast longitude; thence south east to a point Guard District 38°20′30’’ N latitude, 77°18′14’’ W lon- gitude; thence south and east along the § 3.35–1 Seventh district. boundary between the southern bank of (a) The District Office is in Miami, the Potomac River and Stafford, King Fla. George, Westmoreland, and North- (b) The Seventh Coast Guard District umberland Counties in Virginia to a is comprised of the states of South point 37°53′11″ N latitude, 76°14′15″ W Carolina, Georgia and Florida, except longitude; thence east along the Mary- for that part of Georgia and Florida land-Virginia boundary as it proceeds west of a line starting at the Florida across the Chesapeake Bay and Del- coast at longitude 084°04′34″ W. (30° marva Peninsula to the point of origin 05′45″ N., 084°04′34″ W.) proceeding at 38°01′36″ N latitude, 75°14′34″ W lon- northerly along the boundary between gitude. Wakulla and Jefferson counties to posi- [USCG–2013–0251, 78 FR 73440, Dec. 6, 2013, as tion 30°15′00″ N., 084°04′33″ W.; thence amended by USCG–2016–0060, 81 FR 38594, due west to a position 30°15′ N., 84°45′ June 14, 2016] W.; thence due north to the intersec- tion with the south shore of the Jim § 3.25–20 Sector North Carolina Ma- Woodruff Reservoir; thence along the rine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. east bank of the Jim Woodruff Res- ervoir and the east bank of the Flint Sector North Carolina’s office is lo- River up stream to Montezuma, GA, cated in Wilmington, NC. The bound- thence northwesterly to West Point, ary of Sector North Carolina’s Marine GA. Also included is the Panama Canal Inspection Zone and Captain of the Zone, all the island possessions of the Port Zone starts at the sea on the United States pertaining to Puerto North Carolina-Virginia border at 36 Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands; and deg 33.04 min N. latitude, 75 deg 52.05 the U.S. Naval reservations in the is- min W. longitude, and proceeds west- lands of the West Indies and on the erly along the North Carolina-Virginia north coast of South America. The boundary to the Tennessee boundary; ocean areas are those portions of the thence southwesterly along the North western North Atlantic, Caribbean Sea, Carolina-Tennessee boundary to the Gulf of Mexico and the Straits of Flor- Georgia boundary and then to the ida areas encompassed by a line origi- South Carolina boundary; thence eas- nating at the state boundary between terly along the North Carolina-South North Carolina and South Carolina, Carolina boundary on the sea at 33 deg and extending southeasterly through 51.06 min N. latitude, 78 deg 32.46 min 30°57′ N., 73°06′ W. and 29°00′ N., 69°19′ W. W. longitude. The offshore boundary to 12°00′ N., 43°00′ W.; thence southwest- starts at the North Carolina-South erly to 10°00′ N., 48°00′ W.; thence west- Carolina border and proceeds south- erly to 09°20′ N., 57°00′ W.; thence due easterly to the outermost extent of the west to the coastline of South Amer- EEZ at 31 deg 42.1 min N. latitude, 74 ica; thence westerly and northerly deg 30.75 min W. longitude; thence along the north coast of South Amer- northeasterly along the outermost ex- ica, and the eastern coasts of Central tent of the Exclusive Economic Zone to America and Mexico to the Yucatan a point at 36 deg 32.99 min N. latitude, Peninsula at 21°25′ N., 87°11′ W.; thence 71 deg 29.56 min W. longitude; thence along a line 019° T to the intersection west to the North Carolina-Virginia of longitude 83°50′ W. and the western border at a point 36 deg 33.04 min N. coastline of Florida (30°00′ N., 83°50′ W.). latitude, 75 deg 52.05 min W. longitude. [CGFR 61–40, 26 FR 10348, Nov. 3, 1961, as [USCG–2011–0368, 76 FR 26605, May 9, 2011] amended by CGFR 70–150, 36 FR 911, Jan. 20, 1971; USCG–1999–5832, 64 FR 34711, June 29, 1999; USCG–2015–0433, 80 FR 44278, July 27, 2015] 41 VerDate Sep<11>2014 09:08 Aug 14, 2019 Jkt 247137 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\247137.XXX 247137 pparker on DSK3GDR082PROD with CFR.
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