DISCLAIMER This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. While this document is believed to contain coiTect information, neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor the Regents of the University of California, nor any of their employees, makes any waiTanty, express or implied, or assumes any legal responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by its trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof, or the Regents of the University of California. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof or the Regents of the University of California. UCRL-11894 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Berkeley - Livermore, California AEC Contract No. W -7405- eng-48 NEW LRL REPRINTS (July t:hrough December 1964) January 1965 ~, "4'(I." ·, <!if -iii- UCRL-11894 University of California Lawrence· Radiation. Laboratory __ Berkeley - Livermore, California The reprints listed. on the following pages are available from this office in limited numbers. In requesting them, please refer to the reprint.number. Please use the order form below. Technical Information Division - Berkeley January 1965 Technical Information Division Date Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Berkeley, California 947 20 ' ,,..-·­ Kindly send me the following reprints: (Address) · *List by reprint number only -1- UCRL-11894 NEW LRL REPRINTS (July through December 1964) Lawrence Radiation Laboratory University of California Berkeley - Livermore, California January 1965 Reprint Number 1964-268 Burris B. Cunningham; The First Experiments With Pure Plutonium Compounds·; Argonne Transplutonium Elemu1.t Symposium (May 15-17, 1963), pp. 7-11 1964-269 James K. Ashikawa, Charles A. Sondhaus, Cornelius A. Tobias, Ann G. Greenfield, and Vally Paschkes; Difference in Injury Mode, Dose-Rate Dependence, and REB of 730-MeV Protons, 1 00-kV px Rays, and 25 0-kV px Rays; Symposium on Biological Effects of Neutron and Protron Irradiations I (1964), pp. .. Z49-,2t\O, (UCR.L-:·11.014)· 1964-270 Charles A Sondhaus, Roger W. Wallace, John Lyman, Kenneth W. Kase, and Palmer G. Steward; Physical Param­ eters of Exposure of Large Animals to High-Energy Protons; Symposium on Biological Effects of Neutron and Proton Irradiations I (1964) 231-247, (UCRL-10015) 1964-271 James N. Haag; Measurement of the Plane Polarization of Gamma Radiation; Physical Review 134, No. 3B, B509-B512 (May 11, 1964),(UCRL-10880) - 1964-272 0. Redlich, and Diane M. Meyer; The Molar Volumes of Electrolytes; Chemical Reviews 64, No. 3, 221-227 (May 28, 1964), (UCRL-11173) 1964-273 Geoffrey F. Chew; Elementary Particles; Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 51, No. 5, 965-971 (May 1964), (UCRL-11076) - 1964-274 R. Park, and J .. Biggins; Quantasome: Size and Composi­ tion; Science 144, No. 3621, 1009-1011 (May 22, 1964), 1964-275 Louis E. Toth, and Alan W. Searcy; Activation Energies for Diffusion in Pure Metals and Concentrated Binary Alloys; Transaction of the Metallurgical Society of AIME 230, 690- 694 (June 1964), (UCRL-10581 Rev.) -- -2- UCRL-11894 1964-276 A. Eikum, and G. Thomas; Precipitation and Dislocation Nucleation in Quench-Aged Al-Mg Alloys; Acta Metallurgica g, 537-545 (May, 1964), (UCRL-10968) ... 1964-277 Molly Wells, Milton Pickus, Kurt Kennedy, and Victor Zackay; Superconductivity of Solid Solutions of TaC and NbC; Physical Review Letters 12, No. 19, 536-538 (May 11, 1964), (UCRL-11337) - 1964-278 J, K. Cashion, and D. R. Herschbach; Empirical Evaluation of the London Potential Energy Surface for the H+ H _ 2 Reaction; J. of Chemical Physics 40, No. 8, 2358-Z363 (April 15, 1964), (UCRL-11171) - 18 1964-279 J. D. Mahony, and S. S. Markowitz; The Half-Life of F; J. of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry 26, 907-910 (1964). (UCRL-10512) 1964-280 B, G. Harvey, E, J. M. Rivet, A. Springer, J. R. Meriwether, W. B, Jones, J, H. Elliott and P. Darriulat; . 16 . Scattering of 65 MeV Helium Ions .from 0 ; Nuclear Physics 52., 465-480 (1964)', (UCRL-10727) 1964-281 M. Calvin, and G. J. Calvin; Atom to Adam; American Scientist~. No, 2, 163-186 (June, 1964), (UCRL-11117) 1964-282 John G. Conway; Energy Levels of Am IV in LaC1 ; of 3 J. Chemical Physics 40, No. 9, 2504-2507 (May 1, 1'164), (UCRL"-11099) - 1964-283 K. Rajnak, and B. G. WybourB(; Electrostatically Correla­ ted Spin-Orbit Interactions in -Type Configurations; Physical Review 134, No. 3A, A596.,.A600 (May 4, 1964), (UCRL-11175) - 1964-284 William N, Findley; Applied Mechanics in Modern Design; Bulletin of Mechanical Engineering Education 3, 99-117 (1964) (UCRL-7171) - 1964-285 J. H. Ho, N. E. Phillips; Hyperfine and Electronic Heat Capacity of '{-Manganese; Physics Letters .!_Q, No. 1, 34-35' (May 1 5 , 1 9 64 ) 1964-286 Donald Van Dyke; Response of Monkeys to Erythropoietin of Rabbit, Sheep, or Human Origin; Proceedings of the Society. for Experimental Biology and Medicine 116, 171- 174 ( 19 64) 1964-287 Donald D, Jackson, George W. Barton,. Jr., Oscar H. Krikorian, and RayS. Newbury; Vaporization of Thorium · Dicarbide; J, of Physical Chemistry 6-8, 1516-1523 (1964), (UCRL-7638) - -3- UCRL-11894 1964-288 G. Ahlers; On the Ortho-Para Conversion in Solid Hydrogen; J. of Chemical Physics 40, No. 10, 3123-3124 (May 15, 1964) (UCRL-11 042) - 1964-289 Howard C. Mel; Stable-Flow Free Boundary Migration and Fractionation of Cell Mixtures III. · Migration Principles-­ Sedimentation and Electrophoresis; J. of Theoretical Biology~. 307-324 (1964) 1964-290. Amar Bhaduri, and Paul A. Srere; Mitochondrial Stimula­ tion of Fatty Acid; J. of Biological Chemistry 239, No. 5, 1357-1362 (May 1964) - 1964-291 Klaus Dietrich; On the Connection of the Independent-Pair Model with a Variational Principle; Zeitschrift ftir Physik 178, 335-341 (1964), (UCRL-11123) 1964-292 Jerome A. Helland, Calvin D. Wood, Thomas J. Devlin, Donald E. Hagge, Michael J. Longo, Burton J. Moyer, and Victor Perez-Mendez; Elastic Scattering of Negative Pions on Protons in the Energy Range 500-1000 MeV; Physical Review 134, No. 5B, B1079-B1086 (June 8, 1964), (UCRL- 10495) - 1964-293 Akbar Ahmadzadeh, and Elliot Leader; Systematic Approach to the Analysis of NN and NN Total Cross Sections; Physical Review 134, No. 5B, B1058-B1062 (June 8, 1964), (UCRL-TTI92) 1964-294 T. Novako, J. M. Hollander and R. L. Graham; An Electro­ static Method for the Recoil Measurement of Sub-Nanosec;:ond Nuclear Lifetimes; Nuclear Instr. and Methods 26, 189-200 (1964), (UCRL-10875) 1964-295 Thomas Wainwright; Calculation of Hard-Sphere Viscosity by Means of Correlation Functions; J. of Chemical Physics 40, No. 10, 2932-2937 (May 15, 1964), (UCRL-7625-T) 1964-296 W. R. Roser, and G. Thomas; Slide Rule Method for Indexing Electron Diffraction Patterns; Review of Scientific Instruments~. No. 5, 613-615 (May 1964), (UCRL-11136)· 1964-297 Frank D. N eu; Voltage Controlled Solid-State Non- Linear Resistor; Electronics Journal (February .21~ 1964), pp. ~0036- 10037, (UCRL-11091) 1964-298 Eugene Bissell, and D. Fields; The Addition of Fluorine to Halogenated Ole fins; J. of Organic Chemistry ~· 1591- 159 3 (1964), (UCRL-7540) 1964-299 H. P. Stapp; On the Masses and Lifetimes of Unstable Particles; Nuovo Cimento Serie X, ·32, 103-121 (April 1, 1964), (UCRL-10261 Rev.) -4- UCRL-11894 1964-300 Donald G. Miller; Derivation of Two Eg uations for the Estimation of Vapor Pressures; J. of Physical Chemistry 68, 1399-1408 (1964), (UCRL-7552) 1964-301 K. Sillesen, J. H. Lawrence, and J. T. Lyman; Heavy­ Particle Ionization (He, Li, B, Ne) and the Proliferative Capacity of Neoplastic Cells 11 In Vivo"; Acta Isotopica 3, 1 07- 126 ( 19 63) - 1964-302 S. Bloom, L. Mann, R. Polichar, J. Richardson; and A. Scott; Circular Polarizatiop Measurz}f-ent of Gamma Rays 4 Following Beta Decay of Al and Na to Determine the Meson Exchange Effect; Physical Review 134, No. 3B, B481- B484 (May 11, 1964). (UCRL-7230 Rey. I)· 1964-·303 R. H. Pratt, R. D. Levee, R. L. Pexton, and W. Aron; K-Shell ·Photoelectric Cross Sections from keV to 2 MeV; Physical Review 134, No. 4A, A898-A915 (May 18, i964) 1964-304 Marvil). L. Goldberger, and Kenneth M. Watson; Measur_e.,­ merit of Time Correlations for Quanturri~Mechanical Systems; Physical Review 134, No. 4B, B919-B928 (May 25, 1964), (UCRL-11144) - 1964-305 Akbar Ahmadzadeh; Zero-Energy Intercepts of the p and R Trajectories, the pn Charge-Exchange-Scattering, and the Difference in pp and np Total Cross Sections; Physical Review 134, No. 3B, B633-B635 (May 11, 1964), (UCRL- 11164) - 1964-306 K. H'arada; Note on the Y Deformation in Heavy Nuclei; 40 Physics Letters 10, No. 1, 80-82 (May 15, 1964), (UCRL-11234) - Bruce H. Mahan, and James C. Person; Gaseous Ion Recombination Rates. II; J. of Chemical Physics 40, No. 10, 2851-2859 (May 15, 1964), (UCRL-11084) 1964-308 E. Gary Corman, Raymond W. Jewell, Walter John, Jesse E. Sherwood, and D~ald White; The Polarization of Photo- · neutrons from Be forE = 2. 75 MeV; Physics Letters 10, No.1, 116-117 (May 15,'¥1964), (UCRL-7789) - 1964-3 09 Lawrence S. Hall, and Warren Heckrotte; Stability of longi­ tudinal OsCillations in a Uniform Magnetized Plasma with Anisotropic Velocity Distribution; Physical Review 134, No. 6A, A1474-A147 5 (June 1964). (UCRL-7627) - 19 64-310 Alberto Pignotti; Hitherto Overlooked SU Octet of Regge 3 Poles Implied by Bootstrap Dynamics; Pnysical Review 134, No.
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