"Pride of the Lone Star Otexos Publishing, LLC dallas oHice 6 3000 Carlisle, Suite 104 Dallas TX 75204 O. 214.855.4990 F.214.855.4971 houston office 3400 Montrose, Suite 225 Houston, TX 77006 O. 713.529.0322 F. 713.529.0327 toll free advertising lines Display Sales 866.360.4360 Classified Sales 866.977.8077 administration PUBLISHER:Robert Moore ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT lorry Mosely editorial EDITOR: Dennis Vercher ASSISTANT EDITOR: Todd Epperson WRITERS: Scott Huffman, Michael Kosten, Daniel A. Kusner, Steven lindsey, William Morin, Gary N. Reese, Jimmy Smith. PHOTOGRAPHERS: Andres Champion, Kris Conner, Bobby Escobedo, Veronica Gonzalez, Junior Hernandez. creative Quick look inside CREATIVEDIRECTOR: K.R. Murphy austin advertising ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE: Alex Barnishin 6 dallas advertising DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING: Leo Cusimano Plans for a stage musical tribute to pop princess Kylie Minogue are ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: hitting a high note; Reggae star Beenie Man says he not anti-gay - Gory Kcrwockl, Luciano Segura III blames Britain's human rights group Outrage for misnomer. houston advertising ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE: 10 SPWL Jim Nixon, Pete Morris She takes a licking and keeps on ticking - Yoko Ono sounds off. All san antonio advertising of the sudden, this odd little Japanese woman is the toast of New York. ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE: 12 E D Jim Nixon Unlike other high profile AIDS rides, the 2nd Annual Lone Star Ride texas wide classified advertising CLASSIFIEDSDIRECTOR: Greg Hoover Fighting AIDS puts its money where its mouth is. 14 BE T CLASSIFIED REPRESENTATIVES: Tony Martinez, Jim Nixon, Pete Morris Our music critic hits a triple play in his Pursuit of Happiness. Jazz, national advertising underground music and soul mix it up in perfect harmony. Groups On The Cover Rivendell Marketing Company to watch include Weekend Players and Supreme Beings of Leisure. Model: Alex 212.242.6863 Photo: Tres Smith 16 F tres3.com ©2002, OTEXAS PUBliSHING, llC. All RIGHTS RESERVED. All MATERIAl IN QTEXAS IS PROTECTED BY These are the gays of our lives - but GLAAD says our numbers are FEDERAl COPYRIGHT LAW AND MAY NOT BE REPRO. down on the boob tube. Cable and reality shows come to our rescue in DUCED, DISTRIBUTED OR STORED IN ANY RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, MANUAl OR ElECTRONIC, WITHOUT EXPRESS the form of The Sundance Channel and The Amazing Race 3. WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE EDITOR. THE PUBliCATION OF NAMES, BUSINESSES 18 C AND/OR ORGANIZATIONS, AND THE PUBliCATION OF Boyz at play in Austin, Dallas, Galveston, Houston and San Antonio. IMAGES IN EDITORIAl CONTENT OR ADVERTISEMENTS, DOES NOT NECESSARilY IMPlY THE SEXUAl ORIENTA· TlON OF THE ENTITY OR INDIVIDUAl PORTRAYED. EACH READER IS ENTITlED TO ONE FREE COPY OF EACH EDITION OF QTEXAS, AVAILABlE AT DESIGNATED DE ENTS DISTRIBUTION lOCATIONS THROUGHOUT TEXAS. ADDITIONAl COPIES ARE AVAILABlE FROM THE QTEXAS 26 STARDATE OFFICES WHilE SUPPliES LAST. GUIDEliNES FOR FREELANCE CONTRIBUTIONS AIlE 26 CLUB & BUSINESS DIRECTORY AVAILABlE UPON REQUEST. 27 CLASSIFIEDS QTEXASMAGAZINE.COM Otexas 4 27 Sep 02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------~----------------. Xcyte Is looking for young creative gay males to help throw parties and plan functions at our house. Get Invo vedl Take back Montrosel Come to one of our meetings: Every Tuesday @ 7 (dinne(s on us) Where: 614 Avondale (one block East of Katz's) Contact: Jesse or David @ 713.533.9786 Emall: [email protected] Ins the social experience of young gay men in Houston'· Sanctuary Records invites you to celebrate the release of HOMETIME the new album from ALISON MOYET her first recording in eight years featuring the single "Do You Ever Wonder." Win free CD singles with one unreleased track! Professional Women's a, py Hour! Eve, 1st a 3rd Wed! Join Housto theater to celebrate their Join your hostess, new season! Kelly Lauren, every Thursday night for mixing, mingling, "'-....-and~...drinkI specials! Ha py Hour 'til lOpm! Frozen Cosmos $2.50! Qtexas (7) 27 Sep 02 singer and former soap star's older songs which refer to "chi- life, at Melbourne, Australia's chi men." annual Gay and Lesbian He says, "They come and say Cultural Festival last January. we say chi-chi man, and we cuss And after months of speculation gays as chi-chi men. Chi-chi and doubt, it seems the show is man is the name of a person, it's going to be taken to a wider the Prime Minister. audience - after getting the "We wanna cuss the thumbs-up from the singer her- Jamaican Prime Minister but we self. cannot say the Prime Minister's Kylie's tour promoter name on record 'cos you be Michael Gudinsky promises, going to jail. You call him a chi- "This has been something we chi man." have been looking at for quite a However, a spokesman for while, but it's a slow boat to Outrage! insists, "Beenie Man China. makes Eminem sound like a "It has the working title of I Girl Scout cupcake salesman. Should Be So Lucky, and we're "The more exposure these currently looking at scripts." people are given, the more The musical - a romantic mainstream they and their views comedy - is expected to feature become." around 20 Kylie songs and will be similar to the current Queen Music label Jive Records may musical, We Will Rock You. have to turn to animation for Steps' secret last single promo Reggae star Beenie Man has - because the band mates dismissed suggestions he's a refuse to be in the same room homophobe after British gay with each other. groups called for a boycott of his The group split last new single with Janet Jackson. December and have publicly The Jamaican dance hall king separated into two groups of says he's never had a problem pals - Lisa Scott-Lee, Faye with gays and believes UK- Tozer and Lee Latchford Evans based human rights group on one side, and Ian 'H' Watkins Outrage! must have misunder- and Claire Richards, who have stood his lyrics. begun a new pop career as a He says, "My single has noth- duo, on the other. ing to do with gay people. I have Before they went their sepa- nothing to say against gay peo- rate ways, the "Tragedy" hit ple. The more guys that are gay makers recorded "Baby Don't means more girls for me. I don't Dance," which Jive is planning know why they're against my to release next month. N(MI OPEN lllURSIlAYTD SUNDAY single." However, with the two The singer, whose "Feel It camps slamming each other in THURSDAY 4PM-LAM Boy" collaboration with Jackson the tabloids, the chances of FRIDAY4PM- 4AM is set to climb the pop charts, them reuniting to record a video SATURDAY 4PM - 5AM says he thinks the misunder- is looking increasingly slim. SUNDAY 4PM- 3AM standing may result from people HAPPY HOUR 11 PM 10 MIDNIGHT mishearing lyrics on some of his Q StOO DOMESIlC BEER SflOWSAT 12 . MIDNIGHT ON mll~YSAND SUNDAYS WITH EMCEEASHlfY HOUSlON AND SPECIAL GUESIS MALEDANIIRS SUN HIS THE 8ESf LATIN MUSIC 'i!i<" CUMBIA'S '7,: MERENGUF"'SAlJA~-IDNIDERO LATIN POP-'~NGUSHroP~I!UNTA - RAN!llER l6806LONG POiNT #f i HOUsroMmAS 113.688.6562 Otexas (8) 27 Sep 02 IN RGY AMN SIA present Sunday,Se~temDer2~ ~~owat11~m 1~. aCo ~ ~ Tyra. I. Brooks- w ~ Leandra Lang ~ from 9.A. g 5 (/) ~ $I . $ l.Z Inefgyc- Quest Come &Join Us ; the Plac. Mr. Gay Texas Christina On Sundays !~ to BQ III Ross - Coming Sunday, October 6: '. M~~ IKiS B~~U ~ ~art , S750ChlmneyRock (2 BrocksSouth of V.s~59) S7SOa::n=r 1)( Kouston Texas e A. 113.666.1310 or' A www.dublnergy.c.om www.clublMrtY.com Otexas 6i) 27 Sep 02 Qtexas (23) 27 Sep 02 Stardate by rev. bill w Directory Libra (September 23-0ctober 22) Career 1;!IIU!Itt!IJ. aspects have been moving at a snail's pace but The('MlingClu~838Ioulh3,d,911·671.6433. Garza's KonTiki-315 Tremonl, 409-765·5805, Ihekonliki.com should pick up nicely next week. Be sure to get l8ij&Iii#_"~f.1·H!!.13'iJ'f Raberl'llafiHe-2101 Ave.Q,409·761·9092 The212au~212W.6Ih,806·372-7997. ii·"ifU·l:*:t-iii' out on the town Saturday night or you could end P"ad" Gue~ HaUle- 2317 A" 1. B77·919·6677, ga~~Ian.lam/pa"rIise up missing a rare and wonderful event. The 2nd 61IArr.nglon-181IW.OivisiJn,817·27~916111 eJ:iJi,.jU:1JUii4UJ:? P!oyers Oub-1900 W,Oivision, 811-460-1650 Azukilo- 2111W. J.ff."", IAI<amsl, 972-641·1111 looks to be very stressful at work. It's essential to \i&i,I:.;t.I-!$i{.] If Pt?ftP!ii!B!t.iit4i •.Hi:f-i.jXll•.H! keep any opinions to yourself until Wednesday. AdullVideoMegapl.",-711 I 1.1·31,112·442·1719 Adult Video Megaplexxx-5819 Richmond,713-78o-1827 toboBookslore-3204Guadalupe,521-454-5406Ioboboohhop,com Adult Video Megaplexxx-l0006 Gull Frwy., 713-944·8111 ,lIfi,,:';1'F,lnf}1! Adull~dea M.ga~"",-aIOO 1-41 N"I~ 281·B2~8999 Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Things chacrsinal/Slin.com EXO!uljy.Arluhrtdeallore-14002 N.W.frwy, 713462·1112 Moleboxes Etc-350 Guodolupe51,SanMorcos, 512·BOS-0500 I••• B"k"aj>- 3939 Menl,,,,, luil' I, www.~bobrHJk!OOp.lam are about to take a serious turn on the romantic Tapele.!erl rodeo-I1I4 W~lllh, 112·472-0844 :t·l'li6j~jlli1dt¥$1i front. Imagine, you having a steady boyfriend ·tl1id:n(ilf 1411 Bar & G,ille-141I (alif"nia, 713·122-7066 'Bou1TImo-9601 N.I·31,112·B32·1339 Bask8rolhers-1232Weslheimer, 713-522-1626 aher flying solo for so long! This will take some Boyz (ellor-213 W.
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