.':IF ~ HOMOSEXUALS DRAG QUEENS LESBIANS tJhe QUEER NATION CRuQe~ af[~ ! Chip Duckett presents MARS NEEDS MEN • Sunday Nights at Mars Drinking • Dancing • Go-Go Boys • Drag Queens • Live Bands OJ's Michael Connolly, Larry Tee, Perfidia & John Suliga • from 9pm DYKES QUEERBOVS AND YOUI AIDS Treatment News Uames) 32 Art Painters: At TheEnd Of A Decade 54 Theater Dig, Volley, Spike! 56 Theater Travesties 57 Theater Lisoon Traviata 58 Books TheIrreversible Decline Of EddieSoc~t On the cover: Monika Treut 59 photographed by Mark Golebiowski Books War At Home 60 Outspoken (Editorial) 4 Letters 6 Sotomayor 6 PAIN AND PI.FASOIE Stonewall Rioo (Natalie) 8 Catherine Saalfield Interviews German Filmmaker Monika Treut 40 Xeroxed 9 Nightrmre of the Week 9 SEEING mE UGIIT Dykes To Watch Out For 10 Mark Chesnut On Lavender Light: The Black and People of All Colors Lesbian and Gay Gospel Choir 44 Anaheim Journal (Krastins) 34 New York Journal (Wieder) 36 Out Of Control (Day) 38 Lookout 46 Out Of My Hands (BaJJ) 48 Gossip Watch 49 Social Terrorism 50 Going Out Calendar (X) 62 Community Directory 64 Bar Guide 66 FAWNG INTO THE GAP Classifieds 69 Beauregard Houston-Montgomery Spots the Visible Differences on St. Marks And Other Places 52 Personals 76 Crossword (Greco) 90 The High Cost of Charity In a recent column, gossipist James Revson of Newsday, who is gay, attacked writers in OUtWeek and the Village Voice for criticizing Mrs. William F. Buckley, Jr. Mrs. Bl!ckley is the wife of one of the nation's chief homo- phobes, a man who has publicly called for the tatooing and inqu-ceration of PWAs and who rants and rails in the press a~ut AIDS being a "self-inflicted" disease. Mrs. Buckley rdhses to disagree with her husband's position, responding with a regal "no comment" to questions abouttatooing peo- pl~ with AIDS. In a bre~thtaking display of hypocrisy, she th~n lends her efforts and her famous Republican name to AIJl:>scharityevents. t~Revson argued that this is all right, that AIDS charities ne the money, and that in such a situation a wife is not re· nsible for distancing herself from her husband's dead- ly,~ ositions. We disagree. ~ The supreme enemies of gays and lesbians are those riglttwing forces who enforce homophobia in our culture. Always a depressing reality, they became a deadly night- rn\te when AIDS struck, and there is no price tag on the mi$ery they have caused. ~~It may be hard to remember, but there was a time in the recent past when the majority of us were not infected, when timely education could have prevented most of the AIDS nightmare. Instead, the Buckleys of the world avidly enforced a media blackout of AIDS. Then, after that had suc- cetlded, they began floating proposals like concentration camps and tatooing. These people are venal. They are to our community as the Nazis were to the Jews. The idea that we're so desper- ate for money that we should accept it from anyone, even our executioners, is ghoulish indeed. " Revson's comment that Mrs. Buckley somehow can't publicly disagree with her husband is' nonsense. If she real- ly wished to do something about AIDS she most certainly would disagree with him, often and loudly. In so doing she could take a lesson from her friend Barbara Bush, who publicly disagrees with ber husband the president on gun control. Wives are autonomous and have a right to disagree with thei(.spouses, even Republican wives, and they often do. The fact that Mrs. Buckley imperiously refuses indicates that she probably agrees with her husband's ugly views. Such complicity in extreme homophobia disqualifies her from using AIDS charity work to boost her social standing. It's extremely sad when AIDS or gay organizations feel they must accept money from our avowed enemies, be they Coors Beer, the Roman Catholic Church or Pat Buckley. We should not allow homophobes who are killing us to con- fuse the issue by buying us off. We have enough genuine friends that we don't need to cringe for blood money. T 4 OUTTWEEK November 12. 1989 • IF YOU EARN IT, WHY NOT KEEPIT - ALL 100% OF IT? You can with an investment in a New York Tax-Exempt Income Fund. 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NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE --~-----~---------ZIP TELEPHONE - HOME BUSINESS CHRISTOPHER STREET fiNANCIAL, INC. 80 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005 ---------------------------------------------- OUT~WEEK 5 support of David Dinkins Is not by promises. Did Giuliani. LETTERS clear and unequivocal. while chief federal law- Candida Scott Pie! enforcement officer (the Executive Director United States Attorney) for FAIRPAC the Southern District of New FAIRPAC Bit.. Back The Board therefore over- York.even speak out in favor I wish to make clear to whelmingly voted to give Who-lian!? or work for passage of the the community FAIRPAC's $2.000 to the Dinkins cam- This letter Is In reply to bill? Did his office have any official position regarding paign. the letter from the board openly-gay or lesbian the New York City mayoral chair of FAIRPAC. Anthony lawyers on Its staff? Did he race. We heartily support Salerno. endorsing Rudolph recruit or have out-reach David Dinkins. who has con- Giuliani for Mayor (OutWeek. programs to our community? sistently shown great sensitM- October 29. 1989). Not to my knowledge. tv to and understanding of The letter asserts only (Compare these failures to lesbian and gay concerns. one concrete reason to sup- the positive record of His Republican opponent is port Giuliani-his promise. actions by DavId Dinkins-his pbvlously uncomfortable allegedly personally to the assistance In the purchase of with the concept of expand- letter's author. to ~persuade the Community Center. his Ing the definition of family. the homophobes In the staff liaison to gays and les- and has shown no interest in Republican~controlled state bians. his funding of AIDS pursuing domestic partner- Senate" to pass the bias education and treatment ship Issues; nor has he ever crimes bill. I urge anyone programs. his outspoken sup- demonstrated any real com- who considers voting for Giu- port of the gay rlgh1sbill. the mitment to the other needs liani based on that promise bias crimes bill. bereave- of our community. FAIRPAC The personal opinion of to consider the following. ment leave. etc. and his gelleves that the choice in one PAIRPACBoard member 1) Candidates should appearances at fundraisers this race Is unusually clear. notwithstanding. FAIRPAC's be judged by their actions. for our organizations-such 6 OUT~WEEK November 12. 1989 as the Gay and lesbian Anti- abled, have also refused to Violence Project and the support any legislation that Human Rights Campaign fails to include "sexual orien- Fund). tation. ") 2) How many "homo- David Dinkinswas instru- phobes In the Republican mental in securing the sup- controlled state Senate" will port of various groups for the be persuaded by Giuliani? retention of "sex!Jal As the FAIRPACboard chair orientation" protections in should know, the state's top the bill. As a minority group Republicans actively we must rely on positive opposed Mr. Giuliani in the coalition building. To urge us primary. Neither Senator now to stab in the back one D' Amato nor Comptroller of the leading political fig- Ned Regan is campaigning ures of that coalition, as Mr. for Giuliani, who has been Salerno does in rejecting Mr. hoods, as you quoted to us monumental evidence that forced to rely on the Rea- Dinkins,is not only short-sight- over the phone, are: while we die, vast numbers in gan/Meese/Bush organiza- ed, it is political suicide. Chelsea, West Village, East the homosexual community tion in Washington. Giuliani (Again, recall that Giuliani Village, Park Slope. At best choose to sew and weave. has never before run for has done nothing to pro- these four neighborhoods Instead of directing their office in New York (or else- mote the legislation and only represent the gay white grief. rage and energy surely does not have the male gentrification process. against the government political influence to help There is no present which did nothing to stop secure the bill's passage). neighborhood or future dis- this plague, they knit away Perhaps the clearest trict in N.Y.C. that represents like immobilized inmates of reason to vote for David our diverse community in fair sanitaria. If Dinkins may be found proportions to what we are. As if to underscore the (between the lines) in the We transcend neighbor- self-contemptous, efrate one other motive asserted hoods, race, economies, cul- genesis of this vast cult-cum- by Mr. Salerno for endorsing tures. Now let us transcend traveling fair of pity dhd Giuliani-"He is also educa- the idea that white gay masochism, the leadar oJ ble and open-minded in the males represent the Rainbow these quilters begs the U.S.
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