■;' 'V ■■■-■ . ’, i*- ■*':.• A v e w Daily Net Press Ron Um Week' Ended November 27, 1865 TfiS Ooady, c(dd t^ghC 14,555 •f m um flurries, low ia‘^ - sunny end eold tomorrow,'' AfcificA«dfer>—^ City o f Village Charm near 40. VOL. LXXXv, NO. 50 > (TWENTY-FOUR PA6BS—TWO SBCmONS) ? ■ MANCHESTER, CONN;, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1965 (ClMeilled Adverttalng jm Pbfe U ) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Fair Exchange PORT HARDY, B.C. (AP) — Bud Ditto got lost. Pat We Have Stopped Losing, Taylor helped find him. Then Taylor got lost. Ditto helped find him. ' This started last Wednes­ day when Ditto, 49, a pros­ pector, was reported missing in the woods near this north­ ern Vancouver Island com­ McNamara Tells Newsmen munity. He Was found the next day. Then Taylor, 21, a -member of the search party, whs'reported missing. Taylor was found Satur­ day after he had spent two Viet Force to Rise days in eight Inches of snow, wearing only rubber boots, blue jeans, a shirt and wind- ‘As Much as Needed’ . breaker. Ditto helped organ­ ize the 100-man party that SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP)—Secretary of D»- searched for Taylor. fense Robert S. McNamara ended his visit to Viet Nam i l l today by declaring that the United States would throw in as many fighting men as needed to wage the war m against the Communists. --------------------—---------------- - ^ Bm go Law McNamara told newsmen at mgton. McNamara made a the airport after his fact-finding quick trip to U.S. 1st Cavalry Shows Size mnrc^ion f Dlvi^on hSS central highlands 260 stopped lo^ng the war.” ^ „ea north of Saigon. He met Of Operation He added, however, that the gome of the men who fought tha increased ferocity of Viet Cong Communists in the b l ^ la '-4, ^'■A.. HARTFORD (AP)—The new and Norm Vietnamese attacks Drang Valley batUe two weeka law that has brought bingo un­ n recent weeks Indicated “ a ago and flew over the battle 9 ' 'i clear decision by Hanoi to esca- scene der the regulation of the state iMM At his airport news confer- tSSii' police Is providing solid informa­ level of me conflict.’ ence, McNamara said the re- tion for the first time on the He said these acts must be suits of the cavalry division's amount of money that changes countered, adding; "The Soum action In South Viet Nam will hands in Connecticut through Vietnamese government will lead to the formaUon of anomer this game of chance. further Increase Its military airmobile division. But he said Until Oct. 1, organizations run­ ■ b , ‘ 4 strengm.” that aimough It wlU not necea- ning bingo games received per­ On me eve of McNamara’s sarlly be Intended for 'Wet Nam, arrival, four Viet Cong battal- It could be used here, Winter Beauty at Greylock mits from local authorities. m ■ 'H There was no way of knowing ions wim Norm Vietnamese Before departing, be Bummar- More than a foot of fluffy snow was dropped on- support troops handed me South laed me fighting of recent how much players in the state : Vlemamese one of meir Worst weeks, saying: Mt. Greylock, highest peak in Massachusetts, over as a whole were spending for the weekend. Bright morning sun added to the e ^ s of a Vietnamese litter bearer as he walks down road setbacks of me war. In an at- "The decision of me 'tflet Oong their recreation. at Michehn Rubber Plantation crowded with bodies of American and Viet sol­ beauty of the winter scene and brought Maurice tack on troops holding an aban- to stand and fight expresses State Police Maj. Carroll E. diers. A Ranger battalion retook the ground after it had been lost to human doned rubber plantaUon 46 meir .decision to carry on tha Guertin out for a snowmobile ride atop the 3,490- Shaw said today that in the first waves of Viet Cong attackers. (AP PhotofaX) foot mountain. (AP Photofax.) * miles northwest of Saigon, me conflict. It leads to one conclu- three weeks of state control the Communists knocked out an slon—it will be a long war.” gross receipts reported by the entire government regiment as No signifioant ground action 283 organizations which ran an effecHve fighUng force. was reported today, but U.S. Air games totaled $120,000. Runaway Found in Bangkok Power Unit Balky American advisers also perish­ Force and Navy planes ham­ Prizes and expenses totaled ed. mered Communist targets from about $80,000, leaving the op­ It was freared me casualties, the__ tip of— ___South Viet Nam to erators a profit of $40,000, Shaw when finally totaled, might be north of Hanoi. A spokesman said. Newsman’s Memory Helps me highest of me war to date. said mey knocked out railroads No Delay Seen On the basis of operations in McNamara declined to specu- supply installations, these three weeks, he said, the late on me total U.S. forces A. Oomimmlat regiment that yearly receipts may run to some mat will be reQuired hut his wiped out a Soum Vietnantese $2 million and the profits about Unite Mother, Daughter comments heightened specula- regiment on an abandoned rub- $68(),000. tion that ho will advise Presl- ber plantaiUon Saturday 46 holies N In addition to transferring con­ dent Johnson to Increase Amerl- northwest of Saigon apparently trol of bingo from iocal to state Newsmen could not contact can ground forces in Viet Nam disappeared without. a taxice. KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) when a stray electrical signal aumoriuis the n ^ S permUs A news dispatch from the Unit- called the U.S. Embassy, by Dr. Pierra Immediately today. from i65,000 to 300,000 men and Searching Vietnamese and - The space agency said today called a "voltage spike” ap- gash prize’s for me first time *** ^ newsman’s chance found Mrs. Wilson there "She was a 'very Quiet girl step up air attacks on me Norm American troope felled to-make that an electrical problem wim peared in me spacecraft guid- ii„d „r Vh! w memory reunited a worried and told me embassy where and spent most of her time sign- Viemamese Jungle supply contact with the OomihunJst ,a spacecraft power unit was not ance system. The source was I ^ American mother and her runa- Mary was. ^ ing with the orphans,” Mid a routes. force Sunday or today. expected to delay Saturday’s traced to the power unit w W ^ way ,16-year-old daughter in . ----- a Gemini 7 launching. supplies the system. o™__ __________ _ Bangkok^angKoK today.today thankful that she’s spokesman. "She obviously These were beUeved to be the Radio-----------------------------* Cambodia repociW*----- --- v.—that ht two American prisoners ^ heM A spokesman made the state- Sponsoring organizations may " • i sound,” said Mrs.' Wil- loves children very much.” minimum reQuests of U 8 mill- American prisoners tviAMt. .1 A happened as the launch nowsw award a combination of .........T'’' Wilson, had son hfter the‘•“>= lauaionreunion v,...,with her The----- -------------foundaUon cares for tary commanders during meir November 1968 by t b e Y t e t m! ” en^neers wrestled team switched to a secondary cashish and merchandise not to ®way from the Encino, daughter, "She’s a do-gooder about 80 orphans.orphans _ talks with McNamara during arrived af the O a ih W e n through me night wim me trou talks with McNamara "during arrived at the Oiht)Od(en tmu; _ _ _________ merchandise not to homej>f her parents, Dr. and rather religious girl.”®^ "Thank she’s skfe,” said Ws ~whiri;;nd'tour.'a tour. frontier Sunday and were'griMot- ble. First mey Installed a new (See Page Fourteen) (See Page Fourteen) and Mrs. George Wilson, on Two friends, Mr. and Mrs. Er. Wilson in Enclnco. “ I Before heading back to Wash- (See Page F o n r t i« ) power unit in me spacecraft, William Shope, whisked the pair prayed she would be all right.” discovered It probably would off to their home and refused to Mary, h, brown-haired, brown- cause me same difficulty, allow newsmen to see them. eyed high school senior, dls«i>- yanked it out and replaced It "They’re bom distraught and peared Nov. 19 after telling bet'- wim me original unit. Britain Again Hit need some rest and Quiet,” said parents she was going to a girl Stewart in Moscow "The problem is not com­ Mrs. Shope. friend’s home after school and AIOSCOW (AP) — British Observers said Stewart would pletely solved at (his time,” me Mrs. Wilson and Mary are would ; o tbe back until late. She Foreign Secretary Michael try to got a clearer idea of the spokesman said. "Evaluation is expected to remain in Bangkok ® suitcase wim her. Stewart arrived in Moscow to- Soviet price for a treaty to stem continuing. But me situation By Wiiitry Weather several days before turning to Shortly after midnight, me looks good and, we don’t expect day for talks wim Soviet leaders me spread of nuclear arms. ’Th* California. Wilsons called me girl friend’s on Viet Nam and me nonproli­ It will delay me launching.” Soviets have said no agreement LONDON (AP) — Blizzards, reported in French provinces A spokesman at me Pierra borne only to discover that feration of nuclear weapons. Astronauts Frank is possible unless me United T - ^rtnan gales, rainstorms and floods because of me wind. Power Foundation said Mary came to bad not visited mere, nor ’The Oommunlrt party organ - - — n • flilO o f A —^7 4Aa — a States abandons its propoeal for the Institute last Tuesday in had she attended school that pravda said it hoped Stewart’s rtrtt '■al'ed Britain today, piling «l«>wn at day.
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