San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1910 Special Libraries, 1910s 2-1-1910 Special Libraries, February 1910 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1910 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, February 1910" (1910). Special Libraries, 1910. 2. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1910/2 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1910s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1910 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SpecialA Libraries - -. -. -. .- . - . - .-. - .- - Vol. 1. FEBRUARY 1910 No. 2 ----- - -. - - - . -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - -- . -. - --- --. -- .- - -- - --- l't'I3LISlllCI) 131- TilE nble. howewr. if thtl full ~)ossil)i~itiesof use SPECIAL LInRARlES ASSOClATlOS fuines8 of an effkient t~cllnlcalHbrary are ax Yrt realized bp many cxec~~tiveand sub- 54 Lalayette Street, Sew York City ordinate clniployecs of orgi1nizations under whose ucbneral J~lrisdiction libraries are Subscription. .....$2.00 a year (10 numbers) nlaintain~d. Erlwience In an organization Slngle copies. .....................P.i cents wllere n technical library fornied a sc~parate rleparlnient has pronlptcd th(1 slatenlent by The annual dues of the Sperlal 1.ibrnrlcs one engineer thnt in too niany Instances Association inclnde n sril~scril)tionto Special thm is fl tcnilenc!' to look ulmn the library Libraries. ns n ralht3r Iml)racticnble nffnlr, out of touch with the dnily stress i~ndstrain of the or~anlxatlon's confllctn, and nlcw1.v a good 11lacc1 in which la spend thc lclsurc hour ahlch never conivs in a Imy omce. Thirt the forrgolnp point of vlcw la kcom. llig out of datr is cvidcnced 1)). a paper read nt the llotlton nltwting of tho An~ericnnAs- socinliori for the Adv~nccnientof Science by Mr. Grly E. llnrion, of thv staff ol Arthur D. I.ltlle. I%oston,on "The 1,ll)rary ns an Ad- junct to Industrial I~aboratorlea." Ilssing hls remarks upon the pmcticnl arrangement Burlnesa Librarier.. ..................... 1 and ol)rmtlon 01 a library In the chen~iral Bibliography of Public Utility Valuationr, 1al)orntory orgmlzntlon of Mr Little. the Robert H. \Vhittcn.. .................. 2 :iulhor showcd how inrrrasing ~l~cclallza- Public Affairs, Note8 and References, John lion has Icd to thv cstnbllhhment of such a A. Lapp .............................. 4 drqmtlilcnt, how it Is ~~osslbletn Incrcnse ln8urance Noter and References, I). S. the t4nricwy of the entire cntcrp~lsewith Hnndy ...............................6 whi~~hIt Is nssorlnlrd: how 1)twillar and Technology Notes and Reference8, Joscsl)h dlfic~lltprot)lenis beset it. and how the de- I,. \Vhceler ............................7 mnnds of n limited patronage recrullcd from Selected References on Indristrial 1.1- slrcw:~li~tu110th intensify and broaden the rarles. work of the library withln its partlcnlar Trade School and Library In Englnnd. litsld. Public Utility Notes and References, Hob The niatrrlal required and acqulred con- I~rtH. Whitten.. .....................6 filsts rhidy of textbooks, SI)CCIRI~SIR' pam- phicts. trade cntnlogucn, reference works and nlnl)s. IVith thi~malerial the library The developmcnt of the sl)cclal omce or ncls ns a clenring house of Information for business llbrary is siinply another stel) In the entlrc organizatlon. ... the seicnlltlc organization of Industry. As The rangr of prol)len~swhich come to a well-condurtrd Industrlnl llbrary is of the such it is now receiving thc careful nttcln- nio.it vnrled character. It Is clear that pecu- tion of niuny prnctical iilen Intercstcvl solely liar administrative qualiflcatlons muel ac- In niaking their business organization niorc company the work of a nuccc*h8lul Industrial efficient. An evidence of this illcrcased In- il~r~ry.In nn ctn&wcring organizntlon It IY most deslrnblr that swh a dlwrtn~c~nthe terest is shown In the extensive comment henrlrd by n man with technical training, If in the lechnical press given to a papw by one with the requlslte bent for clasnlflcatlon Guy E. Marion on "The 1.ibrnl.y as on Ad- and conconlr~~tloncun be lountl. Mr. hlarlon junct to Industrial Laboratorirw " The En- does not touch upon thls pha6tn of the sub- ject, but from a ~onit.whatclovr ol)servation gineering Record of January 29 comments of library nintters In rclnllon to thr needs cdltorlally on thls paper as follows: of the engineer, one is roi11pe1lt.d to bclluve Recent advnnce~of thc lndustrlal library that the absence of technical and s~~ecialized into the field of practical afhlra furnish ex- training 1s a tierlous druwhnck lo emcimt industrial library work. Hcre, If anwhere. cellent Illustrations of the slmkad of mien- indlletrlal experlenct~Is worth much In Place tlnc niethoda through the nuxillary depart- of 8 narrow training bawd rhlefly won mcnts of modern hr~~lntw.It Is q~restlon- nlethode of mtnlo~lnu. SPECIAL LIBRARIES BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PUBLIC UTILITY vw. Eng~nrcr~ngRecord, May 29, 100!t 2 VALUATIONS pages. I)c-cision of Iowa Suprc'11ie Court In rcxlation to balualion of gas plitnt for pur- [)oscs of Hying ratcl; go~r~g~iilur; cost of pavetnent. This l~stdoes not includc tl~scussionsof New York City. JVilcou vs. Consol~datcd the desirab~lityand usefulnt~ssof a general G:t% Cu111l1i1n.v. Plt~ntlings,tcstin~on)' ;ind ex- valunt~onof 1111bl1cutilities. It is lin1itt.d to I~ilrits. I'nittd States Suprenif~Cor~rt. Octo- accorlrlts of valuatlc~usaclunlly made and to 1)c~rtclrm, l!IOS. fi olunws. Plciadlngs; 2-4, dlscusslo~isof nirthotls that sho111tl lic c.ni- Trstimon) ; Exhibits; Llr~clfs plop-cl in niitking valont~onswith particulr~r h11 test of ollinion of I'n~trdSlates Su- I c~fcrc~nceto rate making. [werue Court In \\'rlcox vs. Consolidated Gas ~ineral Conip:iny Antc~rican Gas Light Journal, Jxn. 15, 100!L Ra~lroads 3 p:lwS, \'nlrlnlion of terminal lands. .Tohn ETI-1 1lnkc.1'. .Journ:il of Accountancy, Aug , 1!lO!l. 1,; pilgfts. Ilrl~oitof thr con~mittecon railroad taxes and 11liins lor nscertaining the fa~rvaluallon of railmad Iroperty Sntional Assomtmn of liniln-a) Co~nnliss~oners.1909. I3 pages. Michigan. Ynlualion of railronds idhlich- ignn. SIicSbi~:~nl'nu C'oin~~i~~sionws'Krport. 1!tllll, 1111. M-70 : 1 !M2, 111). 50-70. Il;111uayc*nllital :inti vnluc-s. Railnay nnd l.:nrinen.ing Rcb\ic\r,, Dw.Lli, l!)IIS.. 1111. 1017- 10.IIl Michigan rn~lroad vnluntion dc- scrillvd. IS\llc'rt ialuiltlon of rnilnny and othcr cor- ]wr:~tc. ~~lop('rlyin llichigan. Engineering Se!\s. Ikc. 211, 1000. 21: Imges. M~nnesota. Sll]ii)lmlrnt to the annual re- port of the Ra~lrondand Warehouse Com- III~S~IOIIof thc SIale of N~nncsotn for thc year cbnding Sov. 30, 19118, embod)~ngthr 1tq111rtof thr appra~salof the rallway prop. wties of the State of Minnesota. 1909. 166 pnres. Yalui~lion of rallroad 11rolwrlv in 3lin- ncsotn. A. S. Culltar Enginews' Socictv. Year Tlnok, I!nivers~ts of Minnesota. 1908. 1111. li9-77, T'riliiatmn of railways, with qwcial rrfer- cnre lo !lie physical valuation in Minnesota. Snlnucl 0.Dunn. .lournal of Polit~calEcon- on)\-. ~pri~.innn. IG pages Llinnwota railwav vnlnntion. G. 0. Virtue. Qunrterl! Journal of Econon~lcs. hlny, 1909. t; pages. Texas. Method used by the Railroad Comn~isslonof Teuns, undt'r the stock and bond law In valuing railroad propcrtlcs R SPECIAL LIBRARIES A. Thompson. Proceedings American Insti- trolt. Mny 23, 1899. Journal of the Common tute of Civil Engineers, Jan., 1904. 37 pages. Council, city of Detrolt, 1899. pp. 346-55. United Stater Government. City of Spo- Hel~ortson valuation of Detroit property. kane. Wash., et al. vs. Northern Pacidc Rail- Electric Railway Journal, Nov. 20, 1909. Dec. road Company et al. United States Inter- 25, 1909. 11i pages. state Commerce Commission reports. No. New York Clty. Third Avenue Railroad va. 879. Feb. 9, 1909. v. 16, pp. 376-426. Dis- New York State Tax Commlsslonera. Ex- cusses reproduction cost of Northern Padflc tracts of testlmony, exhibits, ctc., from v. 1. and Great Northern. Considers Increase In 2, 3, 1908. 2065 pages. Typewritten copy. rand values and surplus as affecting fair Valuation for purpose of franchise tax ae- value for rate purposes. sessrnent. Washington. Findings as to value of rail- Al)l)raisal of physlcal property of the Coney roads and other facts. Wnshlngton Railroad Island and nrooklyn Railrond. Electrlc Rail- Commlssion report. 1907-8. pp. 41-51,121-119. way Journal, Sept. 11, 1909, 2-pages; Sept. Original cost and cost of reproduction of 18. 1900, :!i page; Sept. 25, 1909, 2 pnges; the Northern Paciflc Railway in the State Oct. 16, 1909, 2 pages; Nov. 27. 1909. 1% of Washington. Englneerlng-Contracting, 1)ages; Dec. 4, 1909, 1 page; Dee. 11, 1909, 1 lt Jan. 12, 1910. 3 pages. pages; Dec. 25, 1909, 7:Y1 pages; Jan. 15, 1910, Wisconsin. Method used by the Rallroad 1 !:! ])ages. Commlssion of Texas under the stock and Valuatlon'of Brooklyn Rapid Transit RYR- bond law in valuing rallroad propertles. R. tem. Electrlc Railway Journal, Jnn. 22, 1910, A. Thompson. Proceedings American Insti- !4 page; Feb. 5, 1910, fy, page. tute of Civil Engineers. Jan., 1904. 37 pages. Cleveland. Physical value schedula of hre See p. 353 for discussion by William D. Tay- Cleveland Electric Railway Company, 1908. lor on Wisconsin rallroad valuation. Street rallwny settlement in Clevelnnd. The appraisement of the physlcal value of E. \V. nemls. Quarterly Journal of Econo- Wisconsin rallways for the purpose of ,taxa- mlcs, Aug.. 1908. 33 pages. tion. W.
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