MAIL. ,;',S | • fi VOLUME XIV, NO 50 PLYMOUTH, MICH., FRIDAY, AUGUST ,23 1901. WHOLE NO. 728. • >g pha and son Hurd, Misses Anna Conk­ lin and Mabel Roberts and Messrs. Wil­ v : j Breezy Items lard Pooler and Leon Shuart spent Fri­ day and Saturday at Walled Lake. We Have a Lot By Eive Correspondents. Miss Odeal Bonafaut returned from Grand Rapids, where she has been vis­ World iting her sister, last Thursday. ■i ." vj '"i NEW BURG. ■ Mattie Walker spent Wednesday in of Bargains Detroit. ■ Mias Jennie McGramm, of Detroit, is Mrs. Lenard Gale, of Middleville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. Tuttle. visiting at Charles Morgan’s. Alice Brown has returned to her Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Gale are visit­ home in Toledo, accompanied by her for you.V» ing friends at Owosso and Fenton this 1 friend, Luella Rosen burg,-who will re­ week. _____ ._________ | a Sea of Talk. turn in time to begin teaching the Newburg school. For W hooping Cough. “Both my children were taken with Remember the ice cream social Fri­ whooping cough,” writes Mite. 0. E. day night at Mrs. Hoisington’s Satur­ Dutton of Danville, 111. “A small bottle Are you in Need of a.i\y Paints? day night the League literary meeting of Foley’s Honey and Tar cured the Yes, and ,a lot of it is shallow cough and:' saved me a doctor’s bill. W e have some that came with the F. M. Briggs will be held with Mr. and Mrs. John The Wolverine Drug Co. A Bemiett. Grocery stock which we will sell at Wholesale talk. Yet, there is sensible talk in The base ball picnic in Mr. Joy’s TONQUISH Prices. W e also have about 500 pounds of woods was well attended and they took Gypsine which we wish to dispose of. in 922. The Elm team defeated New­ The service held at Tonquish M. E. plenty and a short talk, as this is cut burg. church last Sunday evening by Rev. A horse belonging to CL Tuttle’s rMr. Stephens of Plymouth, was quite, out to be, will put you. on the right' father, who resides in Plymouth, was well attended, considering the stormy badly cut on a barbed .fire fence in the weather. ' In the course of the evening Lines tha.t Sell e^nd former’s field at Newburg. William Elliott’s infant son was christ­ track to the store where they deal on Nelson Barrows is ill with rheuma­ ened. Give Satisfaction tism. Dr. Johnson is the attending Mr. Ball’s new house is progressing the dead level, even if they do miss a physician. finely. He is living on what is known Newburg Sunday-school will hold a as the Pettingill place. Are what you are after. We buy our S H O E S with sale sometimes by it, who have always picnic the 29th of August, or next week Misses Nellie and Sarah Shoultz, of these facts in mind. We have an assortment ot fine Thursday. near Inkster, visited friends here Sat­ and medium grade Footwear that for style, fit and sought to do business on the highest Rev. W. G. Stephens will be with us urday night and Sunday. quality ca.nnot be equalled. We have a few two more Sundays before leaving for Master Ray Sackett spent the. past pairs of Tan shoes that we will sell at a great Reduc­ conference. week with O. Trowbridge, in Dearborn, tion. Come before your size is gone. plane, irrespective of temporary advan­ Tillie Beckhold is home for a week’s and Russell Trowbridge, of Dearborn, visit. spent Sunday with A. Sackett and tage or disadvantage— a policy no A. H. Davis. Mt. Sterling, la., writes:family. * “I was troubled with kidney complaint Earnest Hix a*d lady friend spent In the Dry Goods'Department we are selling for about two years, but£two one dollar Sunday with relatives in Northville. longer a matter? of debate. As to the bottles of Foley's Kidney cure effected a I t being so dark Sunday night that permanent cure. The Wolverine Drug 18c Dimities for 12 l-2c per yd. Co. when young Mr. Kizor started away merits of their goods there is no ques­ from church, his horse ran over and 20c Frervch Ginghams at 10c per yd. PERRIN SVILLE. badly smashed up Cady Hix’s buggy. " f a The horse was badly frightned but no Mr. and Mrs. Hanchett and son spent 1-4 off on all Shirt Waists. tion one was hurt, which was very lucky, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Dick­ there being four young people inK|izor’s erson, of Newburg. Come in and see these great Ba rgain Rev. H. L.Wriston and wife, of Bos­ carriage. Better be more careful, may not be so fortunate next time. r THey are tHe Best, ton, Mass., instead of West Virginia, Several from this vicinity spent last have been visiting at T. P. Sherman’s. In our Grocery Department we are rushed with orders. In Wm. Cooper and W. R. Parmalee Friday with Mrs. Mollie- Ballou, living therefore when ini want of anything in took a business trip to Detroit la§t Sat­ south and west of Wayne, it being her lact, we have a Saturday trade every day in the week, and urday. 61st birthday. A pl'easant time was yet we want more trade; in fact, we want Y O U R trade. Can had by all and they returned home Remember the young people’s meet­ we have it? W e have the the* Drug or Druggist’s Sundry line wishing her many more birthdays. ing next Wednesday evening. Mrs. : Bertha Meldrum will have charge. The Helping Hand Society will hold you cannot afford to go by the store Mrs. Stoneburner and Mrs. Hall, of a table picnic in Ed. Gillett’s woods on BIGGEST. BEST AND BUSIEST Newburgh, spent last week Thursday Thursday, August 29, 1901. It is to of the with Mrs. T. P. Sherman. be free for everyone to come and enjoy Grocery Store in thqr,cit\-. Send your order in and you will Carl Klatt rides a new wheel. the day with them. It will be very get fresh goods. Prompt attention given 'phone orders. Mrs. Wm. Abbott and daughter, of convenient, as the D., P. ,& N. street Delray, have been visiting with Mr. cars run right along by the woods. We and Mrs. W. Sherman and family for a hope a large crowd will come and enjoy The Wolverine Drug Co., the short program. Ice cream, candy few days. J. R. R A U C H & S O N Mr. and Mrs. If. Klatt and -family and such refreshments can be obtained of the grounds. spent last week Saturday in Detroit. Phone 13-2 R. Free Delivery. ' i -a Miss Edith Hoops, of Wayne, has Some of the young men are awar^ of been visiting with the Misses Julia and Sunday night being quite a dark ni^ht, Adelaide Myhrs. and especially those that had to walk Mrs. Mary Pate,-of Wayne, has been part of the way home’ and lead their visiting friends and relatives at this horse, to keep out of the ditch. place for a short time. W ould Have Cost Him His Life. Miss Louise Walsworth, of Lansing, New Bargains who has been visiting friends and rela- Oscar Bowman. Lebanon, Kv., writes: m e Pursuit “I Wave been using Foley's Kidney Cure tiv^here for a few weeks has returned and tak great pleasure in stating it gave Of sweetness brings vou at A. J. LAPHAM’S. home. me permanent cure of kidney 'disease to our store.. Here the deli­ The Misses Minnie and Anna Klatt which certainly would have eof.t me my life.” Take none but Foley's. The cious products of the baker’s are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. iKlatt Wolverine Drug Co. skill tempts-jttie languid appe­ Water W hite Oil, lOc per gallon. and family. tite into vigor and at moder­ ate outlay one can get the W e have no Low Grade Oil. Mrs. A. Lyle and daughter Edith 3 cans good Corn for......................................................................... 25c spent Thursday at Plymouth. The long talked of elocutionary con­ Gasoline, per gallon................. 12c Wm. Finn of Lima, Ohio, obtained ex­ Pies, Cakes XXXX Coffee............. 13c cellent results from the use of Foley’s test between the Plymouth and Salem Lion Coffee................................ 13c Kidney Cure. “It relieved my back­ Unions will occur this evening, in Ply­ and Cookies Arbqckle Coffee . .............. !...........................................................14c ache and severe pain over the nips. It mouth opera: house. There will be five ’ M Qranulated Sugar, 16 lbs for.................... ......................................1 00 toned my system and gave me new vim to satisfy. Flour, per sack, best..................................... 50c and and energy. It is an honest and re­ contestants from each place. A fine* 8 bars Santa Claus Soap for............................................................... 25c liable remedy, a sure cure for all kidney program has been arranged and a good 8 bars Queen Ann Soap, cash, for.................... .............................. 25c diseases. The Wolverine Drug Co. attendance is hoped for. Dont miss it. Our Pastry is light, pure and wholesome, and our Choice Sweet Corn 10c Bread is the most nourishing and satisfactory made. Cboioe Tomatoes......., ............................................................. ■>........10c LIVONIA CENTER. Mrs. R. C. Safford will have charge of Best Early June Peas, per can 1 ........................................................ 10c the meeting today. Subject, “Political Pure ground Pepper, per pound.........................................................20c A fine shower Monday night made Equality.” Mrs.
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