· Loca/3 Wins Nevada Pit Dispute ' ......... ,.< By GAIL BISHOP, JOE* * all* winter , when it is at all pos- .,, ~~«·N"~":~~::::~~E~; ·- . ,~:.:.~:w''·~·:!i<,~..~... ;~:~- s·· · HAMERNICK, MONT PARKER, sible to work. · . ...•. JACK EVANS and :SUD Rogers Construction Company ~ . .. at Carlin has kept about 40 engi­ ENGINEER C) ' .••• •• ·- . • .. JACOBSEN n(:)ers employ(:)d this summei' and This month saw a final ruling with the jobs they have, both on the material pit dispute on North & South of Reno, should Rogers Construction Washoe Val­ keep most 'e( their men busv this ley job. This dispute has cost our winter. members two months work. We Charles T. Parker Company, • made several appearances before west of Wells, is nearly completed the County Commissioners hear­ with the excavation. Thev have ings on this, speaking· in favor on laid off the swing shift m;d only the Special Use Permit. Equip­ Vol. 27-No. 11 . SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA November 1968 about 5 operators are on the day ment is now moving in m1d we are shift. Due to the cold weather dispatching to the · job. they were unable' to lay the Silver State Construction, bet­ C.T.B. They are still going full ter known as "A. D. Scorchy bore with the crushers with about Drum, Jr.", was .low bidder on 2 engineers employed. the Highway 95 Alternate job at Schurz. The job went for $950,- 000.00. This will keep most of his VACATION engineers busy for the winter months . We have just completed nego­ CHECKS tiations on a new three year IMPORTANT NOTE • As listed below, these monies are in the agreement with National Lead­ Security National Bank, 180 West 1st Bm·oid Division covering the em~ Street, Reno, Nevada . .In order to col­ ployees at the Dumphy Mill. lect this money you must write to the Security National Bank, 180 West 1st vVe are currently in negotia­ Street, Reno. Nevada. You must have a return address' shown and your Social tions with the Rock, Sand and Security Number and they w ill .rmail Gravel companies and hope to che.ck direct to you. · L. Allard · ··B. Leyva have this finished by the end of L. Allen ,(g. D . Liggett P . J. Anderson M. L. Lyon October. G. Anderson B. Madsen . The work picture, as far as the E.· Anderson G . H. Mallette Apprentices are concerned in ~: ~~fojddreasen ~-- ~at;~~t)e R. Arthur ' E. M. Manley Northern Nevada, with the T. Atkinson J .' 'L. Markell J. B. Baker J. J . Markert. J r . coming of winter does not look B. Baker P. Mascarenas too good. L. W . Barkley , ,. J . Matthews H . Bear 1M. Mauldin · _Several apprentices are work­ G. Bell ·J :'Maynard R Bell McBride ing on Interstate 80 in the Wells A .. D . Belt N. L. McBroom G . Berry R. McDonald and Carlin areas. Morrison & H . Bird .r. J. McMmn. J r. S. Bjorge L . E. Messmann Knudson Construction Company J. D . Blackwell A. Miller • J.P. Borders R. Miller expect to get their screening proj­ R K. Bouge J. Mills ect going very soon and will put R. E. Bowser J. iV!linrich D. A. Boyce L. -Mondino 2 apprentices to work. G. A. Brooks C. D. Montgomery· H. D. Brown L. Moody The 2 Rogers Construction jobs C. W. Brown H. B: Moore in the Reno Area should blast off ~: ~ - ~~1fo~k .,., ..'f_ •-J: filg:n~~n L. Burrows ~~ · .. :(!;, .Q: Mosdell in the near future and they will L . Burrows K . W. Nelson take 2 or 3 a pprentices at that J. B. Carlson H , E. Norton H. Carlton D. W . Nye time. G. Champion . Li.O'Brien J . C hilders H. Owens The H. M. Byars Construction C. R Clayton A. P alander L. H. Coburn A. B. Park Company of Reno have started R. Collins R. A . P earce J. A. Cook H. E. ·Peters the new relocation of Highway 28 T. Costelle V. A. Petersen Village. The bid was D. V. Cottam M J . Peterson at Incline H. Cowley G . .C. Pethel $379,959.00 and they will move R. D. Crensh aw R. Phelps B. Crouse R. Pickering 90,000 cubic yards of dirt and L. J . Curtis R. C. Pilkinton T. L. Dahling P. A . Pothuisie rock. The job consists of widen­ M. Daly C. R . Powers ing two of the m01:e dangerous G. E. Damerell E. G.Pr~~r • T. G. Davidson Rawlings stop L. C. Dearmond J .'··Reeves corners. If the snow doesn't J . A. Diaz _ ' OJ· H. Reynolds DISCUSSING JOB SAFETY with Loca! Union 3 Engineers in the past three months. international the job, they will be finished by J . F . Donahugh W. E. Richards R E. Draher J. A. Roberson members at Pacific Cement and Aggregate in Vice President and Local 3 Business Manager AI November 15th. The paving will W. A. Dunham L. J. Robinson G. Eastman B. E. Robinson Brisbane, California is Local 3 Vice President and Clem is asking Job Stewards and Safety Com­ be done next spring. This will D. A. Ekker C. R. Rodney G . Eldridge A. Rogers Safety Director Dale Marr (center) along with San mitteemen to take a hard look at working con­ keep 5 or 6 of the good Brothers H. Ellwanger W. W. Rogers Mateo Business Agent Bill Raney (right). Brothers ditions on their jobs "in order to prevent this busy until the snow comes. D. L. Farmer T. S. Rose E. 0. Fillin R. C. Rose are (1. to r.) Apprentice Bob Honerlah and Opera· senseless loss of life in the construCtion in· The Walker-Boudwin Com­ F. T. Flynn S. Rossi G. A. F orbush M. L. Rowe tor Harry Pearson. PCA was the site of one of five dustry." pany of Reno was awarded the A. M. Foremaster E . L. Roy R. G. Foremaster D. L. Runnells -.· industrial accidents that have taken the lives of new 3 million dollar Legislative K. Foremaster L . A. Sawyer A. R. Foremaster L. F. Schlupe Building in Carson City. 0. L. Fowler J. J. Schwabenland The Earl Games Company is D. E . Gardner M. Serrentine C. D. Gate J . Sherman . $2 Billion Needed doing all the excavating and back­ A. Gates H. J. Smallwood L . E. Gates H . C. Smith fill work. This job will keep about M. Gillispie H . L. Sparks W. L . Glennon J. L. Spike,· 6 or 7 Brothers busy for most of R. A . Gomez L . V. Stapley W. C. Goodrum R. C. Starr the winter. With our large out-of­ G . L. Gorman J . C. Stevens work list, every Brother that we J. J . Green L B. Stewart • State Water Proiect Vital J. E. Guinard L . Stewart can put to work this time of year L. J. Haffey 0. A. Stockman S. Ham H . Stoner By DOUG FARLEY Kaiser Industries ,Corp. of Oak­ ing costs of $113 .million. is a big help to us. J . A . Hall J . Strandberg D. L . Hand A. L. Streitz California, now deep in its $2.5 land, is the "master Contractor" 2 ...:. A similar. gathering system Brother R. C. Wilson will retire M. C. Hansen, Jr. V. R. Strietmatter for study. M. Hardison B. Strunk billion State water project, must plus facilities for treatment and November 1, 1968 from the Ana­ G. ·Harker M. Summerbell conda Company in Weed M. E. Harp F . L. Sumner eventually spend at least $2 billion The figures · now in the boards .discharge. :-i)l.to; the centElr of the P. W . Hayden D. L. Tackitt hands are not '·'real figures,~ 'Walsh . bay, ·\vh_eri( rapid currents would Heights, Nevada. Roy, as all S. A. Hellerud, Jr. V. L. Taylor to maintai'n high water qlwlity in A. Helton K. Taylor said, in that they are estimated' on tesulhJ?. qu,ick dispension, would Brothers know him, has been a W . Hendricks E . 0. Tayne San Francisco Bay and the San C. N. Hess C. Tierre Once the basis of anticipated 1969 costs. ' cost $1,:4:,billi_QQ,initially and $100. long standing member of the Op­ M. G. Hetland W. T . Torneten Joaquin-Sacramento Deltas. J. R. Hill C. H. Totten that capital investment has been However, they do provide com­ million '·a '.ye'a'f: The wastes would eration Engineers. E . F. Hipchen D. F. Troxel undergo treatment and Roy and his wife, Carolyn, will E. Hitch cock M. E. Tryon made, it will take another $100 parisons of the various alternative p ri~ary M. V. Howard T. Turpm studied. Capital invest­ chemical precipitation and filtra­ reside in Yerington for now. The J Hunt V. G. Varney million a year to operate the pro­ solutions H. J ackson E. F. Van Winkle gram. ment for the program would be tion, more effective for suspended membership a( the Anaconda R. W. J ackson C. Wardsworth e all miss Roy C. James R. A. Waller Raymond Walsh, project direc­ amortized over 40 years. solids . removal than conventional Company Min \Viii G . D. J ennings J . P. Walsh and we wish him and Carolyn a G. J ensen J ; R Ward tor for the California Water Qual­ If the money is not spept, · if secondary. treatment but for re­ B. E. J ohnson J. A. Weeks moval of biological. oxygen de­ happy retirement. A. E. J ohnson R. Weeks ity Control Board, told the San some long-range control plan is L. S. J ohnson W . G. Wegman, Jr. _mand. Brothers at the National Lead W. R Judd J. L. Weishaupt Francisco Planning & Urban Re­ not approved, he warned, both the J.
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