\ Form NoNo.. 10-300 REV. ((9/77)9/77 ) UNUNITEDITED STATES DDEPARTMENTEPARTMENT OF THE IINTERIORNTERI OR FOR NPS USE ONLY NATIONAL PARK SESERVICERVICE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES INVENTORY -- NOMINATION FORM liiiiiiiiii SEE INSTRUINSTRUCTIONSCTIONS IN HOWHOWTO TO COMPLETE NATIONANATIONALL REGISTREGISTERER FORMFORMSS TTYPEYPE AALLLL EENTRIESNTRIES --- CCOMPLETEOMPLETE APPLIAPPLICABLECABLE SESECTIONSCTIONS 0NAMEQname HHISTORICISTORIC Citizens' State Bank~Bank of Edmoad" AND/ OR COMMON AND/OR COMMON · DoDouglasuglas Building l)LOCATIONILOCATION STREET & NUMBER STREET & NUMBER _NOT fOR PUBLICATION 110202 S.S. Broadway —NOT FOR PUBLICATION CITY. TOWN CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT CITY. TOWN CONGRESSIONAL. DISTRICT 5 VICINITY OF Edmond . VICINITY OF STATE COUNTY CODE STATE CODE COUNTY CODE Oklahoma 40 Oklahoma 109109 IJCLASSIFICATIONCLASSIFICATION CATEGORY CATEGORY OWNERSHOWNERSHIPIP STATUS PRESENPRESENTT USE _DIS—DISTRICTTRICT _—PUBLIC X,.OCc\JPIEDX-OCCUPIED -AGRICULTURE -MUSEUM —AGRICULTURE —MUSEUM X,.X-BUILDING(S)BUILDING!S) X...PRIVATEX-PRIVATE _ UNOCCUPIED —UNOCCUPIED .X..COMMERCIALX-COMMERCIAL -PARK—PARK _—STRUCTURE _—BOTH _WORI( IN PROGRESS _ EDUCATIONAL _PRIVATE RESIDENCE —WORK IN PROGRESS —EDUCATIONAL —PRIVATE RESIDENCE _—SITE PUBLIC ACQUISITION · ACCESSIBLE _ ENTERTAINMENT -RELIGIOUS PUBLIC ACQUISITION ACCESSIBLE —ENTERTAINMENT —RELIGIOUS _—OBJECT _ IN PROCESS X,.YES: RESTRICTED _ GOVERNMENT _ SCIENTIFIC —IN PROCESS X-YES: RESTRICTED —GOVERNMENT —SCIENTIFIC _ BEING CONSIDERED _ YES: UNRESTRICTED _INDUSTRIAL _ TRANSPORTATION —BEING CONSIDERED —YES: UNRESTRICTED —INDUSTRIAL —TRANSPORTATION _ NO -MILITARY _ OTHER: —NO —MILITARY —OTHER: DOWNER[OWNER OF PROPERTY NAME Sue. DouDouglasglas I STREET & NUMBER STREET & NUMBER PP.O.. O. Box 208 CITY. TOWN STATE CITY, TOWN STATE Edmond _ VICINITY OF Edmond VICINITY OF Oklahoma IILOCATIONHlocation OFof LEGALlegal DESCRIPTIONdescription COURTHOUSE. REGISTRY OF DEEDS,ETCDEEDS,ETC.. OklahomaOklahoma CountyCounty CourthouseCourthouse STREET & NUMBER STREET & NUMBER 320 RobertsRobert S.. Kerr CITY. TOWN CITY, TOWN STATE Oklahoma City Oklahoma ■[] REPRESENTATION IN EXISTING SURVEYS. ffTLE Oklahoma ~eunty Corr.me r cial Sites Survey Oklahoma County Commercial Sites Survey OATEDATE 19791979 _FEFEDERALDERAL . STATE -_5oUNTY~OUNTY __LOCAL—LOCAL DEPOSITORY FOR DEPOSITORY FOR suRvEY RECORDS Sh_ir_k _Collect ion, Oklahoma City Uni ver:si ty Library ----SURVEY--- RECORDS--...::....=..__;_ Shirk Collection,__ ·- --- ··Oklahoma City University Library CITY.TOWNCITY. TOWN Oklahoma City STATE Oklahoma Oklahoma City STATE Oklahoma '•M ■ B DESCRIPTION CONDITION CONDITION CHECK ONE CHECK ONE _DETERIORATED _UNALTERED .X0RIGJk)RIGINALSITE I NAL SITE _EXCELLENT-EXCELLENT ' _DETERIORATED —UNALTERED X..GOOOX.GOOO _RUINS XALTEREO _MOVED DATc....-__ _RUINS Xaltered —MOVED DATE- —_ FAIR _UNEXPOSED DESCRIBE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAL (IF KNOWN) PHYSICAL APPEARANCE The Citizens'Citizens’ State Bank Building is a red sandstone commercial structure measuring 25'25’ x 80'.80’. The twotwo-story-story building'sbuilding’s architectural style is typical of territorial styles prevaleQtprevalent in Oklahoma Territory from 1889 to 1906, with a beveled corner, arched openings, sandstone construction materials, and contrasting lintels. The facade is exceptionally well designed due to a combination j of continuity and subtle variation. The continuity is expressed through the use of only two building materials and the repetitiveness of arched openings. This continuity, however, is combined with varied sizes of openings which are spaced in asymmetrical patterns. Moreover, sizes of openings which are spaced in asymmetrical patterns. Moreover, the shape of the arches vary, with true arches on the ground level ;;^d~d ~\~jei^attepedttep.ed jackj?,C~ .arc~~sarches 9~on ~hethe _._upp~_rupper }~v~~-level. __?.'he The _result is a h,;i.gh y plelts_ing visua~ impression.. · • highpLy• _ I , pleasing^I • : I , • 1 T visual1 \ impression.' • ~" , •,,. ' • " • ~ 1, •. • .. •__ ,. ... • Although these features were typical to territorial construction, the Citizens'Citizens’ State Bank Building represents one unusual exception in the location of the entryway. In most coIDnercorner buildings doorways were located on the beveled corner, providing access to pedestrians approaching from either streetstreet.. The doorway iinto·nto the Citizens'Citizens’ State Bank instead is on the west side, with only a window on the beveled corner. In addition, there is a second door on the west side next to the main entrance, leading to what at one time were apartments. The - facade o.:fof tthe_J;le b~ibuilding.~C;i.i _ng . is :JI?-in... ~x~exceptional_ept ion al conditioncondition.. The red sandstone, known as Edmond Stone in 1901,i901, is well preserved and has not . ~ebeen.en def,~q~defaq^.i?.9- _by sandblasting or abusive clean:J,..ng.cleaning. A~lAll window sashes are the original double-hung wooden sashes; the ononlyl y replacell\eot,replacenqent, _.. 9of_f . w~nd.owwindow units has been in the west sid~side- - ~ntryway.entryway. The only apparent alteration has been the replacement of the original parapet with blonde brick. The original parapet may have been molded tin and was probably replaced due to rust or deteriorationdeterioration.. The interior of the structure has been completely remodeled with wallwall-board-board and new fixtures. Today, the building is still used for office space. used for office space. II SIGNSIGNIFICANCEIFICANCE PPERIODERIOD AREAS OFOF SIGNIFICANCE --- CCHECKHECK AND JJUSTIFYUSTIFY BELOW _PREHISTOHIC _ARCHEOLOGY-PREHISTORIC _ COMMUNITY PLANNING_. _ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE _ RELIGION —PREHISTORIC —ARCHEOLOGY-PREHISTORIC —COMMUNITY PLANNING' -LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE —RELIGION _1400-1499 _ CONSERVATION _ LAW _ SCIENCE —1400-1499 -ARCHEOLOGY—ARCHEOLOGY-HISTORIC.-HISTORIC —CONSERVATION —LAW -SCIENCE _ LITERATURE _SCULPTURE _—11600-1699500-1599 ---AGRICULTURE—AGRICULTURE -—EFONOMICSEpONOMlCS —LITERATURE —SCULPTURE -1600-1699—1600-1699 ,JCARCHITECTURE.Xarchitecture _ -EDUCATIONEDUCATION —_ MMILITARYILITARY _SOCIAUHUMANITARIAN—SOCIAiyHUMANITARIAN _1700-1799—1700-1799 -ART—ART _ -ENGINEERINGENGINEERING —_MUSICMUSIC _—THEATER _1eoo-1e99 JICOMMERCE _ PHILOSOPHY —1800-1899 .XCOMMERCE ,. :__EXPLORA-EXPLORATITl O0 NN/SE.TTUM/ SE.TTl.EME ENTNT —PHILOSOPHY _TRANSPORTATION—TRANSPORTATION X.1900- _COMMUNICATIONS _ INDUSTRY :..:.:I-'POLITIPo uTr csCS/I113ovEj6\^E RN R N MEM E NT _OTHER (SPECI FY) X-1900- —COMMUNICATIONS —INDUSTRY —OTHER (SPECIFY) _INVENTION—INVENTION i I' . l . SSPECIFICPECIFIC DDATESATES 19011901-1979- 1979 BUILBUILDER/ARCHITECTDER/ARCH ITECT Unknown SSTATEMENTTATEMENT OF SSIGNIFICANCEIGNIFICANCE The Citi zens' State Bank Building in Edmond is significant both Theas anCitizens' excellent State and wellBank pTeservedBuilding inexample Edmond ofis terTitoTialsignificant sandstoneboth as an architectureexcellent and and well as preserveda reminder exampleof the ofimportance territorial of banks sandstone architecture and as a reminder of the importance of banks to earl y frontier development. Moreover, the building is the last to early frontier development. Moreover, the building is the last territorial building in Edmond su:tvi v;i.ng with only s·light modification. Representingterritorial buildinga vanishi,ng in Edmond architectu surviving'ral -- style with andonly a bankslight which modification. helped Representing a vanishing architectural style and a bank which helped buil d Edmond, the Citizens' State Bank Building should be preserved. build Edmond, the Citizens' State Bank Building should be preserved. r~ On April 22, 1889, town- lot seekers rushed to Edmond Station On April 22, 1889, town-lot seekers rushed to Edmond Station on the Santa Fe tracks . By nightfal l the town of Edmond boasted on the Santa Fe tracks. By nightfall the town of Edmond boasted of a population exceeding 150.· Within the year Edmond had its first of a population exceeding 150. Within the year Edmond had its first financial institution, the Bank of Edmond. The frontier town grew financial institution, the Bank of Edmond. The frontier town grew slowly, however, suffering from the depression of the early 1890s. slowly, however, suffering from the depression of the early 1890s. By 19001900 Edmond was populated by fewer than lrOOO1,000 citizens and claimed only two banks. only two banks. The new century brought new hope to citizens of Edmond. The new century brought new hope to citizens of Edmond. Nevertheless, the Bank of Edmond· collapsed in 1901. To-· fill the Nevertheless,void, townsmen theWilliam Bank Tutof^ .. tEdmond- 'le, G. collapsedil . ...Fink, in 1901.G. I mel; To andfill William the void, townsmen William Tuttle, G. H.Fink, J°.J. G. Imel, and William L Huffman -joined with ~:issouri financier, Wil·liam Hun:t, to organize Huffman -joined with Missouri financier, William Hunt, to organize the C1tizei:i:s'Citizens' StateState Bank. Incorporated on April 18, 1901901,1 , with a capitali zation of $10,000, the new bank quickly· deve.J..oped plans for capitalization of $10,000, the new bank quickly developed plans for a new' stoi:1e.. building. Supervised by Tuttle, construction began a new'stone*building. Supervised by Tuttle, construction began immediately and was finished on October- 10, 1901 , complete with immediately and was finished on October- 10, 1901, complete with 11fireproof and burglarproof vault" and ''modern fixtures." According "fireproof and burglArproof vault" and "modern fixtures." According to the l ocal newspaper, the
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