An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the People of Hightstown and Vicinity ]13XH Y EA R -N o. 45 h ig h t s t o w n g a z e t t e , m e r c e r c o u n t y , n e w j e r s e y , THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1962 P R IC E ^F IV E CENTS List Present Armed Forces Day Will Rubber Plant Slate Hearing Crop Outlook Feature War Souvenirs Plans Move On Proposed Good in State Tort Dix.—It may be a samurai .visorv Council, was one of the most sword captured during World War j popular last year. To Wash. T. n, or a bullet-dented helmet that I Sergeant Major Robert W. Hodge, Apt. Ordinance saved a soldier’s life in Korea— Potatoes, Sweet Corn I AG Section, who is in charge of pro- whatever it is, large or small, gold I motion for the War Trophies Afu- or lead, it is highly valued by the Manufacturing Venture of jseum, stated that the NCO Advisory Chamber of Commerce Out Ground, man who acquired it, It is a war I Council is_ still accepting items for souvenir. Is First Sizable S’Berries Look Fine ■ the exhibition. Interested parties Committee Says Some Here, on Armed Forces Day, May should contact him at Raymond 4- To Come Into Area 19, a W ar Trophies Museum will be 2000, extension 4355. Parts Too Restrictive Tiie New Jersey Slate Employ­ open to the public from 9:30 a.m. to The museum will contain foreign 5 _p.m. and at this exhibit visitors The Alexander Summer Co.-Jfii- ment Service reported over the and American weapons and military A proposed Borough ordinance weekend that present crop condi­ will get a glimpse at the souvenirs equipment, U.S. and foreign uni­ dustrial Division at Newark, in 'co­ tions throughout the Garden State that have been donated for the an­ forms and medals of periods dating operation with Stanley T. White Inc., pertaining to garden apartments will can be considered good. nual military show. back to the Civil War. local realtor, announces the sale of be aired at a public meeting at the a 75 -acre tract of land fronting on Potatoes and sweet corn are out Located m the Sports Arena, the Another aspect of the Armed Grange Hall Monday at 8 p.m. the museum will house souvenirs and the New Jersey Turnpike in Wash­ of the ground. Bloom on apples, Forces Day activities will find two Board of Directors of the Area trophies from the four corners of of the above named items, a medal ington Township. peaches and blueberries is listed as Chember of Commerce disclosed to­ satisfactory. Rainfall, two days last the world—mementos of Army ser­ (the Army Commendation Medal) The traej was sold for George B. vice in World Wars, conflicts and and a uniform (dress blues) becom­ Rue and Edna L. Rue of Washing­ day. week, stopped irrigation and some campaigns. ton Township to a group of invest­ The public session came about fol­ wood and brush fires. All indications ing newly acquired “trophies of the The items to be displayed have man chosen as “Infantry Training ors who plan to erect a large plant lowing a meeting of the directors point to a good strawberry crop, the been acquired for the museum from on a portion of the site for The Gen­ Mi*t Marilyn Wright Mii* Nancy J. Mount last month. A t that time the board NJSHS said. Platoon Sergeant of the Year.” private donors and from the museum Fort Dix plans to make this an an­ eral Rubber Company and Bak-Co M i and Mrs. Emerson L. Mount moved to petition the Council to The bulk of the seasonal labor New York. Mr. Parker is a gradu­ at West Point. This year’s trophies nual award to enhance the prestige Manufacturing Company, both with of Cranbiu-y-I-Iightstown road have table the ordinance relating to the force is currently engaged in one of are expected to double that of last plants presently in Tenafly, ate of Peddie School and is current­ garden apartments. of the infantry non-commissioned announced the engagementof their ly a senior at Northeastern Univer­ the state’s primary spring crop ac­ year’s similar Armed Forces Day officer and to provide recognition of It’s the first sizable manufacturing Some Protest Expressed tivities, asparagus cutting with over daughter, Nancy Jane, to William P. sity, Boston, Mass. A winter wed­ museum. The exhibit, sponsored by thc_ vital duties performed by this venture in the area and is anticipat­ ding is planned. At a meeting of the governing 5,000 doing the job for both process­ the Non-commissioned Officers’ Ad- individual. ed to be the forerunner of future in­ Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter body last week a hearing on the ing and the fresh market. Planting dustrial growth in the Washington Miss^ Wright, daughter of Mr. and proposal attracted a large audience B. Parker of Glastonbury^ Conn. Mrs, Ernest L- Wright of Princeton and weeding operations on the other This Is Tick Time; Township area, states Floyd B. Miss Mount is a graduate of Hights­ and there was some protest to some various crops are using the balance Farrant, representing the Alexander crowned the “Queen of of its regulations. The hearing was town I-Iigh School, attended Rider May at the open house program of of available workers. Arrivals of Trip to Russia Slimmer Co. in the transaction. College and is employed as a secre- adjourned to Tuesday, June 5 at contract help from Puerto Rico now Symptoms—Fever, Rash the local schools Monday. She is a Representatives for both General tary by McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., senior. 8:30 p.m. at the municipal budding. total over 3^. Most of these men This is tick time. Ticks can car­ Rubber and Bak-Co agree, “This lo­ The petition was presented to the are cutting asparagus, planting to­ On Schedule ry Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever cation will_ improve our manufac­ Council. It was requested that in­ matoes and weeding lettuce, cabbage and other diseases. Rocky Moun­ turing facilities and provide us with terested parties submit recommen­ and onions. tain Spotted FevcT occurs in late fast transportation to the New York Biuejays Are Back; dations on the ordinance to the plan­ A meeting of the New Jersey and spring and early summer. Its and Philadelphia areas.” ning board. Pennsylvania SES was held to ac­ For Area Men Symptoms arc fever and a red A special committee of the Cham­ quaint crew leaders with plans for rasli. Only Out to Dinner ber indicated that some parts of the the coming season, additional job Four area farm leaders are among A tick varies in length from Hopewell Girl proposal are too restrictive and am­ opportunities, crew leader recruit­ 30 from New Jersey who will travel three-sixteenths of an inch to half biguous and made suggestions. They ment dales, changes in regulations to Europe and the Soviet Union next an inch. It attaches itself to an New Brunswick.—The biuejays a re : ologist at Douglass College and con- pointed out there were objections to the following: minimum area, inte­ and how to fill out New Jersey regis­ fall on a People-to-People Goodwill animal, sucks blood and may then ! suiting ornithologist for the College tration, forms. Another similar meet­ Mission, Secretary of Agriculture drop off. Becomes Bride Usually flocks of them Stay around : of Agriculture, points out the con- rior streets, play area for children, ing was held at Windsor. Phillip Alampi announced today. The most important preventive all winter, adding splashes of color nection between a poor acorn crop size of building, minimum floor area, Scheduled to make the trip are measure is careful search of chil­ and their own brand of rackety con-, and a scarcity of jays, landscaping, density. The state participated in the an- In regards lo the minimum area jiual worker plan to the extent of Raymond C. Groendyke, Dutch dren, and adults too, after they Of W. R. Dye versation to the New Jersey winter; Acorns seem to be jays' meat and Neck; Spencer W. Perrine, Cran- have been in the woods and fields. the directors observed that the pro­ 95 crew orders involving 2,725 work­ potatoes_. The severe winter weath- vision of tour acres exclusive of ers. This is somewhat more than bury; Joseph Sarafin, Allentown and Legs, arms and neck hairlines _1 here were only a few around last ’ cr of 1959-60 reduced the acron crop, should be searched with particular iMiss Marianne E. Kilmer, daugh streets would virtually eliminate the previous season due to increased Matthew R. Whelan, jamesburg. winter. Some of the gloomier bird-1 (It lakes some oaks two years to garden apartments from the Bor­ orders from South Jersey. The group will be accompanied by care. If a tick or other insect is ter,, ,of , Mrs. Robert R. Kilmer- and- - .watcliers seemed willing to believe' produce acorns.) found, it should be removed with ough. It was reported that only four The NJSES added that it seems William E. Kenny of Trenton, as­ the hut: kobert R . Kilmer of Hope-.that sprays and dusts used to con-' The '60-’61 winter was harsh nn sites existed which would meet this reasonable to assume that there will sistant director, Division of Admin­ tweezers rather than with the fin­ well became the bride of W alter R.
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