Personnel iB State and Local Public Assistance Agencies, June 1949 * N June 1949 approximately 56,000 agencies administering approved manpower shortage that prevailed persons were employed in the Plans for the special types of public throughout the Nation in all types of I State and local offices of public assistance were required to submit a endeavor. The public assistance assistance agencies administering the semiannual report on personnel. agencies’ inability to recruit staff in public assistance and related welfare For the 6 months ended June 1949, sufficient numbers is reflected in the programs. Though this number was reports were received from 59 agen- vacancy rates for that period, which about 30 percent larger than that in cies a in 51 States, including the were considerably higher than they December 1945, over the same period District of Columbia, Alaska, and are at present. the number of cases receiving assist- Hawaii (table 1). The reports cover, Since December 1945 the net in- ance increased by about 40 percent- in addition to personnel administer- crease in staff from period to period from 2.7 to 3.7 million. It is therefore ing the three special types of public has been somewhat uneven. For the apparent that the increase in staff, assistance, most of the paid staff ad- 6 months ended in June 1949, how- though large, has not been propor- ministering general assistance.3 Ad- ever, it was larger-both numerically tionate to the rise in work loads. ministration of the four assistance and percentagewise-than for any This article gives a summary of the programs occupies most of the staff previous period. Five-sixths of the staffing sit.uation in public assistance time in these agencies; in some, how- agencies had staff increases during agencies as shown in semiannual re- ever, a substantial block of time is this period, though the California and ports on personnel that have been devoted to related welfare programs, New York agencies accounted for submitted to the Bureau of Public As- such as child welfare services, foster more than half the net increase of sistance since December 1942. Dur- care, and probation and parole. 3,300. ing the early war years, when State Approximately seven-eighths of the public assistance agencies were faced Size of Sta# and Distribution employees-49,000-work in local of- with acute staff shortages and high fices established in county, city, or rates of turn-over, efforts to interpret Since the beginning of the report- other local government units, and the staffing problem were severely ing project, the Bureau has prepared the remaining one-eighth-7,300-are hampered by the lack of factual in- estimates of the number of employees employees in the central and district formation on the size and composition in public assistance agencies, based in offices of the State agencies. In about of staff; on the number of vacancies part on reported data and in part on half the agencies, between 80 and 90 and the types of positions in which estimates for those agencies that did vacancy rates were highest; on rates not submit reports. The estimates for Chart l.-Employees, by type ofposi- of personnel turn-over, by type of earlier periods have now been revised tion, December 194%June 1949 position; and on the size of the in- on the basis of the reported informa- THOUSANDS OF EMPLOYEES SO dividual work loads that visitors were tion for June 1949 and are presented attempting to carry. To meet the de- in chart 1 and table 2, together with mand for information of this kind, the June 1949 data. the Bureau of Public Assistance in Part of the decline in staff during 1942 asked State public assistance the war years 1942-45 occurred be- agencies to participate voluntarily in cause the number of cases receiving a reporting project designed to collect assistance dropped substantially, par- data on their personnel. The number ticularly in aid to dependent children of agencies responding to this request and general assistance. Some of the grew from 27 in December 1942 to 55 staff decline, however, reflected the in December 1948. Beginning with the report for June 1949: all State 21n 45 States only one State agency submits reports; for six States, however, more than one agency is counted for the *Prepared by the Division of Statistics purpose of this reporting project, as fol- and Analysis, Bureau of Public Assistance, lows: three each in Delaware and New Social Securitv Administration. Jersey and two each in Massachusetts, *Form PA-Z”OO3,Semiannual Statistical North Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia. Report on Staff of Public Assistance 3For general assistance, data exclude Agencies. The definitions and reporting the following sizable group for whom no instructions for this report had been co- basis of estimate is available: all em- ordinated in 1948 with those used by the ployees in Connecticut, Florida, Indiana, Children’s Bureau for a similar report on Kentucky, New Jersey, Oklahoma, and personnel administering child welfare Texas: all local oflice employees in Maine: services, submitted by most of the same and some local oface employees in Illinois State agencies. and Wisconsin. Bulletin, April 1950 Table l.-Employees and vacancies, June 1949, and accessions and separations, January- June 1949 T T June 1949 2 - Employees by type of- Vacancies Accessions Separations I- - - state Agency office : Total - Rate Rate Rate I vum- ,er 100 ) I \ium- 1,er 100 m 100 cxeM*- posi- Cl wand ber ber nPloY nploy- state Local t! “k?- tions ees ees social and P?orkeI other -- -- Total, 59 awn. cirs in 51 State 56,304 -- 7,332 48,9i2 Il. 473 24.831 3.419 5.8 1 0.2B 19.2 7.104 13.3 Alabama. __.__ -. Department of Public Welfare. ABCG 0 745 118 627 433 312 55 6.9 128 107 14.6 Alaska-.. ____ ---. Department of Public Welfare A c G 0 13 17 14 __...~ (5) Arizona-----_---. Department of Public Welfare ABCG 0 2;; 52 160 119 lb: i 4. 1 3: 15.7 4; 19.4 Arkansas........ Department of Public Welfare ABC0 0 368 310 223 145 12 3.2 54 15.0 11.1 California.. _ ___. Department of Social Welfare ABCG 0 5,792 5:: 5,219 2,898 2,894 432 6.9 2,204 40. 8 1,442: 26.4 Colorado. _.- . .._ Department of Public Welfare ABCG 0 723 82 641 401 322 53 6. 8 127 17.9 102 14.4 Connecticut. Offlceof Commissionerof Welfare ABC 204 55 149 107 87 11 5.1 23 11.3 22 10.8 Divisionof Public Assistance. Old Age Welfare Commission. A 29 29 14 15 ($1 , .._-_ Commission for the Blind_--- B 0 6 i:i3g 4 2 I Board of Welfare ___. --__- __._ i 31 (9 (9 District of Colum Board of Welfare, Public AB:G 00 1:; 129 (3) 68 2 5.1 10.2 % 6 bia. Assistance Division. Florida------.. Welfare Board-..----~--.--~~. 820 759 532 28X 51 5.9 197 24. 7 155 IQ. 4 Georgia. _ _ _.__ -. Department of Public Welfare 932 526 406 79 7. x 15c I 16.4 118 12. 9 Hawaii __.___ ---. Department of Public Welfare 234 :ii 137 32 12.0 19.2 23 10.3 Idaho _______ ---. Departmentof Public Assistance 167 129 2 12.1 i: I 18.1 28 16.9 Illinois. _ -___-_-. Public Aid Commission.-.--- 2,366 2,034 1,4;: 943 t-i 3.0 344 14.8 252 10.9 Indiana- -__--__. Department ofPublic Welfare 1.357 1,1nc 785 572 4.2 147 10. 9 129 9.6 Iowa .___..__ --_~ Department of Social Welfare. 830 558 413 417 ii 4.4 108 13. 0 105 12.7 Kansas- .____._ -. Department of Social Welfare. 791 727 411 380 30 3.7 11(! , 14.1 91 11.6 Kentucky-...... Department of Economic Se- 411 298 318 93 2 .5 75 19.5 25 6.4 curity, Division of Public Assistance. Department of Public Welfare .4 A c Q 0 1,626 322 1,304 840 786 164 9.2 409 , 26.6 235 15.3 Department of Health and A B C Gfi 0 273 83 190 145 128 11 3.9 27 9.9 24 8.8 Welfare. Maryland- __._.._ Department of Public Welfare ABCG 0 627 45 578 407 216 10.6 90, 14.4 94 15.0 Massachusetts.-. Department of Public Welfare A CG 0 2,361 258 2, 103 1,245 1.116 i: 2.6 255 11.0 172 7.4 Department of Education, B 0’ 31 31 (3) 12 19 1 (9 5 (5) 4 (‘1 Division of the Blind. Michigan ____ -___ Social Welfare Commission, A B C G 0 2,443 168 2,275 1,535 908 6 12 5. 9 8 142 8 120 1 9. 7 Departmentof Social Welfare- Department of Social Security, A B C Go 0 1,365 214 1,151 696 669 65 4.5 123 98 7. 2 Divisionof Social Welfare. Mississippi. __ Department of Public Welfare ABC 640 128 512 346 294 59 8.4 160 26.1 104 17.0 Missouri.... _._.. Department of Public IIealth ABCG “0 1,455 179 1,276 843 612 47 3.1 298 21.6 153 11.1 and Welfare, Division of Welfare. Montana. _ _ _____ Department of Public Welfare 239 69 170 125 114 3. 6 20.3 42 17.8 Nebraska---..--. Department of Assistance and 628 130 498 350 278 13” 2.0 21.2 103 16.8 Child Welfare.
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