97th Convention Journal The Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina The Rt. Reverend W. Andrew Waldo, Eighth Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina Minutes of the 97th Diocesan Convention – Business Session Christ Church, Greenville Baptized for Life Saturday, November 9, 2019 Convention Call to Order: The 97th Convention of The Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina was called to order at 9 a.m. by The Rt. Rev. W. Andrew Waldo, using the “Collect for a Church Convention.” Almighty and everlasting Father, you have given the Holy Spirit to abide with us forever: Bless, we pray, with his grace and presence, the bishops and other clergy and the laity here assembled in your Name, that your Church, being preserved in true faith and godly discipline, may fulfill all the mind of him who loved it and gave himself for it, your Son Jesus Christ our Savior; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Welcome from Host Congregation: The Bishop then recognized The Rev. Harrison McLeod, Rector of Christ Church, who welcomed everyone to Christ Church and to Greenville. Bishop Waldo expressed deep gratitude and acknowledged the clergy, staff and lay leadership of Christ Church for serving as host of this convention, noting their strong ministry of hospitality. Bishop Waldo then took a few minutes to acknowledge two significant leaders from our diocese who recently died. Bruce Carter, who served for the past three years as Lay Warden of the Midlands Convocation, faithfully served the diocese as well as his home congregation, St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, Columbia. A member of the South Carolina Bar Association, Bruce dedicated his career to serving the Medicaid and Medicare Corporations. A true advocate for justice ministries, Bruce worked closely with the former Diocesan School of Ministry, as well as the discernment process for vocational deacons. Last year, at the 96th Diocesan convention, Regina Ratterree was elected as Secretary to Convention. Over the next 8 months Regina served faithfully in her leadership role, making preparations for this year’s diocesan convention. In July we learned that Regina was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer, and she died in October. Her service as Secretary to Convention is one of the many ways Regina was a leader in The Episcopal Church. Having served as a Deputy to General Convention, she also served on numerous commissions and committees, as the Diocesan ECW President, and most notably as the International President of the United Thank Offering. A graduate of Winthrop University, Regina served 40 years as a South Carolina state employee, primarily as an employment counselor for several employment-training programs funded by the US Dept. of Labor. It was no surprise to any of us that Regina Ratterree was awarded The Order of the Palmetto recently during a reception at her beloved church home, All Saints’, Cayce. On a personal note, Bishop Waldo extended thanks for the condolences and acts of kindness that he and Mary received after his father’s death. O God of grace and glory, we remember before you this day our brothers: Mark, Bruce, and sister Regina. We thank you for giving them to us, their family and friends, to know and to love as a companion on our earthly pilgrimage. In your boundless compassion, console us who mourn. Give us faith to see in death the gate of eternal life so that in quiet confidence we may continue our course on earth, until, by your call, we are reunited with those who have gone before; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. It is fitting in retrospect, remembering servants like Bruce and Regina, that the focus of this year’s convention is Baptized for Life / Vida En Abundancia: A Call to Baptismal Living. Yesterday we focused on models of ministry that will enrich this work in our own communities. O God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our only Savior, the Prince of Peace: Give us grace seriously to lay to heart the great dangers we are in by our unhappy divisions; take away all hatred and prejudice, and whatever else may hinder us from godly union and concord; that, as there is but one Body and one Spirit, one hope of our calling, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of us all, so we may be all of one heart and of one soul, united in one holy bond of truth and peace, of faith and charity, and may with one mind and one mouth glorify thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Bishop Waldo thanked Ms. Myra Garnes, Canon for Youth and Young Adult Ministries from the Diocese of Long Island, who was the Leadership Day keynote speaker. He also thanked the leaders of the four breakout sessions that helped us engage our call to baptismal living more deeply through the lens of Community, Holy Thanksgiving, Racial Reconciliation, and Answering God’s Call: • The Baptized for Life team from St. Philip’s Greenville; especially Mrs. Ann Marie Jones • The Reverend Furman Buchanan, Rector of St. Peter’s, Greenville • Mr. Morgan Lee, Co-chair for the Race and Reconciliation Committee, and Mrs. Lena Lee, Members of Trinity Cathedral. • The Reverend Deacon Fergie Horvath, Seminarian at Virginia Seminary. He then recognized Mr. Jesse Shafer and announced that we would hear from him after lunch about the ongoing accomplishments with The Centennial Campaign: From Generation to Generation in the Church. Bishop Waldo next asked the members of the Diocesan Executive Council to stand. He expressed appreciation for their tireless work between conventions to address the business of the diocese, and invited delegates to express their thanks and gratitude for their willingness to serve. He then highlighted the work of those serving on diocesan commissions, whose work supports and guides the work of Convention and the Executive Council. He asked members of the following commissions to stand: • The Commission on Mission and International Concerns • The Commission on Christian Formation • The Commission on The Episcopal Church and The Anglican Communion • The Commission for Congregations • The Commission on Convocations • The Commission on The Diocese • The Commission on Ministry He then invited members of committees of the diocese to standing and invited those not standing to consider where they might be called to serve in diocesan ministry. Bishop Waldo then highlighted the work of the Diocesan Youth Leadership Committee, thanked them for their help during the convention and for their work throughout the year helping with the development and execution of diocesan youth programming. He asked the members of DYLC to stand. He then expressed gratitude for the Daughters of the King gathered to offer prayers to God throughout this convention and asked prayers for them as they kept vigil. He also invited the Sisters of the Order of St. Helena present to stand and expressed thanks for their ministry of prayer, hospitality and service that provides unique opportunities for retreat and renewal at their facility in North Augusta. He next thanked The Rt. Rev. Charles Duvall and his wife, Nancy, who assisted him in ministry throughout the year. Beginning in 2020 Charles will no longer be serving as Assisting Bishop in the diocese and he wished Charles and Nancy a fruitful Sabbath. Bishop Waldo recognized The Rev. Canon d’Rue Hazel, Bishop’s Convention Officer, to address some housekeeping issues. Canon Hazel said that last year the clergy and delegates of the 96th Diocesan Convention requested to eliminate the use of paper at this year’s convention. In response, a Diocesan Convention Manual was emailed to clergy and delegates on Monday and again today. She said that the manual was also posted on the diocesan website at www.edusc.org and anyone having trouble accessing the materials should seek assistance from one of the DYLC Members at their table. She reminded everyone that Diocesan Convention is a time for worship, prayer, and discernment in our common life together and asked that clergy and delegates only use the Wi-Fi for convention business. She then noted that only certified delegates and clergy with seat, voice and vote, and those granted seat and voice were to be seated at the tables on the floor. All others were to be seated in the guest area located at the back of the convention hall. Finally, she urged everyone to visit and support the exhibitors located in the hallway outside, remembering that each of them in their own way was calling us to a particular disciple ministry. Bishop Waldo informed those present that if, in the course of the business of Convention, they wished to address the convention, they would need to use one of two microphones available on the floor. Once acknowledged, they were instructed to identify themselves, stating their name and parish before commencing remarks. He announced that the offering received during the Convention Eucharist would be given to Education Equals Hope, an organization founded by Cameron Vivanco that provides quality education to the children of Costa Rica, Haiti, Ecuador, Kenya, and Rwanda. Certification of Quorum and Acceptance of Agenda: The Bishop then recognized Dr. Norah Grimball, Secretary of Convention, who certified that a quorum was present. Ms. Susan Palmer, President of Diocesan Executive Council, moved the acceptance of the agenda published in the Diocesan Convention Manual. Since the motion came from committee, a second was not required, and the motion carried. Report of Committee on Credentials: The Bishop recognized The Rev. Slaven Manning, Chair of the Credentials Committee, who reported that there were 149 lay and 64 clergy delegates in attendance, with seat, voice, and vote in Convention.
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