Call No. Title Sub-Title Author Publisher Copyright Pages (B) Pr 002 16 Guernsey, Daniel P. (S) St Jeremiah Baruch Collegeville Bible Commentatry Ellis, Peter F. Liturgical Press 1986 135 (B) YA 013 10 Good Reasons to Be a Catholic Teenager's Guide to the Church, A Auer, Jim Liguori Publications 1987 64 (B) YA 011 365 Fun Facts for Catholic Kids Inspiring Ideas - Saintly Surprises - Non-trivial Tidbits Snyder, Bernadette McCarver Liguori Publications 1989 143 (B) Pr 039 A Book of Hours Merton, Thomas (B) Sp 064 Abandonment to Divine Providence Classic Wisdom from the Past on Living Fully in the Present De Caussade, Jean-Pierre Doubleday 1975 119 (B) Sp 043 Abandonment to Divine Providence De Caussade, Jean-Pierre (B) Y 003 ABC's of Faith for Children, The Book 1 O'Connor, Francine M. (B) Y 005 ABC's of Faith for Children, The Book 2 O'Connor, Francine M. (B) Con 043 ABC's of Healthy Grieving Light For the Dark Journey Smith, Harold I. Stephen Jeffers (B) Con 009 ABC's of Widowhood, The Nowak, Pat Hilgers, Thomas W.; Horan, (B) MI 019 Abortion and Social Justice Dennis J., Editors Sheed & Ward 1972 328 (B) MI 011 Abortion Questions and Answers Willke, Dr. and Mrs. J.C. (B) SV 005 About Being a Priest Suarez, Federico Scepter 1996 231 (B) P 028 Above all a Shepherd Pope John XXIII Groppi, Ugo; Lombardi, Julius Living His Life (N) V 025 Abundant Life, The Program #12: Eating Disorders Benkovic, Johnnette Abundantly 58 Mn (B) MI 010 Achieving Chastity in a Pornographic World Morrow, T. G. (S) Sc 063 Acts of the Apostles Study Guide, The Little Rock Scripture Study Kodell, Jerome, O.S.B. Liturgical Press 1991 43 (S) Sc 061 Acts of the Apostles Study Guide, The Little Rock Scripture Study Kodell, Jerome, OSB Liturgical Press 1983 43 (S) Sc Acts of the Apostles, The Collegeville Bible Commentatry Kurz, William S. Liturgical Press 1986 110 (S) Sc Acts of the Apostles, The Collegeville Bible Commentatry Kurz, William S. Liturgical Press 1986 110 (S) Sc 060 Acts of the Apostles, The Collegeville Bible Commentatry Kurz, William S. Liturgical Press 1986 110 (S) Sc 064 Acts of the Apostles, The Collegeville Bible Commentatry Kurz, William S. Liturgical Press 1986 110 (S) St Acts of the Apostles, The Collegeville Bible Commentatry Kurz, William S. Liturgical Press 1991 110 (S) St Acts of the Apostles, The Collegeville Bible Commentatry Kurz, William S. Liturgical Press 1991 110 (B) D 005 After Life What it's like in Heaven Hell and Purgatory Brown, Michael H. (B) Con 006 After the Funeral Winsch, Jane Loretta (B) M 009 Aim Higher Maarian Thoughts of St. Maximillian Mary Kolbe ELFI (N) A 005 All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed Staples, Tim (B) Con 059 Am I still a Sister? Sims, Alicia M. Bristol Bay (N) V 024 Amazing Grace Gruffudd, Ioan Productions 2004 Call No. Title Sub-Title Author Publisher Copyright Pages (B) F 021 Amazing Grace for Mothers Cavins, Emily; Armstrong, Patti University of (B) S 063 Ambrose of Milan Church and Court in a Christian Capital McLynn, Neil B. California Press 1994 406 Saints and Sinners Who Built America's Most Powerful (B) H 008 American Catholic Church, The Morris, Charles R. (B) H 012 American Catholicism Ellis, John Tracy (B) H 002 American Catholics History of the Roman Catholic Community in the U.S., A Hennesey, James (B) B 001 America's Bishop Life and Times of Fulton Sheen, The Reeves, Thomas C. (B) Pr 052 An Hour with Jesus Riehle Foundation 1994 109 (B) Sc 057 An Introduction to New Testament Christology Brown, Raymond E. (B) Y 014 Angels Are My Friends Dellinger, Annetta E. Concordia Publishing 1985 NA (B) Ap 006 Answering the New Atheism Dismantling Dawkin's Case Against God Hahn, Scott; Wiker, Benjamin Emmaus Press 2008 151 (N) A 004 Answers to the Seven Burdens of Life, The Based on the Seven Last Words of Christ Sheen, Fulton J. (S) Sc 032 Apocalypse of St. John the Apostle, The Kramer, Herman (B) Sc 028 Apocalypse: The Book for Our Times Shamon, Albert Joseph (B) Sp 037 Apostle of Common Sense, The Chesterton, G.K. Miravalle, Mark I., S.T.D., Apostolate of Holy (S) F 030 Apostolate of Holy Motherhood, The Compiled by Motherhood, The 1991 122 (B) F 027 Apostolate of Holy Motherhood, The (B) B 055 Appalling Strangeness of the Mercy of God, The Story of Ruth Pakaluk, Convert, Mother, and Pro-Life Activist Pakaluk, Michael, Editor Ignatius Press 2011 272 Pauline Books and (B) M 022 Apparition Shrines Places of Pilgrimage and Prayer Ruggles, Robin, Ph.D. Media 2000 245 (B) S 032 Aquinas Prayer Book, The Aquinas, St.Thomas (N) V 006 Archbishop Fulton Sheen Old Pots Youth and Sex Sheen, Fulton J. Psychology of the Rat Race and The Psychology of (N) V 007 Archbishop Fulton Sheen Temptation, The Sheen, Fulton J. (B) D 004 Arise From Darkness What To Do When Life Doesn't Make Sense Groeschel, Benedict J. (B) S 015 Art of Loving God, The Francis de Sales, Saint (B) Pr 030 Art of Praying, The Principles and Methods of Christian Prayer, The Guardini, Romano (B) C 040 Artfully Teaching the Faith Kellmeyer, Steve Bridegroom Press 2004 64 (B) T 002 As Ministers of Christ Forestell, J. T. (B) Con 005 As You Grieve Zerah, Aaron (B) S 035 Ascent of Mount Carmel John of the Cross (B) S 003 Augustine of Hippo Brown, Peter (B) F 039 Authentic Catholic Woman, The Kineke, Genevieve Servant Books 2006 156 Call No. Title Sub-Title Author Publisher Copyright Pages (S) F- Authentic Catholic Woman, The Kineke, Genevieve Servant Books 20065 156 (S) F- Authentic Catholic Woman, The Kineke, Genevieve Servant Books 20065 156 (S) F 031 Authentic Catholic Woman, The Kineke, Genevieve Servant Books 2006 156 (S) F 040 Authentic Catholic Woman, The Kineke, Genevieve Servant Books 2006 156 Autobiography of Saint Margaret Mary (B) S 042 Alocoque, The Sisters of the Visitation (B) S 046 Autobiography of Saint Therese of Lisieux, The Story of a Soul, The Beevers, John (tr) (B) Y 009 Baby Bible, The Storybook for Girls Currie,Robin David Cook 1994 NA (N) V 017 Back to the Family How to Encourage Traditional Values in Complicated Times Guarendi, Dr. Ray (B) H 014 Basilica Splendor and the Scandal:Building St. Peter's, The Scotti, R. A. Be a Man! Becoming the Man God Created You (B) F 016 to Be Richards, Larry Be a Man! Becoming the Man God Created You (S) F 005 to Be Richards, Larry (B) Sp 086 Be a Monastic and Not Leave Your Day Job An Invitation to Oblate Life Tvedten, Brother Benet, OSB Paraclete Press 2006 119 (B) Con 047 Be Not Afraid Overcoming the Fear of Death Arnold, Johann C Pope John Paul II Speaks Out on his Life, His Beliefs, and his Frossard, Andre; Pope John Paul (B) P 027 Be Not Afraid Inspiring Vision for Humanity II (B) Sc 075 Beatitudes, The Pattern for Christian Living Swift, Helen Cecilia, SND deN Alba House 1990 95 (B) C 002 Becoming a Catechist Ways to Outfox Teenage Skepticism O'Malley, William J. (B) Pr 058 Becoming a Praying Person Guided Discovery for Groups and Individuals, A Perrotta, Kevin Loyola Press 2005 96 (B) MI 022 Becoming Good, Becoming Holy On the Relationship of Christian Ethics and Spirituality O'Keefe, Mark, O.S.B. Paulist Press 1995 185 (B) Pr 034 Behind Closed Doors Handbook on How to Pray, A Champlin, Joseph M. (B) Pr 050 Behold He Comes Meditations on the Incarnation Groeschel, Fr. Benedict, C.F.R. Servant Publications 2001 145 (B) Pr 077 Behold Your Life Pilgrimage Through Your Memories, A Wiederkehr, Macrina Ave Maria Press 2000 122 (B) M 001 Behold Your Mother Woman of Faith N. C. of Cath. Bishops United States Catholic (B) M 018 Behold Your Mother Woman of Faith Conference 1973 65 (B) C 004 Being Catholic How We Believe, Practice and Think Pilarczyk, Daniel E. (B) T 018 Being Human Biblical Perspective, A Hill, Edmund (B) Ap 020 Belief of Catholics, The Knox, Ronald Ignatius Press 1927 221 (B) C 017 Believing in Jesus Popular Overview of the Catholic Faith, A Foley, Leonard (B) C 019 Believing in Jesus Popular Overview of the Catholic Faith, A Foley, Leonard (N) V 035 Benedict XVI Election of His Holiness, The EWTN Home Video 2005 2 Hr (B) P 072 Benedict XVI Intimate Portrait, An Seewald, Peter Ignatius Press 2008 260 Call No. Title Sub-Title Author Publisher Copyright Pages (B) P 068 Benedictus Day by Day with Pope Benedict XVI Cameron, Rev.Peter John, O.P. Ignatius Press 2006 415 (B) Y 006 Bernadette and the Lady Pauli, Hertha (B) Sp 032 Best of Epistles of the Other Paul, The Volume IV Mueller, Paul (B) Sp 038 Best of the Epistles of the Other Paul, The Mueller, Paul (B) Ap 012 Biblical Fundamentalism What Every Catholic Should Know Witherup, Ronald D. Liturgical Press 2001 90 (B) L 048 Biblical Walk Through The Mass, A Understanding What We Say and Do in the Liturgy Sri, Edward Ascension Press 2011 157 Couple to Couple (B) MI 025 Birth Control and Christian Discipleship Kippley, John F. League International 1984 45 (B) T 003 Bishop of Rome, The Tillard, J.M.R. (B) D 001 Blessed Are Those Who Mourn Comforting Catholics in Their Time of Grief Spencer, Glenn M. Jr. Tan Books & (B) L 040 Blessed Eucharist, The Our Greatest Treasure Muller, Fr.
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