•DECOR-REST Financing Available O.A.C. 3435A Petawawa Blvd. 613-687-5574 STORE HOURS: Monday & Saturday 9 AM - 5 PM Tuesday to Friday 9 AM - 6 PM Vol. 74, No. 12 Serving Petawawa & Area for 74 years Thursday, March 29, 2018 Free/Gratuit Commander of Latvian Land Force visits Ottawa, Garrison Petawawa OTTAWA - The Cana- military police, as well as lo- rotation and observed train- dian Army hosted the Com- gistical and communications ing, readiness and mounting mander of Latvian Land support. The Battlegroup is activities. Additionally, he Force, Colonel (Col) Ilmārs training with the Latvian Land visited elements of 2 Combat A. Lejiņš, last week in Ot- Force Infantry Brigade, with Engineer Regiment, 2 Service tawa and Petawawa. which it will work hand-in- Battalion, and the 2nd Regi- The visit enhanced the hand to deter aggression and, ment, Royal Canadian Horse bilateral military relation- if necessary, help defend the Artillery, as the Canadian ship between the Canadian people of Latvia. Army looks to further devel- and Latvian armies beyond Col Lejiņš met with op bilateral opportunities for NATO’s multilateral collab- Lieutenant-General (LGen) army collaboration. oration occurring within the Paul Wynnyk, Commander “I’m very pleased to visit enhanced Forward Presence Canadian Army, and other Canada to meet with our Battlegroup (eFP BG). Canadian Army senior lead- Canadian colleagues and The Canadian Armed ers during engagements at firm NATO Ally,” said Col Forces (CAF) has deployed the Canadian Army Head- Lejiņš. “This visit presented about 450 troops per rotation quarters in Ottawa. great opportunities for our to the Canadian-led eFP BG “I’m extremely pleased two armies to talk and share Latvia, including headquar- to have hosted Colonel ideas about what the future ters staff, an infantry company Lejiņš and to strengthen the holds with respect to ongo- with Light Armoured Vehicles, already close and highly ing collaboration and mili- productive ties between our tary training.” two countries,” said LGen In response to a complex INSIDE Wynnyk. “Opportunities security environment, NATO 2 CMBG PIPES & to meet face-to-face enable enhanced its forward pres- DRUMS MARCH ON both armies to highlight mu- ence in Europe with four tual interests and opportuni- multinational battlegroups THE MAPLE LEAFS ties for future collaboration in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia PAGE 2 in order to further this rela- and Poland, led by Canada, tionship beyond the eFP BG Germany, the United King- partnership.” dom, and the United States Col Lejiņš also visited respectively. Garrison Petawawa, primar- Canada was the first G7 ily focussing on the units country to recognize the res- PROMOTING ‘MARCH of 2 Canadian Mechanized toration of Latvia’s indepen- IS NUTRITION MONTH’ Brigade Group. During his dence in 1991, and was one PAGE 3 visit, he met with elements of the first countries to ratify of the next eFP BG that will Latvia’s accession to NATO SUPPORT OUR deploy to Latvia and which in 2004. Latvia was the first will be led by the 1st Bat- European Union (EU) Mem- Colonel Ilmārs A. Lejiņš, the Commander of Latvian Land Force, receives a briefing from a member of TROOPS SCHOLARSHIP 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group on military equipment that the Canadian Army uses on de- PROGRAM talion, The Royal Canadian ber State to ratify the Com- Regiment. prehensive Economic and ployment and on exercise during a visit to 4th Canadian Division Support Base Petawawa on March PAGE 5 As part of the brigade vis- Trade Agreement between 21. Colonel Lejiņš was invited to visit Canada to observe training and interact with Canadian Armed Forces members in order to strengthen Latvian and Canadian relationships. (Photo by Master Corporal www.petawawapostlive.ca it, Col Lejiņš met with the sol- Canada and the EU, which diers preparing for the next recently came into force. Jennifer Evans, 4th Canadian Division Support Base Petawawa) IN is a 7,821km Highway MURPHY CANADA MAKE SURE YOUR VEHICLE IS READY Page 2, Petawawa Post, March 29, 2018 men from the US Naval Acad- their position on the field. The 2 CMBG Pipes & Drums march on the Toronto Maple Leafs emy marched onto the deck anthems followed. By Cpl Walter Gammeter was invited by the NHL to which was highly decorated next to the US Naval Acad- and “manned the rails,” of the Bearing the Canadian Flag A hand-picked contin- participate in the opening with a nautical theme. The emy created a strong sense of carrier deck. A tradition as old was Lt(N) Ludivine Laperriere gent of 2 Canadian Mecha- ceremonies of the 2018 Coors pregame featured a cheerlead- spirit that could be felt by all. as the Navy itself, manning of the Royal Canadian Navy. nized Brigade Group (2 Light Stadium Series outdoor ing squad from the US Naval The rink itself was situat- the rails is a method of salut- O Canada was sung outstand- CMBG) Pipes and Drums game which took place in An- Academy performing a mag- ed on the field atop a raised ing and giving honour. This is ingly by Petty Officer 2nd had the honour of represent- napolis Maryland. nificent routine to Kenny Log- deck made to resemble an still a practice for ships leav- Class Brad Davidge accompa- ing 2 CMBG and the nation The Washington Capitals gins “Danger Zone.” aircraft carrier flight deck. ing and entering ports. nied by The Royal Canadian on Saturday March 3, 2018. hosted the Toronto Maple The Navy-Marine Corps Upon the live opening As the midshipmen set Navy’s Stadacona Band led by The Pipes and Drum band Leafs in a regular season game Memorial Stadium, located presentation, 200 midship- the stage, the outdoor crowd Lt(N) Patrice Arsenault. of 40,000 could be heard The opening ceremony anywhere in Annapolis. Ris- was concluded with fire- ing above the sound of the works and a low flyover by crowd was the sound of 2 a Navy F-18. CMBG Pipes and Drums It was an immense hon- striking up in the tunnel and our for 2 CMBG to be a part marching onto the field. of the event. It was a once in “Led by the Pipes and a lifetime opportunity and Drums of the 2nd Canadian the band looks forward to Mechanized Brigade Group representing 2 CMBG in fu- out of Garrison Petawawa, ture events wherever it can. playing the Maple Leaf For- 2 CMBG Pipes and Drums ever, under the direction of is a volunteer band made up Warrant Officer Seann Alder- of Regular Force members man and Pipe Major Alan Bu- and civilian volunteers. We chanan,” was announced loud rehearse once a week on Tues- and proud. The Toronto Ma- days at building H-1 from ple Leafs were led out by the 1900 to 2100hrs. We are al- pipes and drums onto the field ways looking to take on new adjacent to the rink where the members at all skill levels. anthems would be played. Anyone interested in Next, led by the US Naval joining feel free to stop by at Academies’ Pipes and Drums H-1 weekdays from 0900 to MFSA - GREENWOOD AURORA playing the theme from Top 1500hrs or band rehearsals Display 10 x 5.575", Gun, the Washington Capitals Tuesday nights from 1900 to took their position opposite 2100hrs. Beginners welcome 2March CMBG Pipes 2018 & DrumsColour with Coach Mike Babcock of the Toronto Maple Leafs. (Submitted photo) the Maple Leafs, mirroring and lessons are available. CFB ESQUIMALT Note: THIS COPY IS NOT INTENDED TO SHOW RUSH RETURN AT ONCE QUALITY OF PAPER OR PRINTING, BUT SOLELY Please verify Proof for style and complete- FOR YOUR APPROVAL OF LAYOUT, DESIGN AND ness Ensure your FIRM NAME, ADDRESS, and NEWSPAPER & CREATIVE SERVICES TELEPHONE NUMBER are correct. Please sign TYPOGRAPHIC CORRECTNESS. and return. If not returned before deadline, the In approving this copy, I warrant that I am authorized Publisher assumes that there are no corrections PROOF and accepts no responsibility for errors. Thank you to use the advertising copy, cuts, illustrations, trade THIS AD WILL APPEAR IN THE NEXT for allowing us to serve you. If you have any ques- marks, trade names specified. I agree to pay within tions, please call. ISSUE OF THE LOOKOUT. PLEASE 30 days of receiving an invoice. I am aware I will be READ OVER YOUR AD CAREFULLY charged 2%/month on overdue unpaid balances. JOSHUA BUCK - SALES PHONE: 363-8602 AND SIGN. ❏ OK WITH CORRECTIONS (Please mark on proof) FAX: 363-3015 If this is not correct please contact Joshua ________________________________ ❏ OK AS IS. (Authorized Signature) right away, sign this form and return it by fax. Petawawa Post, March 29, 2018, Page 3 Coleman-McLean. Promoting healthy eating during ‘March is Nutrition Month’ As part of its mandate, son Petawawa as well as the Health Promotion provides By Patricia Leboeuf 1 Canadian Field Hospital (1 about healthy eating. tips and provide some nutri- Petawawa Military Family the Canadian Armed Forces Petawawa Post Cdn Fd Hosp) with plans for Representatives from tious snacks. Resource Centre (PMFRC) to community with the tools ‘March is Nutrition Month’, Health Promotion as well as Throughout the month spread the message. and resources to attain and When Garrison Petawawa they were enthusiastic at the CANEX came for a visit to of March, they also visited A special booth was maintain optimal health and Health Promotion approached opportunity to learn more showcase some healthy eating many other units at Garri- set up at 1 Cdn Fd Hosp wellness. Going directly to on March 22 with healthy where they work and play snacks and information re- just furthers their reach and sources.
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