A CROSS-CULTURAL APPROACH TO THE ANALYSIS OF CONVERSATION AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR LANGUAGE PEDAGOGY by Kumiko Murata Volume 2 This thesis is submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of London Institute of Education November 1991 LO oON) VOLUME II APPENDICES Appendix 1-(a) Learners' Questionnaire 4 (SOAS Group--Japanese Version) Appendix 1-(b) Learners' Questionnaire 13 (Alumni Group--Japanese Version) Appendix 2 Learners' Questionnaire (Egnlish Version) 22 Appendix 3 Native Speakers' Questionnaire 30 Appendix 4 The Analysis of the Learners' Questionnaire 36 Appendix 5-(a) The Analysis of the Part II of the Questionnaires 48 (Questions 1-7) Appendix 5-(b) The Results of the Part II of the Questionnaires 51 (Questions 7 (3)-il) Appendix 6-(a) The Analysis of the Part III of the Questionnaires 56 Appendix 6-(b) The Results of the Part III of the Questionnaires 58 (Question 2) Appendix 6-(c) The Results of the Part III of the Questionnaires 62 (Question 8) Appendix 7 Transcription Conventions 64 Appendix 8-(e) Topic/Subtopic Boundaries In Conversations 1-7 65 (NSE-JSE Interactions) Appendix 8-(b) Topic/Subtopic Boundaries in Conversations 8-9 77 (NSE-NSE Intractions) Appendix 8-(c) Topic/Subtopic Boundaries in Conversations 1'-7' 81 (NSJ-NSJ Interactions) Appendix 9 Transcripts of NSE-JSE Interactions 92 9-(a) Transcript of Conversation 1 92 9-(b) Transcript of Conversation 2 98 9-(c) Transcript of Conversation 3 103 9-(d) Transcript of Conversation 4 109 9-(e) Transcript of Conversation 5 115 2 9-(f) Transcript of Conversation 7 121 Appendix 10 Transcripts of NSE-NSE Interactions 126 10-(a) Transcript of Conversation 8 126 10-(b) Transcript of Conversation 9 133 Appendix 11 Transcripts of NSJ-NSJ Interactions 140 11-(a) Transcript of Conversation P 140 11-(b) Transcript of Conversation 2' 145 11-(c) Transcript of Conversation 34 151 11-(d) Transcript of Conversation 4' 158 11-(e) Transcript of Conversation 5' 163 11-(f) Transcript of Conversation 6' 168 11-(g) Transcript of Conversation 7' 174 3 c7 7v'r— H. t' L hitt Lt LM. t1I. Lc L. ic -3 5 cic-4-0 H 3:5r-i 4e 1S L27)13?;tOY1. 1i1: 12: HT)'YS 4LtQ) HL5?bt 1C- ) 1±/ Dk't ) I') -3 4 PART I(Japanese Version) c'I_J:LtL. •'.L1V. (IJ) 2)&tt 2 2)** 3)* -tap 4) J- qp I 2-1'4. _.1 I 6) UU 7)Q)ftfj* ) * 2) . 3) ( ) AL-CFI0 3 4c7)< LC1/?O 4 :: 1) ) (1). 2) tQlTvI. ) 1) 2) I!i >b) 4: ( ) L.Sc) I .&.nI 5 fcLv-i0 1) . 2. c. 2) 2cC L4 6 (t L* Jç) —1ph2 L tJj _________________ 1) H*—) I I 4) 11W) 5) RJLFI ) 5 ( cz. +)' c:1ja'r 1) 2) y 1) L2, aI '. 8 1) 1 UJ[it 2) 1E11. 21iJ 3) 1Jr1:3. —1E] 4) iiiri:i. 21u1 1 5) 9 ' t/ O-4- . 'Lflv' Lfl ) $ 1) 1 1:2B4rii-'J.± 2) iH:1. 2Rr 3) 1U:1B1* —1) ttL'LT 1 0 S -j n) iJI. 6 PART II 1i3Li 1i2 Jc <XCF 1 ) tL-t. O IAT V. : 1 1 : 2 3 4 1) >kf 2 ( i): 1 2 3 2) 4XLJ 1 ) 4: (J1 )I)1•%) - 1 (L'. :J --cc. i-:i: 1 li L-C: ..t *4LC1. 1kLi (H*t) : 1 2 3 4 1) 1 2 3 4 2) 41 1) 2 i4L:. f1ti?.i (H*C-) I 2 3 4 1) tk2 ( t) 1 2 3 4 2) L{ 1 ) 7 (c7 W13U H* Q)4 f4tLL) iw 3 qi tLYZ U:ThLk7:6: (H*14-c) 1) i1) _____________ _________________ 2) 3) JIE1 ) 2) -ii.- (.(J1tT) 4 1i5?.1 (H4cFC) 1 2 3 4 1) 4?.2 ( C) 1 2 3 4 2) 1*51 (F3*t) : 1 2 3 4 1) 42 ( C) : 1 2 3 4 2) ' -4L t*:5tti' !CT 6 )tB 1L1 (H) -) 4 1) 1 : 4ki2 ( Z) I 4 2) •24L 1) J2 lhLT 8 7 1( 44-1 I -'1t-- 1 l 1. .1 P'Ci 1 3 41 1) 1-' B4z :H-•g) ( - ' nciL-i- 1 3 4 2) 3) 1) C 1. 2. 3 ;:2 L 11 t*cfl:t -r .. 'f', 141(Hc) 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 I1VLtL a) ( 1i.2( t) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11LTh-1 ( b) J5tJLF 4) ri<:. i<- L-n*. 1'DCI 7S Va. 8 c1).t _J <Ui:-4tp,, 1tL. t tJ-, - (f1J) 4-4 •(1 Ifl1-r. LJ9an'.. 1i2 ( .) 9 f4')L 9 —Dj:, ) &) L)M .4- 1 0 H<'c1T. 11 10 PART II!(Japanese Version) 4Lt.W. 11P. Yt' come' 1' go' Q) J:AtiCT'. Do you want to ( 1) go,' 2) come) with me to the cinema? ______ 2 &ftU*. t5O TQr1z. - W13 — 6A:t4 B:t ___ I 3 A: What do you think of Tom? B: Nothing wrcng with him. I I BQ),: 1) I don' t think he' s very good. 2) I think he' s very good. 3) 1 think he' s just an ordinary person. 4 A: How do you like Josephine's niw hair c u t? 13: It's al right. BcLi: I______ 1) I don' t part icularly like it. 2) 1 like it very much. 3) 1 don't particularly like it or dislike it. fl4z). 11 5 A: Hi. how are you? B. Oh. fine. Actuall y though-"-- B1i: 1) I' m very we I I 2) I' m fine but I have a little problem. 3) I'm not reall y very well. 6. A: How do you like Bill? B: Oh. he' s not an enemy. BC): 1) Bill is a friend. 2) Bill's neither a friend nor an enemy. 3) Bi 1 1' s an enemy. 7 AC: A: I was just wondering why you chose to come to London? B: 1) When I finished university, originally I decided to go to the United States and then I changed my mind and came here. 2) It was .just by chance. 8 t1&i- a:$,/ t'i--. 1 9R7i9fl tW.WF(Institute of Education 12 ø-'---H. WJic7. —Lh21 R*AL 51L. t)f& Lb-c' 1) ) .5 t Q)t. 7r- 1 11: *A*t 1iYL2: 47 7) .5 21A. 2t. L /Tfl 1j TIL1 p3 13 PART I (Japanese Version) j1:Ati. t. CT.) 1 (4JIJ) 2)(tt 2 '^t:i: 2)I** 3)j* 4)J4* ' .-,_1_ -) / xtL 6)JiP 7) 8)c'ft!i* ) * 2) , 3), 4) 8) *it ( ) 3 c1)< 'Lt'0 4 -t:: ) (1). 2)&Q1. 1 ) t 4 b) ) c) *7)1Lc7) I "4 5 *tt)< *LCtfrO 1) 2) ±- Ls 6 (M. ) *1LLt J L:— trt L tJ). 2) R (-FI*L *-) :z:;an 4) U9 5) iLC1'; 14 I ZnL41 1) 2) 1 ) 2) :c'.) 8 1) 1:M[1 2) 1Ei:1. 2[1 3) 1tIr7ll:3. 41] 4) 1iirc1. 2F1 I I t5) 1,21[] 9 1) 12BLJ.± 2) 1FU:1. 2R4 3) 11i* 4) -f-fU'fl 1 0 r< iUflJJ) ilL L. 15 PART II 4LCF; 1i1 H*H*-C 1L2 1) ± 1i:rC. tL--W. o- 1i 1 (H1tU#) : Q 2 3 4 1) ö2 ( 1t) : 1 2 3 2) t4L) 1) J: (±1. J) •UU (L -f-tt-t1 1 I1 L,*)) £ 1i1 (B*) : 1 2 3 4 1) 42 ( ) : 1 2 3 '1 2) 1) 2 41 (B*): '7 3 4 1) H li2 ( : z) 1 2 3 4 2) &4L 1) OJ'i 16 (13Z'i. E* 1!W. 3 q4s ' L: 15ö2 (*k 4c) 1) ____________ ________________ 2) ___ _____________ _________________ 3) i-E1 ) - 2) Y) 4 - 1P 7 .4i1 (*) 1 2 3 4 1) l*2 ( -) 1 2 3 4 2) c; 4i tt5?1 (EI*;t) : 1 2 S 4 1) 1i2( C): 1. 2 3 4 2) 6 A-tli. 4L1 (H4) 3 4 1) fl4' -,t: 1k2 ( -) 1 2 5 4 2) 1i- 1) 17 7 -4-: sj5?.1 (*Z) 1 2 3 4 1) ciI2( ;C) 1 2 3 4 2) 3) 1)'Cl. 2. 3iX,t.f1. ?Z 111 ±fli(: 1L1(EC) 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 ]1fJ-'1± a) ( i2( C) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $ 9 10 11i1Lh ( b) MU*J-T. a 4) J(-) -.-.- uU• g -)t&^ -O)7 '<r<i. i. r (fJ) di #l(11 (19i7.. FJL. .1. % Li VaI1 - 4ó2 ( 18 9 JjVZ ') L11-aa uLi. 10 11 19 PART II!(Ja p anese Version) 1 4Lt:A4. ZQ)C' come' 1' go' c7) Do you want to ( 1) g o/ 2)come) with me to the cinema? _______ 2 TffU:. - 3-6AO:1t Bc 7)1:ftcTC-40 c7 ___ :fc)Jz :L2-1 i >' 1t•—' I_] : Ji.cT 3 A: What do you think of Tom? B: Nothing wrng with him. 1) I don' t think he' s very good. 2) I think he' s very good. 3) I think he' s just an ordinary person. 4 A: How do you like Josephine's new hair c ii t? B: It' s all right. I I 1) I don' t particularly like it. 2) 1 like it very much. 3) I don't particularly like it or dislike it. 20 5 IA: Hi, how are you? B: Oh, fine. Actually though ....... BO)i: 1) I'm very well. 2) I' m fine but I have _______ a little problem.

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