March 12, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1855 Col. Robert W. Wagner, 000–00–0000 Army to the grade indicated under Title 10, tion Act requirements regarding sepa- Col. Daniel R. Zanini, 000–00–0000 United States Code, sections 3385, 3392 and rate detention and confinement of ju- AIR FORCE 12203(a): veniles, and for other purposes; to the The following-named officers for pro- To be major general Committee on the Judiciary. motion in the Regular Air Force of the Brig. Gen. Stanhope S. Spears, 000–00–0000 THE JUVENILE JAIL IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1996 United States to the grade indicated under (The above nominations were re- ∑ Mr. KOHL. Mr. President, I introduce title 10, United States Code, section 624: ported with the recommendation that the Juvenile Jail Improvement Act of To be major general they be confirmed.) 1996. Brig. Gen. Thomas R. Case, 000–00–0000 We face a growing and frightening f Brig. Gen. Donald G. Cook, 000–00–0000 tide of juvenile violence. And that tide Brig. Gen. Charles H. Coolidge, Jr., 000–00– INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND is threatening to swamp our rural sher- 0000 JOINT RESOLUTIONS Brig. Gen. John R. Dallager, 000–00–0000 iffs. It is increasingly common for Brig. Gen. Richard L. Engel, 000–00–0000 The following bills and joint resolu- rural sheriffs to face a terrible di- Brig. Gen. Marvin R. Esmond, 000–00–0000 tions were introduced, read the first lemma every time they arrest a juve- Brig. Gen. Bobby O. Floyd, 000–00–0000 and second time by unanimous con- nile—they either have to release a po- Brig. Gen. Robert H. Foglesong, 000–00–0000 sent, and referred as indicated: tentially violent juvenile on the street Brig. Gen. Jeffrey R. Grime, 000–00–0000 By Mr. KOHL: to await trial or they have to spend in- Brig. Gen. John W. Hawley, 000–00–0000 valuable time and manpower chauf- Brig. Gen. Michael V. Hayden, 000–00–0000 S. 1604. A bill to improve the Juvenile Jus- Brig. Gen. William T. Hobbins, 000–00–0000 tice and Delinquency Prevention Act re- feuring the juvenile around their State Brig. Gen. John D. Hopper, Jr., 000–00–0000 quirements regarding separate detention and to an appropriate detention facility. Brig. Gen. Raymond P. Huot, 000–00–0000 confinement of juveniles, and for other pur- Either way, the current system makes Brig. Gen. Timothy A. Kinnan, 000–00–0000 poses; to the Committee on the Judiciary. little sense and needs to be changed. Brig. Gen. Michael C. Kostelnik, 000–00–0000 By Mr. MURKOWSKI (by request): Let me explain how this dilemma Brig. Gen. Lance W. Lord, 000–00–0000 S. 1605. A bill to amend the Energy Policy works. In most rural communities, the and Conservation Act to manage the Stra- Brig. Gen. Ronald C. Marcotte, 000–00–0000 only jail available is built exclusively Brig. Gen. Gregory S. Martin, 000–00–0000 tegic Petroleum Reserve more effectively Brig. Gen. Michael J. McCarthy, 000–00–0000 and for other purposes; to the Committee on for adults. There are no special juve- Brig. Gen. John F. Miller, Jr., 000–00–0000 Energy and Natural Resources. nile facilities. But sometimes, the com- Brig. Gen. Charles H. Perez, 000–00–0000 By Mr. HATCH (for himself, Mrs. FEIN- munity can create a separate portion Brig. Gen. Stephen B. Plummer, 000–00–0000 STEIN, Mr. THURMOND, Mr. DEWINE, of the jail for juveniles. However, under Brig. Gen. David A. Sawyer, 000–00–0000 Mr. KOHL, and Mr. BIDEN): current law, a juvenile picked up for Brig. Gen. Terryl J. Schwalier, 000–00–0000 S. 1606. A bill to control the use of biologi- criminal activity can only be held in a Brig. Gen. George T. Stringer, 000–00–0000 cal agents that have the potential to pose a separate portion of an adult facility for Brig. Gen. Gary A. Voellger, 000–00–0000 severe threat to public health and safety, up to 24 hours. After that, the juvenile AIR FORCE and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Judiciary. must be transported—often across hun- The following-named officers for appoint- dreds of miles—to a separate juvenile ment in the Air National Guard of the U.S. By Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Mr. Air Force, to the grade indicated, under the GRASSLEY, Mr. REID, and Mr. KYL): detention facility, often to be returned provisions of Title 10, United States Code, S. 1607. A bill to control access to pre- to the very same jail 2 or 3 days later Sections 8373, 8374, 12201, and 12212: cursor chemicals used to manufacture meth- for a court date. This system often amphetamine and other illicit narcotics, and To be major general leaves rural law enforcement criss- for other purposes; to the Committee on the crossing the State with a single juve- Brig. Gen. James F. Brown, 000–00–0000 Judiciary. nile—and results in massive expenses Brig. Gen. James McIntosh, 000–00–0000 By Mr. MCCAIN (for himself and Mr. To be brigadier general INOUYE): for law enforcement with little benefit Col. Gary A. Brewington, 000–00–0000 S. 1608. A bill to extend the applicability of for juveniles, who spend endless hours Col. William L. Fleshman, 000–00–0000 certain regulatory authority under the In- in a squad car. Such a process does not Col. Allen H. Henderson, 000–00–0000 dian Self-Determination and Education As- serve anyone’s interests. Col. John E. Iffland, 000–00–0000 sistance Act, and for other purposes; to the And that is not all that rural sheriffs Col. Dennis J. Kerkman, 000–00–0000 Committee on Indian Affairs. face. Even qualifying for the 24-hour Col. Stephen M. Koper, 000–00–0000 By Mr. BIDEN: exception can be a nightmare. That’s Col. Anthony L. Liguori, 000–00–0000 S. 1609. A bill to provide for the resched- because juveniles can be kept in adult uling of flunitrazepan into schedule I of the Col. Kenneth W. Mahon, 000–00–0000 jails only under a very stringent set of Col. William H. Phillips, 000–00–0000 Controlled Substances Act, and for other Col. Jerry H. Risher, 000–00–0000 purposes; to the Committee on the Judici- rules. Keeping juveniles in an adult jail Col. William J. Shondel, 000–00–0000 ary. is known as collocation. It can only be AIR FORCE f done if there is strict sight and sound The following-named officer for appoint- separation between the adults and the SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND juveniles as well as completely sepa- ment to the grade of lieutenant general SENATE RESOLUTIONS while assigned to a position of importance rate staff. For many small commu- and responsibility under Title 10, United The following concurrent resolutions nities, making these physical and staff States Code, Section 601: and Senate resolutions were read, and changes to their jails is prohibitively To be lieutenant general referred (or acted upon), as indicated: expensive. Major Gen. Richard C. Bethurem, 000–00– By Mr. CAMPBELL: So sheriffs faced with diverting offi- 0000 S. Con. Res. 44. Concurrent resolution au- cers to drive around the State in The following-named officer for appoint- thorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for search of a detention facility may ment to the grade of general while assigned an event sponsored by the Specialty Equip- chose to let the juvenile free while to a position of importance and responsi- ment Market Association; to the Committee awaiting trial. This prospect should bility under Title 10, United States Code, on Rules and Administration. frighten anyone who is aware of the Section 601: By Mr. DOLE (for himself and Mr. growing trend in juvenile violence. To be general HELMS): Today, I am introducing legislation S. Con. Res. 45. Concurrent resolution au- Lt. Gen. Michael E. Ryan, 000–00–0000 thorizing the use of the Capitol Rotunda on that is designed to cure this problem. The following-named officer for reappoint- May 2, 1996, for the presentation of the Con- My legislative solution is simple, ment to the grade of general while assigned gressional Gold Medal to Reverend and Mrs. straightforward and effective. It ex- to a position of importance and responsi- Billy Graham; considered and agreed to. tends from 24 to 72 hours the time dur- bility under Title 10, United States Code, f ing which rural law enforcement may Section 601: collocate juvenile offenders in an adult To be general STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED facility, as long as juveniles remain Gen. Richard E. Hawley, 000–00–0000 BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS separated from adults. It also relaxes ARMY By Mr. KOHL: the requirements for acceptable col- The following U.S. Army National Guard S. 1604. A bill to improve the Juve- location. After taking a hard look at officer for promotion in the Reserve of the nile Justice and Delinquency Preven- how the collocation rules have VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:07 Jun 20, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA16\1996_F~1\S12MR6.REC S12MR6 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S1856 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 12, 1996 worked—and in what ways they have SEC. 3. CLARIFICATION OF CONTACT RULES. (2) by striking paragraphs (3) and (6). failed—this legislation comes to a rea- Section 223(a)(14) of the Juvenile Justice SEC. 3. Title I of the Energy Policy and sonable compromise, and, as a result, it and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 (42 Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6211–6251) is U.S.C.
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