1 North Lanarkshire Council DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Development Committee Committee Date : 18th November 1998 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with the permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved 2 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COiMMITTEE 18th NOVEMBER, 1998 Page No. Application No. Applicant Development'Locus Recommendation 4 Ni94100420ffL Alexander Russell Plc Formation of 7.3 metre Carriageway extending 750 Grant metres South from Crowwood Roundabout and Incorporating a 30 metre Span Structure Over the CumbernauldGlasgow Railway Line Gamkirk Estate Cumbemauld Road, Chryston. 11 N/98/01288/FUL Malcolrn McArthur & Change of Use from workshop to Office. Grant Son Ltd Barrwood Autos UP Road, Kilsyth G65 OBH 15 N/9 8/0 13 3 1/AD V Trainer Ltd Internally Illuminated 6 Sheet Box Sign(s) and Refuse repositioning of existing facia sign, 27 Main Road, Condorrat, Curnbemauld, G67 4DY 19 N/98/0 1349iFUL Mr G C Clark Change of Use from Snooker Room to Public Bar Grant and Function Suite. lOOD Cumbemauld Road, Chryston. 24 Mrs O'Boyle Erection of Dwelling (in outline) 62 Cardowan Grant Drive, Stepps. 28 Congregational Board of Change of Use of Church Officer's Dwelling to Grant Chryston Church Meeting Rooms/Office and Extension to Building 105 Main Street, Chryston. 33 C/97/00496/0UT Rapid Networks Ltd Erection of Residential Development (in outline) Grant at Limelands, 48 Main Street, Caldercruix 41 C/98/00664/0UT Mr T Hill Conversion of Existing Outhouse to a House and Grant Erection of 2 Semi-Detached Dwellinghouses 3 Palacecraig Street, Coatbridge 49 Mr J Feeney ErecLion of Dwellinghouse and Ancillary Stables - Refuse Land to the south of Dunsyston Cottage, Edinburgh Road, Newhouse 54 Ci98100986I'FUL Pullmans Punjab Express Alteration and Extension of Restaurant and Public Grant House - 22 West Canal Street, Coatbridge 58 C/98/01022@UL Peter Hannaway Use of Site for Storage of Skips (retrospective) Grant 40 Locks Street, Coatbridge 64 C/98/01204/TPO George Wilson Crown Lifting of Sycamore Tree and Trimming of Grant Conifers - 1% Lefroy Street, Coatbridge 68 C/98/0 13351'FUL Mrs E J R Lees Erection of Dwellinghouse - 2 Nisbett Street, Refuse Chapelhall 73 S/98/00589/FUL Groove Bars Ltd Extension to Rear of Public House to Form Grant Licensed Nightclub - Bar One 352 Brandon Street, Motherwell 80 S/98/010 15flUL Firbest Ltd Construction of 7 Dwellinghouses & Retention of Grant Access Road in Existing Position Land North of 4 Westcraigs Road, Harthill, Shotts 88 S/98/01040I'FUL Mr & Mrs R Ross Erection of Dwellinghouse - Plot 1 Hareshaw Road, Grant Hareshaw, Cleland 93 S/98/01041/0UT Mr & Mrs R Ross Formation of 4 House Plots - Plots 2-5, Hareshaw Grant Road, Hareshaw, Cleland 103 S/98/01166/0UT G F Sharp & CO Ltd Class 3 (Food & Drink) Development Grant Land at Glasgow RoadCleland Road, Wishaw A:\l&NOV.DOC 3 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMEhT COMMITTEE 18th XOVEMBER, 1998 Page No. Application No. Applicant DevelopmentiLocus Recommendation 113 Si98101276ff UL Rosepark Nursing Homes Construction of ResidentialMursing Unit Grant 261 New Edinburgh Road, Uddingston 121 Si98101285ff UL Robert Wiseman & Sons Construction of Factory Unit & Parking Areas Grant Ltd Belgowan Street, Bellshill Industrial Estate, Bellshill 126 Si98101287ffUL Lanarkshire Development Consrruct New Road, Re-Profile Existing Ground Grant Agency to Create Development Sites and Associated Landscaping Ravenscraig. Motherwell 134 398101 381ff UL Graham Marshall & Son Part Change of Use to Retail Sales and Extension to Grant Joiners Workshop (retrospective) 41 Dryburgh Road, Wishaw A:\l&NOV.DOC 4 Application NO: Date Registered: 20th June 1994 APPLICANT: ALEXANDER RUSSELL PLC. T14NNOCHSIDE PARK, UDDINGSTON. G715PH Agent: DEVELOPMENT: FORMATION OF ROAD LINK FROM M80 CROWWOOD ROUNDABOUT TO CARDOWAN COLLIERY SITE LOCATION: GARNKIRK ESTATE. CARDOWAN BY STEPPS Ward No: 66 Grid Reference: 267160 668573 File Reference: MD Site History: PIpPNSLI84 1: ResidentiaVLight Industrial Development (Outline) - Approved on appeal in April 1993 TP/96/ 1 14: Time Extension for Residentiamight Industrial Development (Outline) - Approved August 1996 N/97/00334/FUL: Phases 1 and 2 Residential Development - Approved September 1998 Development Plan: Strathkelvin District (Southern Area) Local Plan 1983: Policy E. PRO 2 (Greenbelt) Northern Corridor Local Plan Consultative Draft 1998: Policy TR 2 (Local Road Improvement) Contrary to Development Plan: Yes CONSULTATIONS: Objection: No Objection: Clyde Rwer Purification Board. West of Scotland Water Conditions: The Coal Authority, Director of Leisure Services. National Roads Directorate. Scottish Natural Heritage No Reply: REPRESENTATIONS: Neighbours: No response Newspaper Advert: No response COMMENTS: The application is for a 75Om long 7.3m wide road linking the M80 Cromwood Roundabout with the Cardowan Colliery redevelopment site. A railway bridge is part of the proposal. Due to the limitations of Cardowan Road the main access point into the Cardowan Colliery redevelopment site is required to be via the proposed lrnk road. Outline plannkg permission P/PPA/SL/84 1 for residential and light industrial development at Cardowan approves the principal of the proposed road. The Crowwood Roundabout access road is a requirement of planning permission N/97/00334/FUL for residential development at Cardowan phases 1 and 2. Details/ \ I spoll e.nw CARDOWAN XCESS ROAD. STEPPS. 6 -L- Details of the road have been altered to accord with the requirements of the Transportation Manager. Specification and desig of the link onto the M80 Crowwood Roundabout has been approved in principal by the Scottish Office National Roads Directorate. There are no objections to the proposed link road which is an integral part of the redevelopment of the Cardowan Colliery site. It is recommended that planning permission be granted. RECOMMENDATION: Grant. subject to the following conditions: 1) That the development hereby permitted shall be started with 5 years of the date of thls permission. Reason: To incorporate the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. 3) That the approved access road shall be constructed as a first phase of the redevelopment of the Cardowan Colliery site as granted outline planning permission (P/PPA/SL/84 1) in April 1993 and detailed planning permission (N/97/00334/FUL) for phases 1 and 2 residential development in September 1998. Reason: To accord with the outline and detailed planning permissions and to ensure suitable access into the redevelopment site. 3) That the road shall be designed and constructed to an adoptable standard to the satisfaction of North Lanarkshire Council as Planning and Roads Authority. Reason: In the interests of public safety 4) That the road shall be designed and constructed to accommodate the Glasgow to Cumbernauld cycleway and to provide a cycleway into the development site; no works shall commence until detail of the cycleway crossing and route into Cardowan have been submtted to, and approved in writing by, the Planning Authority including any modifications as may be required. Reason: In order to accommodate the existing cycle way whch crosses the line of road and to promote cycle use. 5) That before the development hereby permitted starts a scheme of roadside planting shall be submitted to, and approved in writing to by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required, and it shall include: a) Details of any earthmoulding and hard landscaping, grass seeding and turfing; b) A scheme of tree and shrub planting, incorporating details of the location, number, variety and size of trees and'shrubs to be planted. Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the area. 7 -3- That within one year of the completion of the approved road all planting, seeding, turfing and earthmoulding included in the scheme of landscaping and planting approved under the terms of condition 5 above shall be completed and any trees, shrubs or areas of grass which die are removed, damaged or become hseased shall be replaced withm the following year with others of similar size and species or such other scheme as is to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the area. 7) That any imported soil shall be from sources which do not contain invasive alien species such as Japanese Knotweed. Reason: In the interests of nature conservation 8) That no works associated with the proposed road shall take place under the tree canopy to the west of the road line; this is notwithstanding permitted development rights in the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992. Reason: In the interests of nature conservation. 9) That any alterations to statutory undertakers’ apparatus shall be carried out to the satisfaction and requirements of the respective statutory undertakers. Reason: To protect statutory undertakers’ apparatus. 10) That no works shall commence on the junction onto the M80 Crowwood Roundabout until final approval for the junction design and construction details and Road Safety Audits have been obtained from North Lanarkshire Council as Planning and Roads Authonty in consultation with the Scottish Office as Trunk Roads Authonty Reason: In the interests of road safety 11) Tne design and construction of the new access on to the roundabout and any alterations to the roundabout shall be in accordance with the Design Manual
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