E730 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 1, 2021 RECOGNIZING THE RAILROAD grams such as Social Security, Supplemental Beaumont Army Medical Center the best of COMMISSION OF TEXAS’ 130TH Security Income, civil service retirement, mili- luck as it begins its years of service. ANNIVERSARY tary retirement, veterans’ pensions and com- Again, I am pleased to recognize the open- pensations, and other retirement programs. ing of William Beaumont Army Medical Center. HON. VAN TAYLOR Current law uses the Consumer Price Index f for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers OF TEXAS JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE (CPI–W) which measures costs solely of work- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LIBRARY ing individuals—unlike most Social Security Thursday, July 1, 2021 beneficiaries. Using CPI–W does not ade- Mr. TAYLOR. Madam Speaker, today, I ask quately consider the rising expenditures of re- HON. VIRGINIA FOXX my colleagues to join me in recognizing the tirement, such as housing and healthcare OF NORTH CAROLINA Railroad Commission of Texas on its 130th costs. This inadequate accounting amounts to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES anniversary. an effective decrease in benefits for those who Thursday, July 1, 2021 Established in 1891 by the Texas Constitu- rely on these federal programs. The proposed Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, on June 29, tion, the Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) change will lead to increased COLAs, ensur- 2021, during debate on H.R. 3005, To direct was created for the purpose preventing dis- ing that seniors are able to keep up with the the Joint Committee on the Library to replace crimination in railroad charges and estab- rising costs of their real-world expenses. the bust of Roger Brooke Taney in the Old lishing reasonable tariffs. As the first regu- Madam Speaker, I thank Representatives Supreme Court Chamber of the United States latory agency created in the State of Texas, PINGREE (D–ME), BEATTY (D–OH), Capitol with a bust of Thurgood Marshall to be their primary responsibility included covering FITZPATRICK (R–PA), STRICKLAND (D–WA), obtained by the Joint Committee on the Li- rates and operations of railroads, terminals, MOULTON (D–MA), BOYLE (D–PA), SABLAN (D– brary and to remove certain statues from wharves and express companies. MP), NAPOLITANO (D–CA), DEUTCH (D–FL), areas of the United States Capitol which are In 1917, the Texas Legislature expanded MCNERNEY (D–CA), MCCOLLUM (D–MN), KIL- accessible to the public, to remove all statues the Commission’s authority after declaring MER (D–WA), BROWN (D–MD), POCAN (D–WI), of individuals who voluntarily served the Con- pipelines to be common carriers, thereby pro- KUSTER (D–NH), SPEIER (D–CA), ESHOO (D– federate States of America from display in the viding the agency the ability to administer con- CA), MOORE (D–WI), and COHEN (D–TN), United States Capitol, and for other purposes, servation laws related to oil and gas. In March SIRES (D–NJ), KAPTUR (D–OH), LIEU (D–CA), one of my colleagues in the majority argued 1919, their jurisdiction would once again in- WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (D–FL) for their support that she held no responsibility for delays in ap- crease to include pipeline safety as well as the as original cosponsors. I look forward to work- proving North Carolina’s request to replace the safety of alternative fuels, natural gas utilities, ing with the Chairpersons of the Ways and Charles Aycock statue, due to the Joint Com- and the surface mining of coal and uranium. Means, Veterans’ Affairs, Oversight and Re- mittee on the Library (JCL) only formally orga- In the decades which would follow, the form, and Armed Services Committees to en- nizing on June 23 for the 117th Congress. RRC’s authority evolved to meet the needs of sure this critical piece of legislation becomes However, this argument left out important our rapidly growing state. While its rail func- law. context about the series of events related to tions have since been transferred to the Texas f the JCL this year. As my colleague knows, Department of Transportation, the Commis- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Democrats have controlled both the House sion’s oversight has extended to include not and the Senate since January and at any time only oil and gas exploration and production, could have passed their respective resolutions but also pipeline transporters, the natural gas HON. MICHAEL T. McCAUL appointing members to the JCL, allowing it to and hazardous liquid pipeline industry, natural OF TEXAS organize. But it took until April 16 and May 26 gas utilities, the LP-gas industry, and coal and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for the House and Senate to pass their re- uranium surface mining operations. Thursday, July 1, 2021 spective resolutions. Even with those delays, In recent years, the Commission has mod- the committee could still have been organized Mr. MCCAUL. Madam Speaker, I missed ernized technology for increased efficiency at any point after May 26. Yet it still took near- votes due to circumstances beyond my con- and has expanded transparency by providing ly a month, until June 23, for the committee to trol. the public with needed tools to access agency formally organize. Throughout this entire Con- Had I been present, I would have voted information. Further, the dedicated efforts of gress, the Democrats have been in the driver NAY on Roll Call No. 197. its professionals have contributed to the seat of the JCL, despite my colleague’s rep- streamlining of operations while promoting in- f resentation otherwise. creased innovation and energy independence. RECOGNIZING THE 100TH ANNIVER- It is clear that Democrats have needlessly For over 130 years the Railroad Commis- delayed the work of the JCL. Therefore, as I sion of Texas has maintained a unified and fo- SARY OF THE WILLIAM BEAU- MONT ARMY MEDICAL CENTER said in my remarks, if Democrats were truly cused mission of protecting the public, envi- concerned about the presence of offensive ronment, and economy of Texas. As the oil statues in the U.S. Capitol, they might start by and gas industry continues to be an essential HON. VERONICA ESCOBAR being quicker to act on the business of the component of Texas’ success story, I con- OF TEXAS Joint Committee on the Library. gratulate the Railroad Commission of Texas IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f and its employees on this milestone anniver- Thursday, July 1, 2021 sary and wish them continued success as they TRIBUTE TO FORMER ALABAMA continue to protect the state’s natural re- Ms. ESCOBAR. Madam Speaker, I rise CONGRESSMAN SONNY CALLAHAN sources, environment, and public safety. today to recognize the 100th Anniversary of the opening of William Beaumont Army Med- f HON. HAROLD ROGERS ical Center in Fort Bliss, Texas. OF KENTUCKY INTRODUCTION OF THE FAIR COLA The William Beaumont Army Medical Center IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FOR SENIORS ACT OF 2021 first opened in July 1, 1921 and has since be- come a major medical asset for the U.S. Thursday, July 1, 2021 HON. JOHN GARAMENDI Army—serving the needs of countless sol- Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Madam Speaker, OF CALIFORNIA diers, veterans, military families, and El Paso I rise today with a heavy heart to pay tribute IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES residents. Whether through assisting victims of to the memory of one of my closest friends, the August 3rd, 2019 domestic terrorist shoot- former Congressman H.L. ‘‘Sonny’’ Callahan, Thursday, July 1, 2021 ing or working day and night during the the gentleman from the great state of Ala- Mr. GARAMENDI. Madam Speaker, today I COVID–19 pandemic, the medical center has bama, who peacefully passed away on June introduced the Fair COLA for Seniors Act of always helped our community and continues 25, 2021. Sonny and I became quick friends 2021, which would require using the Con- to be an invaluable resource for El Pasoans. upon his arrival to Washington in 1985. His sumer Price Index for the Elderly (CPI–E) As the United States Army prepares to open humor and zeal for practical jokes were as en- when calculating cost of living adjustments one of the most advanced medical facilities in dearing on Capitol Hill as his ability to forge (COLAs) for federal retirement programs. The the country, the El Paso community is thankful alliances across the aisle to create effective proposed index would adjust the benefits pro- for the Army’s support and wishes William policy and legislation for the American people. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:43 Jul 02, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01JY8.005 E01JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with REMARKS July 1, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E731 As colleagues on the Appropriations Com- access financing for infrastructure project and emissions. Given the importance of freight rail, mittee, Sonny and I traveled the world to- which I have previously championed with my not only to the Inland Port of Dallas but to gether, meeting with leaders from Singapore own legislation. ports nationwide, I encourage the Committee to Argentina to Israel and many nations in be- f on Transportation and Infrastructure to con- tween. His gregarious nature was as prevalent tinue to work with the freight railroad industry during those international meetings as it was INVESTING IN A NEW VISION FOR as the INVEST Act advances towards a at home in the heart of Alabama. Sonny ex- THE ENVIRONMENT AND SUR- House-Senate conference committee. tended genuine kindness and friendship to FACE TRANSPORTATION IN folks across all walks of life and never lost the AMERICA ACT f staunch work ethic that helped him build a SPEECH OF RECOGNIZING THADDEUS C.
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