' <: * ' f ' - L * * * f < ' : V- A* v ''^'V <* '- *Y- V>'r ' <\ ? l'"f^KI v ' " : ' ' -' y '" '- - -"''' <: , . > ',' ^ i< - < ^' f S v^ /' <* v C \'-' '.' S,i -W^i^tt^'-W:': t '. < ^ ( ,/A.-':;./;vv/;v;^^'/X;^>;o-; ; - <l ,. THE VATICAN COUNCIL, FROM ITS OPENING TO ITS PROROGATION, OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS, DIARY, LISTS OF BISHOPS, &c., &c., &c. PART THE SECOND. ''TABLET OFFICE," 27, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND BURNS, GATES, AND Co., PORTMAN STREET. INDEX, Preface . I Allocution of Pope Pius IX on the 2nd of December, 1869 . 2 Official Notice of the Opening of the Council . 7 Analysis of the Ordo Concilii CEcumenici . 9 Allocution of Pope Pius IX on the 8th December, 1869, the First Public Session .... Apostolic Letter Multiplies inter of Pope Pius IX of the 27th November, 1869 . Preamble . .21 Chap. I. On the Manner of Life to be followed by those present at the Council . 22 Chap. II. On the Right to bring forward Questions and the manner of so doing . 24 Chap. III. On the Secrecy to be observed in the Council 25 Chap. IV. On the Order of Sitting . 26 Chap. V. Of the Judges of Excuses and Complaints . 28 Chap. VI. Of the Officers of the Council . 29 Chap. VII. Of the General Congregations of the Fathers 31 Chap. VII. Of the Public Sessions . -35 Chap. IX. Of not Leaving the Council . 37 Chap. X. Apostolic Indult concerning Non-residence on the part of those who assist at the Council . .- -37 The Oath taken by the Officials of the Council . 38 Sermon of the Archbishop of Iconium on the 8th December, 1869 39 Ordo Concilii CEcumenici . -54 Petition of the Fathers for the Definition of the Doctrine of the Infallibility of the Roman Pontiff . 65 Postulatum of Italian Bishops in favour of the Definition . 75 Petition of Bishops of the Franciscan order . 77 Petition of the Armenian Bishops for the Definition . 78 Testimony of Chaldean and other Oriental Bishops . 78 the . Memorial against Definition. -83 The Third Public Session of April 24th, 1870 . 86 Dogmatic Constitution on the Catholic Faith . -87 Preamble . - . 87 Chap. I. Of God the Creator of all things . 91 Chap. II. Of Revelation . .92 Chap. III. Of Faith . ... .94 Chap. IV. Of Faith and Reason. .. .98 The Canons . 101 First Dogmatic Constitution of the Church of Christ, .published in . the Fourth Session, July i8th, 1870 ., . 106 Preamble . .106 Chap. I. Of the Institution of the Appstoliq Primacy in Blessed Peter . 108 Chap. II. Of the Perpetuity of the Primacy of Blessed Peter in the Roman Pontiffs . .no Chap. III. On the Power and Nature of the Primacy of the Roman Pontiff . 1 1 1 Chap. IV. Of the Infallible Teaching of the Roman Pontiff . 115 IV Decree of Pope Pius IX of Feb. 22, 1869, laying down Fourteen Rules for the Regulation of Discussions 120 Officials of the Council . 125 Commission De Postulatis appointed by the Supreme Pontiff December 10, 1869 . 127 Judges of Excuses and Complaints elected by the Council, repub- lished December 14 128 Commission De Fide elected by the Council and published December 20, in the order of votes recorded for each 129 Commission De Disciplina elected by the Council and published December 28, in the order of votes recorded for each 130 Commission De Ordinibus Regularibus elected by the Council and published January 3, 1870, in the order of votes recorded for each ... Commission De Missionibus elected by the Council and published January 19, 1870, in the order of votes recorded for each 132 Diary of the Council ... 134 Brief History of the General Councils 158 List of the Catholic Hierarchy throughout the woi'ld, showing the Bishops present during the Council 175 ' SYNOPSIS OF THE HIERARCHY. THE SOVEREIGN PONTIFF POPE Pius THE NINTH. Present Absent ERRATA. P. 139, line 6 from bottom, read Gravez. Bishop, c. P. 139, line 5 from bottom, read Moreno, Bishop, &c. P. 139, line 4 from bottom, read Ghilardi, Bishop, &c. P. 145, line i from top, read Rivet, Bishop, &c. P. 145, line 2 from top, read Gignoux, Bishop, &c. P. 145, line 3 from top, read Cantimorri, Bishop, &c. P. 145, line 6 from top, read Martinez, Bishop, &c. P. 175, line 18 from bottom, dele comma after Peter. P. 179, line 17 from top, insert after 1853. P. 182, line 18 from top, read J. M. Becel, 1866*. P. 188, line 21 from bottom, read Lorenzo Studach, &c. P. 191, under China, insert as follows : Hai-non Zefirino Guillemin Cibistra | j j 1856* P. 192, line 19 from top, read Felix Ridel, 1869*. P. 193, line 21 from top, read Athanasius Tutungi, 1837 P. 194, line 12 from top, read Joannes Hagg, 1861 . NO. OF GEN. CONGS. ? W o o 1 f TJ 5' rf 4 1! 2- PL, o I 1.8 o 2, !* I o P o-ffi *" o! f a a, CONSTITUTIONS AND OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS OF THE VATICAN COUNCIL. year was published TJie Year of Prepara- LASTtion for tJic Vatican Council, containing, in Latin and English, all the official documents connected with the Convocation of the General Council, as also the Encyclical Quanta Cnra and the Syllabus. It moreover contained a somewhat full and popular treatise upon the subject of Councils in general and of the Vatican Council in particular. The time has now arrived for giving to the English public the natural Sequel to that volume, that is, the CONSTITUTIONS and OFFICIAL DOCU- MENTS that have been issued during the Council down to the present date. July 28, 1870. B ALLOCUTION ADDRESSED IN A GENERAL CONGREGATION BEFORE THE FIRST SESSION OF THE VATICAN COUNCIL BY OUR MOST HOLY LORD Pius IX., BY DIVINE PROVIDENCE POPE, ON THE 2ND OF DECEMBER, 1869, TO THE BISHOPS OF THE CATHOLIC WORLD ASSEMBLED IN ROME FOR THE SAID COUNCIL : * VENERABLE BRETHREN, the eye of the day on which we are to open ONthe holy (Ecumenical Council, nothing has ap- peared to Us more seasonable, nothing could be more pleasing to Us, than to see you all met together around Us, Venerable Brethren, as We so much desired to see you, and to be able to speak to you with all the affection which fills Our inmost heart. For since the matter of which We have to treat is most important, namely, the discovery of remedies for so many ills which in these days disturb both Christian and civil society, We have deemed it worthy of Our Aposto- lical care and befitting the greatness of Our task that, before the transaction of the affairs of the Council begins, We should beg of God on your behalf, as a pledge of every grace, the aid of the Heavenly Bene- diction and have it to ; We judged necessary give you the rules, as set forth and published in Our Apostolical letters, which We have decided on establishing for the right and orderly transaction of everything in the proceedings of the Council. This it is, Venerable * VENERABILES FRATRES, Sacri CEcumenici Vaticani Concilii Conventus post paucos hinc dies nihil iucundius V. FF. auspicaturi, opportunius Nobisque existimavimus,V , quam ut Vos universes hodierno die iuxta Nostra hie desideria congre- intiino gates alloqui, ac praecipuam caritatem, quam corde aliinus, Vobis aperire possemus. Cum enim de re maxima agatur, qualis est ilia in qua de remediis comparandis agitur tot malis, quae Chnstianam et civilem societatem hoc tempore perturbant, putavimus Apostolica Nostra sollicitudine dignum esse, et tantae rei magnitudini consenta- neum, ut antequam Conciliarium rerum actio initium habeat, in omnis gratiae auspicium Vobis caelestis benedictionis opem a Deo clementis- ac necessarium Vobis eas tradere simo precaremur ; censuimus, normas, Apostolicis Nostris litteris consignatas atque editas, quas ad omnia in Conciliaribus actionibus rite et ordine agenda, constituendas esse iudi- cavimus. Hoc autem illud est, VV. FF., quod Deo et Immaculate Deipara votis Nostris annuente hodierno die in amplissimo hoc Vestro satis verbis earn conventu peragimus ; nee explicare possumus ingentem consolationem, quam Vestra haec exoptata, et debita Apostolicae vocis obsequio frequentia Nobis ingerit, cum Vos tandem ex omnibus Catho- Brethren, which, with the favour of God and of the Immaculate Mother of God upon Our wishes, \Ye are out in this solemn nor to-day carrying your assembly ; can We sufficiently express to you in Avords the great consolation -which this hoped-for readiness of your arrival in such numbers, in due obedience to the Apostolic voice, fills Our heart, since from all parts of the Catholic world We see you hastening to this city of Rome on account of the Council We have sum- moned, and feel that you are united to Us by the highest agreement of your souls together with an excellent devotion towards Us and towards the Apos- tolic See, and a wonderful ardour for the work of the kingdom of Christ, while the patient suffering of tribulations for the sake of Christ renders many of you most dear to Our heart. But, Venerable Brothers, this your union with Us is so much the more' pleasing to Us because in clinging thereto, we tread in the footsteps of the Apostles who have left Us brilliant examples of their unanimous and constant union with the Divine Master. For you have learnt from Holy Scripture that, when Christ Our Lord was going a journey through cities and towns in Palestine preach- ing and proclaiming the kingdom of God, all the Apostles with a like zeal kept close to His side, and as S. Luke says the twelve went faithfully with Him wherever He went. And this union of the Apostles was even more strikingly manifested at the time when lici Orbis partibus in hanc almam Urbem, indicti a Nobis Concilii causa convenisse, et sumina animorum consensione Nobiscum coniunc- tos aspiciamus : quos eximia erga Nos et Apostolicam Sedem devotio, mirificus ad navandam Christ! Regno operam ardor, et in pluribus etiam tribulationum pro Christo perpessio iure cfficit cordi Nostro car- issimos.
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