CORNELL ALVMNI NEWS VOL. II.—No. 12. ITHACA, N. Y., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1899. PRICE TEN CENTS. CORNELL TO DEBATE strength. Her present position in THE FOOTBALL SMOKER. present time think that the wise men COLUMBIA. the educational world is acknowl- all come from the East, and I know edged her future eminence is assured. that he is inspiring the boys there A large ana enthusiastic meeting with that same love for college life, Xlie Quakers unwilling to Agree Cornell has made no mistake in —The speeches. to Cornell's Kligitoϊlity Rules. allying herself more closely with the that same delight in every part and wearers of the blue and white. parcel of college life, whether it be For a number of years Cornell has As the Cornell Medical College The smoker Saturday night went the lecture room or the athletic field, looked forward to the time when she grows in numbers and influence, New off smoothly and successfully. The which he inspired here." Professor might meet Columbia on the rostrum York City will gradually become home speeches were good, the enthusiasm Stephens then mentioned what in his as well as in athletic sports. Two grounds for the men of Cornell. Our spontaneous and abundant and the opinion is the great benefit derived years ago the Debate Council invited debaters will find in the Metropolis to spirit of the whole meeting of a de- from athletics, and that is the spirit of Columbia to enter into an agreement support them and make them feel at cidedly healthy character. A round unity resultant upon a common en- for joint debates alternately at Ithaca home with the inspiriting yell, not thousand gathered in the armory to couragement of teams. "It is through and New York. Both universities only 500 loyal alumni but nearly half imbibe some of that spirit which athletics that professors, students, and seemed pleased with the possibility as many Medics, whom we are glad to unites the hearts of the Cornell alumni can get together and act as a of closer relations being established, welcome to the undergraduate body. Brotherhood. They came to rub team with common intent." He but Columbia was debating with Debating at Cornell has entered shoulders with fellow students, to finished with a quotation from his Chicago University, and did not con- upon a new era by reason of the hear professors talk,—from the heart, favorite author, Kipling,which showed sider herself able to hold two 'var- arrangements completed with Presi- not from the head, and to see and another thing a man took away from sity debates in the same half year. dent Low's university. hear some of the Cornell "grown- college with him. The invitation was therefore cour- ups," alumni, who had come back "Thus we learn from famous men, teously declined. for a few hours of refreshment and Starbuck Re-elected Captain. Ancients of the college, During the last days of November, inspiration. Those that taught us common sense, Cornell revived her former proposi- We think we can safely say that The members of the 'Varsity foot- Tried to teach us common sense, tion and Columbia promptly ac- hopes were abundantly fulfilled. Truth, God's own common sense, cepted, and since that time the con- ball team met in the trophy room of Hearts were made warmer,sympathies the gymnasium last Saturday after- Which is more than knowledge." ditions have been practically agreed were broadened, a good feeling was (Prolonged applause and cheers) upon, although the articles have not noon, and re-elected Raymond Don- in the air and everybody breathed it. ald Starbuck to the captaincy of the The next speaker was President been finally signed by the representa- With these resultant effects who will Thwing of Western Reserve Univer- tives of the Universities. team for next year. Captain Star- say that this was not an eminently buck has played on the Cornell 'Var- sity, who had been in town for a Members of the Debate Council successful affair ? week and who preached in Sage are much elated over the prospect sity team for three years. During The armory was well filled with the past year, both as a player and as Chapel the Sundays before and after and believe that the new alliance students, faculty members, alumni the smoker. He captivated his hearers will prove of great benefit to the Uni- captain, he merited the praise of all and others. supporters of the team, and his fellow- with his well-expressed, heart-felt versity at large as well as of advant- At 7:45 the student cadet band sentiments. His full speech follows : age to the debating interests. players showed their appreciation of began to play. At eight o'clock, amid The proposed agreement submit- his excellent work by unanimously re- the welcoming cheers and applause of Mr. President and Gentlemen :—"I ted by Cornell to Pennsylvania has electing him on the first ballot. feel at home tonight. Students are not the crowd, Mr. Seward A. Simons, a class they are a race, and wherever the met the approval of Columbia and it '79, of Buffalo, took his seat on the college man is I feel at home. I feel at will form the basis for the new Annual Tonr of the University platform. He reflected in his big home in part because your colors are my league, although some minor changes musical Clubs. smile the good feeling with which he colors. You call one of those colors Carnelian, but Carnelian is red and red have been found desirable. Three Manager Fisher has given out a was received, and during the entire is our color in Cleveland. At every foot- annual debates will be held, the first brief itinerary of the trip which the evening as master of ceremonies, he ball game I trim myself up in red and to be in Ithaca the latter part of musical clubs will take during the kept everybody happy by that same white and on a cane or stick I wrap April. big smile. around a big flag and wave it in the air. holidays. They will leave Ithaca on So I am home tonight with you here, The immediate reason for making the morning of Tuesday, December After a graceful acknowledgement and yet we are at home because of deeper an alliance with Columbia at this 36th, playing at the Twentieth Cen- of the cheers, he called upon all toagents than I speak of. After all this is time is the difference of opinion be- tury Club in Buffalo that same even- join heartily in the singing of old very significant—college men gathered tween the Pennsylvania Debate Com- Alma Mater —and they did. here on this hill with one feeling in every ing. Other concerts will be given at heart and one thought in every mind. mittee and the Cornell Debate Coun- Cleveland, Detroit, Lima, Cincinnati, Instead of making an extended (Applause.) cil as to qualifications of contestants. Indianapolis, Springfield and Pitts- opening speech,brother Simons quoted When I came away from home I put in For several weeks the Cornell Debate burg. The clubs will return to Ithaca the words of one of the famous poli- my bag two books—one The Life of Council has been endeavoring to in time for registration on January ticians of his territory : "Fellow citi- Dana and the other the Life of Francis persuade Pennsylvania to add a zens, I am glad that I am here to- Lϋder. The lives of two college men by d two college men, and as I read the other clause to the eligibility rules under night, and I am glad, fellow citizens, evening about Lϋder, I came across a which no student would be eligible Contestants for '94 Memorial that you are here tonight, and more passage in which he said that Jarnes to appear in any debate who has not I ri^e in Debate. than that, fellow citizens, I am glad who built the first gymnasium in Berlin, spent one full year at the University that we are both here." (Laughter one hundred years ago said that the Ger- The following men will debate for man gymnasium stood for these things he represents. Pennsylvania would and applause.) 'frisch, frei, frohlich, und fromme not accept this amendment and noti- the '94 Memorial Prize at the Armory The captain of this year's football Jugend'—'strong, free, joyous and pious fied Cornell that it would be impos- on January 10, 1900. The question eleven and of the "eleven of next youth' and after all this assemblage is sible to debate under the agreement under discussion will be, Resolved, really a very strong, a very free, a very year," Raymond D. Starbuck, was. happy and a very pious assemblage. as altered, saying at the same time That the administration of municipal then called upon. affairs in America should be entirely These four things are extremely im- that this decision must be considered He thanked the student-body and portant for every college man. He must as final. non-partisan. alumni and all others for their loyal be strong. I believe in football, and I Had Cornell secured from Pennsyl- 1. Forrest Ellwood Cardullo, Elec- support βf the team during the season, believe in part in football because it trical Engineering, Titusville, Pa. makes a man able to buck the line, and vania assurances that the debates of also the"* scrubs who so faithfully you have to buck the line all through*, the future would be on even terms, 2.
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