From Director Higher Educatior Shiksha Sadan, Sector-5, clrlvlA To The Principal mentioned below Memo No. 5/7-2016 NPI 2) Dated Panchkula, the It k I L>-o 7 Subject: - Regarding seminars. i ,(rs*t(tr r Jr :ts Jr:k Kindly refer to this office etter l o.517-2016 NPE(2) dated 26.10.20)16 on the subject cited as above. Grant to organize semina as per detail given below was sanctioned to you for the year 2076-17:- Sr. Name of the College Nar e ofTc lc Sanctioned No. Amount Non Government Aided Colleges I DAV College for Girls, Dl ole ol Computer Science and 50,000 Yamuna Nagar Mat emaUCi in Real World iD l. :tworki g and mobile Computing s0,000 iii) ADOL SCENCE: A Stage of Crei :ive Ha Cs and Minds _50.000 2 Hindu Girls College, Dd OQTI E 9=I _50,000 Jagadhri ii) Challer les faced by Indian 50,000 Eco omv in :urrent scenario a J Aggarwal College, Mat and Computer- 50,000 Ballabsarh Con rutins rd Communication 4 Vaish College, Bhiwani r/H il, f{q 3rR grsarl -50,000 iDP ycholo ical Perspective of Digital Evo rtion ar I Revolution 50,000 5 CMK National Girls College, i) TTII=T 1 eTr quildl q q{fl-q 4'l 50,000 Sirsa 3il cI codl iDI rglish l anguage: A Big challenge 50,000 for r udents 6 Ch. Ishwar Singh Kanya i)( ontextr il Scenario of Factors 50,000 M/V, Dhand Dadwana Prec cting F ychological Well being of (Kaithal) Ado rscents t Youth ii) E rman R 3hts : Need of the Hour 50,000 iii)rl dri qfrciltrf, erd Ts 50,000 I t+il t\r c|j qFI iv) I dian Ir lependence Movement: A ,50,000 Grei . Sasa 7 Kanya M/V, Kharkhoda Emt ging 1 ends in Sports, Sciences, s0,000 (Sonepat) Yoe and PI rsical Education 8 Goswami Ganesh Dutt Wor enE npowerment in North -s0,000 Sanatan Dharma College, Wes :rn Re1 on on India Palwal 9 Hindu Girls College, Sonepat Urb \zatror and Environmental 50,000 Cha ge rn India Problems and Cha enges" l0 Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Tra r in Public 50,000 Yamuna Nasar Adn nistrati n- Myth or Reali8 ll Guru Nanak Khalsa College, i)F rlevanc of socialism in present 50,000 Karnal Indi iD fiqlol dlo wFcq, qrlrq' 50,000 gFI fl\ct' trTsqTq T2 Guru Nanak Girls College, skill Der lopment; Challenges& 50,000 Santpura, Yamuna Nagar Imol mentat rn (Indisciplinary) t3 Vaish College of Education, Qua ly in )rovement in Teacher s0,000 Rohtak Edur fiion ir Present Era: Issues and Con, )rns t4 Chhotu Ram Arya College, Role of rer rte Sensing and GIS in 50,000 Sonipat Socii Scien, )S NP E 2/ 20I6-20t7lEng letter t5 Vaish Arya Kanya Hapl Iaryana and its role in 5 0,000 Mahavidyalaya, Ecor lwth Bahadurgarh (Jhajjar) l6 Rao Birender Singh College Conl Teacher Education 50,000 of Education. Rewari Syst n: Mul Disciplinarv Perspective I7 All India Jat Heroes Medla: Lang age and Sensibility 50.000 Memorial Colleee. Rohtak t8 Gandhi Memorial National DD namlcs of Electoral Reforms and 50,000 College, Ambala Cantt Den rcracy i r India iDt AAC r nd Higher Education in Indir 50,000 t9 S.A. Jain College, Ambala i) Inrfovative rractices in Chemistry 50,000 City ii) Leeal Lit( acv in Indian Persoective s0,000 20 Sanatan Dharma College i) Dphning icientific Temper in 21'' s0,000 (Lahore). Ambala Canfl Centpry-Brir ling together Science Phil$sophy r rd Indian Tradition iD Emergir g Trends in Business 50,000 Manpgemen and Information Techprology: Implementation Challenses 21 Arya Kanya M/V, Shahabad Roleiof Fin Art in Protecting Nature s0,000 Markanda. Distt Kuruksheha and Environ rent 22 Gaur Brahman College of Dimr pnslons of Gender Equality and 50,000 Education, Rohtak Won ren Em )owerment: Perspectives in cl obal lnc ta ZJ S.D. Mahila (P.c.) Beti pachao leti Padhao 50,000 Mahavidyalya, Narwana (Jind) ', /1 Indira Gandhi National Role of lit aries in Making Digital 50,000 College, Ladwa Indi4 (Kurukshetra) 25 Dayanand Mahila Tour flsm & lulture of Haryana - A 50,000 Mahavidyalaya, Kurukshetra toufi Lev of 5r years 26 Arya Post Graduate College, Eme ging lrends in Science & 50,000 Panipat Tecl rology 27 D.A.V. College, Pehowa Digi al India 50,000 (Kurukshetra) 28 D.A.V. College, Sadhaura StaflJs of Wr nen: Past and Present 50,000 (Yamunanagar) Tota 20,00,000 In this connection, you are requeqted to iend the schedule of the seminar. Further you are also requested to send the reporf and hotographs after conducting the eminar and upload them on the website of the Higher E ucation Department. Deputy D r Director Higher Education, Harya Panchkula 4r- NPE 2/ 2ot6-2ot7lEng tetter From Director Higher Education, Harywa, Shiksha Sadan, Sector-5, PNnchkula. To The Principal mentioned below Memo No. 5/7-2016 NPE(2) Dated Panchkula, the Subject: - Regarding seminars. ,(* rr******* *** Kindly refer t this office l]etter No. 517-2016 NPE(2) dated 26J0.2016 the subject cited as above. Grant to organize seminar as per detail given below was sanctioned to you for the year 2016-17:- Sr. Name of the College Na{ne of li'opic Sanctioned No. A.mount Govgrnment Colleges I Govt. College for Women, Dr{ma, Dramaturgy and IndigeneitY: 50,000 Mahendersarh Nofth Indian Folk Theatrical Traditions 2. Golt. College, Bhiwani Poditive Attitudes and Inclusive Space: 50,000 Silver Bullets for the Development of oersons with disabiliw J Govt. College, Sidhrawali, W4ter Management: Issues and 50,000 Gursaon ChallengeE-A Geoglaphical Perspective /1 Golt. College for Girls, Voice Culture 50,000 Sector-14. Gursaon 5 Govt. College, Jatuali i) Rural Development in India: Issues 50,000 Haily Mandi, Gurgaon and Challenges ii) Froblems and Prospects of Learning, 50,000 Teaching and Research in Mathematics in India 6 Gol.t. College for Women, Su$tainable development in Agriculture 50.000 Rohtak & Environment: Emerging trends and challenses 7 Ch. Bansi Lal Govt. i) {-iterature as Mirror to the Soul of a 50,000 College for Women, Culture Tosham ii) Sustainability Environment and 50,000 Sooietv 8 Rajiv Gandhi Govt. Repent advances in Mathematical 49.600 College, Saha, Ambala Rebearch 9 Govt. Girls College, Rights to Information: A Tool of 50,000 Rewari Emoowerment for C itizens t0 Govt. College for Women, Refevance of Literature and Language 50,000 Murthal (Sonepat) in Modern Context II Govt. College, Ateli Patadigm Shift in Goods & Service 50,000 (Mahendersarh) Tax: Implications and Challenges I2 Golt. College for women, Ro[e of Computer in Music s0,000 Karnal Total 7.00.000 In this connection, you are requegted to send the schedule of the seminar. Further you are also requested to send the repo{'t and photographs after conducting the seminar and upload them on the website of the Higher Education Department. Deputy PE for Director Higher Education, Haryana Panchkula q' NPE 2/ 2OL6-20I7lEng letter From Director Higher Education, Hary Shiksha Sadan, Sector-5, Pi To The Principal mentioned below Memo No. 5/7-2016 NPE( 2) Dated Panchkula, the 4-,ttl ,t1 Subject: - Regarding seminars. r**t<t< **** Kindly refer to this office l etter l ).517-2016 NPE(2) dated 01.12.2016 the subject cited as above. Grant to organize seminar AS per il siven below was sanctioned to you for the year 2016-17:.- Sr. Name of the College N rme of 'opic Allotted No. Amount N rn Gov rnment Aided Colleses Indira Gandhi National College, D Drug N )nace on sports culture 50,000 Ladwa (Kurukshetra) ii. qcl I neii i-0 tr6r3ir - glrq al 50,000 \tl Tgqo-f,| +|++ 2. Janta Vidya Mandir Ganpat Ra 21lsT sEl )t tE'q I cplqc| | 50,000 Rasiwasia College. Charkhi Dadr J DAV College, Sadhaura (Yamuna In dian Er :lish Fiction after 7947 50,000 Nasar) A Assarwal Collese. Ballabsarh luth Ar a Contemoorarv lssues 1.00.000 5 RKSD (PG) College, Kaithal R rle of E rics in Oualiw Research 50,000 F 6. Dyal Sineh Colleee. Karnal lc |q qEFI C{ IF<I 50,000 7 Markanda National College, Y outh - )ncerns and Challenges 1,00,000 Shahabad Markanda 8. Gaur Brahman P.G. College, Ir lia a d World: Contemporary 50,000 Rohtak P md Challenses q 9. Seth Nawang Rai Lohia Jairam *lqqqrsr 'fi-dl fifi -gcrq;I 50,000 Girls College, Lohar Majra (Kurukshetra) l0 D.A.V. College, Naneola P{njabi ,iterature in 21"' Century: 50,000 Schedule, Tribes 6.50.000 In this connection, you are requesfed to ;end the schedule of the seminar. Furturther you are also requested to send the repor{ and hotographs after conducting the semiminar and upload them on the website of the Hi$her E ucation Department. Dep PE Director Higher Education, HaryanA Panchkula ?l/-- NPE 2/ 201.6-2017/Eng letter From Director Higher Education Shiksha Sadan, Sector-5, F To The Principal mentioned below Memo No. 5/7-2016 NPE(p) Dated Panchkula, the { I, [-t Subject: - Regarding seminars. ,sts*{s**** Kindly refer to this office lptter l ).517-2016 NPE(2) dated 01.12.2016on the subiect cited as above. Grant to organize seminar ps per given below was sanctioned to you for the year 2016-17- Sr. Name of the College Namf of Tol c Allotted No. Amount Gove]rnmen Colleges I Pt. NRS Govt. College, Rohtak i) Clntempc lry lndian Literature : An r,00,000 Overyiew ii) )tflature rnd Culture: Ethics and 1,00,000 Sensipility about the Natural Envirbnment 2 CLS Gow.
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