^ Butler Collegian y o l . es Indianapolis, Indiana Wednesday, October I, 1952 No.10 What’s the story behind movie Friday Pep Session To Preview Game ' stars? Who discovers them? How is it one can take some human being who drives a truck, a guy Loyal Alum b u Goes Social; Cheerleader Asks Special, to whom no (me has paid any particular attention during hit 23 years on earth, and suddenly Events to Reign Spirited Wabash Welcome transform him into a star get­ Clay Trusty Five more events have been ting 4000 pieces of mail a month? added to an already crowded By Day* Walker Saturday Evening Peat tells weekend schedule which is pres­ Fran Etheridge, cheer leader, who has been losing his voice the story of Rock Hudson, a Is Promoted sing. Homecoming for the title regularly for the past few years coaxing noise from Butler guy like the one in the above ' By BUI Andree of “most important.” Besides the game spectators, again issues a megaphone yell of spirit reveille. paragraph. Rock got the ball big game with Wabash, pep ses­ The reason for this special call is the Saturday game when Clay Trusty Jr., Butler grad­ we play our oldest and bitterest rival, Wabash. rolling by going to a friend who uate in the dam of 1938, has sion, a picnic, and a possible had a friend who used to be parade, five Greek letter organ­ ----- - The Iron Key, symbol of the a radio producer in Los Angeles. been promoted to the position isations will hold functions. t Meeting To Furtkor traditional grid-iron dispute, That didn’t do it. Weeks of going of City Editor on the staff of the Saturday the Phi Delts will awaits another link in the chain to see producers and directors Indianapolis News. He replaces have a luncheon for alums before Homecoming Plans which now includes 25 iron B*s and only 13 Wabash Ws. Four followed. Finally Rocky made it Wendell C. Phillippi who is the the game. Frank Marsella is in Busy heads and group leaders Outside of an . "Atlas build” charge of arrangements. That of the games, including last year’s new assistant Managing Editor. will get together today for the encounter have been ties. Rock left a lot to be desired. night the Sammies will have, a first Homecoming meeting of the He was shy. When he did talk, Many students will remember sweater dance. Rich Sandler Is Fran says in his letter to The Trusty as the man who rapped year .The meeting will be held Collegian: it was about trucks. A- few planning the affair. in. the Faculty Dining Room at 2 parties and some coaching im­ *the student body for its lack Three open houses will share After a rousing start at ear of school spirit last year during p.m. proved the situation. The stu­ the limelight on Sunday after­ All representatives of the fra­ first home game, the cheer lead­ dio has been working with Rock basketball season. Since his grad­ noon. The Kappa’s open house ers are «wtH«ui»»| their drive uation he has been an active and ternal organisations, BISA, and for four years preparing him for will start at 2 pan. and end at Trianon are to meet then along to bring oat the hlddea school stardom and have spent loyal alumnus and has freely 4 p.m. Two doors down at 3 p.m. spirit With prospects of a ter­ $5,000,000 on Hudson. devoted time to university pro­ with members of Blue Key, Scar­ the D.G.’s will open their doors let Quill, Sphinx, Chimes, Utes rific season and a top notch strag­ Stevenson 28, Elsenhower 22. jects. to all. The Sig Chi’s open house gle due with Wabash, Satarday, A poll of fifty Washington cor­ Praises CoUegtaa and Spurs. will last from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 The representatives will dis­ the spirit mast be at an all tteae respondents as to their "picks” high. A former Editor of The Col­ p.m. cuss rules, budgets, schedules, to win in November favors Ad- legian, Mr. Trusty is especially Ruth Sargent, Kappa, Joyce and all things pertinent to, Home­ Let’s start the week-end with la i, by the close margin of 6 Barnard, D.G., and Bob Cftvens, interested in the work of the coming. The meeting will be the a big parade down sorority row guesses. Drew Pearson rides paper which he believes is “an Sig Chi, are in charge of ar­ and a boisterous pep session at with “Ike”, if this was Novem­ first in several which are to be outstanding college newspaper.” rangements. held. the bus stop Friday evening at ber instead of September . He has been with the Indianap­ Plans are now being made for Homecoming is scheduled Oct. 7:15. Then let’s continue thin Round 2 And 4 Coming Up. a YM-YW picnic to be held Sat­ olis News since 1939 except for 25. Butler will play Indiana State, spirit with a dance la the C*dab, First Nixon’s financial statement, a period-of two years during urday night whose symbol, the sycamore, will Someone said ’Bow a boat a then Stevenson’s and now “Ike” íu tr World War n . While in the U.S. be tile theme for house decora­ parade to the bowl on *-*rrda'r and Sparkman vow they will Navy he served on the carrier “tell all” concerning their in­ tions and floats. afternoon and all go down oioee Enterprise as a radioman. Nine B.U. Professors Besides the game, parade and give It all we got?* ‘O.K.’, come. However, Nixon Says he His wife, the former Martha To Attend Academy through the city, and house de­ we said. So that's what we're won’t release his tax figures. If Sheppard, was a member of Del­ planning, Bring your date or the other candidates releases coration contest, there is the Bon ta Gamma at Butler. Mr. Truity’s Nine faculty members of the Fire parade and ceremony and there’s, Nixon’s refusal will put' com* «tag, makes no difference brother, Stanley R. Trusty, is al­ College of Business Administra- the- Homecoming Dance. the OOP in hot water agiln. Jut bring g strong set of vocal so a Butler graduate, and was tion will attend the Indiana Ac­ eords and a couple of noise a member of Sigma Chi fratern­ ademy of Social Sciences at Pur­ makers. Are wo going to let those Student Union ity. due university October 3rd and NOTICE Cavemen make more noise ♦**-«i Father Was Alum 4th. The Registrar’s office announc­ the Bulldogs? I should hope not! es that today Is the last day to Delegates Meet Many alumni will remember Professor Clarence W. Efroy- So remember: 7:15 Friday Trusty’s father, Rev. Clay Trusty mson, Butler economics profes­ register In any clam In the even­ night—Pep Session. The first meeting of the Stu­ ing or day schools. Also, no class­ dent Union delegates will be held Sr., a member of the class of 1908, sor will be a member of a panel ». who died in 1924. The elder discussing “Crisis Versus Norm­ es can be transferred after today. 9:20 — Juke Box Dance tonight at 6:30 in the Faculty in the C-elub. Dining Room of Atherton center. Trusty was also an active alum­ alcy.” Dean H. C. Graebner, be another panel member. The representatives of the var­ nus. He was for several years, the dean of the College of Business 1:15 Sat — Parade to Also attending the conference ious social organiations will dis­ pastor of the 7th Christian Administration will preside over the BowL Church here in Indianapolis. a panel considering “Trends in from Butler will be: Professors cuss plans ofr greater student William Shors, Paul Walgenbach, GET ON THE participation in the operation of Mr. Trusty has been the assis­ Teaching Business Subjects in BEAM, BACK tant City Editor of the News for Colleges.’’ Professor R. R. Jones, Herbert Sim, Harriet Paddock THE TEAM the center Each representative and Harold Miller. ' has been asked by Barbara Boyd, the past five years. Butler marketing professor, will Fran Etheridge secretary o fthe Union Board to Cheer leader bring suggestions or complaints A check with Mr. Newton, di­ concerning Atherton center as Oh Mamma, There's That Man Again! rector of Atherton center, has felt by the group they represent. By A1 Wardrip In the meantime, Fran Ethe­ Ball State men pointed the revealed that there is nothing to Delegates to the UUnion are ridge of Sigma Nu was standing sidewalks and trees on the But­ block a dance in the C-dub fol­ Jim Moore, John Achor, Dick Monday, in the wee hours of lowing the pep session. Dean Van Buskirk, Bob 'Crist, Mike the morning, a pert, young bru­ in the doorway of his house and ler campus. Revenge seeking saw the theft take place. He Durflinger, also has announced Collins, Harvey Kaham, Ray nette stuck her head out of the ( Butlerites went to Muncie and that it would be permissible even Stewart, Dave Walker, Connie Kappa Alpha Theta house and made a mental note of the li­ smeared everything within cense letters but failed to get though the dance was hot sched­ Boldman, Alice Mandl, Barbara shouted: “Get away from there, painting distance with “blue and uled, if a sponsor were found. Boyd, Ann Fuller, Carla Woods, leave that stone alone.” * the numbers.
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