VOL. LXVIII. No. 4 DECEMBER, 1954 THE ROYAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL CONTENTS The Battle of Arnhem Bridge . Major E. M. Mackay 305 The Dhekelia Project . Lieut.-Colonel J. D. Edgar 326 Nuclear Arms and the Service Man . Colonel T. I. Lloyd 353 Rip Van Winkle . Captain G. L. Cooper 358 Royal Engineers in Berlin in 1954 . Major D. J. Willison 365 Make Cover . Major J. H. de W. Waller 371 A Review of the Analysis of Steel Structures by the Plastic Method Lieutenant D. S.Green 377 TheRegimental Second-in-Command in Peace Lieut.-Colonel H. G. W. Hamilton Precast, Prestressed Workshop . 402 Prestressed Concrete and the Field Engineer Major D. J. 0. FitzGerald 403 B.R. or B.M. 408 Erratum . 408 Correspondence, Book Reviews, Technical Notes . 409 PUBLIS-H. l t. IT S CI-.LTIA _. I INSTITUTUIN UF KE UPOP'ICt CU i DO NOT REMOVE AGENTS ---·------_---·rr·- LI C E M E N T A T ION: for sealing water leakages, arresting settlement of structures, remedying deterioration of concrete or masonry works. G U N I T E: for reconditioning defective concrete struc- tures, encasing structural steelwork, lining tunnels, water reservoirs and other works. FO U N D A T I O N S: underpinning of damaged property presents little difficulty if F R A AN C IS BORED PILES are used. CM P nY IMITELD_____ aEN TLEY WORKS, DONCASTER Tel. DON 54177-4-9 ADVERTISEMENTS i ii ADVERTISEMENTS RUBEROID SPECIFCCAATONS for all waterproofing purposes . 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(Prefabricated Bitumen Sheeting) THE RUBEROID COMPANY LTD. 177 COMMONWEALTH HOUSE, 1-19 NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W.C.I ADVERTISEMENTS iii GATEWAY HOUSE Cannon Street and Watling Street, E.C. Architects: MESSRS. TREHEARNE & NORMAN PRESTON & PARTNERS Consulting Engineers: MESSRS. R. TRAVERS MORGAN & PARTNERS BUILDERS: TROLLOPE & COLLS ESTABLISHED 1778 / iv ADVERTISEMENTS - lv~~~~ ADETIEENS - r ---::- VIKING JOHNSON :~ FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS for plain ended pipes, 6° of flexi- bility on sizes up to 24 in. dia- meter. Fitted by unskilled labour. When laid, competitive in price with lead and yarn joints. -ff :~~~: :: 0 VICTAULIC FLEXIBLE JOINTS for Service pipelines are ideal for emergency purposes. The stan- dard bolted joint can be fitted by unskilled labour in under two minutes per joint. THE VICTAULIC TOGGLE JOINT :- . i_ without nuts and bolts, is easily fastened mechanically, in a few seconds. The War Office, India Stores Department and High Commissioner for Pakistan have standardized Victaulic Joints for mobiliza- tion work. Copy of our Victaulic Catalogue will be sent on request. THE VICTAULIC COMPANY LIMITED Manufacturers of Victaulic Joints and Viking Johnson Couplings Registered Trade Marks 'VICTAULIC ' and 'VIKING '. Brook House, Park Lane, W.I ADVERTISEMENTS v SIR ROBERT McALPINE & SONS CIVIL ENGINEERING AND BUILDING CONTRACTORS Civil Engineers leaving the Forces on completion of their National Service are invited to communicate with Sir Robert McAlpine & Sons. Since this family business was founded 80 years ago, it has expanded so that now its activities embrace almost every form of Civil Engineering and Building Construction. The Partners follow the general principle of filling senior vacancies by promotion rather than by recruit- ment from outside, and there is therefore special scope for advancement. 80 PARK LANE, LONDON, W.I AREA OFFICES IN SOUTH WALES, MIDLANDS, TYNESIDE, SCOTLAND ALSO IN CANADA I vi ADVERTISEMENTS vi ADVERTISEMENTS 3 //IT FOR TOU 6 AS / NSMWN$S WHEELED The tougher the job the more Onions' equipment rises to the occasion. Opera- SfCR4APRS tors prefer it for every kind of earth IN 9 SIZES moving project. The SCRAPERS are TINED robust, stable and enduring. CABLE CONTROL UNITS are smooth and R/PPFRS light in operation, simple to adjust and IN 6 SIZES maintain. RIPPERS with 3 or 5 tines A use all the power of matching tractors to break every kind of hard ground. With ) elle.110 19 ROOT CUTTER BLADES they clear IN 4 SIZES scrub and sever roots to 30 in. deep. With CULTIVATING KNIFE they ALSO SHEEPSFOOT ROLLERS AND break and crumble ground to 24 in. deep PNEUMATIC CONSOLIDATING ROLLERS without bringing up the top soil. Onions' Tractor Equipment is made to match all the leading makes of Tractor, both British and American. On most sites at home or abroad you will find Onions' equipment keeping pace with the best. Manufactured by ONIONS & SONS (LEVELLERS) LTD., BILSTON Distributed throughout the world by JACK OLDING & CO. LTD. ADVERTISEMENTS vii ADVERTISEMENTS vii FUGGLESTONE CAMP, nr. SALISBURY Dining Hall NOWARI) FARROW 1.019-1101 & BRISTOL, BUILDING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS viii ADVERTISEMENTS Large capacity plant for mass concrete All over the world Winget plant is be- ing used on large scale hydro-electric and Civil Engineering projects. The Fully Automatic Winget-Johnson Batching Plant at Whakamaru Dam N.Z. (illustrated above) is capable of producing 120/180 cu. yds. of accurate concrete every hour. Mixing for plants of this type is mostly handled by Winget-Koehring mixers of up to 4 cu. yd. capacity. In a fully automatic plant all batching and mixing opera- tions are handled by one man from a Central Control Panel. ROCHESTER * KENT ADVERTISEMENTS ix G. PERCY TRENTHAM LIMITED 0 BUILDING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS BIRMINGHAM READING LONDON STOKE-ON-TRENT CARDIFF WOOD LANE PANGBOURNE PARK HALL NEW ROAD TRINITY HOUSE BROMFORD READING LONGTON RAINHAM EAST CANAL WHARF, DOCKS, BIRMINGHAM BERKS STOKE-ON-TRENT ESSEX CARDIFF Erdington 2491 Pangbourne 411 Longton 39147 Rainham 2902 Cardiff 30256 x ADVERTISEMENTS ADVERTISEMENTS xi ADVERTISEMENTS xl Bv Appointment Makers o/ I'eatherproofClothing to * 1 the late King GeorgeVI eB 11I Every officer needs investment for himself, and protection for his dependents-but he wants "the biggest return for the smallest outlay". 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Long crawler tracks combined with cor- HALF CUBIC YARD rect weight distribution allows the EXCAVATOR use of a 40 ft. boom with i cu. yd. Seven interchangeable attachments-Face [ Dragline bucket at an average depth Shovel. Drag Shovel, Skimmer, Dragline, c0 ra - Grabbing and Liftin: CranSs. Piledriver. j of 18 ft. 6 in. and digging radius of 48 ft. For full details and specifica- tions write for catologue 104/2. < ii BLAW KNOX LTD * (Box II7)' 90/94 Brompton Rd London S.W.3 Telephone: Grams: Cables: KENsington 5151 * Blawnox, Southkens, London * Blawnox, London BK 110 THE ROYAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL Authors alone are responsiblefor the statements made and the opinions expressed in their papers. VOL. LXVIII CONTENTS DECEMBER, 1954 PAGE r. THE BATTLE OF ARNHEM BRIDGE. BY MAJOR E. M. MACKAY, M.B.E., R.E. (With Photographsand Sketch) . 305 2. THE DHEKELIA PROJECT. BY LIEUT.-COLONEL J. D. EDGAR, A.M.I.C.E., R.E. (With lap and Sketch)) . 326 3. NUCLEAR ARMS AND THE SERViCE MAN. BY COLONEL T. I. LLOYD, D.S.O., M.C. 353 4. RIP VAN WINKLE. BY CAPTAIN G. L. COOPER, M.C., R.E. 358 5. ROYAL ENGINEERS IN BERLIN IN 1954. BY MAJOR D. J. WILLISON, M.C., R.E. 365 6. MAKE COVER! BY MAJOR J. H. DE W. WALLER, D.S.O., O.B.E.
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