Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/africadiscoveryo02wienrich m AFRICA AND THE DISCOVERY 0/ AMERICA VOLUME II By LEO WIENER PROFESSOR OF SLAVIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES AT HARVARD UNIVERSITY; AUTHOR OF "A COMMENTARY TO THE GERMANIC LAWS AND MEDIAEVAL DOCUMENTS." "CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARD A HISTORY OF ARABICO- GOTHIC CULTURE." "HISTORY OF YIDDISH LITERATURE." "history of the CONTEMPORARY RUSSIAN DRAMA." "ANTHOLOGY OF RUSSIAN LITERATURE." "INTERPRETA. TION OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE;" TRANSLATOR OF THE WORKS OF TOLSTOY; CONTRIBUTOR TO GERMAN, RUSSIAN FRENCH. ENGLISH. AND AMERICAN PHILOLOGICAL PERIODICALS. ETC.. ETC. INNES & SONS 129-135 N. TWELFTH ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. MCMXXII Copyright, 1922, by Innes & Sons Bancroft Libra ry TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. FOREWORD IX-X II. SOURCES QUOTED XI-XXII PART I: COTTON 1-82 III. THE PREHISTORY OF COTTON 3-22 IV. COTTON AND COLUMBUS 23-35 V. COTTON IN MEXICO 36-56 VI. COTTON IN PERU 57-82 PART II: THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY . 83-200 VII. SMOKING IN ANTIQUITY 85-98 Vm. THE SMOKE VENDER 99-121 IX. TOBACCO OF THE MOORS .... 122-134 X. THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY OF THE INDIANS 135-150 XL THE REDISCOVERY OF TOBACCO . 151-179 XII. TOBACCO AND THE SCIENCES . 180-200 PART III: BEAD MONEY 201-270 XIII. THE COWRIES , 203-223 XIV. THE ONYX 224-236 XV. AGGRY BEADS 237-248 XVI. WAMPUM . 249-270 XVII. WORD INDEX 272 XVIIL SUBJECT INDEX 280 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 0pp. Page Three Types of American Cotton, 3 plates 32 Mexican Lord with YetecoTnatl, 2 plates 42 Christian Element in Codice Mariano Jimenez, 2 plates 46 Cotton in Mexican Tribute Lists, 2 plates 52 Stratification of Guano in Chincha Island 60 Peruvian Mummy Packs, 2 plates 70 Ancon Graves, 2 plates 72 Peanuts in Ancon Graves 74 Alchemist's Distilling Cap 90 Ancient Pipes, 2 plates 92 Mastaria on American Pipes, 2 plates 144 Stockades and Mounds in Africa and America, 3 plates 176 Indian Fumigations 176 Indian Beads, 2 plates 254 Peruvian Beads 266 FOREWORD In the present volume I muster the information accessible as to the presence in America of tobacco, cotton, and shell-money, previous to the so-called dis- covery of America by Columbus. I have not know- ingly omitted any statement made by an early writer, whether in favor of my argument or against it, but the mass of material that had to be waded through was so great, that I may have overlooked some passages. The accumulated evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of an introduction of the articles under discussion from Africa, by European and Negro traders, decades earlier than 1492. Unfortunately certain archaeologists in- sist upon denying all but the archaeological evidence and shower upon an objective investigator a veritable deluge of abuse. Upon these I shall urge the admirable concluding words of J. Batalha-Reis in an article entitled The Supposed Discovery of South America before 144^1 (if^d the Critical Methods of the Historians of Geo- graphical Discovery: "" The greater probability is, there- fore, in my opinion, in favour of the supposition that the north-east corner of South America had been seen on or before 1448, although this cannot be affirmed with the same historical certainty with which we can affirm that, in 1492, Columbus landed on some of the Antilles. "It appears to me (if I dare express my whole feeling on the subject) that to answer questions like this with an unconditional affirmative or a rigid negative, is not to realize, in all their true conditions, historical prob- lems—not to realize, in fact, what real life is, and how history ought to be studied and written. X AFRICA AND THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA ** Almost all the historians of geographical discov- eries consider it their absolute duty to arrive at a radical conclusion in the study of problematical ques- tions, answering with a yes what only deserves a perhaps, or, more frequently, dismissing with a no what ought to be held as probable."^ Wherever I have occasion, in this volume, to censure the archaeologists I have in mind the vociferous Philistines who conspicuously pretend to talk for all the archaeologists, and not the fairminded scholars of the profession, the lineal descendants of Bandelier, Squier, Davis, Cyrus Thomas, Holmes, and many more, but who unfortunately have been conspicuously silent and so cannot be quoted, reverently or otherwise. The vast amount of new matter that has turned up since I began this investigation compels me to relegate the conclusive proof of Mandingo influence upon pre- Columbian America through its fetishism to a third volume. I take this occasion of thanking Mr. John B. Stetson, Jr. for communicating to me from time to time important points bearing on my subject, as they occurred to him in his wide and judicious readings of early authors on South America. The Author. ^ In The Geographical Journal, London 1897, vol. IX, p. 210. SOURCES QUOTED Acosta, J. de Historia natural y moral de las Indias, vol. I, Madrid 1894. Alvares d'Almada, A. Tratado breve dos rios de Guine' do Cabo-Verde, ed. by D. Kopke, Porto 1841. American Anthropologist, The, vol. XXIII. Andagoya, P. de Narrative of the Proceedings of Pedrarias Davila, trans, and ed. by C. R. Markham (The Hakluyt Society), London 1865. Arriaga, P. J. de Extirpacion de la idolatria del Piru, Buenos Aires 1910. Arrian. 'IpdiKd. Artemidori Daldiani & Oneirocritica, Lutetiae 1603. Achmetis Sereimi F. Athenaeus. Atti della Societa Ligure di Storia Patria, vol. IV, Genoa 1866. Avezac, A. d* Bref recit et succincte narration de la navigation faite en MDXXXV et MDXXXVI par le capitaine Jacques C artier aus lies de Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay et autres, Paris 1863. Avicenna. See Ibn-Sina. Baessler, A. Peruanische Mumien, Untersuchungen mit X- Strahlen, Berlin 1906. Baldelli-Boni, G. B. II Milione di Marco Polo, vols. I, II, Firenze 1827. Bandelier, A. F. The Journey of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, New York 1905. Barbosa, Duarte Collecgao de noticias para a historia e geografia das nagoes ultramarinas, vol. II, Lisboa 1867. Barbot, J. See Churchill, vol. V. Barre, N. Copie de quelques letres sur la navigation du chevallier de Villegaignon es terres de TAmerique oultre I'Aequinoctial, iusques soulz le tropique de Capricorne, Paris 1558. Batalha-Reis, J, The Supposed Discovery of South America before 1448, and the Critical Methods of the Historians of Geographical Discovery, in The Geographical Journal, vol. IX, London 1897. Baxter, J. P. A Memoir of Jacques Cartier, Sieur de Limoilou, New York 1906. Beauchamp, W. M. Wampum and Shell Articles Used by the New York Indians, in Bulletin of the New York State Museum, No. 41, vol. 8. Belon du Mans, P. Les observations de plusieurs singularitez & choses memorables, trouvees en Grece, Asie, Judee, Egypte, Arable, & autres pays estranges, Paris 1555. xii AFRICA AND THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA Bentley, W. H. Dictionary and Grammar of the Kongo Language, London 1887, 1895. Benton, P. A. Notes on some Languages of the Western Sudan, London, New York 1912. Berthelot, M. Collection des anciens alchimistes grecs, vols. II, III, Paris 1888. Beverley, R. The History and Present State of Virginia, Book III, London 1705. Binger, G. Du Niger au Golfe de Guinee, vol. II, Paris 1892. Bleek, W. H. J. The Languages of Mosambique, London 1856. Blochmann, H. Ain i Akbarl, in Bibliotheca Indica, published by the Asiatic Society of Bengal, new series, No. 149. Boban, E. Documents pour servir a I'histoire du Mexique, Catalogue raisonne de la collection E. Eugene Goupil, Paris 1891. Boletim do conselho ultramarino, Legisla^ao antiga, vol. I, Lisboa 1867. Bosman, W. A New and Accurate Description of the Coast of Guinea, London 1721. Bostock, J. and The Natural History of Pliny, London 1855. Riley, H. T. Botanical Gazette, vol. LXI. Botanisches Centralblatt, vol. III. Bowdich, T. E. Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee, London 1819. Brandes, H. Ueber die antiken Namen und die geographische Verbreitung der BaumwoUe im Alterthum, in 5. Jahresbericht des Vereins von Freunden der Erdkunde zu Leipzig, 1866. Breton, R. P. R. Dictionaire caraibe-frangais, Leipzig 1892. Brodhead, J. R. History of the State of New York, vol. I, New York 1853. Bry, Th. de Admiranda narratis fida tamen, de commodis et incolarum ritibus Virginiae, Francofurti ad Moenum 1590. Butaye, R. Dictionnaire kikongo-frangais, frangais-kikongo, Roulers [1909]. Camerarius, J. De plantis epytome utilissima, Francofurti ad Moenum 1586. CandoUe, A. de Origine des plantes cultiv6es, Paris 1883. Origin of Cultivated Plants, New York 1885. Cartier, J. See Avezac. Catholic Historical Review, The, vol. VI, (April 1920). Cavazzi, A. Istorica descrizione de* tre' regni, Congo, Matamba, et Angola, Bologna 1687. Champlain, J. de See Laverdiere. Chavannes, E. Documents sur les Tou-Kiue (Turcs) occidentaux, St. P^tersbourg 1903. Cherbonneau, M. A. Definition lexicographique de plusieurs mots usitfe dans le langage de I'Afrique septentrionale, in Journal Asiatique, IV. ser., vol. XIII. SOURCES QUOTED xiu Christopher, W. Vocabulary of the Maldivian Language, in The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, vol. VI (1841). Churchill, J. A Collection of Voyages and Travels, vols. I, V, London 1704, 1732. Cobo, P. B. Historia del Nuevo Mundo, vols. II, IV, Sevilla 1890-93. Colecci6n de documentos ineditos del archivo de Indias, vol. II. Coleccion de documentos in6ditos, para la historia de Espana, vol. V, Madrid 1844. Coleccion de documentos ineditos, relatives al descubrimiento, conquista y organizaci6n de las antiguas posesiones espanolas de America y Oceania, vol. XIV, 1. ser., Madrid 1870. Coleccion de documentos ineditos, relatives al descubrimiento, conquista y organizacion de las antiguas posesiones espanolas de Ultramar, vol.
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