A Smart Campus Strategic Landscape Masterplan Document Fast-track to the future, naturally thisisgravity.co.uk 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Strategic Landscape Masterplan 4 3.0 Soft and Hard Landscape 6 4.0 Landscape Spaces 9 Appendix 1:A1 Strategic Landscape Masterplan 15 Version: A Version date: 09/06/2020 Comment Final for planning This document has been prepared and checked in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 2 1.0 Introduction Planning Context Purpose of the Strategic Landscape Masterplan (SLM) 'Gravity' * is a 616 acre enterprise zone in Sedgemoor, Somerset - at the heart of the The SLM establishes the key landscape South West, with an extant hybrid consent for elements, qualities and characteristics that will a range of high value commercial uses. Gravity support the development of a cohesive and has an ambitious approach to sustainability aspirational place whilst retaining flexibility and seeks to create a low carbon environment, for future development within the parameters aligned to the delivery of the UK Industrial of the consent. The layout places the natural Strategy and the Local Industrial Strategy, environment at the heart of the site’s identity, specifically in relation to the Grand Challenges reinforcing the characteristics and rooting of Clean Growth, AI, Data and the Future of the development in its setting. The landscape Mobility. will work in tandem with development, using circulation, planting and water systems to The Strategic Landscape Masterplan (SLM) create a multifunctional and visually attractive has been developed to be read alongside green infrastructure. the Strategic Design Code which reflects the parameters of the hybrid consent, and has The strategic guidance contained in this integrated the new ambitions and visions for document ensures that quality of place is the site to signal our intentions to the market sustained throughout the lifetime of the and to create a framework to marshall foreign development, providing a quality place where direct investment and other inward investment employees are proud to work and play and opportunities. which protects and enhances investment value. This document is intended to discharge Condition 36 of the hybrid consent that requires the approval of a SLM before approval of the reserved matters for any phase or parcel of development. Thereafter each reserved matters application for any phase or parcel or any full application, shall describe how it responds to the approved SLM. * previously Huntspill Energy Park 3 LEGEND LEGEND LEGEND 9 LEGEND Z:\6599_PURITON_GRAVITY MASTERPLAN DEVELOPMENT\7CAD\DRAWINGS\6599_0012_ILLUSTRATIVE MASTERPLAN_LAYOUT.DWG LEGEND LEGEND 9 Z:\6599_PURITON_GRAVITY MASTERPLAN DEVELOPMENT\7CAD\DRAWINGS\6599_0012_ILLUSTRATIVE MASTERPLAN_LAYOUT.DWG 9 LEGEND Z:\6599_PURITON_GRAVITY MASTERPLAN DEVELOPMENT\7CAD\DRAWINGS\6599_0012_ILLUSTRATIVE MASTERPLAN_LAYOUT.DWG LEGEND LEGEND 9 9 Z:\6599_PURITON_GRAVITY MASTERPLAN DEVELOPMENT\7CAD\DRAWINGS\6599_0012_ILLUSTRATIVE MASTERPLAN_LAYOUT.DWG LEGEND Z:\6599_PURITON_GRAVITY MASTERPLAN DEVELOPMENT\7CAD\DRAWINGS\6599_0012_ILLUSTRATIVE MASTERPLAN_LAYOUT.DWG 7 1 8 9 7 Z:\6599_PURITON_GRAVITY MASTERPLAN DEVELOPMENT\7CAD\DRAWINGS\6599_0012_ILLUSTRATIVE MASTERPLAN_LAYOUT.DWG 9 1 9 2 8 9 Z:\6599_PURITON_GRAVITY MASTERPLAN DEVELOPMENT\7CAD\DRAWINGS\6599_0012_ILLUSTRATIVE MASTERPLAN_LAYOUT.DWG Z:\6599_PURITON_GRAVITY MASTERPLAN DEVELOPMENT\7CAD\DRAWINGS\6599_0012_ILLUSTRATIVE MASTERPLAN_LAYOUT.DWG 3 LEGEND • vvv Z:\6599_PURITON_GRAVITY MASTERPLAN DEVELOPMENT\7CAD\DRAWINGS\6599_0012_ILLUSTRATIVE MASTERPLAN_LAYOUT.DWG Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) 6 1 Puriton Rhynes & Ponds LEGEND 9 2 Borrow Pit, Puriton Site boundary 7 Stonning Pound Field South & Huntspill River Open Space and planting 3 1 Stonning Road Rhyne Z:\6599_PURITON_GRAVITY MASTERPLAN DEVELOPMENT\7CAD\DRAWINGS\6599_0012_ILLUSTRATIVE MASTERPLAN_LAYOUT.DWG 2 8 Open space 5 4 Woolavington Road & Fields Existing tree planting to be retained and managed North Proposed tree planting (Condition 5) 5 Puriton Cowslip Field 2.0 Strategic Landscape Key public space Landscaped mound X:/ JOBS / 0000_Xxxxxxxxxxx / 7_CAD / DRAWINGS / 0000_01_A X:/ JOBS / 0000_Xxxxxxxxxxx 7_CAD DRAWINGS 6 Puriton Ash Ground 4 Plant nursery 2 7 North Mead Drove Fields Masterplan 7 Drainage 1 Existing rhyne network to be retained and managed 8 Puriton Meadows & Rail Spur 7 8 3 Proposed wildlife ponds 1 7 National Nature Reserves (NNR) Proposed principle rhyne network 3 The SLM overleaf highlights the key proposed and 1 9 Huntspilll River NNR 8 7 8 Proposed attenuation pond locations retained landscape elements within the site. The 1 L6 Reedbeds Proposed attenuation using existing reedbeds 9 Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) SLM should be read in conjunction with the Strategic 8 Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) 6 Potential water treatment plant 2 1 Puriton Rhynes & Ponds Design Code for completeness. Z:\6599_PURITON_GRAVITY MASTERPLAN DEVELOPMENT\7CAD\DRAWINGS\6599_0012_ILLUSTRATIVE MASTERPLAN_LAYOUT.DWG 2 Borrow Pit, Puriton 6 Access 1 Puriton Rhynes & Ponds Gravity Orbit-Permissive Bridleway 3 Stonning Pound Field South & 2 REV. DESCRIPTION APP. DATE Legend Access Key micromobility links Stonning Road Rhyne 2 5 Borrow3 Pit, Puriton Woolavington Road & Fields Safeguarded railway corridor-subject to 2 4 neccessary consents North Red line boundary Gravity Orbit-Permissive Bridleway Meadow L3 Indicative Street corridors-Tree planting and meadow/ground planting within green verges, PROJECT TITLE pedestrian/cycle routes GRAVITYLocal MASTERPLANWildlife Sites (LWS) 5 Puriton Cowslip Field 7 Open Space and planting Key micromobility links 7 Stonning Pound Field3 South & 1 6 Access over potential railway corridor 3 1 Puriton Rhynes & Ponds 1 2 DRAWING TITLE 6 Puriton Ash Ground L4 Woodland Primary vehicular access 8 3 4 Stonning Road Rhyne Strategic Landscape Masterplan Open Space Safeguarded railway corridor-subject to 2 Borrow Pit, Puriton Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) Vehicular access M5 7 North Mead Drove Fields 8 neccessary consents 6 Ecology Stonning Pound Field South & Puriton Rhynes & Ponds 5 Existing tree planting to be retained and Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) Woolavington Road & Fields ISSUED3 BY Exeter T: 01392 260 430 1 Barn Owl boxes 4 DATE StonningFeb. 2020 Road RhyneDRAWN OK 8 Puriton Meadows & Rail Spur SCALE@A0 1:5,000 CHECKED FO Borrow Pit, Puriton managed Indicative Street corridors-Tree planting 6 1 Puriton Rhynes & Ponds STATUS Sketch APPROVED FO 2 5 Bat Barn features North 4 Woolavington Road & Fields DWG. NONorth6599_P_001 National Nature Reserves (NNR) and meadow/ground planting within green 2 BorrowNewt Pit,mitigation Puriton and enhancement area 3 Stonning Pound Field South & Proposed tree planting 2 No dimensions are to be scaled from this drawing. Stonning Road 9RhyneHuntspilll River NNR verges, pedestrian/cycle routes Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) All dimensions5 Puriton are to be checked Cowslip on site. Field Fishing 3 Stonning Pound Field South & Area measurements for indicative purposes only. 1 5 Puriton Rhynes & Ponds 5 Puriton Cowslip Field © LDA Design Consulting Ltd. Quality Assured to BS EN ISO 9001 : 2015 4 Woolavington Road & Fields Club Stonning Road Rhyne 0 200m Key public space Sources Ordnance Survey North 2 Borrow Pit, Puriton 6 Puriton Ash Ground Access over potential railway corridor 5 S2 4 Woolavington Road & Fields North This drawing may contain: Ordnance Survey material by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright 2019. All rights reserved. Reference number 0100031673. 3 4 3 NorthStonning Pound Field South & Stonning 5 Puriton Cowslip Field Landscaped mounds OS Open data / © Natural England / © DEFRA / © DECC / © English Heritage. Aerial Photography - ESRI, DigitalGlobe, GEOEye, i-cubed, USDA FSA,USGD, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN,IGP,swisstopo, the GIS User Community Road Rhyne 7 North Mead Drove Fields Primary vehicular access S4 3 4 Woolavington Road & Fields North 6 Puriton Ash Ground 5 Puriton Cowslip Field 6 Puriton Ash Ground 5 Puriton Cowslip Field 8 Puriton Meadows & Rail Spur 4 Plant nursery 4 Vehicular access S5 2 6 6 PuritonPuriton Ash Ash Ground Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) 7 North Mead DroveREV. D EFieldsSCRIPTION APP. DATE 4 LocalNational Wildlife Nature Reserves Sites (NNR) (LWS) Drainage 6 7 7 North Mead Drove Fields 7 North1 PuritonMead Rhynes Drove & Ponds Fields 7 North Mead Drove Fields 9 Huntspilll River NNR 8 Puriton Meadows & Rail Spur Ecology L5 S3 8 Puriton Meadows & Rail Spur 1 7 Woodland Borrow Pit, Puriton L2 2 PROJECT TITLE 6 Puriton 8 National Nature Reserves (NNR) Puriton Rhynes & Ponds Existing rhyne network to be retained and S1 Glades 8 Puriton Meadows & Rail Spur 1 GRAVITY MASTERPLAN 1 Point National Nature Reserves (NNR) Barn Owl boxes 9 Huntspilll River NNR Stonning Pound Field South & Gravity Puriton3 Meadows & Rail Spur managed L1 8 Stonning Road Rhyne 9 Huntspilll River NNR Park NationalHeritage Nature Reserves (NNR) 8 DRAWING TITLE 5 Retained historic features (tbc) Borrow Pit, Puriton Strategic Landscape Masterplan Bat Barn features 9 Huntspilll River NNR 4 Woolavington Road & Fields 2 Proposed wildlife ponds North Woodland Strategic Design Code References L2 Street Codes ISSUED BY Exeter T: 01392 260 430 Glades SX REV. DESCRIPTION APP. DATE Local Wildlife Site (LWS) National 5NaturePuriton Cowslip Reserves Field (NNR)2 DATE Feb. 2020 DRAWN OK Proposed principle rhyne network SCALE@A0 CHECKED FO Landscape and Spaces Codes Stonning Pound Field South & 1:5,000
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