ro. Sol0r filertandos rlgllthat he oeie•d to hoe Llpano. 0omDosLo.AsCt, t55tmtt golRdsolners. Proetitkor a -- E' wAt71ti " sn fetaer t' g . N., lt'5nt5gstus0t tihdruaet nearlyayeor ogO-md aa he is an Amorloan ~r'r.serxea.)Jour•oSYthr Nary Tredr ;utci.,r1,and spludtdly eosnoted, r to elroulaonlnNowYtork. They BYSrOBEPT WAIr~MA, 6VE'aNOn OF THUEIBTAO t o dotooltd•loIoa a t0.o-h.Noo b;,rk 10uglt 10 -Tho' .0 mohlip CLI'01,1 0iltizenhe owerno acr hrolOe to the Spanish authority. uirea closeexaminat on to detectthem. 1 OF OUISIANA. U. S: eteeofl'ignto Pofhatuo deetlotd rrejq 1losooo dated tb t,t Oily 10 otrrivedoat tho port from T'herews It is known as a fact in geology that below the EXECUTIVEOFFICE, PO Rwn;, Anth.&S,1O6. rootosiclotot io that city when the steamer left d. blet•omessregulary warmer mstwleafio tep oeoasatib , whlchpra~klJ foit!oe tedltetroeeao. r"sota-A negr ong to amesBrooksin (hoam- depth0 tlhirty foot,the ato WHIREAS,The Conreotioo 414 ijautbledAt t e Stateo~pilal May reoluotionar docmentshoad been seized,o md a o adrase at the rate th**f& Jackson tirotenansC. S Poindexter an J. 0trlthre, bare hung himselfbecause he was as we descend. Onan averago the is I. lor.of HiltonRoug , tO-;16FcpsH t tHgivet .Ct ti-t- bersc untylAla.. recently large number of rrol ores: led and in the moat of one degreeof Fahroenheitfor every foot. U. ordereto the U. S. steam frigate SarannoatPbil- confined fifth 2oamIn'eory ins , they accompanitM rO-eerived set to workdigging i dlteh, a kind of workhe did notlike. ooth ontoodungeoa,. awlrIimmediatlyLionof the state of Louieixn,ho oltlai*E . all:lphia. lter de'tinatiop is eupelosedto be theexplhra- Tha cb,,rn andl vellowfever wereragibg in 11av001 " Tom," said a man to his friend, a day or thedjourt.otot of the Cannottt, tho'aOG.09r bbl "inhi1 pmelo- two sinee, I think it highly dangerousto kehooepthe bills theseveral omcere of UiR Rule, b~yla to e with s i"re ebseh•tsoth ged personal con- oionofthe,riever azon.r Soun-s I)A111--TheRi . JoulianusBr:tnn, tiLtholic Ooe( hundredosolddlr and over t'oo hundredconvict badt neeion.directing authorized died. Te city wasshroudld Io gloom. 01of small hanks on0 hanl ioW-atdays." "Tim," laidthe holdM.. rtl0.I. r lnub. o.Ifte A smbll,to open ad holdt of-Gs .',Sno l with Th courtmartial rhichwas' ittingat Norfolk struckwith palsy on Mondayy partisulatly for ser- priest1 inMtusillos.Ohio.was otlter. "T feindit fro moredifficoult titan dangerous." poll everypnriS of pthe Shute, tt the p.1515d.igSIttdlby law, upon alr RIVERI\Te1.Llsnr: -- ri-Cirinlnnl. igutlt .-- The mar- in Te with DeWitt Clinton. weaekon hoard the Pepnayivanl, hasdisposed of lastweek, and diedin t fewminutes. it. FIRSTTURSIAY oOF NOVEMBER ,Hst, fI thepurpose o ttRkig t r.e of kotsl e quiet. whiskyitiry 0Italt peo goohon. Sales of pl•arks, one measuring 10 feet 2 inches,o theNavy Two pl ofth1. Slate CgSrdto thetIdoptionor h'efmaw-worm spirit, theeases before It, and ts awaiting orders from Flours t $31i p00bll. Thrivrtto t sanld. aand thetother 0 feet 10 inches,were hooked off the long the,e nt of shugottd p It, ArraAV nsT\rwsBOTor.ns.--In Williamson county, Dp ettfo itsdisolutton. We understand that itI'ltr lo. Angnto 1i.-There in now scnnt t loorlol: wlrf at NeowHavenro, Conn .on Satorday afternoon,the reJ~nrionof Ihi. tbnetitntion; an~t it el11In th~edaxty of aid Al.. to ~ eatet 'aey- did not mean td& occurredbetween two r. of al, p..IC1. will5 l tI,,Iol rellderthe old sO..ttt., ir Andrew Wlerwas honorably acquittedof the Tenn.,on the5th instant a nffray waterIn the lhanntl.and the river fdlhllg sloly,. 7th int. The•jolnt weightof these monoterswas 400 ibs. Lloat. Uol anld under O5, CmI p....ICi-, Ia~llrulr bd. It srlht tienl,,.iuh s onGcward or intend to the brothersonamed Richard and JabeO Owen, in which the Vta. Aol'..--,' ,o ,ooo lour. August n: chargesgpreferredagainsthim, and that the finding of la .1.0t. A correspondent of tho NewYork Tribune, byi td .1.,i inn. 5sIepathu, to, ," fur tht151Srpn'I ,It ic was formerwas kiltled. The bark Martnoln, from. Pthiloadiolphiafot NewOrleaooo. I, I., censures the lraetroir in '_ mt to 'the duello. f t (a. crltwaseadvlr e to commanderJohn 8. Paine,who writing front Newport, wh .0ll b. wSittSS'til. CONSTITUTIONA551111'TED' with 1valu0ble cargo, was rpoklln ahorh on Dog Kooks. says the ladies tiher indulge,of wearnigenor- eaparimandedand deprivedofthe command whirchhe 'TItI CONSTITUTIONROIEIcEII,' or mSleOSbSI word will #$tstthtsb* aanuainnuationis yourn' bat") E•sr rnoostsJanL-At Independence,Ky., on the bth.No alsiotalo' ha0dbhoo rendered. 1ittleprospect lof mouo dtamoudrings at morning ealt or oil the occasion of the fy0e. ttving hle. [Evo. Ploe. 1I11"tl1 15555y the i-inmu of the voter. At the.nolnairn -t -,it icy eniltdel did not fghttatokson, JamesSummme and AlexanderHot- of eveningparties. were arrivedat Fayal on the two prisoners,named election,whloh ,hall bIrundueted Ili every respectl n. theg~uerel shut. DeWitt Mlin- the Preble jail,after the jailornearly to Poictiers is the famous bed of St. Hilary 4$OSP$S thethbe'would fight P. Annapolison land, escapedfrom beating FROotM Inrls.lot-A corrttpoodootof thoe ttottorok At electioni Isnow ,',ducted, BO Cotnnrini-Ili. pe~iruut-l dle peered..1.1 bthof July. All Well.The sailedfrom whre nm(uoinnlacswere laidi Legends say that a prayer thse.hallst C55IIi5n~fllyI alndroust 5nch5ll5t11. 5Ipo.lt5iStl to say that hlopoooo.writing fomOtSt. PiorreOt,Mdrttloiqo,. undr dat olo ke..apI. .They evsn tent far enough tpe15tlef June on a cruisefor practice. with a number r two oldover madmen, lyilngin this bed, curredtheam. .1 ISlrtitllSSI 11111return" them-it o I, Slrray Slate, in ofdtuly .0. soyoo some of the mloternme- have chtlcnged Clipaton iad be d young Midshipmenon board, ofthe lassof 1851.The Would'lt this be Ituice place for cunfonllltlto the prorielwl. the Ilaw upon the uujnt et T- $e would, glt? H\ea Rrit-no.---Mr.Bull,the gentlemanwho was ., f Tho plits tooever, with roget I iofooo. von,t tins not dium110 ,"lr.riune!' S,it was unuderstood.would remain about a week at offers$1000 for thb 'neat C. was baraeI4Jspalre- knockeddown and robbedin Buffalo. on 1h.1walnld O0 an troOg.,itoolyrty-Ave persooo _ MRnmcstsPb-ty On poasgeto abated understood that tihe Special Senate Com- Nur, he,. II Iaht.pssparaCISSS iII., Ily P '05511tio0, payealand.thence proceed to Madeira her arrestof theparties. or $3000 for the recoveryof the It is to the duel.. A large nsmber of our per lay b.o-too Its airtiooo. includilng the most disltl. llr charges of bribery and corrup- "'lliying11'1 qldiliell -torsn of llu Htnlb1 lao rd.*llmofi the Co"l t'ang Fayal. fellin with the wreck(latitude or longltude omilt,' to investoigate she money. guished pesona11o5-'.one ofwOholm urn Lotitut.tat. tiottaldy. hlooragainst persors high iu officell,.• appointed with a i.ti, ,IIur, tantid, diBt- ll, ,,rIplhl.- exehoaneslat also'publishing an timberand floh enoersrtio not stated)of a vesselwhirh thad been wnholoot doe coosideable s trvirInhlo1 , ayly. ln ttrollpe. partirculr rleferenre to alleged abuses In the l'ensionortmcennr,. ss.stitsstl, usr and illother t.IIC ,u.1 l tes ! t fy efildof battle cx- whler he wtt bengagllllfi ihelalst campaign of theogrlt a dter lhilte laden. Theupper works ewere all gone. but ona close THe Csaos.s Wsra Cnoor.-Agreat portion of the wheat Offioe. ethetoatiptWs bar.aod wto deotoroaotedwill, tllh loolos of St. Louisand peoyllit seebl, sadS.teCpC.n the 5sSa0lSCo55r SalSltlt ttlthcon. on all .liwtion, 41otoeiy waewon, eto. Of aminationthe word " Lub I wasmade out the stern. cropof Canadahas been harvested, and, according to thil loogionof 1luor. Ile hIal seen fift1 years ofoottlo,. The Unitarians of San Francisco have agreed ulul the, ,5,.id FIRSTTUESDAY OF NUVNIB5R ... t, i gspatiltthe l byall this; Thereare now ahout'twohundred recruitson board accounts. the yield isconsiderably above an avenrge.The and ommallnded lllOdntilelimmlorai l on in twei y-tt Ito inviteoloy. Mr. larrington to preachfor them oneoyearandtha llOt ru.r ding,CI"a, ,wndgd, t sadt5 gl thereofhe td.., in aas thmefsnaw no;ebminnation received have rarled$1000 to pay his expensesout. ronforuilgtotka urtlilua. andwith the osistingL gyeali a llloel theNorth Carolina,and inorenow sailorsare quality isalso pokenof as 'very good eigh1 camplaigt.s for $0000 anti 4tsfsearssaet . 'hlel ilollod beoeo,doelogold toith ritl, ofltlendoodthoIt with alonagreemoent to pay hip way backif he does not .1.1511io5. Silthe 051CCrl. JOSEPHWAO.tR. every day. A courtmartial isto meeton boardshortly Cxe alr.I:Cr 41 $3000worth of coansidrabllldalmooge in hont slides. olldthe oooryiogottoy like it. s liarCss,. ofstle. 4 99pt Thepisdlhoseodjidge sfthnligod taste, which a who ischarged with striking anof- Exoso:ss,,I-sl,•tcon Sscsoa .-Upwardsof for the trial of sailor ofrooos tod othor goroundprollo.0oo 0 0. came brooding over the broad face of per- ficerthe Southampton. liquorwas seizedat FallRiver, MaIs.. on the 11th inst. " Night fll it afevigdet of spolitli-cashveass a of OIfall tmen.nonloboln given sl mllusi delgh oand tto naturel--thestaro began to sparkloirn the bhre sky-anr al Proclamation The friendsof the liquorlaw appeardetermined to ell- two brave soldiers, Lieut.ioraoe N. Harrisonhas been detached,at his tohspsesngolohrqalfolootInaeoh factionwith to olurpeo'lple' as IOlii-oNapolenol h holy arl srreemedto invite1repose-l-when hohlbodsalieI PAR JOSEPHI WALKY.RGOJVERNP.UR DIULfTAT e:l-pxesao ytwbhitwo, t tothe letter. blo pooaoooiogon o~otllloolol~oiiiboliollo. olli 11.. 1000100l ownrequest. from the 'yne.a andordered to the receiving forceit forth oilt hd drk rk),urpossof deathll.Many a raccoon DE LA LOUISIANE.
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