THE WEATHER NEWS STALLS Kabul Times is available' at Temperature Khyber Restaurant; Kabul Yesterday's Hotel; Sbar-e-Na- near Max. 27oC. Minimum 8C. Park Cinema; Kabul Inter- Sun sets today at 7:05 . DM national Airport. Sun rises tomorrow at 4:45 a m. ES Tomorrows Outlook: Clear . ABUIT 1965, 8, 1344, S.H.) PRICK Af. 2 VOL. IV, NO. 53. KABUL, SATURDAY,' MAY 29, (JAWZA Their Majesties Depart For State Visit Jo France V v KABUL, May 29 --THEIR Majesties the King and Queen left for a state visit to France this morning by a special Caravelle jet airliner pro- vided to Their Majesties for their trip by President Charle de Goalie. Mi- . Their Majesties' plane took off neral of Foreign Affairs in the Mo- - at 8:40. A large crowd gave them nistry of Foreign Affairs and : a warm send-of-f. : hammad Ali Suleiman, member Those present at the airport in- of the Protocol Department in that cluded His. Royal Highness Prince Ministry. CoL Abdul Shukur and Ahmad Shall, who will act as Re- CoL Afedul Karjm are accompa- gent to the Throne while His Ma- nying Their Majesties as their jesty is abroad, the other princes, aides de camp. " Her Royal Highness Princess "Their Majesties are to arrive in. Bilqis. HRH Marshal Shah Wali Nice, Southeast France, this even Khan Ghazi, Prime Minister Dr. ing. After spending two days Mohammad Yousuf, cabinet Mi- there, they will begin their state days. nisters, high-rankin- g civil and mi- visit lasting three litary officials, heads of diploma- His Majesty is to hold talks tic missions and Pakhtunistanis with President de Gaulle and also residing here. " visit several French projects, in- His Majesty the King, who was cluding the Nuclear Research Cen- in a brown suit and Her Majesty tre at Saclay. in a light blue dress shook hands Their Majesties' plane made a air- stop Interna- with all those present at the brief at Kandahar ' tnn'IrlBIIWWM port. tional Airport before taking off k- - "" V" 4 ""I'll" MMrmiimWnrmiM-iMiniim-i-riiiiii- i plane, Before they boarded the for Beirut where it was to make' tne jxauonai ADuem was jjmjrcu another brief halt. Their Majesties bidding farewell to people at the airport this morning. and Their Majesties inspected a guard of honour. Royal Audience Total Budget For Those accompanying Their Ma- Afghanistan Celebrates 47th jesties on their visit to France are KABUL, May 29. The Depart- Dr. Abdul Zahir. Deputy Prime ment of Royal Protocol announ- Year 1344 To Total Minister and Minister of Public Anniversary Of Independence ces that the following were gran- Health: Ali Mohammad. Minister KABUL, May 29. ted audience by His Majesty the Af. 4,750 Million of Court; Abdullah Yftali, Minis- THE 47th anniversary of Afghanistan's Independence Day was King during the week ended ter of Planning; Prof. Khalillnlah celebrated with special ceremonies in Afghanistan and in May 27: KABUL, May 29. Afghanis- r. nan ii to xiis ma- reguflar development Aaviser Afghan embassies abroad. Dr. Abdul Zahir, Deputy Prime tan's and Presi-- - (1965-66- to- jesty; Mrs. Saleha Etemadi, Minister and . Minister of Public budget for 1344 ) will Ata-ulla- . HRH Marshal Shah The reception, was dent of the Women's Society; h In Kabul attended by Health; Khan Moham- 4,750 million afghanis. This Prime Mi-th-e first of- - General tal Nasir Zia, Chief of. Protocol Wali Khan Ghazi, the mad, Minister of National De- is 353 million afghanis more than in tVia Min.i:trv nf Fnreiffn A ff-- nister Dr. Mohammad xousui, Council of Ministers of the USSR, - - fence; Sayyed Kassim Rishtya, last year's budget. D cabinet, the the nt of the- - Presi- aus, Hawaii f aiiiwu, uun.wi nit member? of the Minister of Finance; Dr. Abdul A finance Ministry source said Mayor and Governor of - Kabul, dium of the Supreme Soviet of the Kayeum, Minister of the Interior; on Thursday that the budget was members of the Jamiatul-Ulam- a USSR, and by foreign diplomats. Dr. Mohammad Anas, Minister of approved by the cabinet at its Mine Explosion and high-ranki- civil and mili- A function was also held at the ini- Friendship Education; Engineer Mohammad last meeting and it has been tary officials congratulated His House in Moscow, Hussain Masa, Minister of Mines tiated by His Majesty the King. Majesty the King, the guardian of About .200 muscovites, Afghan Kills Over 375 Embassy and Industries; Lt. Gen. Ghulam The source added that the re- independence, on Afghanistan's officials and students Farouq, Chief of the General venues during the year 1344 will a. I National Day by signing a special gathered in the main hall of the Staff; Mohammad Kadir Taraky, rise in proportion to the increase nearunanoaa book' opened at Dilkusha Palace old mansion which was bedecked President of the Cassation Court; in the budget. The deficit in 1344 between 9 and 11 a.m. with the flags of the USSR and Dr. Abdul Samad Hamed, Rector will be 400 million afghanis which, DHANBAD, India, May 29, Accompanied by Osman Ulomi, Afghanistan. years. (Reuter). A huge underground of Kabul University; Mohammad is smaller than in previous Deputy Chief of the Royal Proto- Vice-Preside-nt Moosa Shafiq, Deputy The regular budget expenditure explosion blew up a coal mine Nikolai Dvoryankov, Minister of col, heads of diplomatic missions of the Soviet-Afgha-n Justice; and Mohammad Khalid will amount to 2,853 million af- near here early yesterday. A in Kabul signed the special book Friendship Deputy - ghanis development bud- miners' union ' leader said Society, who opened Roashan, Minister of and the last at Dilkusha Palace between 11 the meeting, 46 Press and get expenditure will be 1,897 af- night 375 men were killed. recalled that years Information. a.m. and 12 coon congratulating ago Soviet Russia was the first ghanis. The remaining 523 mil- Efforts to retrieve the bodies of His Majesty the King on Indepen- Output Of lion afghanis spent the victims trapped inside the country to recognise the indepen- Karkar will be in were hampered by dence Day. dence and sovereignly of the Af- repaying foreign loans. mine carbon 'At noon S.F. Antonov, Soviet ghan state. Mine To -- monoxide. Ambassador, doyen Increase All-Ind- who is the of Nikolai Dvoryankov pointed out Demen Sen, President of the ia the diplomatic corps, Colliery - Federa- was received that the relations between Afgha- His Majesty Grants Workers' by His Majesty the King at Gul nistan USSR To 105,000 Tons tion, said in. Calcutta that accord- and the were a Interview For French TV Khana Palace. Antonov . congra- example ing to striking of peaceful co- May 29. information reaching him tulated His Majesty on behalf of existence Coal KABUL, May 29 The French 375 miners had died. between states with output from Karkar mine near radio Wlevisionx mission filmed the diplomatic corps. differing social order. "The entire Earlier reports said that more Soviet-Afgha- is expected to in- at 7:30 pjn. last Friday an inter- 300 According to Tass, Mohammed history of ni rela- than miners were feared dead Aref, Afgha- crease to 105,000 tons this year, view with His Majesty the King ' in explosion at the Ambassador of tions convincingly shows that they it was riivlrvurl Kv an af-- the Dhori colliery, nistan in Moscow, a recep- on any at his officejn Gulkhana Palace. 260 miles from here in Bihar held rest not temporary, tacti- rter Masa, Minister of Mines and The mission arrived m Kabul ' tion on the occasion of Independ- cal considerations, but on mu-(Con- state. the inurs-da- y. days ago prepare ence Day on Thursday. page 4) inausines, visiiea ine site several to films Sixteen people on the surface on on Afghanistan for French televi- of . Last year the mine suffered serious in- mmmmm mmmmmmmmm the output was 87,390 sion viewers. His Majesty's inter- juries. The explosion struck just tons. view will be put on the air one as workers were charging shifts. It is also expected, that a fac- day before his arrival in Paris. The explosion scattered wreck- tory will be built near the mine age over an area of about two and this year to make briquettes Premier Yousuf To a half square miles. It was the from coal dust. The installation is already progress. worst mine disaster since a - gas in Visit West Germany explosion - killed 298 West Ger- The Karkar mine has 735 wor- man miners in Saarbruecken. kers and five specialists. During KABUL, May 29. Chancellor The world's worst recorded the first two months of this year Erhard of the Federal Republic of mining disaster occurred in April the output of the mine has been Germany has invited Prime Minis- 1942 when 1,549 men were killed 17,538 tons, the official said. ter Yousuf to pay in the Honkeiko colliery in On Thnnsriav 1Aaca alen 1 a state visit to West Germany. Manchuria. I the Pul-i-Khu- power plant The invitation has been accept- anu me mineral survey work- ed by Dr. Yousuf. The date of the shops. He inspected the work on visit will be fixed later. Premier Yousuf To the ri electrification network. Her Royal Highness An official Attend Afro-Asi- an of the Gbori plant Princess Bilqis Talks said the mineral survey work- shops which was completed To French Reporter three KABUL, May JT- - years ago. of 29. Miss de Algiers Conference consists nine Felice, a correspondent of sets of machines for drilling, po- the Mi-nis- er daily Figaro, was KABUL, May 29 Prime lishing, welding etc.
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