July 31, 2009 HAVE YOU READ YOUR KA TODAY? Volume 33, number 30 Ramstein gets hardware at RODEO Courtesy photo The Aerial Port team from the 435th Contingency Response Group races o to rapidly load a Humvee, trailer and pallet inside the back of a C-130 with its engines running. by Capt. Megan A. Schafer air forces and learn about some alternative ways Arrival Crew,” said Lt. Col. Stuart Weinberger, Ramstein Public Affairs of doing business successfully was great,” said Ramstein RODEO team chief. “We competed Maj. Dan Collister, 37th Airlift Squadron chief very professionally and learned a lot.” Airmen from Team Ramstein competed at the of training. “In particular, we were able to foster Additionally, the 521st AMOW received awards 2009 Air Mobility Command RODEO competi- closer ties with the British C-130J (crews) from for the Best Aerial Port 10K Forklift Operators tion at McChord Air Force Base, Wash., July 19 Lynham and the Israeli C-130 unit, which will and Best Enroute Engines-running Offl oad team, to 24, bringing home six awards between the 86th only benefi t the 86th AW.” and the German military team took home the Best Airlift Wing, the 435th Air Ground Operations Focused on improving worldwide air mobility Security Forces Combat Tactics award. Wing and 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing. forces’ professional core abilities, the competition With more than 70 awards up for grabs, the The week-long mobility readiness competi- featured more than 40 aircraft participating in competition in each category was fi erce. tion brought together more than 2,500 service airdrops, aerial refueling and other aerial events, “All of the other teams had excellent represen- members from around the Air Force and the as well as several new ground-focused competi- tation and we knew we were up against the best,” globe to compete in more than 50 competitions. tions. said Tech. Sgt. Rachel Anderson, a member of The teams included members from the Air Force “Our team of 51 Airmen competed in 10 events, the 86th Aeromedical Squadron who competed Reserve, the Air National Guard and the allied taking home awards for the Best Aeromedical in the AE events. “Each event took its toll on us nations of Belgium, Germany, Great Britain, Evacuation Team, Best Aeromedical Evacuation physically and mentally. We felt extremely proud Spain, Malaysia, Israel, the Republic of Korea Contingency Flight, Best C-130 Low Level/ that we could represent our squadron in such a and Turkey. Airdrop Crew and Best Operational Support “Getting to socialize with the other nations’ Airlift/Very Important Person Special Air Mission See RODEO, Page 7 NEWS NEWS LIFESTYLES SPORTS 21st TSC team marches 100 C-130E gets last tuneup at Cool down at the Georgians make tournament miles in Nijmegen, Page 5 Ramstein, Page 9 Waschmühle, Page 13 a success, Page 20 Page 2 Kaiserslautern American July 31, 2009 Family, youth programs bene t from 2008 CFC Story and photo by Ms. Acosta said. “I am honored to be Airman 1st Class part of it.” Alexandria Mosness The CFC not only benefi ts the FSYP, Ramstein Public Affairs but also those who are in less fortunate situations. The Combined Federal Campaign- “The CFC is signifi cant because it Overseas presented Ramstein’s Family gives and helps out those in need,” said Support and Youth Program with a Constance Baker, CFC-O deputy direc- check from the 2008 campaign contri- tor. “Being able to give charity to those butions July 21 at the youth center on less fortunate really make a difference Ramstein. for those who necessitate it.” Renee Acosta, president and CEO The contributions made to FSYP of Global Impact the Department of directly effect servicemembers and Defense campaigns management orga- their families who are transitioning to nization for the CFC-O, presented living in overseas communities. Brig. Gen. Bill Bender, outgoing 86th The FSYP funds programs that pro- Airlift Wing and KMC commander, a Renee Acosta, president and CEO of Global Impact, presents a ceremonial check of vide child care, support recreational check for more than $30,000 during more than $30,000 July 21 to Brig. Gen. Bill Bender, outgoing 86th Airlift Wing and KMC activities and offer emergency assis- commander, at the youth center on Ramstein. The check represents donations that tance. the ceremony. civilian and military employees in Ramstein donated to Family Support and Youth The mission of the CFC is to sup- Programs through Combined Federal Campaign-Overseas during the 2008 campaign. While the FSYP does a lot for fami- port and promote philanthropy through lies and youth, it also helps single a voluntary program that is employee-focused, personnel an opportunity to support programs Airmen too. There are many holiday programs cost-effi cient and effective in providing federal right at their own installation. and dormitory outreach activities for single employees the opportunity to improve the quality “Men and women from Ramstein have been Airmen because of FSYP. of life for all. very generous year after year giving to those they The annual program allows employees to give “I’ve noticed all of the volunteerism that takes may never meet,” Ms. Acosta said. through payroll deductions. CFC-O also recently place at Ramstein, and I am very proud,” General Ms. Acosta has been working with the CFC for introduced “E-Giving,” where contributors can Bender said. “It takes time, talent and dedication more than 10 years, and she sees the good it does go online and pay with a debit card, avoiding the to give back to the community; these are key each day. hassle of dealing with paper. The next CFC-O things I see at Ramstein as they contribute to the “I have been working with CFC since 1995, campaign is scheduled to kickoff Oct. 5 and CFC-Overseas.” and the money and volunteering people do for will run until Dec. 4. For more information or to CFC-O is unique in that it gives all overseas someone they may never meet is so meaningful,” donate, visit www.cfcoverseas.org. Maj. Gen. Fontaine presents Legion of Merit during ceremony in Cologne Maj. Gen. Yves Fontaine, commanding general of the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, shakes hands with Maj. Gen. Klaus-Peter Treche, deputy commander of the German Armed Forces Joint Support Command, after Major General Treche received the Legion of Merit during a ceremony held at the German O cers’ Club in Cologne July 20. Major General Fontaine presented the award to Major General Treche for his support of partnership events and exercises between his command and the 21st TSC. The Legion of Merit is awarded to U.S. military and foreign military personnel for exceptional meritorious service. Photo by Sgt. Frank Sanchez III including insert or supplements, does not constitute Deadlines: AdvantiPro endorsement by the DOD, the Department of the Air Force •News, feature, school articles and photos – noon Thursday for Editor Nicole Pothier or the AdvantiPro GmbH of the products or the services the following week’s edition advertised. •Sports articles and photos – noon Monday for that same Nicole Baulch The Kaiserslautern American is published by Everything advertised in this publication shall be Sales Team week’s edition AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany, a private made available for purchase, use or patronage without Armand Derderian rm in no way connected with the Department of the regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, •Free (space available) Classifieds – noon Tuesday for that Karin Flick Air Force or the Department of the Army, under exclusive marital status, physical handicap, political a liation or same week’s KA contract with the 86th Airlift Wing. any other non merit factor of the purchaser, user or AdvantiPro staff encourages reader comments. Send Display Ads Ilknur Bass This commercial enterprise newspaper is an autho- patron. questions, comments, article and photo submissions to: rized publication for members of the military services Editorial content is based on news releases, features, [email protected] or call AdvantiPro at Ad Design & Layout Alexander Pütz, Steven Casula overseas. editorials and reports prepared by Department of Defense, 0631-3033-5547. Contents of the KA are not necessarily the o cial view Air Force and Army agencies, KMC military units and Classi ed Ads Sabrina Braun of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of geographically separated units. To place a classified advertisement, call AdvantiPro Anna-Maria Gonzalez Defense or Department of the Air Force. AdvantiPro sta reserves the right to edit all GmbH at 0631-3033-5531. For a display advertisement, call The appearance of advertising in this publication, submitted material. 0631-3033-5536 or visit www.kaiserslauternamerican.com. Quality Control Adam Barclay July 31, 2009 Kaiserslautern American Page 3 KMCC phase II opening in sight The opening and closing dates for the Army and Air Force Exchange Service is coming up. Aug. 14 is the last day of operation for the Ramstein concession mall, the Ramstein food court and the Ramstein Hercules and Nightingale theaters (Vogelweh Galaxy Theater will remain open). Opening at the new Kaiserslautern Military Community Center on Aug. 15 will be the new food court, a concession mall, a four-plex movie theater, a credit union and a bank. For the latest information on KMCC openings, check out the Ramstein Web site at www.ramstein. af.mil. Exploring the KMCC Members of the KMC explore the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center July 22 on Ramstein. Ramstein Inn’s Visitor’s Quarters, Outdoor Recreation, Romano’s Macaroni Grill, a shoppette, Ramstein Tickets and Tours, the Sports Lounge and a German bakery are part of the rst phase of openings at the KMCC.
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